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I haven't - well nothing after Spirited Away. I recently got to catch up on the older ones tho, since they are all on that dvd collection bootleg (i think discountanimedvd.com has it on sale for under 50 bucks now) and i have to say - there is a great history of storytelling with this studio - it's not all just Miyazaki. I'm looking forward to Howl's Moving Castle coming out in the theatres later this year, and of course the USA release of Nausicaa straight to DVD i think.


Yes all good films. Get the cat returns even a hk copy. Its really good. The one I havent seen is my neighbor the ghibli's or something. it is supposed to be in the japanese version of cat returns. But not in the HK verson.

Hands down my favorite Ghibli film is Porco Rosso (Kurenai no Buta) the crimson Pig

  Solscud007 said:
Yes all good films. Get the cat returns even a hk copy. Its really good. The one I havent seen is my neighbor the ghibli's or something. it is supposed to be in the japanese version of cat returns. But not in the HK verson.

Hands down my favorite Ghibli film is Porco Rosso (Kurenai no Buta) the crimson Pig

You mean My Neighbour Totoro?? That's a great movie!! Totoro is one of the symbols of the studio (you can see him at the begining of Chihiro a.k.a. Spirited away.


I love me some Ghibli films... my G/F is even a fan after catching Mononoke on cable. She went with me to see Spirited Away in the theater.

I've got the bootleg box and it is very good... highly recommended anime. Hopefully they'll collect the rest of the films in some kind of box.

  j_wong00 said:
I think you mean "My neighbour the Yamadas".

thank you yes teh yamadas. I thought there was an inside joe or something where they are called the Ghiblis


My Wife and I love Studio Ghibli stuff.

The box collection I have is the mac one.


Nausicaa of the valley of the Wind= 5 stars

Only Yesterday = 3 stars, for mature audiences.

Disk 2

mononoke hime =4 stars

Whisper of the heart = 4stars

Disk 3

My Neighbor totoro = 5stars

Ponpoko = haven't watched it all yet but think racoons with big ballz


Porco Rosso = 5 stars

Leputa: Castle in the sky = 5 stars

Disk 5

Spirited away = 5 stars

Kiki's Delivery service = 4 stars


Ocean Waves = 4 stars

On your Mark video = 5 stars...quite violent.

I'm still waiting to see the cat returns and some of the other lesser known titles. Can't wait for the new movie to come out.

Posted (edited)

I think my sister has the same Ghibli boxed set, it came w/ Naussica, Totoro, Mononoke Hime, Kiki, On Your Mark, Grave Of The Fireflies, Tanuki Pompoko, Porcco Rosso, Laputa the last three must be Ocean Waves, Only Yesterday and Whisper Of The Heart. That set is by "Video Animation" with a big "A" logo.

I havent seen Spirted Away since I'm anti-Dizznee :o but I have seen Mononoke Hime, Laputa, Kiki and Porcco Rosso before the evil takeover :o:p:lol:. Seen Tonari no Totoro and Grave. I gotta see the rest so I haven't seen all of Ghibli's films.

Edited by gerwalk25
  gerwalk25 said:
I think my sister has the same Ghibli boxed set, it came w/ Naussica, Totoro, Mononoke Hime, Kiki, On Your Mark, Grave Of The Fireflies, Tanuki Pompoko, Porcco Rosso, Laputa the last three must be Ocean Waves, Only Yesterday and Whisper Of The Heart. That set is by "Video Animation" with a big "A" logo.

I havent seen Spirted Away since I'm anti-Dizznee :o but I have seen Mononoke Hime, Laputa, Kiki and Porcco Rosso before the evil takeover :o:p:lol:. Seen Tonari no Totoro and Grave. I gotta see the rest so I haven't seen all of Ghibli's films.

Er... Disney doesn't own Ghibli. They just have the distribution rights to the movies.

As for the Ghibli films, I've seen most of them, and they're all top notch in my opinion.

I don't have the HK boot or original box set, but one of my film studies professor had it, and we watched it. Wasn't too impressed with the video quality however...


The great thing about the Japanese releases of the Ghibli films is that they have English subtitles. As for what I haven't seen, the only one I haven't gotten around to is Ponpoko. I have it on tape, but just haven't sat down to watch it yet.

BTW, My Neighbors the Yamadas is a great film. Too bad it bombed horribly in Japan. Theres a little comic strip in the DVD case that explaines why: it opened against Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.


Yeah I've seen em all except Ocean Waves and loved em all.

Oh and don't be turned off form the Disney DVD's so far the only one the screwed up on was Mononoke because they didn't have a sub but the Dub kicked ass along with all their other Ghible dubs.

Just for your info by the end of the Summer Disney will have out on DVD

1. Nausicaa

2. Porco Rosso

3. Totoro (not crap ass fox's version)

4. Kiki

5. laputa

6. Spirited away

7. mononoke

and after November

8.Pom Poko,

9.Only Yesterday,

10. yamadas

so that leaves only Whisper, Cat Ruturns, and the soon to come Howls Moving Castle for a disney relese.

and Grave of the fireflies is already out with a crappy dub but subs nontheless by another company. (IMO this is the best Ghibli film)

Now the question is who will release Ocean Waves??


Nausicaa is amazing. Certainly my favorite of the Ghibli films, but I'm also a huge fan of Nausicaa in general, including the Manga. I've also seen Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. Both were great films. Not sure if I'd want to see that many more of them. Spirited Away is about as "young" as I like to get :)

Posted (edited)

Not that I advocate purchasing bootlegs, but the Studio Ghibli HK bootleg boxset is worth every penny! ;)

p.s. chances are, if you love Macross, you'll love Porco Rosso. :)

Edited by J A Dare
  • 6 years later...

Has anyone picked up Naussica on blu ray yet?

If so, how's the quality, features, etc?

My store didn't get any copies so I'd have to order it but I want to be sure it's worth it.

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