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Posted (edited)

I just watched MEGAS XLR on CN, & it was very funny. It has a few anime in jokes in it. In the 1st episode, Coop (the main male character) accidentally fires 1 of the MEGAS' main guns which looks just like the bow of the Space Battleship Yamato. In the 2nd episode shown (which is actually episode 4), Coop & Jamie (Coop's sidekick) put cheese whiz in 1 of the MEGAS' electronic chest components which looks suspicously like the Matrix from Transformers. Overall, a enjoyable tv show. I especially like that MEGAS has oversized girly mudflaps. I also thought it was funny that manual control was Dance Dance Revolution! :lol:

A question for those who did catch it, isn't Goat (the junkyard dealer) from another cartoon? I swear I've seen that character in a different show, but I can't remember what it might have been.

Edited by Mechwolf

I don't think so...

Man, I love this show. I remember when it first piloted last year, same time as KND (but I voted for Megas).....

Best line of the whole thing? "And you made me run half a block!"



Still a few hours before I'll get to see it, but I'm going to check it out tonight.

Posted (edited)

Now I remeber! MTV used to have a cartoon named Downtown, which took place in New York. The main male character had a "scuzzy" friend that looked &, to a certain extent, acted just like Goat in MEGAS. Now, I may be wrong, but I think that character was also named Goat. The animation was also very similar. Downtown's timeslot kept getting moved around & was canceled very sudddenly. This may be why the writers are always playful picking on MTV in MEGAS, which is depicted as POPTV with the POP written in such a way that at a distance it looks like the M in MTV. Assuming, of course, that MEGAS & Downtown have any relation to each other.

Edited by Mechwolf

Never saw it, but your reasoning is very plausible.... might necessitate some research....


Funny I watched 2 minutes of it and thought it was crap. The animation was pretty high on the crap factor.

  Roy Focker said:
Funny I watched 2 minutes of it and thought it was crap. The animation was pretty high on the crap factor.

it seemed pretty crapperific to me too, the anime-ish characters done in american art style with american type animation just so RAREly looks anygood (teen titans being probably the ONLY exception to this)

the thing has a friggin car as a head. crap

Roy Focker Posted on May 2 2004, 10:45 AM

  The animation was pretty high on the crap factor.

What did you expect, it is a Cartoon Network cartoon. Duh.

Anyways, In episode that was shown this past Saturday, Bruce Campbell was the voice of Magnanimous, the alien promoter for the intergalactic giant robot wrestling federation. Overall, still entertained by this show. More interesting than Gundam Seed at any rate.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, the animation is crap, but if you're trying to take it at all seriously you're way off base. Very funny show; in the first episode anyways.

Much more entertaining than Seed in any case.

edit: that Spaceship Yamato cannon was great. :)

What is it about Seed's animation that looks so horrible? Of course it's better than Megas, and the quality looks okay, in general, but it still manages to look like crap. Is it all those needless camera pans, or the scan-lines in the CG? Whatever it is, between the look and the uninspired story, I haven't been able to pay attention to it for more than a few minutes at a time.

Edited by Californium

That's part of the problem I have with SEED. It shows off its animation to much and it causes things to drag and in some ways it takes your attention away from the actual story.


Yeah, I pretty much quit watching it after a couple of weeks, as well. I like the character designs, but the story and animation aren't working for me. Gundam stories so rarely do, though....

I am loveing the MEGAS XLR show, though. I thought that was Bruce Campbell, but was like 'nah....'

Great stuff. Like Californium said, though, if you're trying to take it seriously, you're missing the point of the show.


Very true. The point of the show is to have fun and be entertained. I dig that about it. You really shouldn't take the show to seriously.


Ditto. I got sick of SEED by the first ep (and I love all the alt-universe Gundam shows), but MEGAS is very entertaining. Though I'm always like "Wendee Lee is not the world's only voice actress". Yes I like her voice, but she does EVERY SHOW EVER nowadays with the EXACT SAME VOICE.

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