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Honestly I tend to stay away from building the same model again and again even if I'm going to do some sort of a modification be it paint, limb, something....I tend to get very bored with building the same thing over and over again. It's probably why I don't have such a large selection of mobile suits....once you got either an Ground type GM or Gundam, or an EZ-8 they're all the same body type, same pieces pretty much.....thus I'd rather not waste my 40-50 bucks on the same thing.

Another thing is if I got the top line, if I got a PG or MG style, I wont even bother even buying a HG kit cause I've done the best, why bother with something meaningless?

As for the deactive kits I'd pass....even if its just another paint design....its still the same kit inside and out....its just collectors purpose, I buy it to keep my sanity levels down cause of the enviorment I work in :p

Posted (edited)

i bought the 1/60 scale freedom and the 1/100 (old type) HG freedom (only calling it old type HG cuz i've seen better HG quality in other kits <_< )...i'm gonna buy the MG freedom if i ever get the money...only bought those kits since i wanted a friggin' nice looking freedom...but it had the big ass okawara fugly eyes and even more fugly head in general...that's why i'm gonna get the MG freedom...at least then i won't be selling it off cuz i don't like how the damn thing looks :lol:

Edited by Dat Pinche Haro!

who knows, I'd actually probably would go thru all the hard trouble of repainting it only to dick it up at the end cause I over painted and the parts got too soft or brittle.......that happened with a GM kit I did last year. Really tried to make it the best I could and in the end I threw it away cause it sucked.

I just picked up another GM kit, uh I think its a GM Quel or something, and I'm gonna give it low fiz scheme pretty much.....the guys at the hobby store pretty much gave it to me 20% off cause it'd been there since 2002....funny huh? No one wanted the damn thing and I'd been saying "You k now, maybe I outta just buy it" So I talked to the guy and he knocked it down......still cost regular price of any other kit.....40 bucks.....but better than paying 50.

  • 2 weeks later...

I saw a Master Grade Wing Gundam.....hmmmmm regular price is 41 dollars, but here its 50 dollars at the shop........may just pick it up cause its the design I actually like.



Ooooohhhhhhhh :blink: that PG Strike is so gonna be mine.

I'm going to the hobby store when my lunch hour comes up....gonna build that Wing Ver.Kai Gundam.....mhmmmmm that I will................am I gonna paint it? Maaaaaayyyyyyybbbeeeee......I know I got white and Red and home......I'll need a dark grey, a yellow and blue if I do end up doing it.....

Posted (edited)

Wow, the Wing Zero looks awesome. I also like the space conservative stand that it comes with.

Even the ball looks pretty cool, and at that price it's an easy addition.

Though I really don't have the space for it, I am dying to see how that Strike would look with an Aile Pack. That is a gorgeous sculpt. Even without the other weapons that thing is awesome. Such detail. Ah, the pain of being broke and space cramped. (I did manage to squeeze the MG Freedom, Metal Material Strike, Lacus statue, and the HG Providence and Red Astray into the same case slot though I had to fold Freedom's wings back down to do it.)

Edited by Anubis
:o oh geesh bandai your f'ing killing me, the strike may turn out to be the best PG yet many of the others sometimes look more like toys with little outside details (RX-78) or a little short and squat (GP-01) this one looks very detailed and very well portioned. it only need some weapons for it now and it wil be perfect, by the way i noticed this before in one of the earlier pics what is that new type sword it comes with anyhow? also the Wing and Ball look great as well. another good year for Gundam release looks like i need to start saving some money up :p

Thanks for the pics, STAMEN!! Was wondering when we'd see more up-to-date stuff on these kits.

The MGs look real nice. The Wing's wings :huh: look better in these shots than previous ones.

I'm also glad that stands appear to be an addition to these kits and can only hope they become standard on most, if not all, future kits.

Oh....don't get me started on the PG Strike!! **wishes there was a "drool" smilie**


That PG Strike looks awesome!!! I hope they come up with a PG Blue Frame, then I'll be buying that one!!


Yeah yeah Ka sorry :p I keep wanting to say Kai.....I don't know why.........

BUT I went ahead and got it during my lunch break...... <_< took my whole lunch hour to just drive 8 miles down and back to get this damn thing.

At first glance, the box isn't that attractive, that was the reason I was so hesitant on the purchase of this kit. That and I did say I wouldn't buy another Wing Kit....ever....but this is what? The first Master Grade Wing kit? Wouldn't hurt to atleast give it a try :p

But honestly, I loved Hajime Katoki's designs for Gundam Wing. Though the series wasn't that attractive to me....the overall concept designs were fantastic, it was probably that itself which made me atleast watch the series.

Out of all the Gundam designs he did for Wing, Wing and Deathscythe were probably the most intersting for me.

And to actually own a piece of those designs it really does make me feel good :p all warm and fuzzy!

The booklet is THICK for a Master Grade. I can't really compare though honestly with something like Double Zeta which is a beastie kit I bet.

But overall, this booklet is very detailed and lets you know just where your working at with a sectioned down diagram of the mobile suit.

The colors are fantastic, but I am going to paint it a bit I think.............I THINK. I may change my mind.


Here, I finished Wing Gundam.......and it sucked big time......WAY to many decals and the paint job I did was flat out 3rd rate if not less.



it is a shame yours did not come out to well, i did not bother painting it looks good normally i just panel lined it. i hate all the stickers i wish it had more dry transfers i am good at putting those on and they look better. i also still need to buy that zeta C-1


Well a big problem with the model are those decals. Infact even those rub on transfers were a pain. You gotta angle them and sometimes they'lljust be too long to work with so its best to apply them before snapping everything together....sadly I made a booboo so now the "Colonies Liberation Organization" decals are sorta backwards on each side of the wings. I also had problem getting the "XXX01-GW" or wha ever decal on the shield cause it interfered with a part in the way.

Another was painting, that was my fault....I used Testors white cause I ran out of the Tamiya which would have been better.

White actually just doesn't do very well in general if you notice. But I was thinking, maybe if I use a gray primer the next time to coat after with White, maybe that'll be better? Give it more of a shadow effect like I've read about.

While this is one of those rare models that'll hold everything you built nicely....it all just sorta gets lost in a big mess of stuff.

ALSO! On one of those side armor pieces, with all those nuclear shells attatched to them......it turns really yellow and like redish on one side and I honestly don't have a clue why....all those pieces were kept very far apart from eachother and white was really the first one to get painted....oh well crap.


Not as much as you would wanna think, I mean it can't really stand perfectly straight up, but it doesn't do bad really at all..compared to Zeta....


Looks like a MG Rick-Dias (Quattro color) is slated for Dec.


i am not to surprised over that one i kinda saw it coming, by the way does anyone have the RickDias or Hizack yet? i am thinking of buying the Hizack next and wondering if there are any of you have reviews yet? if so guys please post some pics


The RickDias is nice, its not much for flexability, however its posture stance is very nice. It can bend into a launch position and hold it rather well. Not too mention it can hold all its weapons on its back side, from hyper bazooka, to its two machine guns and under that it's beam saber.

Also its one of the very very very very few MG's with individually posable fingers. However those fingers easily get all messed up if your not careful.

Also the head can only move a lil to the left and a lil to the right, there is no up nor down movement.

The feet are very bulky and that's good for something with a large backside, so its balance is great.

Overall its a nice kit, worth 50 bucks for sure. And those rub on transfers are no problem either, I got mine in without any trouble. I'll put up a picture or something if I hadn't brought one up here.


Yes, definitely expected as having the re-colors/variants is part of the norm now with MGs.

I will say though, that I'm at least glad to see that it will be released in December along with the Ball ver. Ka rather than taking an entire month's spot in the release schedule. :)

Granted that the Ball is a small kit and that may have something to do with it, but I do hope they carry the trend when the release a EFSF-Blue Hi-Zack ..... because you know that must also be on the way. ;)


Just taking a shot in the dark here GC, but I'm guessing those highlighted areas are improved or fixed areas which were around in the Cannon Fodder?

Posted (edited)

hi grand cannon your pics are not showing up at all.

edit: I can see them now thanks, as for the differences in the normal and red RickDias, is the red one is Qauttro (Chars) customized version so it looks like the boosters on the back and leg are a little different as well as a few little details here and there, being the commander in chief has its privliges :p

Edited by zeo-mare

not exactly mg but HLJ has announced the 1/60 Force Impulse Gundam,(the pic they show is the 1/144) cannot wait to see the 1/60 they also have the 1/100 up for preorder

HLJ Force Impulse Gundam


Posted (edited)

just found some more pics of the Perfect Grade Strike Gundam with the weapons, the vents on the back of the legs look awesome. i cannot wait for this to be released, if anyone can find some color pic of this please post them. i also like the new sword weapon it comes with, i am wondering does anyone know if it still comes with the skygrasper?

Ps, sorry about all the post i keep finding new stuff and forget to just edit the old ones with the new stuff :p

Edited by zeo-mare

Its a great looking Perfect Grade I can't wait till I get it. However, I can't access the 1/60 Impulse cause it's HLJ.....

I do believe Strike will come with a 1/60 skygrasper from initial reports.

Also a difference I think that's on the Quatro Bajina Rick Dias are the knees, it seems there's a dip in the knee area of the leg armor which wasn't in the Cannon Fodder....

Posted (edited)

Actually it looks like there's no skygrasper with this one. If anything it'll probably come with the eventual Strike Pack Set. They said this on Gunota not long after the Sky Grasper theory was first issued.

I hope the markings on the Ball are dry transfers. Looks good.

Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)

by the way is it confirmed that the weapons set will be released for it? or is this just speculation? the MG ball probally will come with some sort of dry transfers. either that or pick up some of the many custom marking water slide decals from models4U they have so many to choose from even though they have none specificly for the ball they have so many EFSF decals i am sure you can find something better from them. yea i also noticed the opening on the Red Rick Dias kneecap, when I stated in my post a few lines up "as well as a few little details here and there" same with the mono eye it looks like the black version has the X shaped lines across it the other looks like a solid crystal with no detail like the one on the chest of the Wing Zero Ver.Ka, as for the HLJ pics do not worry they only show the pic of the 1/144 scale one right now to give you a idea of what the gundam looks like i am expecting the 1/60 to look good.

Edited by zeo-mare

yea i noticed that one to before when i was on HLJ, is it me or does it seem alittle on the cheap side, i get worried about these $6.00 Bandai Gundam kits they usually are not very well made .

  zeo-mare said:
yea i noticed that one to before when i was on HLJ, is it me or does it seem alittle on the cheap side, i get worried about these $6.00 Bandai Gundam kits they usually are not very well made .

If you have any of the HGUC 0080 GM, you wouldn't have asked that question.

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