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not HG vs. the world but


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I was at the local used toy store looking for whatever today and while getting current pricing for my jetfires [i like to know how much I can pawn stuff for LOL] the store owner [ie head geek] mentioned that jetfire was going to be re-released later this year and that HG worked something out with whom-ever so it could happen. Is this true??????? Does this mean HG is starting to accept the fact that competition is good? Was the guy just bullsh1tting me to get a MIB matsu for $400?

Anybody hear any rhumors?

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I would guess that he's BSing you. A lot of people that work in that line of business are filled with BS. I remember bringing some vintage Star Wars figures in to a used toy shop to sell in 1995 (it was a Darth Vader carying case filled with pristine figures including the Rebo band). The guy running the place told me that he'd only be able to give me a couple bucks for the figures because the new POTF figures had made the vintage figures basically worthless. I wasn't collecting toys at that time so I wasn't sure if he was feeding me a line or not, so I just sold a couple of the figures and hung on to the rest.

In the years after that I got used to toy shop folks making crap up and trying to devalue potential buys. I don't even deal with them anymore. If I have something to sell I can do it via various forums. If that doesn't work I plug my nose and dive into the Ebay.

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Technically the Jetfire is a Transformers toy and it doesn't even have the kite design or the world "Macross" on the packaging. I doubt HG would have to be consulted if a reissue was being considered. The guy's definitely BSing you in an attempt to get a good deal from you should you decide to sell the toy to him.

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Jetfire is dead! How do I know? I killed him! I dragged his plastic corpse into an abandoned model shop and multilated him with a rusty Xacto knife!


you've never seen my customs I take it...

one of many "dead" jetfires LOL. Check the official customs thread for more :rolleyes:

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Did anyone see one of the recent issues of DW's Transformers which has Starscream and Skyfire on the cover? In the issue, there's a number of times where Skyfire is wearing a protective head cover that looks like a VF-1S head! On top of that, in some of the panels, some of Skyrfire's FAST Pascks look like that of a Valkyrie's! I only skimmed the comic so maybe I missed something...

Back to the original subject matter, considering the huge flux of VF-1 toys on the market and the legal issues, I extremely doubt the "original" Jetfire toy will ever be released. Since Bandai owns the rights to the 1/55th scale molds, they would have to get the okay from Big West before they did anything with either HG or Hasbro and I don't see that happening...

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