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Huzzah, my wife actually agreed to go! B))

Will probably just go for a day, on Sunday.

I hear you miss out on all the good Wonderfest only resin kits if you dont go first thing on Saturday morning... is that true?

I can't go... its my daughters birthday, but I would LOOOOOOVE it if someone could get some good stuff for me... I'd gladly pay a "finders fee".


The more I think about it, the more I want to blow off Anime Central to go...

But I can't... I'm on staff, and the video game room would be lost without me <_<

I hear you miss out on all the good Wonderfest only resin kits if you dont go first thing on Saturday morning... is that true?

Pretty much true. If you're gonna do the the rounds at the WF dealer's room, you need to be there both Saturday AND Sunday.

Why? 'Cuz if it's a hot kit, the only way you can get it is if you're in line first thing on Saturday. However, I've been told that Sunday afternoon is the best time to do some bargain shopping as the vendors would rather sell kits cheaper than haul them back with them. ^_^

Huzzah, my wife actually agreed to go! B))

Will probably just go for a day, on Sunday.

Erp. Shows how much I know. I got it mixed up with WonderCon. Sorry, the trek to Louisville is a bit far for me.


I might. It's not too far away for me, but I don't know much about it.

What sort of goodies are they gonna have? The flyer didn't say much....

What sort of goodies are they gonna have?  The flyer didn't say much....

It's kind of hard to describe... but you can buy anything from airbrushes to paints, to figures, to mecha kits, to videos/dvds, etc. in the dealers room. It all depends on what you're looking for. ;)

You can check out piccys from previous Wonderfests here: http://www.wonderfest.com/news2.htm (click on either "Starship Modeler - Review and pics galore!" or "CultTVman - Great contest photos!")



I don't know if I'll get my 1/35th Spartan/Gladiator finished in time for the show/contest but I'll bring the pieces I have finished if anyone wants to see them. I'm bringing what I have finished to show some friends of mine. I'll be the big guy with short hair prowling the dealer's room. My name tag will read THOR. It would be nice to meet some of the other folks who visit this forum.

See you in 11-12 days...


I don't know if I'll get my 1/35th Spartan/Gladiator finished in time for the show/contest but I'll bring the pieces I have finished if anyone wants to see them.  I'm bringing what I have finished to show some friends of mine.  I'll be the big guy with short hair prowling the dealer's room.  My name tag will read THOR.  It would be nice to meet some of the other folks who visit this forum.

See you in 11-12 days...


I'll look for ya as I will also be prowling the dealers room. :lol:

If you get a chance, join us at the unofficial Saturday WF Pool Party (check out this Wonderfest 2004 thread for details). B))

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