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Kinda OT? Rebuilding the ASS into SDF-1 timeline.

UN Spacy

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MODS: If this doesn't belong here then please move at your discretion.

If any MW'ers has some free time on their hands, and can modify this animated gif (of the ASS to SDF-1 timeline) to.

100 x 100 pixels and under 9.8 KB's total. I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks guys! :lol:


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To get it to 100x100 you have three choices:

1) Crop it and get rid of most of the stuff in the left side of the frame.

2) Scale it proportionally, which will end up as about 100 pixels wide by 66 high.

3) Scale it nonproportionally, which will distort the image by squeezing it horizontally.

Which do you want?

There's also a 1 pixel tall white strip at the bottom that should be cut out.

Anyway, the tools I have here aren't quite up to doing a good job. If no one else does it, maybe I can fix it on Monday at work.

Edited by ewilen
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To get it to 100x100 you have three choices:

1) Crop it and get rid of most of the stuff in the left side of the frame.

2) Scale it proportionally, which will end up as about 100 pixels wide by 66 high.

3) Scale it nonproportionally, which will distort the image by squeezing it horizontally.

Which do you want?

There's also a 1 pixel tall white strip at the bottom that should be cut out.

Anyway, the tools I have here aren't quite up to doing a good job. If no one else does it, maybe I can fix it on Monday at work.

Thanks for your reply ewilen.

Either 1 or 3......it's up to the artist (you) to paint his masterpiece.

I really appreciate this man. B))

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Yeah, I don't think you can get as much compression out of a gif as from jpeg, so the size of each frame is basically fixed.

Maybe if you used video codec to compress the animation or turned it into a Flash animation (?).

Otherwise, if you scaled it to 33x33, the overall amount of data would be reduced to around 10k. But it would be pretty tiny.

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Thanks EXO!

But is there any chance you could make another version that's under 9.8kb/s?


9.8??? :o

I thought you meant 98kb... higly unlikely, unless you want one pixel per frame... :p

Edited by >EXO<
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