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will you stop buying macross toys after the VF-1 is gone ?  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. will you stop buying macross toys after the VF-1 is gone ?

    • Yes
    • No

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I recently was remembering the old times with all the stuff about the 1/55 and the reissues and all that and I started thinking about what good times we´re having right now , but then I started thinking about the future.

I mean , it´s not like I want to sound pessimist but I don´t really think this will continue to be this way forever.Hopefully it does though :lol:;) (thanks to M0 ).

Anyway , I was thinking , if things continue to be this good and Yamato decides to expand his macross line to other series/games , would any of the hardcore fans continue to buy Yamato toys ?

I mean , would anyone really be interested in buying VF-5000s , VF-14s , or VF-9s ?

We´re all abosulutelly mad about the VF-1 and that´s a good enough reason to buy all these toys even if we have to sell one of our vital organs if we need to do so , but could Yamato justify the produccion of new valks ?

I hope the good times continue after the VF-1 variants are exhausted.

Well this poll is just to more or less quantify the notion of most members on whether they´ll continue to buy yamato toys once the VF-1 stops being produced.


I think SHIN DENSETSU put it well when he said that it there is a cycle to the availability of VF-1 toys (i.e., BANDAI's). The other companies might not put out any new molds (I'm hoping not!), but I have a feeling that the YAMMIES are gonna be around forever, albeit w/ a dry spell or 2 every now and then. :)


I'd actually LIKE Yamato to hurry up with their VF-1 line. Although it's the milk and honey of the Macross mecha, there's just so much more that's been untapped.

Personally. I can't wait for the Macross Plus valkryies.

I'm still hoping they'll be a VF-4 Thunderbolt. ;)


hmm, there's no "Probably"

I for one am not a fan of the "New Generation" Valks, but if Yamato

would put out destroids, capital ships of the SDF-TV/DYRL?/FB2012 era I'd

probably continue collecting


I'm a big fan of the DYRL and the tv series, but all of the other valks from plus and 7 ect just don't get the collector in me going, although I can admire the design, but! I would buy any and all from the first two metioned and am hoping for the destroids in 1/48 scale and 1/60 for the rest of the enemy mech. I'm kinda thinking that after seeing what yamato offers as far as other toy lines Macross is the soul of the company, So I can't imagine them quiting until the blood is sucked from the t-bone :D:D:D


I'm already done. I don't plan on buying any more Macross toys unless it's something that totally wows me or I get a super deal.


Unless a DYRL SDF-1 comes out. I'm done after the 1/60 GPB-1S and YF-19 Fast Pack.


whoops! i meant to vote yes. :blink:

sure why not? if its from the original macross/robotech series, yes i would continue to buy it as long as the quality is there and the price is right. oh and i'd buy the mac+ valks for sure but thats about it for me. B))

i don't know anything about the other macross series out there, i only watched the original series as a kid and basically started collecting for the memories.


I'm only a fan of the original SDF: Macross and DYRL... so when the VF-1 goes goodbye so will most of my valk buying. As others have stated, if Yamato comes out with Destroids or enemy units I'll buy those... but my interest in the new crop of Macross stuff can be measured in micrometers.

Then again I am all aflutter over the upcoming Legioss fighters from Mospeada...


I actually think I'm done collecting VF-1s.. well, maybe the miria 1/48... but I'm waiting for some valks from mac zero... and I'd really love some ver 2.0's of the macross plus and even the mac 7 valks.


Depending what they are I'll still buy Macross toys after the VF-1 is gone. Namely the YF-19FP and (if it ever comes out)a VF-4. The fighter mode is pretty cool. No interests in any destroids. Nothing from Macross 7 at all. Macross Zero VF's are a maybe. Enemy mechs from SDF/DYRL I'd buy.

On a side note I wonder if Yamato will introduce a 1/100 scale VF-1 like the VF-0. And pass on future 1/60 and 1/48 scale items and just stick to 1/100 scale for everything else.


Mmmmm...some people have actually misunderstood the question.

I was asking whether you would continue to buy Yamato toys once they no longer continue to produce SDF/DYRL/FB2012 toys and instead start making other valks like : Macross M3 , Macross 7 , Macross VF-X2 , Macross Zero , etc...

So far it looks like Yamato will have no solid market once they´re done with the VF-1s or SDF toys , I´m thinking we´ll live yet another drought a year from now.


Ever since I saw the VF-4 Lighting III I been wanting Yamato to come out with a toy of it, probably a 1/60 scale that can hold the Gunpod of the VF-1s 1/60 just like the first VF-4s in Macross


I ultimately want a "Valks of the line" display with one of every VF in flight.

Like this image but with the VF-4, a new slimmer profile VF-17, up through the VB-6. Pipe dream maybe, but it would be sweet.


I am in no way done with macross after the VF-1, in fact I'm done with the VF-1 (excluding a CF 1/48). I want the newer stuff, and also enemy mecha. Be it Bandai, Yamato, or whoever gives the goods. Someone needs to tap the pool sadly left relatively untouched outside of the VF-1.


  Aegis! said:
Mmmmm...some people have actually misunderstood the question.

I was asking whether you would continue to buy Yamato toys once they no longer continue to produce SDF/DYRL/FB2012 toys and instead start making other valks like : Macross M3 , Macross 7 , Macross VF-X2 , Macross Zero , etc...

So far it looks like Yamato will have no solid market once they´re done with the VF-1s or SDF toys , I´m thinking we´ll live yet another drought a year from now.

i wouldn't go that far.

while i/we might not be interested at the moment, sometimes people change their minds...it happens all the time.

i'd actually have to watch some of the other mac series to get into them but i haven't, nor do i have the desire to cough up $$$ for a bunch of DVD's when theres more important stuff to buy....like more valks. ;)

yamato doesn't produce too many other cool products from what i can tell, so i can't see them closing up shop when the macross/robotech line is finished. if anything, they'll continue by making the VF's from the other movies/series.

but in the end, i guess we'll have to wait and see. :)


At this point, as much as I love it, I'm sick to death of the VF-1. At this point, the only things I'd be interested in collecting are non-VF-1 items. If Yamato extends the line past the TV series and DYRL, I'd be in like the proverbial dirty shirt.


I don´t think it´s about whether Yamato will continue to produce more macross toys after they´re done with the SDF Macross/DYRL license or not (we´ve done a lot of threads about that) but whether people will get interested in those less-known valks.

Considering most old Macross fans adore the TV series above any other attempt of expanding macross , and since they´re the mayority of those who buy current toys, I would assume people will not support any of the new lines as they´ve done with the current VF-1 line. in short words , once the VF-1 is gone Yamato will see their ongoing profits fall to the floor IMO.

I mean , why else would they keep making more VF-1 variants ? cause they want to milk it as far as they can before their cash cow dies.

Anyway , independently of this , Yamato will surely expand their macross line in hopes of getting some sort of profit from those who remain interested in macross after they cannot longer produce anymore reeditions of the macross icon.


I will certainly buy the VF-0 that Yamato is going to produce and a VF-4 if they produce it.

Any other models like the VF-5000, VF-9, etc i would depend of the design of the toy :lol:

Posted (edited)

Well, I won't be buying anything like gigantic Monsters any time soon, but as long as Yamato continues to make Valks of good quality, I'll at least consider them. 1/48 stuff is what I'd be most interested in, and I don't know what they could do in addition to the VF-1 besides maybe some of the smaller destroids. I suppose it all depends on what it is...

Edited by Draykov

I'll definitely buy Macross toys after the VF-1... but there are some rules I would probably stick to.

1. Is the design one I like?

I love the VF-500, VF-4, VF-19, etc... but I'll admit there are a few in Kawamori's Designworks that don't really do much for me.

2. Is it a good toy?

I don't care much for removable parts in transformation, but I'll make exceptions if people praise it anyway. I also don't want to buy another VF-11 and have to tiptoe around my house for fear that the hip will explode. Basically, it has to be a good toy, well-made and something that would look great next to my other valks.

And yes, I would wait to buy until after I read the reviews. I do that with every new Yamato sculpt and it's saved me alot of money and frustration. There are a few things I'm glad I don't own cough Q-Rau cough. :p

3. Is it the right size and price?

Sure, I love the 1/48's... but not every valk, particularly some of the obscure valks in Designworks, really need to be made into toys that cost $150. I'd be much more likely to buy one at a smaller scale and a lower price.

But I don't really see any reason Yamato has to stop making VF-1's at all. There are tons of 1/48's that they haven't made that I would gladly buy. Also, people seemed to really, really like the low-vis. Why couldn't they continue to put out VF-1s forever?


I would deinitely continue to buy the new type of VF after VF1. However, I wish they can just concentrate on one scale so that I could pose my valk together "accurately" :blink:

Posted (edited)

:angry: author

wad u meant " VF-1 exhasted & stop being produce"?!

:D hopefully not, im still pinning creations of VF-1toys(more functions!!!)

valks of m7=sucks, so ugly

valks of m+=not bad, jus abve passing grade

m2=hmm,wish to try(wanted)

m0=only vf-0 nice rest all feces to me

etc but vf-1 still the best with it's looks!

so no condemn on vf-1 pls, OooYeah it hurts :p

currently the toys other then 48s are all feces,

they aren't up to my standard as in functions,details,playablity&transform (not scale).

at least make some like 48s standards.

talk abt badass, not rau but why no pod toy!?

honestly, there too few & slow making of m-toys,


Edited by alvaro

i will still buy macross toys even when yamato stops running them.. there are more and more companies producing different toys nowadays, like CMS and K & M, though they may only be gashapons and figures, but it proves that there are more interests around, to date yamato has been really good to macross fans and im sure if they ever stop one of these days, perhaps another company will come round and run some other VF-1s , either way i will still buy :lol:


My take on it would be that I maybuy one or two items here and there.

The ones that would have the best chance at my attention are Macross Plus and Macross Zero Valks and enemy Mecha of any type.

I do have to say though, the the fans who post here, in general, represent the hardcore. While I could see Yamato producing VFs from the various Macross spin-offs, I doubt they'd get the level of sales with those units that they do with the more well known VF-1s. Every fan of Macross who wants a VF will start with a VF-1 and then only the more hardcore will continue with the others.

All I've got so far is VF-1s (one Yammie 1/60 and 1/48 and an old Bandai 1/55) and while I am interested in M+ mecha and enemy mecha I have yet to buy anything but VF-1s. But then, as I've said in other posts, toy collecting is only one of several potentially expensive hobbies I have so I've gotta really pick and choose what I buy.


I would love to see some other mecha from Yamato than the VF-1... Destroids, ENEMY MECHA!!!

A VF-4 and VF-9 and VF-5000 is what I'm hoping for in the future.

  alvaro said:
:angry: author

wad u meant " VF-1 exhasted & stop being produce"?!

:D hopefully not, im still pinning creations of VF-1toys(more functions!!!)

valks of m7=sucks, so ugly

valks of m+=not bad, jus abve passing grade

m2=hmm,wish to try(wanted)

m0=only vf-0 nice rest all feces to me

etc but vf-1 still the best with it's looks!

so no condemn on vf-1 pls, OooYeah it hurts :p

currently the toys other then 48s are all feces,

they aren't up to my standard as in functions,details,playablity&transform (not scale).

at least make some like 48s standards.

talk abt badass, not rau but why no pod toy!?

honestly, there too few & slow making of m-toys,


Heh... I have to agree with anyone who manages to use the word "feces" twice in a toy post. :lol:

  alvaro said:
:angry: author

wad u meant " VF-1 exhasted & stop being produce"?!

:D hopefully not, im still pinning creations of VF-1toys(more functions!!!)

valks of m7=sucks, so ugly

valks of m+=not bad, jus abve passing grade

m2=hmm,wish to try(wanted)

m0=only vf-0 nice rest all feces to me

etc but vf-1 still the best with it's looks!

so no condemn on vf-1 pls, OooYeah it hurts :p

currently the toys other then 48s are all feces,

they aren't up to my standard as in functions,details,playablity&transform (not scale).

at least make some like 48s standards.

talk abt badass, not rau but why no pod toy!?

honestly, there too few & slow making of m-toys,


:huh: feces?

Say fecal matter...

:D I like the 1/60s

The order of Valks as I like them are








and then the others


Well I know I will buy more Macross stuff after if they are pretty good. Heh, I am still buying 1/48 valks. Ugh, I need to stop doing that. I have customs on my mind...

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