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  the white drew carey said:
  ogami said:
haha... I bought FFX-2 because of Yuna... :D

FFX-2 = Bad.


No Lulu.

Lulu is too much for me. :p

FFXII looks darker than FFX

Excuse any ignorance on my part, but is this an ONLINE ONLY game?


however, Square is making an expansion disc for FFXI .


That Ashe chick looks like she's picking her nose in the character gallery. Why would they do that? Nice designs though.

Posted (edited)
  ogami said:
Excuse any ignorance on my part, but is this an ONLINE ONLY game?


however, Square is making an expansion disc for FFXI .

Thankfully it isn't!

While I would like to try FFXI, I cannot afford to keep up with it in order to get any satisfaction out of it (which is too bad becasue I would love to play it.)

Me likes NON-online verisons...........ME LIKES!!!

  ogami said:
Excuse any ignorance on my part, but is this an ONLINE ONLY game?


however, Square is making an expansion disc for FFXI .

Thankfully it isn't!

While I would like to try FFXI, I cannot afford to keep up with it in order to get any satisfaction out of it (which is too bad becasue I would love to play it.)

Me likes NON-online verisons...........ME LIKES!!!

Another rumor is SquareEnix is making or remaking FFVII for the Sony latest money making maching, PSP.


I miss the days of when the used sprites for characters instead of these life like models. Anyway I'm looking forward this game. Its suppose to be taking place in the same world as Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I really wish they would get back to their fantasy roots thought. I haven't had as much fun playing a Final Fantasy games I did playing FF4 and 6. 7 was great cause it was the prefect mix betweeen scifi and fantasy. Pretty much 4, 6, and 7 all had that and to a certain degree as did 5. FF9 was the last time I really enjoyed myself in a Final Fantasy game, X was okay and I don't even know why I bought FFX-2. I played it for a few hours and haven't touched it again. I guess getting Knights of the Old Republic kinda killed my interest in X-2 at the time.

I hope this game doesn't disappoint though.


Eh. I like the cities, tech, and all that stuff... reminds me of Exalted...

The main character looks more girly than the females I saw. I'm just not digging that.


Vaan: "Hi my name is Vaan, and I am really a guy. No really, I'm not a flast chested chick. Seriously, I'm not a flat chested muscular chick." :p

Balfear: "Hey Fran, if I do yah, does it count as beastiality? Or only half since you're humanoid? And hey Vaan, can I do yah too? Since like it would be politically correct for us to be a gay couple... I mean all the girls would like some hardcore raunchy yaoi." :wacko:

IX was the last FF game I could enjoy. Other than IX, anything after VII really wasn't FF for me. And whoever thought up the gunblade idea needs to be shot. Combining a pistol and a sword is just retarded. :angry:

At least Square did something good in doing remakes of FFI and FFII. :)

  Effect said:
I miss the days of when the used sprites for characters instead of these life like models. Anyway I'm looking forward this game. Its suppose to be taking place in the same world as Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I really wish they would get back to their fantasy roots thought. I haven't had as much fun playing a Final Fantasy games I did playing FF4 and 6. 7 was great cause it was the prefect mix betweeen scifi and fantasy. Pretty much 4, 6, and 7 all had that and to a certain degree as did 5. FF9 was the last time I really enjoyed myself in a Final Fantasy game, X was okay and I don't even know why I bought FFX-2. I played it for a few hours and haven't touched it again.

I hope this game doesn't disappoint though.

Thank you so very much! Back in Feb I wrote to some game mag (don't even rememebr which one) after an editor did nothign but kiss the few screen shots they had of FFXII at the time. I said absically what you said here only I really hate these blonde lead characters they keep having. Diversity apparently doesn't exist at Square(Enix).

You should try FF5 if you ahven't yet. Wasn't bad and I don't get why it never saw an SNES US release.



incase you didn't notice, I voke for FFXI :)

Posted (edited)

Bleh desu. Ugly and boring Tidus and Yuna clones. I'd hate to have to look at that mug for most of the game.

Bring back Chrono. Bring back Luminaire. BRING BACK ANTIPODE III!

Edited by Stamen0083

Is it me, or does Vaan look just a tiny bit like a fruity... well, fruitier Luke Skywalker?

The Hume gal though, nice. Don't care who's clone she is of. There just aren't enough short-skirt-wearing short-hair-sporting dames to go around.


At least this is time charater designer is not by Tetsuya Nomura FF7, 8 & 10 (I HATE HIS CHARACTER DESGINS  ) and that FF12 is back to the old roots like FF9.

i think FF7 had nice characters designs, and some summons from ff8 were great too.

And whoever thought up the gunblade idea needs to be shot.

it was a weird idea, maybe thats why we dont see a gunblade in FFXI. but i don´t think it was that bad.


meh, I don't think I'll be getting this game. On the other hand the main title pic looks really cool. All I have to say.


Frankly, FF IX is the only FF game I've never finished. Just can't much get into it.

As a Square fanboy, I'll be sure as hell picking up FF XII. Only reason I haven't bought FF XI yet is because I don't have the time for it.... too bad I'm not back in school. Hell, I had all sorts of time for that one....

  the white drew carey said:
What's Square's problem with making likeable main characters? The design is horrible (the upturned nose, the fact that he looks more gay than Tidus in FFX).

It'll probably be a good game, but I don't really care for the character designs.

What's the matter? You don't like limpwristed swashbuckling he(?)roes? :p


they need to bring back yoshi amano if they are going to keep bringing in lesser artists to mimic his style.

and i agree, the waifish pussy heros are lame. what ever happend to bad asses like barret, edgar, and cyan?

  • 2 years later...

My friend just picked up the PS2 FFXII Edition Box Set and game, and decided to rub it in my face by e-mailing me screencaps. She says she's about 4 hours into it and never leaving home ever again.



I miss sprite rpgs... :( FFIV and FFVI are still my all time favs.

My opinion hasnt changed in the past two years, that blond guy looks gay and I don't care who I offend with that remark. He looks horribly gay in that stereotypically bad and negative meaning. Built for yaoi and taking it in the ass kind of gay, while angsting and harping on his tragic past.

Posted (edited)


Lakers game is starting. I'll see you folks in a couple of hours!

edit: had to uncensor post.

Edited by Dangard Ace

Yeah I gotta agree with Sumdumgai, I mean whats really good with all these happy persony looking male characters anyway? I mean you can tell that Nomura is making this game to target YAOI fans with their hedeous looks. I can't even look at Tidus without wincing. That's how bad it is. I'm not even fond of RPG games so why am I wasting my time here anyway? I still like the FF7 and 8 though as Sephiroth is the most coolest looking FF baddie in the whole franchise.

P.S Rocket Punch, I remember that pic of FF11 in your funny pic thread and that title really speaks for itself. Why do they keep calling their games "Final" when they never end the long time series? It should be called First Fantasy or Second Fantasy or even better Final Fagasy :lol:

Posted (edited)
  Phalanx said:
Yeah I gotta agree with Sumdumgai, I mean whats really good with all these happy persony looking male characters anyway? I mean you can tell that Nomura is making this game to target YAOI fans with their hedeous looks. I can't even look at Tidus without wincing. That's how bad it is. I'm not even fond of RPG games so why am I wasting my time here anyway? I still like the FF7 and 8 though as Sephiroth is the most coolest looking FF baddie in the whole franchise.

P.S Rocket Punch, I remember that pic of FF11 in your funny pic thread and that title really speaks for itself. Why do they keep calling their games "Final" when they never end the long time series? It should be called First Fantasy or Second Fantasy or even better Final Fagasy :lol:


Nomura isnt making this game...thankfully. He has to be one of the absolute worst character designers in the history of mankind.

Square went down teh drain the day they decided mr amano wasnt "trendy" enough to design for them anymore.

Now with that said lemem clear the air about the "gay" look. I dont think tidus looked gay , he just looked like an annoying modern rock listening assnugget. No one in ten had any design that made any coherent sense whatsoever. I understand limitless creativity but being an artist that is trying to make a world believeable you have to at least have yoru world make sense. Half the clothes people wore in ff10 looked like it was floating above the peoples bodies, it looked like it was designed by a retard. No, it looked like it was designed to sell to certain markets.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with effeminate or ambiguios characters, i love em...but they need to be balanced by characters of differing personality types. The last few games the characters have had NO personalities at all ( sans 9 ). There has always been effeminate and ambiguos characters in ff....i mean just look at some of amanos work and remember thats the character not the sprite they were limited to. The problem is back then there really was never any main character the entire story flowed around...not even in 4 with cecils stand all the characters were important. That made the story and characters much more unique, now teh focus seems to be on the one "guy" and everyone else is a bit player limiting the stories personality being based off the single protagonist.

Ok with all that said ive played both the demo and the game ff xii and its pretty damn good, The character design is actually interesting and the storyline is alot deeper , darker and more intense then the previous few goofy ones.

Edited by SpacePirateNeko

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