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ADV press-release about EVA Platinum-edition (r1)

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fyi since I know we got EVA contingents here. :lol:


HOUSTON, April 20, 2004- ADV Films, the #1 producer-distributor of anime in the U.S., has set a July 27, 2004 release date for the first volume of Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum Edition. Each episode of the enormously influential Evangelion television series has been officially revised and digitally remastered for this new release by original creators GAINAX to create beautiful, vibrant video and crisp, sparkling new English and Japanese 5.1 surround sound audio, creating the ultimate Evangelion DVD experience.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum: 01 is the first release of seven DVD volumes, which over the course of 26 episodes will include new cast and crew commentary, four bonus Directors' Cut episodes and seven animatics (moving storyboards). Each volume also includes a limited edition collector's slipcover in an exclusive metallic finish, limited to the first pressings only.

The rather interesting (to say the least) drama-thread about this ADV's EVA-platinum already had started and going on strong. Still, nobody in that thread knows for sure if this Platinum-edition is the actual Renewal-version. Some assumes it is. I'm not one of those assuming.

I'll be on a wait-n-see mode on this. I want Renewal-version, and not some hacked-up re-release ala Robotech-Remasters/EVA-DC.

Fwiw, if you haven't bought EVA r1, but are still planning to do so, this Platinum edition might be the one to purchase.

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Touched up backgrounds and stuff, digitally remastered, and Japanese 5.1 is EXACTLY what they did with the Renewal R2 version for Eva.

Happy day.

And 7 discs instead of 8. Easy investment for me. I would love the renewal box. Gainax would never allow ADV to whip up another version on their own, so this has to be the Renewal version. I'm amazed they got it so fast.

Only problem is, the renewal R2 also had the movies in it IINM. So since Manga has the movie liscence, we're SOL on whatever movie stuff was in the Renewal R2 release. They probably got a nice new Animorphic transfer in the R2 release. Damned Manga. At a minimum we get what was done to the TV series at least. It just won't be the comeplete renewal package because ADV doesn't have the movie liscence. We have to depend on Mangle, which means we're screwed for now on the movies.

This is probably why it's being called the Platinum version instead of Renewal, so there won't be any issue about what will be missing.

Edited by Anubis
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This weekend will see a better explanation from ADV. We'll see if I was close or not with what I thought above.

from Animeondvd

More On Evangelion Platinum (04:31 PM EST): While there's some amount of vagueness, at least in the eyes of some and myself included, with the press release today regarding the Platinum edition release of Evangelion, we've been told to hold out until Saturday when ADV's Matt Greenfield and David Williams will be talking extensively about the release at the Sakura-Con convention out there in Washington. We'll be eagerly awaiting details of that panel and others and hope that folks that are attending the convention will take a few minutes to let us know what's going on as I don't believe I have anyone attending that convention.
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Good lord... well, since I've already purchased the R1 discs, I'll have less qualms than usual about picking it up once it's been ripped to a good bootleg release. <_<

See, bud, that why I never bought a ADV DVD release of the series. After their first "remastered" fiasco I made it a point not to buy EVA from ADV ever again. In afct I'm not even sure this one will be good. ADV tends to screw up at one point or another.

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Is ADV offering any kind of trade-in / discount deal for customers who already bought the original R1 DVD set?

since we dont have the official info yet, early best guesses are no there won't be any trade-in / discount deal.

wait for the weekend to pass as ADV has some sort of announcement regarding this release.

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I can see people getting upset over shelling out for the last 2 director's cut DVD's, since they were released only a recently, but the original series has been out a long time. I will most likely get it, but only because I am an Eva fan. The 5.1 sound is what I want.

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Tiny tidbit out of Sakura-con, from Animeondvd

Eva Platinum same as renewal but not called renewal beccause they don't have the rights to all the renewal material. The 1st of 7 Vol. will come out in July.
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QUOTE (renegadeleader1 @ Apr 21 2004, 02:26 PM)

Once again I would like to say that EVA wether it is digitally enhanced or not is still a big pile of turds to me. All this new version is, is a enhaced turd pile with 50% more undigested corn. 

Some people people have no taste.

I dunno, turd, whether it's sans corn or not, is pretty disgusting to eat I imagine.

I'm with renegadeldeader on that one ;)

Seriously though, I was going to pick up the DC release, but if this new fangled 'Platinum Release' has it on there, i'll wait for that instead. I just feel sorry for everybody else who have bought all the previous EVA releases. :(

Edited by wakobi
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