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Posted (edited)

Wow 0_o uh, 138 bucks for the conversion kit, but they do have them in stock, n/m I can't pay that much at this time........ : /

Edited by Hikuro
  Jolly Rogers said:
  Jinnai said:
It's interesting to note, that with the exception of the Wing ver.ka, all of the above kits are full kits, not conversion.

I think the above statement was that if there's a conversion kit handled by B-Club, there'll never be an actual IP kit.

And so far that's pretty much true.

You forgot the B-Club MS-06R-1 and MS-06R-2 High Mobility Zaku II conversion kits for MG Zaku II that I've already mentioned. There are tons more examples besides the ones I actually bought.

Bandai would rather release a buttload more never-animated Gundams (look at the Sentinel lineup - all Gundams and no Xeku) for the MG line than toss the antagonists a bone. We'll probably see all the obscure game/manga/novel-based Gundams in MG form before seeing a MG Acguy or Gyan. With that said, a MG Hi-Nu is only a matter of time, since they've exhausted plenty of Gundam designs by now. With the Sentinel designs out of the way, Hi-Nu's place on the list has just gone up a few more notches.

Actually, I missed the above line regarding about the Zaku MSV's. My apologies.

Personally, I never really paid much attention to B-Club kits, mainly due to the fact at the time I bought my first MG (very late 96.. good old original RX-78.) I was mainly looking at the plastic, and my poor 1st year apprentice chef wages couldn't cover something as expensive as resin back then.

Nevertheless, there haven't been many conversion kits released over the years that have turned into full IP engineered kits. 0080 comes to mind.

I'm sure at one point they'll release them, but since 01, the MG line has gotten rather.. stagnant.

Me? I'm just waiting for MG Guntank.


yea that is about how much most b-club kits cost, but it is the only place i know that has the original B-club version, if you really want it grab it quick because once it is gone it wil be gone for good.


  Jolly Rogers said:
.... right.

Pst... look at the age of those kits. Look at how they happen to be, I don't know... OUT OF PRODUCTION, and used to supplement non-Master Grade product lines.

When B-Club used to put out full kits, Bandai considered it a product test. B-Club focused on designs which Bandai didn't think were popular enough to put into plastic, but if resin kit sales went well, they'd consider it for plastic production at some point. B-Club is now a support company for MG, HGUC, and SEED kits. B-Club hands are released for almost every new kit. B-Club conversion kits are made to work exclusively on MG or HGUC kits (as opposed to, say, releasing stand-alone resin kits.)

Allow me to continue to prove my point.

B-Club Zaku II FZ conversion kit means no MG Zaku II FZ.

B-Club GM Sniper II conversion kit means no MG GM Sniper II.

B-Club Blue Destiny conversion kit means no MG Blue Destiny.

B-Club Powered GM conversion kit means no MG Powered GM.

B-Club Ifrit/Kai conversion kit means no MG Ifrit/Kai.

B-Club Gouf Flight Type conversion kit means no MG Gouf Flight Type.

B-Club Full Armor Gundam conversion kit means no MG Full Armor Gundam.

B-Club GP-04G conversion kit means no MG GP-04G.


B-Club 1/100 Zaku II F2 eventually led to MG Zaku II F2. (This means the B-Club kit sold well.)


B-Club 1/100 Geara Doga has not resulted in MG Geara Doga. (See sales figures explanation.)

".... right" back at you.

  Sarensaas said:
I think there is some chance we will see a plastic Hi-Nu. The recent releases of the Wing Zero Ka and RX-78-4 and RX-78-5 show Bandai is willing to release designs that never showed up in anime form, so they make take a shot at a Hi-Nu...and after all, it IS a Gundam, so that alone would move some boxes.

I don't think it'll happen. It's got nothing to do with the Hi nu being a side-story design, but more to do with the way in which Bandai can market the design to achieve maximum profit. A B-Club conversion kit, such as the one released last year, gets the job done by forcing the customer to buy both the MG nu Gundam and the overpriced conversion kit. Bandai pockets more money, you get your Hi nu. As for the three designs you cited...

MG RX-78-4 and -5 are genuine surprises, but not completely unexpected--they were released in conjunction with a high-profile manga side story, and Bandai has always been open to MSV lines. You only have to look at the original 1981 MSV line and keep on going to the current SEED MSV line. And given the content of Gundam video games, these designs aren't totally unknown. Zeonic Front popularized the 6th Gundam, for example.

Wing ver. Ka was released for two reasons. One, the RX-78 Ka sold well, so Bandai decided to continue the ver. Ka line as a special edition deal, where we get sporadic releases. Two, MG Wing ver. Ka can be easily remolded into the best-selling Gundam design of all time, the Wing Gundam Zero Custom--which is already rumored for release.

A plastic Hi nu just isn't happening any time soon. Of course, the possibility for surprises always exist--it's just that Bandai has bad experiences with surprises. HGUC GP03, anyone?

a plastic Hi nu just isn't happening any time soon. Of course, the possibility for surprises always exist--it's just that Bandai has bad experiences with surprises. HGUC GP03, anyone?

actually i do not know why alot people seem down on and surprised by the Gp-03 dendrobium it is the centerpeice of my kits and is one of the nicest kits i have seen from Bandai. whether it sold as bad as people say i do not know, but it has always seemed like a must have kit among alot of the gundam fans i know and it is a incredible kit none the less. Even after that Bandai is willing to take chances still, look at the MG perfect Zeong i am still shocked on that one myself so you never know with Bandai there may be a chance still, if they are willing to do the occasional odd ball kits , perfect zeong Hizack, a nice design like the Hi-nu or even the Crossbone X-1 are still likely at some point so keep your fingers crossed.


  zeo-mare said:
actually i do not know why alot people seem down on and surprised by the Gp-03 dendrobium it is the centerpeice of my kits and is one of the nicest kits i have seen from Bandai. whether it sold as bad as people say i do not know, but it has always seemed like a must have kit among alot of the gundam fans i know and it is a incredible kit none the less. Even after that Bandai is willing to take chances still, look at the MG perfect Zeong i am still shocked on that one myself so you never know with Bandai there may be a chance still, if they are willing to do the occasional odd ball kits , perfect zeong Hizack, a nice design like the Hi-nu or even the Crossbone X-1 are still likely at some point so keep your fingers crossed.

I own the HGUC GP03, and it's a disappointing kit. That's not my point, though.

The point is that usually, when Bandai attempts some new and surprising direction, it bombs terribly. The GP03 had a low sales projection of 10,000 kits. It sold 2,000. The kit utterly bombed, and has scared Bandai away from similar-sized kits. The only exception is the 1/144 Meteor, which is smaller, cheaper, and from a series more popular than 0083.

Hi nu in MG form just isn't plausible at this point. Crossbone X-1 just got a full B-Club kit, with an upgrade set in the works and the X-2 coming out soon. And Hizack is not an oddball kit. MG Dra-C would be oddball--but there's a conversion kit out, so that won't happen.

Posted (edited)

I briefly owned a GP03 and I thought it was an awesome kit. Beyond the time and space required from me though so now it has a good home with Zeagle Diver.

I think the problem with the HGUC Dendrobium was it's sheer size. 16lb box for crying out loud! A meter long mecha is too big for MANY people, even if they wanted the kit. PG Gundams are bad enough on the space, but the 1/144 dendrobium would have been prohibitive for many guys with limited space. A PG 1/60 GP03 Stamen itself by comparison would have been able to sell much easier.

I would also love to have a Geara Doga Master Grade and a Gouf Flight type MG.

Side note: Finish that Freedom yet, Zeo-Mare?

Edited by Anubis

hi the freedom is almost complete i sell my artwork off on ebay and i have been drawing all week long, it is how i pay my bills, i have 3 kits that need to be finished , the freedom, the blue frame astray and a almost finished PG Gp-01 <_< very soon that i promise. :lol::lol:

Posted (edited)

Looks like the MG Freedom is back in stock at Image Anime.

In other news, no Black Trinity Zaku II for me. Got sniped by $0.50 at the last minute. :angry:

I did win a Kahen Senshi ZZ Gundam for 56 bucks shipped so that made up for it.

Edited by Anubis
  Anubis said:
Looks like the MG Freedom is back in stock at Image Anime.

Paging Hikuro........

  Dat Pinche Haro! said:
does anyone have a MG Freedom laying around they can gimme? :rolleyes:




:angry: Hikuro is off running people down with his company vehcile if you'd like to leave a message, please wait till you hear the heart pearsing scream of torment from Freedom Gundam sending it's Multi Layer wings flyin at someone's rear......



*hides Ninja Gaiden style* :ph34r:

  Anubis said:
  Dat Pinche Haro! said:
does anyone have a MG Freedom laying around they can gimme? :rolleyes:



hey...it was worth a try :rolleyes::lol::p


I placed an order lastnight when I got home....course when they ask for a card verification number.....I guessed on mine.....the numbers are too far rubbed off to really tell. And I haven't even had the card a year....... <_< I blame anime.

But I told them, "card verification is aguess, the numbers are too far rubbed off so I'm not sure, any problems please contact me." So there should be no reason why the purchase is canceled that is what I'm worried about is being canceled.

I attempted to buy Kareoke Fire from Macross 7, 55 bucks too 0_o .....ugh, and they canceled my order cause the card couldn't be varified.....jerk offs....never buying from that group again.

ANYWAYS! *huggles himself since freedom not there*


who did you buy from that cancelled your order?


for the Fire Bomber CD? I think the place I was getting it from was called gameexpress.com or something with that type of a name, can't tell off the top of my head.

  Terpfen said:
A plastic Hi nu just isn't happening any time soon. Of course, the possibility for surprises always exist--it's just that Bandai has bad experiences with surprises. HGUC GP03, anyone?

Ah, you got my point. I didn't say a Hi-Nu WAS going to be made in plastic for sure, I said some chance, especially with examples like the 1/144 Dendrobium and the 1/144 Psycho Gundam. Yes, released with the buzz around the Z DVD release, but still, a retro design not too many ppl are crazy about. If Bandai is making choices like this, I would think they would be well aware of the following who like the Hi-Nu design. Besides, it only makes sense to release the plastic kit after the resin conversion kits have run their course and are no longer available.

  Sarensaas said:
I would think they would be well aware of the following who like the Hi-Nu design. Besides, it only makes sense to release the plastic kit after the resin conversion kits have run their course and are no longer available.

Problem is, the Hi nu has "a following." Stuff like SEED designs have "a market." The two are not the same. Just think of how many people wished for a large-scale GP03... and then proceeded not to buy it. Of course, Bandai made a 1/144 Meteor... which tells you just how popular SEED stuff is. I'm sure it's selling well, too, and you'll see a Meteor II in SEED-D. You won't see a Master Grade Hi nu for a long, looooooooong time, though. Maybe after the MG Aries.


came across this on 4chan...the description said it was the MG Ball...can't confirm it though...what do you guys think? :unsure:



yea i to have seen this pic i do not know yet, seems like a small MG kit if you ask me.


What can you expect? It's a ball.......my Freedom went thru, so I'll be getting it in the mail Thursday, I'll take pictures of it as it progresses with my kick ass digicam ^_^, still contemplating if I'll do anything to it besides just building and inking lines......I might do some mechanical customizing or something, but nothigns decided yet, to busy with ASTRAY.


Finished my MG Freedom....its about the highest positioned mecha in my whole mecha collection. It sits above a display case above my TV and is pretty much the centerpiece of the whole room. Damn the thing looks big and foreboding with all its wings spread out like a peacock. I'll post pictures after i do the decals for it.


The Hi-Zack just came out.

Awesome box art.



Mines OUT for delivery.....should be here by 9, and when I get home I'll take some pictures of my Freedom Gundam.....oh man it means a few days of nothing but Meteor from TM Revolution floating around......hm reminds me I need to burn the third volume to disc so I actually got good music to listen too besides Meteor. Cleaned up my work bench just for this.

The box art for Hi-Zak looks nice, Maybe I'll give the Zaku one last try after a very dissapointing build last year.


What exactly is the Hi-Zack? Is it a custom piloted by some ace or just grunt? And yes that MG kits looks sweet!


The Hi-Zak is basically an upgraded variation of the Zaku. Personally I think of the Hi-Zak as a back up to the outdated GM units. The Hi-Zak in replacement of it's Heat Hawk which can still be used, recieves a Beam Saber, it's flight pack is actually very similar to that of the MK-II's. Thrust capability, meanouverability have greatly increased of course with its upgrade and is actually used as sorta the main enforcer of the Federation. If you pay attention thru alot of the UC Timeline from the middle of the OYW till around the late 0080's, the Zeon units were used heavily, it might have been because they were much easier to maintain yet Quality control was present. However, the Hi-Zak introduces both Zeon and Federation technology.

There's no real ace pilot that's assigned to them, pretty much any Feddie or Titan or even AUEG pilot can be assigned to it, its almost Cannon Fodder like it use to be, just more beefed up if that makes any sense.

Pretty much check out the good ol' MAHQ site....lots of info.

Posted (edited)

Okay Freedom Gundam owners here's a question, just got my package, the box was damanged, and I mean wow......bent up box and packaging box and all.....opened the box and saw there's no shrink wrap around the model box, can't remember if it was like that for my Astray Red Frame though....

I took a look and made sure all the parts are in there, I count 16 trees from the instruction manual, but I only count 15 trees including the stand. Not only that, but should there be a plastic bag wrap with the stand inside? Cause there is nothing protecting the stand it's just on its own......

I'm really bothered by this since I just spent 55 bucks on this thing, the box is damaged and it looks as if there's a tree missing.

NEVERMIND! Though the box is heavily damaged, all 16 parts are acounted for...just one of them was sorta hiddin.........thank god....wha a positive in my horrible day.

Edited by Hikuro

hi sorry to hear about you damaged freedom, the stand for the freedom did not have a plastic wrap around it, i got mine from HLJ the box was wrapped but the stand was not . as for the tree that is missing i would say take a good look at the manual and se what letter it is (each tree is assigned by a letter) and contact tghe person you bought it from and see if they can give you a replacement.


I marked down each tree I found and all seemed acounted for, just guess one was hiding.......but i'm still rather upset of the damage......I truthfully blame UPS for this......since its going from New Jersey all the way to Taulitin, we get damaged boxes and even goods from UPS all the time at work......pisses us off cause they're expensive items like Headlights, molding strips, even windshields!

I'll post some pictures soon!

  hellohikaru said:
Any chance of bandai releasing a MG Big Zam....hey the sky's the limit :D

omg that's fugly :o

OT: I was watching Sergeant Keroro today and it was poking fun at the MG 1/100 BALL. I was ROFLMAO!

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