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I'm still struggling with Macross 7, viewed up to ep. 30 so far.

Being a true Macross fans, I force myself finish all the shows in the

Macross franchise. So far, I can tolorate with ugly valkyire with face, transforming Macross with fingers, even girl flying in space without help of any equitnment.

But, valkyrie fighting space monster really crossed the line.

What's next? Sailormoon + power range? Mylene transform into a valkyire with a flashy magic stick?

I'm still struggling with Macross 7, viewed up to ep. 30 so far.

Being a true Macross fans, I force myself finish all the shows in the

Macross franchise. So far, I can tolorate with ugly valkyire with face, transforming Macross with fingers, even girl flying in space without help of any equitnment.

But, valkyrie fighting space monster really crossed the line.

What's next? Sailormoon + power range? Mylene transform into a valkyire with a flashy magic stick?

Just waiting for the Keith Flame Machine to go into effect and start the cycle again... :ph34r:

  wakobi said:
I'm still struggling with Macross 7, viewed up to ep. 30 so far.

Being a true Macross fans, I force myself finish all the shows in the

Macross franchise. So far, I can tolorate with ugly valkyire with face, transforming Macross with fingers, even girl flying in space without help of any equitnment.

But, valkyrie fighting space monster really crossed the line.

What's next? Sailormoon + power range? Mylene transform into a valkyire with a flashy magic stick?

Just waiting for the Keith Flame Machine to go into effect and start the cycle again... :ph34r:

Of course, it's not Keith starting the cycle here... and usually isn't.

  hevangel2 said:
I'm still struggling with Macross 7, viewed up to ep. 30 so far.

Being a true Macross fans, I force myself finish all the shows in the

Macross franchise. So far, I can tolorate with ugly valkyire with face, transforming Macross with fingers, even girl flying in space without help of any equitnment.

But, valkyrie fighting space monster really crossed the line.

What's next? Sailormoon + power range? Mylene transform into a valkyire with a flashy magic stick?

Uhmm... the flashy magic stick doesn't make an appearance until episode #41. It's when Hikaru rides the space unicorn to the lair of the purple turtle to free the intergalatic rainbow that makes everyone sing and be happy.


Don't force yourself to watch it... it's pretty obvious that you're not into it. I don't think M7 "was meant to be hated" (because that doesn't make much business sense), but it's definitely not something to watch if all of these things (flying girl, space monster) bother you to the point that you have to post about how you don't like it.


It's a nearly a 10 year old series and we still have people slamming it.

These topics always go the same way.

  Roy Focker said:
It's a nearly a 10 year old series and we still have people slamming it.

These topics always go the same way.


we're now eagerly waiting for keith and Agent One to give their unsalted opinions

which is probably the only thing that makes debate still worth it after 10 years


  bsu legato said:
  RichterX said:
Just a couple of words...

Ore no uta o kiite  B))

ummm....ok. How about you sprechen zie english for the rest of us? :D

whenever basara sings his dreaded song, he speaks those dreaded words, and you know to plug your ears for half of the episode.

it means "HEAR MY SONG."

Posted (edited)

It upsets me so much, every one that brings up the topic talks like if they are being forced to watch the episodes, I read the reviews and critics, then downloaded some of the episodes watch them and finally I bought the DVD episode set and I really enjoy it. There are parts on the serie where I admit it I really hate Basara's actions but in the end it is all on how the Macross universe is build up upon the power that a song can have... considering that Minmey is a great legend.

Edited to add: the same critic about giant monsters can be used on the giant humans thing, transformable fighters, giant space fortresses, all powerful laser beams and singing girls that can cause a war to end...

Edited by RichterX
Posted (edited)

Here we go again... let the flames begin!!! hehehe! , my opinion is that Macross 7 is a complete piece of s...t and should be burned and forgoten forever and in any case should be label "Sailor moon in space" or something. It's a series that don't deliver and is full of cheese and crap, beyond the stupid enemies, characters and crappy mecha...even worse that singing loser is everywhere to be seen.... I sold my copy of the series to a friend who thought it was cool.... poor soul when he found out what he paid for..

Later folks

Edited by macplus

Not this again... trouble.gif

  hevangel2 said:
What's next?  Sailormoon + power range?  Mylene transform into a valkyire with a flashy magic stick?

Are you working for Agent ONE? :p

  J A Dare said:
Not this again... trouble.gif
  hevangel2 said:
What's next?  Sailormoon + power range?  Mylene transform into a valkyire with a flashy magic stick?

Are you working for Agent ONE? :p

...or even worse:

Red Comet!!! :o

btw peeps....


  bsu legato said:
Suspension of disbelief and Macross 7 do not mix. <_<

Yes. In order to enjoy Macross 7, one has to suspend one's sanity.

  hevangel2 said:
I'm still struggling with Macross 7, viewed up to ep. 30 so far.

Being a true Macross fans, I force myself finish all the shows in the

Macross franchise. So far, I can tolorate with ugly valkyire with face, transforming Macross with fingers, even girl flying in space without help of any equitnment.

But, valkyrie fighting space monster really crossed the line.

What's next? Sailormoon + power range? Mylene transform into a valkyire with a flashy magic stick?

I was in the same boat. I began watching, because I was somewhat interested in the Max/Millia story, but the rest of the stuff just had me asking myself why SK agreed to this. Call me a hater, but crap is crap. I really, really struggle to see why people stick up for this particular series. It's interesting to see the the far-reach arguments some people on here come up with in order to get people to like it. I've read some pretty creative stuff.

My favorite one: "you haven't watched all the episodes yet, so how can you have an opinion?" LOL.


I will now summarize the entire rest of the thread....


OMG NO U SUX!1111111

NO U!111111



  Wicked Ace said:
I really, really struggle to see why people stick up for this particular series.  It's interesting to see the the far-reach arguments some people on here come up with in order to get people to like it. 

Maybe because *gasp* people actually do like this series.

Isn't that an outrageous concept?


I find that for a decent analogy to describe why so many people dislike Mac7, one has to look at Star Wars.

No, I'm not talking about slagging the new trilogy, since I actually rather enjoy them. :)

What I'm actually talking about is what would happen if right after the release of Star Wars, and all the money and fame and following that that movie had garnered... what if George Lucas insisted that we then turn around and then accept Spaceballs as the continuation?

That's where a lot of people get their problems with Macross 7. SDF and DYRL started the ball rolling (just like Star Wars in the above analogy) and then the series took a SHARP turn into deep left field, getting rid of most of the stuff that made the original show popular and instead populating it with cartoony concepts and really silly mecha designs (Spaceball 1 springs to mind, giant vaccuum and all).

That's what Macross 7 is to me and why I dislike it so.


I have learned this watching Macross 7 and just Macross in general, dont ask too many questions, because that eventually makes you question the stuff you love. Examples: cars, baseball, our country, gasoline, etc.


man, the macross universe is a UNIVERSE - not this same old predestined monotony.

for people who hate it - it'll make you like the other series more, so shut up

for you who like it, you are just less judgmental so i salute you

i like M7. it opens the series up to the universe with following a colinization fleet, and it just shows us that every hero isn't the same, although love triangles are a preferred theme...

  CoryHolmes said:
I find that for a decent analogy to describe why so many people dislike Mac7, one has to look at Star Wars.

No, I'm not talking about slagging the new trilogy, since I actually rather enjoy them. :)

What I'm actually talking about is what would happen if right after the release of Star Wars, and all the money and fame and following that that movie had garnered... what if George Lucas insisted that we then turn around and then accept Spaceballs as the continuation?

That's where a lot of people get their problems with Macross 7. SDF and DYRL started the ball rolling (just like Star Wars in the above analogy) and then the series took a SHARP turn into deep left field, getting rid of most of the stuff that made the original show popular and instead populating it with cartoony concepts and really silly mecha designs (Spaceball 1 springs to mind, giant vaccuum and all).

That's what Macross 7 is to me and why I dislike it so.

I Knew it!!! Battle 7 is really the Spaceball 1 (Mega maid) ship!! It's just so obvious!!! damn! thank's for the light man!! I guess Basara is the counterpart of lord Helmet and Chiva is major a-hole... :lol:

  Roy Focker said:
It's a nearly a 10 year old series and we still have people slamming it.

These topics always go the same way.

Let's see...anything happening on this board tonite.....

Guess not... <_<

  J A Dare said:
  Nightbat® said:
btw peeps....


Would you happen to have a "flogging a dead horse" smiley? Would be useful.

You mean this?



Hey, I just ordered a new computer. Its got the AMD Athlon 64 3200+ processor with 1MB L2 Cache. Welcome to the world of 64Bit computing!

Posted (edited)

Yeah I was about to say so.... I don't see why this topic isn't pinned. This is the 8th time I've seen this topic brought up, and I'd say put them all together and it would be a longer thread than the HG vs BW thread. I'd say that people feel more strongly about this than that thread anyways.

Can a mod please explain why it hasn't been pinned already?

Edited because I can't think clearly at 1:30 in the morning.

Edited by Noyhauser

pinned??? why?? Bashing Macross 7 is fun! it's so crappy that it deserves everything it gets.... and by the way, what's the problem with having the same thing on different treads? it's the fun of it that matters :lol:

  Noyhauser said:
Can a mod please explain why it hasn't been pinned already?

The mods didn't care the last dozen times an M7 thread got crap all over and ruined by people who dont like the show, why do you think they'd care now?

Posted (edited)
  Panon said:
Maybe because *gasp* people actually do like this series.

Isn't that an outrageous concept?

It seems "outrageous", because Macross 7, despite SK's involvement, the series is seriously lacking (use whatever anime evaluating criteria you want). Let's take the enemy "space monster" for example. That thing looks like something ripped off from Yu-gi-oh. My point is that this series bears so little in common to the original Macross concept that it doesn't warrant the use of the Macross title. Anyone that disagrees can, once again, please post up a creative argument. LOL! This ought to be good.

Edited by Wicked Ace

Since I started the thread, I better add a bit comment to clear things up.

Before I start downloading it and watching M7, I already know I shouldn't have high expectation on it. I knew it is targeted to below 12 audience, so I watch it just as a past time and threat it like yet another super robot cartoon. I didn't bash on the quality of the anime or the recycle of clips, I understand that's just a low-budget TV series. I didn't bash much on the robot design, view it from another prepsective, the mecha is still kinda cool. Only if they can spend a bit time designing some decent looking enemies. The space monster is like coming out directly from Dragon Ball Z, so does the new bad guy with wing. I think I can tolerate the space monster if it just look cooler.

A few years ago, I tried renting the show, but gave up on the 10th episode,

the pace in the beginning is just too slow. This time, since downloading is free, I keep watching one or two eposides a day up to where City 7 got kinapped, Then story actually turned out quite good when Miria come out to fight and the backdrops of space war 1 appears here and there. This motivate me to watch the next 15 eposides in 2 days. However the space monster is just an anti-climax after all the good stuff. I wrote the first posting out of disappointment rather than hatre of the show.

Let's see how the story wrap up in the end.

One last thing, after brain washed by Basara's song for 30 eposides,

I kinda like the music in M7.

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