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I've been playing MS gundam encounters in space like mad lately. Finally passed it all today. Gotta say this is by far the best spaced based gundam game ever. I love it. I miss the ground combat though.

Was wondering if some of the story lines are just made up characters or do these characters actually appear in the gundam history somewhere besides this game.

Plot lines like:

Thoroughbred: the 16th Autonomous corps

And Ace pilots like:

Johnny Ridden "the crimson lightning"

Shin Massunaga "the white wolf" of soloman

Yuu Kajima "Blue death and the exam system"

Cima Garahau--i remember her from 0083 but here you play her as a pilot before she became a comander

If you haven't had a chance to play this game your truly missing out if your a mecha or gundam fan.

The hardest part of the game is the mission mode. Here you have 8 missions to play with a pilot you create. Each mission gives you more points to apply skills and attributes to your pilot. Then you can use these pilots in the verses mode.

It took me about a week of playing each night before I had a pilot better than amaro, char and gato.


Yes all these characters do exist in the Gundam timeline...I'll try and help you out with the ones I do know...

Yuu Kojima makes an appearance in the manga adaption of gundam called "Blue Destiny" there were also Sega Saturn games based around the manga, I believe there were two games....you pretty much get the basis of what it is, but originally the Blue Destiny was infact a ground combat RGM-79 with the EXAM system installed...it's almost like the Zero System, where your skills improve to be like that of an artifical newtype from what I've gathered.

But in conclusion, you never see him in any of the Gundam series besides Blue Destiny.

Chima, no one knows exactly about her past, it was never discussed in the 0083 series at all, and you ONLY see her in the 0083 series. For all we know she could of only shown up during the last months of the war like Amuro and the others.

Johnny Riden, I wanna say he was in the side story game...but I'm not 100% sure I doubt he was. I think I saw model kits dating WAY back of his odd looking Gelgoog...someone else is gonna need to look him up more.

Shin Massunaga, I've actually never heard of him, someone else might of but not me...I never recalled him from any of the shows so he's either a video game or manga character.

The Thuroughbred characters are just in the game...they never made any appearances at all in the Gundam shows of the UC timeline.

The game is great, I don't mind the lack of combat missions one bit, but what got to me was the fact the american release did not go online like the japanese release did. Since the japanese one is online based, you could download new mobile suits, before the game came out here in the states, the Strike and Aegis Gundams from SEED were up, and they managed to get those two in before american's ship date pretty easily. But still, would of loved it to be online also.

I didn't li ke the develop your piloting skills quest...they were just....annoying at times.

Posted (edited)
  jwinges said:
I've been playing MS gundam encounters in space like mad lately.  Finally passed it all today.  Gotta say this is by far the best spaced based gundam game ever.  I love it.  I miss the ground combat though.

Was wondering if some of the story lines are just made up characters or do these characters actually appear in the gundam history somewhere besides this game.

Plot lines like:

Thoroughbred: the 16th Autonomous corps

And Ace pilots like:

Johnny Ridden "the crimson lightning"

Shin Massunaga "the white wolf" of soloman

Yuu Kajima "Blue death and the exam system"

Cima Garahau--i remember her from 0083 but here you play her as a pilot before she became a comander

If you haven't had a chance to play this game your truly missing out if your a mecha or gundam fan.

The hardest part of the game is the mission mode.  Here you have 8 missions to play with a pilot you create.  Each mission gives you more points to apply skills and attributes to your pilot.  Then you can use these pilots in the verses mode.

It took me about a week of playing each night before I had a pilot better than amaro, char and gato.

Did you unlock everything? That can take some time. I still haven't unlocked the Public, no big loss since I hate getting some weak ass ship from random selection.

Import Lost War Chronicles if you want some good ground combat action. They made some huge improvements to the engine used in Journey to Jaburo.

The Thoroughbred story was brand new, made up just for this game. None of the characters or mecha existed before this game.

Johnny Ridden and Shin Matsunaga have been around since the MSV days, a line of model kits produced between the original series and Zeta Gundam. They were the ace pilot characters created to sell more model kits.

Yu Kajima is the main character from the Blue Destiny trilogy of Sega Saturn games. I think it was the development team's first Gundam game.

Cima's backstory was taken from part 2 of a 2-CD 0083 audio drama. The other CD's story is depicted in Kou's 2nd mission.

BTW the US version you have got its online mode neutered, so any new MS made available for download won't be available. Bandai US hardcoded the Wing Zero Custom, Master, God, and Strike into the game but you won't be able to download suits like Casval's Gundam or the custom Zaku made for one of the game's VAs:


Imagine being able to humiliate your opponent using this Zaku. Only in the JP version.

Edited by Jolly Rogers
  Isamu Atreides 86 said:
Johnny Ridden actually has a Manga side story. he fought and disappeared during the one year war.

I have that manga, a compilation that also features other MSV Aces like Shin Matsunaga and Thomas Kurtz. It came out in the late 1990s, nearly 2 decades after these MSV characters were invented, just to cash in on their now legendary names kept alive in games like Giren's Greed and MG kits featuring their ace custom suits.


I've heard that Cima lead the Zeon Marines (ok that's an established fact) and that she was involved in Colony Gassing during the one week war so the Zeon Higher Ups refused to let her go to Axis (even though some of them ordered the gassing). Then she just survived on her own with her rag tag pirate fleet. But that's just what I read somewhere.


Matsunaga and Ridden both had High Manuever Zakus, so did the Tri-Stars. Matsunaga's was white, Ridden's was dark red with elongated yellow shoulder spikes, and The Tri-Stars were dark blue with purple and black trim.


Hey Archvile your right. I remember the game stating that Cima was with some zion space marines that gassed a colony and were then pretty much exiled.

Thanks for the info guys. Gotta say I love the white wolf high mobility zaku paint job. Might have to make one of these for myself.

Anybody know if you can patch the US version to allow for downloading. Too bad there isn't online play. Do they have that in the Japanese version?


Shin Matsunaga got the earliest version of the High Mobility Zaku II. The Black Tri-Stars version is a slightly improved version, thus the designation MS-06R1A.

Johnny Ridden didn't get his until the 2nd generation High Mobility Zaku II (MS-06R-2) was developed. It features extra armor on the legs and the interior mechanics were closer to the new generation MS (Rick Doms and Gelgoogs) than the Zakus even though on the outside it still looks exactly like a Zaku.

MG kits of all 3 versions of the MS-06R series are available. For other ace customs such as Robert Gillian, etc. you'd have to paint your own.

The US version can't be patched, you're better off going the import route, consdiering good Gundam games like Lost War Chronicles will never see a US release.


While on the subject of Gundam games, will AEUG vs Titans game be released in the US? Also will it be following the same formula as Federation vs Zeon game where you play an unknown character and fight along side the characters from the game during the story mode or will you be a character ala JTJ and I think EIS(haven't gotten it yet)?


Out of all the PS2 gundam games I like encounters best. In order of favorites.

Encounters (just about right, if they could add defense, better tracking of aces, online combat and ground misions it would be perfect)

Feddy vs Zeon (tons of gameplay and missions)

Zeonic Front (one shot deal though)...too slow

Journey (sloppy controls)


AEUG vs Titans was supposed to come out in the US but now that Bandai decided to scale back on all merchandising related to Zeta Gundam to focus on Seed, I wouldn't hold my breath. Considering the game's been out since last year, I think this one is likely to go down the route of Lost War Chronicles (import only) since they're too busy gearing up Gundam Battle Assault 3 *cough* crap *cough* featuring Seed suits.

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