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As above. don know if this has been posted before, but there's some shots of ep 4

What's Nora doing with her hands on her suit? she looks like she's gonna....... did she chase shin down juz so that she could flash at him??

Ep 4


Shin managed to take down her valk as his burned up as well. Therefore he proved his worth and she will have him. :p


Zippy chance on the dub for now. I've seen some posts on this forum talking about the liscensing issue still screwing with general domestic release. If it is released here, they damn well better use the Japanese DVD art.

Nice one Anubis! B))

Although you have to wonder. Nora found Shin pretty fast. She must really want him bad.


How long was it between sub / dub treatment for M+ and its release in Japan? I know the subbed movie version was released first over here (yuk... VHS) and then the subbed DVDs a couple of yrs after that.


I doubt a dub of MZero will ever exist. That is probably a good thing.

  Anubis said:
Shin managed to take down her valk as his burned up as well. Therefore he proved his worth and she will have him. :p

my thoughts exactly


From what I remember back in the days of VHS (the early 90's...God I am old) Manga had a pretty fast turnaround time. It was on the order of a few months to a year tops. I was suprised at how fast Volume 4 came out after the Japanese version.


:huh: So what is she going to say, "you saw hers now see mine?" :lol:

I think she is actually doing something else <_< cause it is not a freaking h-serie...

I like that they don't refer to the VF-0 as Valkyrie, do you think the code of the them is actually VF-0 "Zero"

Posted (edited)
  Agent ONE said:
I doubt a dub of MZero will ever exist.  That is probably a good thing.

(Just chewing the fat.) Personally, I think if it comes to the US, it will likely have a dub. After all, a lot of good dubs are being done these days (much of the stuff that makes it onto the late hours Cartoon Network slots for example). Not that I will watch the dub, except out of curiosity.

Rumor is the VF-0 is called the Phoenix but I don't know how that got started. Yes, Edgar does simply call it a "Zero" at one point.

Edited by ewilen

On the three ovas so far it is refered as Zero, i would be alright as it is not a widely used fighter as the VF-1 Valkyrie if it actually doesn't have a code name...

  RicePiece said:
Is there an english dubbed / subbed version of M0 yet?

I know its prob been asked and answered a few times - call me lazy.

For the billionth time, there is no official dub/sub of M0. We will let you know when that happens.

For cryin out loud....you people are freakishly LAZY.

  ewilen said:
  Agent ONE said:
I doubt a dub of MZero will ever exist.  That is probably a good thing.

(Just chewing the fat.) Personally, I think if it comes to the US, it will likely have a dub. After all, a lot of good dubs are being done these days (much of the stuff that makes it onto the late hours Cartoon Network slots for example). Not that I will watch the dub, except out of curiosity.

Rumor is the VF-0 is called the Phoenix but I don't know how that got started. Yes, Edgar does simply call it a "Zero" at one point.

Well, sure, if it comes out in the US, it'll have a dub. I think the question, though, is will it ever come out in the US?

"Phoenix" was the nickname given to it during the early development. In fact, I think it was spelled out on some of Kawamori's original sketches, but I might have been mistaken. For whatever reason, the name "Phoenix" was declared unofficial.


I do like the Phoenix as a nickname (mostly cause I think that name's just cool) I don't think we'll see an official release in the US anytime soon now that HG is "monitoring the shop" :rolleyes: I noticed no official dates for either Ep 4 or the 1/100 VF-0S, but what's the first thing that's listed in the "goods" section? Looks like a mini magazine, but the link it goes to gives no Macross info at all :huh: Getting back to the topic, the pics look very interesting with Prof Hassford(?) in the cockpit of something and the AFOS-looking craft....mysteries abound


Nope, not a magazine, they are digital print cards which are not available yet, but will be available from vending machines in Japan. This has been covered already, and was first discussed in this thread started on March 7th. Here is the link to the company that is going to make them (no info on the Zero cards yet tho).

The official release date of Macross Zero episode # 4 is May 28th. This has also been known for a while now and previously covered in several topics on MW. The release date for ep # 4 can also easily be found in the Macross Compendium.


  izzyfcuk said:
As above. don know if this has been posted before, but there's some shots of ep 4

What's Nora doing with her hands on her suit? she looks like she's gonna.......  did she chase shin down juz so that she could flash at him?? 

Ep 4

Yep, this was posted and discussed already on March 11th in this thread.


  Graham said:
Yep, this was posted and discussed a few weeks ago already.


see what i miss when i'm gone?! lol

Posted (edited)

:unsure: Do you think they will be killing Skull-5 Kudo Shin, to explain why he is no in Macross? :blink:

scary thought...

HG getting its hands on Macross Zero, translating it and editing and naming Shin, Jack Archer...


Edited by RichterX

I've got a feeling that they leave the planet somehow. The other idea that I tossed around is that he stays on and is just another member of a squadron on the Macross.

I still get the feeling that those people some get wisked off the planet.

Well then there's the idea that, they stay on the island and survive the Zentraedi Bombardment, but that's kinda doubtful.

  ewilen said:
  Agent ONE said:
I doubt a dub of MZero will ever exist.  That is probably a good thing.

(Just chewing the fat.) Personally, I think if it comes to the US, it will likely have a dub. After all, a lot of good dubs are being done these days (much of the stuff that makes it onto the late hours Cartoon Network slots for example). Not that I will watch the dub, except out of curiosity.


Just for the sake of Macross popularity, I hope you are right.

  Graham said:
Personally, I think there is a high probability that Shin will die in episode # 5.


Don't get my hopes up...

  >EXO< said:
  Graham said:
Personally, I think there is a high probability that Shin will die in episode # 5.


Don't get my hopes up...

Oh come on, you actually doubt his death?

He is the type of character who is DOOMED from the first second he is on screen. Brooding and 'not cool' guys always die.


I'm trying to understand how they wouldn't, or couldn't bring Zero into the US without any hitch??? The valks aren't the same, the characters looks and features are very different, and overall, there should be no reason why whe can't or shouldn't be able to get it over here. Dubbed and Subbed the right way.

As far as ep. 4 is concerned, I'm excited to see it all start winding up and everything begin to be revealed. I just don't want to wait till late this year for the final ep. 5. :rolleyes:


Briefly, the relationship between M0 and Macross is essentially analogous to the relationship between M+ and Macross TV. We know that HG blocked US release of the M+ toys, and the claims they made in the process of blocking the release--and attempting to block the importation--of the toys strongly imply that HG would also try to block an M0 release.

However, the situation is evolving (with clues of a deal between HG and BW), and there are many details to consider. For more in-depth discussion, you should see the HG licensing thread in the Other Anime forum, and also locate the threads on the DYRL superposables.

  Graham said:
Personally, I think there is a high probability that Shin will die in episode # 5.


Or maybe he just runs off with Sarah, and live happily ever after, swearing off war. :lol:

  wolfx said:
  Graham said:
Personally, I think there is a high probability that Shin will die in episode # 5.


Or maybe he just runs off with Sarah, and live happily ever after, swearing off war. :lol:

Nah, I prefer Graham's vision of things.


It will end with a view of him after Space War 1 piloting a VF-1S looking for survivors in Mayan Island


Shin will die trying to save sara from nora. Nora will shoot the hell out of them and then the old elder guy nutuk will come out with a newer version of the vf-0 and shoot nora to her guts being the goriest part of the whole movie. after they are safe from danger sara cuts shin to hell being the second goriest part. then the elder dude nutuk flies off and stomps sara and then runs off to the stars on the vf-0 and is nevcer seen again. on ep 5 godzilla comes out of the ocean and busts the crap out of everything macross-zero related and goes back. then the macross saga begins and no one knows what the hell happened. i know it all. gemini cricket told me about that

  Lucifer said:
Shin will die trying to save sara from nora. Nora will shoot the hell out of them and then the old elder guy nutuk will come out with a newer version of the vf-0 and shoot nora to her guts being the goriest part of the whole movie. after they are safe from danger sara cuts shin to hell being the second goriest part. then the elder dude nutuk flies off and stomps sara and then runs off to the stars on the vf-0 and is nevcer seen again. on ep 5 godzilla comes out of the ocean and busts the crap out of everything macross-zero related and goes back. then the macross saga begins and no one knows what the hell happened. i know it all. gemini cricket told me about that

No, you pathetic imbeciles!

EVERYBODY knows that Shin not only didn't die, but he later married both Sara and Mao and had tons of children. One of the children, who inherited the magical powers, got lost one day in the mountains...

The kid stood in front of the mountain, and tried to move it by singing at it, thinking it's a Kadun...but of course he couldn't move it, so he started his life as a vagabund, singing for money...until he ran into a heavy smoker who joined him...

You all know the rest...

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