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Man r those 1/48's ever out of proportion


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Now this is actually getting funny.

My favorite part of your weird diatribe is that you think I'm the one that's riled up. Uh... right. My other favorite part is that you claim that you're not playing semantics crap and that what you're saying is in this least bit coherent. Suuure.

Just to set things straight, since this is going nowhere... I'm not the one who suggested that you claimed "Yamato lied to Graham", that would be EXO, and in his defense, he asked it as a question - basically wondering what the hell you were babbling about with your incoherent nonsense.

We are all wondering about that, too. Moreso with each post.

If Blaine would just be decent and admit that he either misread something or misunderstood something, and that I never did make any such accusation, I'd let all that other crap slide.

I don't dislike you, Hurin... I'm not arguing to argue. I'm not going to post all day when I've made my point and you continue to posture with your "theories". I'd really love it if you just let this drop and quit crying about it.

But if it makes you happy - I never said that you are directly insulting Graham. My words were intended to point out that your argument is conjecture and that it could be perceived as insulting to Graham, without meaning to be. I'll stand by that. It's a simple matter of respect to one who gives us a place to argue about crap like this in the first place.

Again, show me an actual fact or feel free to insult me via PM, if it makes you feel like you're a winner. Other than that, please stop with this... it's gotten embarrassing. :rolleyes:

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Well, I could see where you think it is embarassing. As I said, I'm willing to let all the other crap drop. We disagree about what probably happened in the back rooms regarding swappable heads. That doesn't mean that anyone is "wrong". . . since neither of us was there.

But I still have a hard time with your assertion that somehow Exo asking whether I think Yamato lied to Graham somehow equates to me stating or "insinuating" that Graham lied to us. That assertion just makes no sense. Language can and should be a precise tool. And nothing I said can (or should) be construed in that way. Sadly, however, I think that's the closest you'll ever come to admitting this.

As for the rest of it. . . fine with me.


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i gotta hand it to u H... u certainly don't let up. i can't imagine what a REAL argument over something IMPORTANT will cause you to do.. write a whole THESIS?

it can be annoying when you write a very carefully worded post to sum up your opinion and give theorys on why you think it's a plausable opinion.

only to have someone drop in, say you're wrong, or sum up everything in a very one sided way. take many things totally out of context. call your opinions stupid. leave it at that, then make fun of you for supporting yourself. and then sharading as takeing the "high" road to stop the argument when they instigated it in the first place.

Hurin: people who know a little bit about opinionated topics like this can clearly see you've done nothing but state your opinion and supported it with realistic 'possible' reasoning.

some people cant handle it when they see someone else post an opinion with out a label saying "THIS IS MY OPINION, I AM NOT FORCING IT APON ANYONE, I AM MEARLY STATING MY OPINION" just let it go.

Blaine23: :rolleyes:

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