Limbo Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Hey, I just came from the movies and I had a hell of a time with Hellboy! Funny and well action packed. I hope it does well cause I'm really looking for a sequel. I didn't like Rasputin that much... he is much darker an poweful on Seeds of Destruction. But the translation to the screen when really well. Abe stole all his scenes. I don't kind of go with Selma Blair,,, she looks constipated all the time, and she really could use some sun. Her office white skin is almost the same color as Abe Overall a pretty good fun for a Friday night... GF liked it too. Anybody read comics around here? Quote
Agent ONE Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Thanks for the review! I am attemtping to talk my GF to see this movie, but my chances seem poor. Quote
Qrusader Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Hellboy was as true to the comics as possible. I loved it. I agree, Abe was awesome, as was Kroennen. But HB was the real deal. I could see this becoming a real franchise. With any luck at all, this movie will make a ton of dough. Quote
Skippy438 Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 I never read any of the Hellboy comics, but the movie was great! Quote
areaseven Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 I'm watching it tomorrow, along with Walking Tall. Quote
Eternal_D Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Agent ONE said: Thanks for the review! I am attemtping to talk my GF to see this movie, but my chances seem poor. Then you don't need a girl like that. come on, you should know better. gotta share in the interests... yah, was going to see this movie tonight but thought about it and went against it because it's opening night. stupid LA and the stupid ppl who bring 3 month old babies to movies like that...but I am looking forward to seeing it soon...during the day time when most ppl are at work. Quote
wolfx Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Its going to be shown here in Malaysia with the title changed to SUPER SAPIENS because the name HELLboy was probably too S*TANIC and stuff. oh ph34r! Can't wait for it though! Is the whole movie based on the whole comic from start to finish? Or just one book? Quote
Limbo Posted April 3, 2004 Author Posted April 3, 2004 It is pretty much based on Seeds of Destruction, but they add elements from the right hand of doom and some major modifications on the storyline. Hey, it is just me or Kroenen moves and looks reminds a lot Soul Calibur's Voldo? Quote
Solscud007 Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Hey I love it. I read all my brother's HB comics a couple weeks back. Lucky enough to go to Wizard World and got Guiermo Del Torro, Mignola, Perlman, & Blair's autographs on the free movie poster's they were giving away. Full size posters too!!! For the movie I loved Abe and Kronen. But I thought Abe could have had more screen time. Also when the camera first goes down the hall way to HB room I thought I saw roger (humunculous) in a glass tube in the corner. Not in HBs room but the hall way outside. Opposite side of HB's room. Quote
JRock Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 I'm a fan of del Toro's works (Yall gotta see Cronos!) So I will be see this film on Tuesday. Quote
xMaDxPeNgUiNx Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Must say it was great. I saw it last night not ever hearing about the comic or the characters. Great all around movie!! Quote
KingNor Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 i dug it, i thought the story was a tad weak, but it was saved by very well done characters, abe, hellboy and hellboys adopted dad, forgot his name. I've only got one trade paperback of hellboy that i picked up for refrence. i don't remember either of the normal people in the comic... Lizzy and the "new guy" movie makers always feel the need to toss in generic flat white guys into movies like this, i could have done with out "new guy" and lizzy, totaly flat and unengaiging. there were a couple of realy great scenes though and i felt they captured the feel of the characters well (from my limited experienc) on the whole, i'd say this movie is something like 'Brazil', its a serise of really great scenes that for some reason didn't add up into a stellar movie. much worth the price of admission though. Quote
areaseven Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 Not-so-smart question: Is it better than Spawn? Quote
NSJ23 Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 areaseven said: Not-so-smart question: Is it better than Spawn? I haven't seen it yet but I'd say yes. Quote
KingNor Posted April 3, 2004 Posted April 3, 2004 areaseven said: Not-so-smart question: Is it better than Spawn? waiting in line for hellboy is better than spawn. Quote
areaseven Posted April 4, 2004 Posted April 4, 2004 Well, I didn't watch Walking Tall today, but I managed to get a free ticket to see Hellboy. It's actually impressive. The special effects blow Spawn out of the water, and the story is pretty good. Will buy this on DVD when it comes out. Quote
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted April 4, 2004 Posted April 4, 2004 just got back from seeing this one, and i loved it. funny, lots of action and an awesome story. for anyone who likes the movie, check out the Hellboy Trade Paperback collection, and the 25 cent "The Corpse" story that has been in comic shops for about 2 weeks now. awesome stuff... Quote
gnollman Posted April 5, 2004 Posted April 5, 2004 Saw it yesterday, and man, was I impressed. Excellent movie! Quite true to the comics, and worth the full price ticket and popcorn. In fact, I may go see it again.... Quote
GreenGuy42 Posted April 5, 2004 Posted April 5, 2004 I couldn't get into it. It wasn't a bad movie, per say... I've read Lovecraftian horror for years, and a lot of the mythos I saw reminded me of his novels/stories. The whole movie reminded me of a campy superhero story that Lovecraft wrote for some twisted creative writing class. When I saw the big critter in the crystal out in space, my mind just screamed Azathoth... Again, not a bad movie, but not my cup of tea. Quote
EXO Posted April 5, 2004 Posted April 5, 2004 I was kinda disappointed. It didn't have anything to do with the fact that I like the book, I think I the story was way over simplified. Plus it had a typical MIB/Ghostbuster ending. I loved watching Abe Sapien and the Blade Nazi guy and would have loved a finale that included more of those two. Quote
Blaine23 Posted April 5, 2004 Posted April 5, 2004 I'll always love the comic more... But the movie was fun and a good ride. Del Toro's a badass and you can definitely tell this movie was something he wanted to do. Judging by the reaction in the theater, I'd say it won over a lot of people who would never, ever have read the comic. So, all in all, a fun little movie... but I'll stick to Mignola's art for my Hellboy fix. Quote
BoBe-Patt Posted April 5, 2004 Posted April 5, 2004 This movie kicked some major @$$!! My friends and I went to watch this movie with no expectations at all only because we didn't know much about the storyline and haven't read any of the comics. We all knew about the comics but never bothered to read it. I think the reason people liked this movie is because, like me, all came in without any expectations about this movie like they would with x-men or spiderman. So I think this movie did really well. I'd actually watch this movie again. Quote
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted April 6, 2004 Posted April 6, 2004 GreenGuy42 said: I couldn't get into it. It wasn't a bad movie, per say...I've read Lovecraftian horror for years, and a lot of the mythos I saw reminded me of his novels/stories. The whole movie reminded me of a campy superhero story that Lovecraft wrote for some twisted creative writing class. When I saw the big critter in the crystal out in space, my mind just screamed Azathoth... Again, not a bad movie, but not my cup of tea. Mike Mignola acknowledges Lovecraft in the Seeds of Destruction TPB dedication, so not too far off. a great read, as is Wake the Devil, Conqueror Worm, et al....hopefully he will get back to doing more work now that the movie is done...although the BPRD mini that is out right now is pretty good. Quote
Dies Irae Posted April 7, 2004 Posted April 7, 2004 SupremeKaioshin said: The movie's retarded How so? Quote
Agent ONE Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Hellboy sucks: Stupid characters: 1. Hellboy - Totally lame Terminator wannabe, tried for an "Hasta La Vista.. Baby" type line before during and after EVERY combat scene. He was beyond 'over the top' and into the stupid zone with trying to be tough... I loved how he was flying through the air at 100mph geting blown up, hit with acid and all other kinds of unpelasant things while puffing on a cigar. 2. Agent Meyers - Super sissy little boy who acts like a 9 year old when he first meets Hellboy, then he attempts to steal Hellboys girlfriend, which would be out of character for him... I mean you don't hit on your hero's girlfriend, that would be like me hitting on Maria Shriver, in front of Arnold... Nevermind the fact that one second Meyers is a puntang one second, then a pimp the next. 3. Rasputin's girlfriend - What the hell was her deal!!? She was aiding the Nazi mummy guy and Rasputin end the world... Why would THAT be in HER favor????? "Yay, I rule a baren wasteland! There are no more people to boss around because my boyfriend ate them all." Holes in plot: 1. Insane-O monsters, they are imortal one second, then when it serves Hellboy looking cool, the die like dogs. And of course in the end you can just light them on fire and they dissapear, but otherwise, if action sequences dictate... They can go for hours smashing through brick walls, and killing hundreds. 2. Hellboys adopted Father was Catholic and (I guess) so was Hellboy however ironic THAT is. So at the last second when Hellboy decides to become the devil, then at the last second changes his mind and battles Rasputin, God fails to help Hellboy out... What kind of crap is that? If Satin (Rasputin) is on Earth messin the place I would hope God would do something about it... I mean at least give Hellboy somethin.. It left you with the impression that there is no God, but there certainly IS a Devil. 3. Hellboys girlfriend can light anything in fire and is basically a walking nutron bomb that incinirates anything in her path however her clothes, and Hellboy's seem to be impervious, as well as Agent Meyers, who is a normal human. Other than that crap it was ok for a movie that relies on effects, how creative... What a let down. Quote
j_wong00 Posted April 14, 2004 Posted April 14, 2004 While I didn't hate the movie, I was a little let down. The plot was formulaic, and predictable. The action sequences were well done, but nothing ground breaking, and the characters were overall relatively bland. I did like the Hellboy character, and Ron Pearlman played him perfectly. Which was the only saving grace of this movie. Overall, I was expecting a bit more, but still a fun mindless movie. Quote
Jolly Rogers Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 Extended Cut DVD coming Quote Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro is planning two separate DVD versions of his movie, a double-disc edition to be released in August, and a "fan" edition containing a longer cut (by 20 minutes) to be released in December. "The first edition is going to be a double disc hopefully, and the second edition is going to be a long cut of the movie, 20 minutes added, and you add a third disc to it," del Toro told Video Store magazine. "I think you have the chance of the more casual fan just buying the first one, and the guy who really is hardcore going for the second one." Among other things, the longer cut will develop the relationship between Agent Myers (Rupert Evans) and Liz Sherman (Selma Blair) -- which ignites the jealousy of Hellboy (Ron Perlman). The subplot, del Toro said, "couldn't be in the movie because the theatrical cut has to be a cut that moves to a pace that any casual fan or nonfan can enjoy, [while] the DVD is [for] hardcore [fans]." Quote
vanpang Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 I went to watch the movie with my GF last night. The tickets were free as they were sponsored by on eof the local newspaper. Although I have not read the comics but I find the plot of the movie quite simplified but it is definitely much better than Spawn. However it did intricate me enough to go and read the comics. That is one thing that I do not understand, why the Nazis wanted to have a ceremony to open the portal in Scotland which is actually an Allied territory during WW2 ? Quote
Limbo Posted April 15, 2004 Author Posted April 15, 2004 Rasputin says something about astrology taking him to the place... Probably that spot was under alignement with planets or something... who knows? Quote
Southpaw Samurai Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 The dialogue between Professor Broom and one of the soldiers also indicated that the site in Scotland was a convergence of ley lines. While certainly Germany has its own share, given the nature abundance of standing stones and other ruins in the British Isles coupled with the fact that the whole concept of ley lines (if you don't accept that they were only 'rediscovered') started in 1920's Great Britain, the British Isles have a reputation of having some strong lines and the locations where these intersect (like spokes on a wheel) would be consider quite empowered locations. Quote
VF-0S FAN Posted August 6, 2004 Posted August 6, 2004 To French and Japanese viewers, we'll be able to watch the director's cut version at the cinema Quote
TehPW Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 (edited) Major Necro threading but... I just saw something about a new Hell Boy in 2019 (april-ish)…. so, WTF? I thought Pearlman was done? Edited October 2, 2018 by TehPW Quote
Tking22 Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 On 10/2/2018 at 1:54 PM, TehPW said: Major Necro threading but... I just saw something about a new Hell Boy in 2019 (april-ish)…. so, WTF? I thought Pearlman was done? Expand Uh, he is done, that's not Ron. that's David Harbour, the new Hellboy, from Stranger Things. Quote
no3Ljm Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 To be honest, I thought it was Ron Perlman behind that. Quote
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