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EVAGELION -The End is Here- ...


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so this is for real they are planning a real live action movie? having the Weta team on it does not hurt, but i hope this does not come out as another G savior.

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Same stuff as before, but now with project on hold. They didn't even have a financer back before. It'll be a long time before anything new comes form this, if it ever does.

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Dude, maybe I'm weird or something (okay, I'm sure I am)... but I think as far as preproduction sketches go... they look fantastic.

I mean, you have to consider that preproduction sketches are pretty good ways away from finished film. The purpose of them is simply to define a world, get a feel for the look they're going for, etc. Costume designs, robot designs, settings - all of that changes dramatically once made to look "real" with CGI.

WETA's a quality shop. If this movie had sucked nuts, it certainly wouldn't be their fault, IMO. It's the acting, script, and direction that is really hard to believe in for a project like this one.

Anime to live action is going to happen, whether fans want it to or not. I think Evangelion would be a better choice than alot of the other anime I've watched simply because, for all it's weirdness, it is essentially a human story set in a world that is recognizable.

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