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"Report this post to a moderator"

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I feel that members here are too quick to use the "Report this post to a moderator" either that or they don't how to use it.

I often get an odd post saying, "Oh man that's neat!" I'm confused by this type of message until I figure out this was meant to be posted in the topic and not sent to me.

I often get a member just expressing their a opinion that someone else is idiot.

I often get a member telling me that a topic should be close or moved cause we already discussed it a week ago.

I often get a complaint about a poster which provides a link but doesn't give the name of the person that did the offensive or the specific post. I have it set up so that I can view about 30 posts per page. That's 30 posts I have to go to figure out which one is suppose to be bad.

This feature sends your messages directly to our email addresses. That way even if we aren't logged on we can be notified of major problems. 99% of the messages I get through this feature aren't major problems.

If someone does something that seems bad please use this feature. Be sure you mention who the offender was so we don't guess who it is.

For all other things please use the PM feature. The PM gets more of my attention anyways.

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Apparently it works all too well...

I had no idea we needed to include the offender's name... I sorta figured that by reporting a particular post, as opposed to a thread, made it clear.

Thanks for the clarification, Roy. Now run from Agent ONE's hugs... he can be a bit rough.

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Roy- Instead of complaining about mis-use of the "Report This Post" button, how about a thread explaining what it is for, when to use it, and what happens when you do use it.

Does it send a link to the very post which is being reported? Does it only send the text that the reporter writes? We don't know.

You are a Mod, yet you are complaing about something that no one here has ever officially had explained to them. You have the power to enlighten us. Do so.

Edited by the white drew carey
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Who said I was complaining? Agent One makes joke about being a bad mood and it turns into a complaint.

Some of the misuse doesn't even need to be pointed out with offical instructions. It doesn't take a wiz to figure out that maybe this feature shouldn't be used to inform a that someone is an idiot unless that idiot is doing something wrong. It's called "Report this post to a moderator" not "share your opinion if this is neat or stupid post with a moderator."

No one calls 911 to tell them there's a broke bottle on street or that the new K-9 puppy is cute.

Psss Max it doesn't always work like that when you close the page while it loads and then reopens once all picture have finished loading.

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I think what Roy is really asking is that people refrain from using the button to solve any and all problems like stuck pickle jars and cats in trees. It's sort of like they said "hit the horn if you see anything" and we basically said "there's a tree!" HONK "there's a sidewalk!" HONK "there's another car!" HONK "there's Roy coming back out of the store with a bat!" HONK "there's a..." <WHACK!>

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Roy- I assumed from the tone of your post that it was a complaint way before A1 said you were grumpy.

What I was getting at is that there has never been a post to explain the "Report" button. I understand that common sense should be in place when using the button, but you must remember that common sense isn't always prevalent on the web.

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I'm backing up Roy here. About 50% of the messages I get from the "report" feature were accidentally sent. The people that send it meant to hit the "quote" button.

At the very least, I would appreciate it if you guys looked before you pressed when you're trying to quote someone. Thx guys.

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