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Ok, so say I have in my posession a really hot Macross item that is one I've wanted for some time and it's nearly the most prized posession of my collection.

But here's the problem, I need money... And I know I can make quite a bit of it (about half what I need) from selling this one item... but it's something I've wanted for awhile and I hate to get rid of it because I know I'll never see one again.

Half of me says do it because I need to simplify my life and get rid of the toys anyway, and I need the money, and half of me says keep it because you'll never see it again.

What should I do? I really need the money... but I really don't want to get rid of it :(

What would you guys do?

Vostok 7


If you really need the money then by all means let it go (at least sell it to a MW'er so you'll know it's going to a good home). But, you've got to consider how much you'll end up getting for your "prized posession".

Once all is said and gone are you gonna be comfortable?

BTW.....what is it? :blink:

Posted (edited)

To tell you the truth I won't miss it much if it's gone.

It's just something I've wanted for awhile but I know I can live without it. I'm just weiging the availablity and rarity verses the amount of money I can make off it.

At least I have a bunch of rare Action Fleet starwars ships I can dump, but I won't make quite as much money on them.

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

man,dump it if you think you can live without it. i did the same thing with the low-viz i bought. i liked it,but not enough to hold onto it long.i'm low on space too,so i only collect a few prized valks now instead of all of them.i'm VERY picky with my shelf space now ;)


Yeah, sell the thing dude...

Like Duane, I too have come to value my limited shelf space so much that I would rather only give it to the very best toys.

I had a Low Viz at one point too, and yeah, it was cool at first, but after all, it is still a 1A, my least favorite head design, and the color variance wasn't really all that.

Which is why I am surprised that people are clamoring for them now, c'mon, it's the same toy, repainted B)) .

So, Vostok, are you at least going to tantalize us by revealing this holy grail item?


I don't want to tell because I'll feel bad. I got a hell of a deal on the thing very recently from a fellow here on the boards and I want to get whatever I can for it on ebay since I know it'll sell like hotcakes.

I've already said too much :p

Vostok 7

  Vostok 7 said:
I don't want to tell because I'll feel bad. I got a hell of a deal on the thing very recently from a fellow here on the boards and I want to get whatever I can for it on ebay since I know it'll sell like hotcakes.

I've already said too much :p

Vostok 7

Is it the low viz??????????????????? ;):lol::D:p:rolleyes:;)

  Vostok 7 said:
"Having is not so much a thing as wanting"

So true. So true.

Vostok 7

As soon as you let it go you'll want it again and have to pay that much more for it a second time. This is a lesson I've learned the hard way. :(

Posted (edited)

I say keep it. Ecspecially, since you were wining so hard to get that one :D

I bet you wanna buy something for your car don't ya? My Macross collection would have paid for a nice turbo kit already.

Edited by scand

I see this alot on the boards lately. Are you guys really so short on cash that you must sell off toys to continue living? (like haterist who needs money for an operation) It worries me sometimes. :(


If you really need the money and don't want to part with your toy, just find another way to get the money. If you can't find any other way besides selling off the toy then so be it. :)

Posted (edited)

This may sound a little wrong but... it might help I hope - maybe you can get someone in your family or a good friend to lend you that money? I mean, if it comes to it, you got to do what you gotta do. Asking for money to do or buy something neccessary is different from asking the dough to purchase a vintage toy. What's more if this toy you're thinking to sell might not find it's way back to you next time just because you didn't use an alternative way.

Saweetening the the loan's return with a nice interest, with quick turnaround time would help the lender too. :p

Edited by Beware of Blast

What about the guy you bought it from? I'm sure V1 appreciates the fact that he gave you a great deal and then now you're gonna make money that he could have made from it.

Sorry Vos, but this is one time I really can't agree with you. Good luck.



I won't tell you whether to sell it or keep it. You really need to decide that for yourself.

It all depends. How badly do you need the money?

Is it "skip meals for a month" broke or "a week behind on your bills" broke.

I've been in both places, and if you're just a little behind and can make do with less for a few weeks or a month to catch up then that's all well and good.

If you're in the mode of skipping meals or missing rent (or a house payment if you've got a mortgage) or if you've come across a large bill for some reason that'll make it hard to make do for a while (medical bills, auto repair) then I'd say sell the damn thing. As neat as it is, it's only a toy.

Like I said, it all depends on exactly how dire your situation is.

  >EXO< said:
What about the guy you bought it from? I'm sure V1 appreciates the fact that he gave you a great deal and then now you're gonna make money that he could have made from it.

Sorry Vos, but this is one time I really can't agree with you. Good luck.

This is my problem too. I feel like a jerk if I sell it.

And BoB, you see, I have people who want to lend me the money but you see they want me to find enough toys to sell to match the amount they want to give me before they give me it.

The problem isn't so much the amount, its the fact that I have to swallow it all at once. and it's kinda a safety thing.

I'm going to see if I can find enough money elsewhere to be able to keep it. I really feel like a jerk for even thinking of pulling something like this... it was totally not my intention when I bought it.

Vostok 7


Get a credit card, then pay the minimums. That's what I did when I needed money, and it took me a long time to get out of the debt, but I didn't have to sell my collection, I didn't have to ask other people for money, and I didn't have people telling me that I could have the money on the condition that I sell my toys.


Toys are just things in the end and things come and go in your life. Obsessing over items is a surefire way to be miserable your entire life.

I say sell it.

There are only two things I own that I would not sell or give away for anything in the world and they are not worth anything to anyone but me, my father's helmet from Vietnam and my cat (which technically is not a possession in the truest sense of the word but you can still "give pets away").

If you need a small amount of money talk to family or friends and see if someone will spot you if you don't want to sell your toys. Getting in with the Credit Card people is a surefire road to paying double for that money you "borrowed" that some people never get out of. And if you need this money for something important I'm sure someone will help you out.


Afraid of needles? If not, donate some blood. Oh and wuts w/all the low viz guesses? I think its something worth more, like a YF-19 or Gold Book.


Well, i do see your dilema. I personally hold on to "gifts" so to speak, but if its depriving food or shelter i personally would get rid of it. But if it isnt what you really wanted, Im sure the person that helped you get it would understand. I personally have a soft spot for people when they help me out and that makes me cherish the object more (I can be a sentimental sap though) :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Vostok 7

Ok your really want this Item, but you are strapped for bread and need

to get it.

Have you found places that sell this thing cheaper or is there only one place to get it?

If it is already at a good price,is there anything you can sell

to get the money that will not cause you doubt and sleepless nights?

Mostly I sell my stuff because most of my bedroom,storage space(my gal's stuff owns the place.)

I have kicked myself many times in the past for selling stuff

I leave it up to you,but only then for me I found

out that any 1/48 VF is worth more than the

hordes of barely articulate "George Lucas" plastic I had.

After the initial "pain".

I was glad to get rid of it all at the end.

Edited by Rick_Randy
  >EXO< said:
What about the guy you bought it from? I'm sure V1 appreciates the fact that he gave you a great deal and then now you're gonna make money that he could have made from it.

Sorry Vos, but this is one time I really can't agree with you. Good luck.

I agree w/ EXO, but you could work out a compromise.

Why not sell it, but split the difference in value with the original seller.

Because it is a pretty dick move to just sell and make the money that he could have made because he was helping you, a board friend, get something you said you wanted.

This way everybody has a clear conscience.


keep it an sell some other stuff....unless you're dying or your mom needs an operation, i wouldn't sell the low-viz.

i need surgery but i refuse to sell mine cause i know i'm gonna have to buy it back....and i'm not that big of a fan of the 1/48's. i'm selling off my 1S roy cause i figured yamato made a lot of them, and it won't be too difficult to find again. if i need to more money for the surgery, i'm going to sell of the 1J, and some other stuff, but the low-viz is a keeper. :)

  JsARCLIGHT said:
If you need a small amount of money talk to family or friends and see if someone will spot you if you don't want to sell your toys. Getting in with the Credit Card people is a surefire road to paying double for that money you "borrowed" that some people never get

I agree here.

You should NEVER put more on a Credit Card than you can pay back within a reasonable amount of time, unless it's an absolute emergency. They'll kill you with finance charges and if you pay back just the minimum every month you'll have spent two or three times what you needed to.

I've learned this lesson the hard way, and I didn't get into it nearly as badly as some people did.

DON"T go that route unless you have no other choice.


get a credit card...

establish a good credit history and get more credit...

max out all the cards you have and leave the country for a while...

not that I did anything like that mind you :rolleyes:

actually I'm in kind of the same bind now. Trying to buy a house. Closing is 4/28 and we need to come up with another $1500 by then to qualify for a really good mortgage, and when I say good I mean we save over 30k in the long run. I to have a few things lying around that could fetch that much by themselves but I am loath to part with them. Heck... somebody offered my four times that much for my camaro/planter and I laughed at him. SO I'm selling the misc crap that has managed to pile up and one or two expensive things I know I can "re-aquire" in the future. The one that pains me is a hi16 bolex variable frame rate camera just like hitchcok used to use. A friend gave it to me so I could make bad stop motion films using action figures, godzilla figs, etc and as it was a gift I feel bad about selling it. Heck... I felt bad when I looked up how much it was worth after he gave it to me. I wish more people would give me expensive stuff LOL. I can justify selling it by the fact that I can buy another in a year with the money saved [$80 less a month].


Guys... I keep reading the posts on this thread and I can't believe there is a two page discussion on how Vostok can spare selling a toy to pay for something he needs. So I'm gonna come out and say it: IT'S A FRIGGIN' TOY!!!

Man alive, I just sold a predaking for 200US to a friend who'ed been eyeing it for over a year. I probably (definitely) could've made more on eBay, but the guy was happier than a pig in sh*t when he got it. Why did I sell it? I needed the money for an Aeron chair for the home office - the toy sure as hell wasn't gonna make my back feel any better, nor did I feel like plunking the entire purchase on my CC and taking the interest hit there, nor going into my line(s) of credit. Sometimes you just gotta prioritize!

And you know what? I don't miss the PK at all.


Tell you what vostok, if you neeed the money that badly and there are no other choices, sell your toys. Priorities your needs. You will survive without your toys. Look at it this way, you can always buy back those toys once your financial situation is more stable (although it may be more costly than you first bought it and whether it would be available for sale in the future). Remember it is how you priorities your things. Toys are after all just your hobby not a need.

However, as mentioned by someone, if your need for money is for only a short period, you may want to consider borrowing from your siblings, relatives or close friends.

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