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  That NOS Guy said:
Yeah Skull leader, I was playing AC4 yesterday and I believe the mission was "The Siege of Farbanti" which is the second to last one. I'm locked on to a Eurofighter and out of nowhere this missile streak splashes him.

Kinda pissed me off because I had just locked on.

No, Farbanti was the enemy's capital city... the one I'm thinking of is the nighttime/early morning hour mission... the city's name is "san..." something or the other. I just can't remember it. It's one or two missions after the attack on Stonehenge I think.


I only recently discovered AC4, and am about half way through it.

Hopefully, AC5 will have ALOT FEWER of the boring ass air to ground missions. The wingmen in AC4 are for crap, you have to accomplish all the objectives, meaning that in the boring a to g missions, you get to bomb crap nice and slow while they get to turn N burn, and have all the fun.

Part of the reason why I'm stalled at mission 9, tired of bombing crap on a time limit.


I've always wished AC would just ditch the wingmen, for they are beyond useless. They only seem to steal my kills.

AFDS has *far* *far* better wingmen.

And I hate any mission which is "bomb this, preferably with an A-10 or F-117---oh, and take out this squadron of Elite Super Flankers too". AC never has pure bombing missions. In AFDS, the wing men are good enough that you actually can just go bomb, and they'll clear the skies for you. AC really needs to work on BOMBING MISSIONS THAT DON'T INVOLVE A 20-PLANE DOGFIGHT.

  David Hingtgen said:
I've always wished AC would just ditch the wingmen, for they are beyond useless. They only seem to steal my kills.

AFDS has *far* *far* better wingmen.

And I hate any mission which is "bomb this, preferably with an A-10 or F-117---oh, and take out this squadron of Elite Super Flankers too". AC never has pure bombing missions. In AFDS, the wing men are good enough that you actually can just go bomb, and they'll clear the skies for you. AC really needs to work on BOMBING MISSIONS THAT DON'T INVOLVE A 20-PLANE DOGFIGHT.

Hell, they can keep the bombing missions. Supposedly, in AC5 you will be able to issue your wingmen orders etc. If that is the case, fine, let me tell my lackey wingmen to bomb the boring crap, and let me take on the squadron of aces flying super flankers.

I'd rather get shot down chasing an ace pilot then tool around at near stall speed trying to bomb stationary targets...


squadron is maddog. There are symbols and squadron patches as well as bunch of good pics over at the japanese site. Acecombat.jp i believe

Other squadrons are heartbreak and someting else. Enemy flag is like the russian iron sickle but...

with a deer or rabbit instead


Yea I wish there were more concentrated missions in ace combat...like dedicated WILD WEASEL missions. Hell if you are gonna add a growler you mineswell add mission dedicated stuffnfor it right? But I still think the growler will be like a main fighter used to hunt subs and shoot down bombers in ace combay even though its a wild weasel

  David Hingtgen said:
I've always wished AC would just ditch the wingmen, for they are beyond useless. They only seem to steal my kills.

AFDS has *far* *far* better wingmen.

And I hate any mission which is "bomb this, preferably with an A-10 or F-117---oh, and take out this squadron of Elite Super Flankers too". AC never has pure bombing missions. In AFDS, the wing men are good enough that you actually can just go bomb, and they'll clear the skies for you. AC really needs to work on BOMBING MISSIONS THAT DON'T INVOLVE A 20-PLANE DOGFIGHT.

That bothered me too. The first time I flew the Stonehenge mission, I completed it only to be hopelessly outflown by the Yellow Flankers afterwards. I tried like 4 times and said screw it, I'm using a fighter.

  Gaijin said:
  David Hingtgen said:
I've always wished AC would just ditch the wingmen, for they are beyond useless.  They only seem to steal my kills. 

AFDS has *far* *far* better wingmen. 

And I hate any mission which is "bomb this, preferably with an A-10 or F-117---oh, and take out this squadron of Elite Super Flankers too".  AC never has pure bombing missions.  In AFDS, the wing men are good enough that you actually can just go bomb, and they'll clear the skies for you.  AC really needs to work on BOMBING MISSIONS THAT DON'T INVOLVE A 20-PLANE DOGFIGHT.

That bothered me too. The first time I flew the Stonehenge mission, I completed it only to be hopelessly outflown by the Yellow Flankers afterwards. I tried like 4 times and said screw it, I'm using a fighter.

the best "striker"(strike fighter) to use with balance in stonehenge are the following.




All 3 will give you the manueverability needed to take on yellows after destroying stonehenge, not to mention their ASM(air to surface missles) are effective. I was able to take out yellow 4 a minute after she showed up in my F-2A. ANd whata beautiful sight it was...........pull up, roll 180 pull down, 180 again, 45 degree bank right, pull up slightly at low speed, 2 missle shot

BAM. Yellow 4 got OWNED

  Skull Leader said:
  That NOS Guy said:
Yeah Skull leader, I was playing AC4 yesterday and I believe the mission was "The Siege of Farbanti" which is the second to last one. I'm locked on to a Eurofighter and out of nowhere this missile streak splashes him.

Kinda pissed me off because I had just locked on.

No, Farbanti was the enemy's capital city... the one I'm thinking of is the nighttime/early morning hour mission... the city's name is "san..." something or the other. I just can't remember it. It's one or two missions after the attack on Stonehenge I think.

San Salvacion...


I used the SU-37 for every mission once it was available, and I wasn't dissapointed. Missiles functioned just fine for ground attacks, and I could turn & burn against the yellows when they showed up to play. I DID use the S-37(SU-47) for the "Megalith" mission, I wanted as good maneuverability at as slow a speed as possible.

The first time I did the Stonehenge mission, I nailed Yellow 4 as I went head to head with her (probably on the scope for 20-30 seconds). I was already on my RTB vector when the cutscreen came on...I just lit the burners and played chicken with the first fighter my computer tagged up on. She came straight at me and ate two of my missiles for her trouble. OWN3D.

......... NEVER after that was it that easy (never been difficult though)

2 questions...

was "Air Combat" a part of this series? I've often seen them listed together. I have this PS game and it behaves very similarly to the Ace Combat series (in fact, it's really no different. The paint jobs on the fighters is pretty fruity though)

also, is there a good place (BESIDES KAZAA or EBAY) do download the soundtrack? I'm having difficulty locating it for sale anywhere besides Ebay.

  Skull Leader said:
I used the SU-37 for every mission once it was available, and I wasn't dissapointed. Missiles functioned just fine for ground attacks, and I could turn & burn against the yellows when they showed up to play. I DID use the S-37(SU-47) for the "Megalith" mission, I wanted as good maneuverability at as slow a speed as possible.

The first time I did the Stonehenge mission, I nailed Yellow 4 as I went head to head with her (probably on the scope for 20-30 seconds). I was already on my RTB vector when the cutscreen came on...I just lit the burners and played chicken with the first fighter my computer tagged up on. She came straight at me and ate two of my missiles for her trouble. OWN3D.

......... NEVER after that was it that easy (never been difficult though)

2 questions...

was "Air Combat" a part of this series? I've often seen them listed together. I have this PS game and it behaves very similarly to the Ace Combat series (in fact, it's really no different. The paint jobs on the fighters is pretty fruity though)

also, is there a good place (BESIDES KAZAA or EBAY) do download the soundtrack? I'm having difficulty locating it for sale anywhere besides Ebay.

I usually vary the planes I use, one time taking on yellow squadron in a phantom for kicks and owning them,. Took a while but I still did it. In the X02 its extremely easy, my record so far is 22 seconds. FOr taking out the whole squadron in trial mission.

sing the X-02 and Super flanker for every mission makes the game boring and easy, so thats why I use the older planes most of the time,. Its more challenging in ace mode where flak ki.ls fast and one missle shot kills you automatically.

Yes air combat was the first entry into this series ace combat 2 was the 2nad and maye have incorporated the name change to signify a better game within the sequel worthy for "aces"

Sountrack for part 4 should be at shatteredskies.net in terms of Ace combat 2, the BEST ACE COMBAT SOUNDTRACK EVER, good luck its much harder to find.

Posted (edited)

lol, don't suppose you have it, do you? :)

BTW, thanks... I'm off to download a kickass soundtrack. I loved it when the pilots broke out into song after they blew up the Aegis Fleet (I think it's supposed to be their national anthem)

Edited by Skull Leader
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
  Gaijin said:
  David Hingtgen said:
I've always wished AC would just ditch the wingmen, for they are beyond useless.  They only seem to steal my kills. 

AFDS has *far* *far* better wingmen. 

And I hate any mission which is "bomb this, preferably with an A-10 or F-117---oh, and take out this squadron of Elite Super Flankers too".   AC never has pure bombing missions.  In AFDS, the wing men are good enough that you actually can just go bomb, and they'll clear the skies for you.  AC really needs to work on BOMBING MISSIONS THAT DON'T INVOLVE A 20-PLANE DOGFIGHT.

That bothered me too. The first time I flew the Stonehenge mission, I completed it only to be hopelessly outflown by the Yellow Flankers afterwards. I tried like 4 times and said screw it, I'm using a fighter.

the best "striker"(strike fighter) to use with balance in stonehenge are the following.




All 3 will give you the manueverability needed to take on yellows after destroying stonehenge, not to mention their ASM(air to surface missles) are effective. I was able to take out yellow 4 a minute after she showed up in my F-2A. ANd whata beautiful sight it was...........pull up, roll 180 pull down, 180 again, 45 degree bank right, pull up slightly at low speed, 2 missle shot

BAM. Yellow 4 got OWNED

I did. I just said fighter as in "I'm not using no A-10 for this mission". :p

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
THe worst a2g is whiskey corridor. takes long as hell to complete and you get ambushed by a bunch of stealths in one corner/

A bunch of SAMs like to show up with the stealths too. I hate SAMs... :angry:


Hey is there some equivalent arcade shooter type sims for the PC? - all the PC sims I've tried seemed just a little too involved for a short blast-em round. All I want is action and eye-candy.


Mr. Cheng, that's basically what you're getting in Ace Combat. A souped up AfterBurner. I personally liked AC 2 better than 3 and 4. So I'll be cautiously looking into 5.


In "Whiskey Corridor", if you just stay away from the east as long as you can, you won't have to worry too much about the Stealths (I don't have a problem with them.... does everyone else? I had more problems out of the Tornado pilots) By the time you're through bombing targets in the west (watch out out for the ace) and north, you'll be nearly out of time and won't have to worry about the east section too much.

Yeah, the last few missions get pretty fierce. You start flying against F-22s, S-37s, F-15ACTIVs, and plenty of "Yellow Squadron" (SU-37) members. Intense dogfighting. Unfortunately, there are one or two ground targets you have to watch for in pretty much all the missions.

  Skull Leader said:
In "Whiskey Corridor", if you just stay away from the east as long as you can, you won't have to worry too much about the Stealths (I don't have a problem with them.... does everyone else? I had more problems out of the Tornado pilots) By the time you're through bombing targets in the west (watch out out for the ace) and north, you'll be nearly out of time and won't have to worry about the east section too much.

Yeah, the last few missions get pretty fierce. You start flying against F-22s, S-37s, F-15ACTIVs, and plenty of "Yellow Squadron" (SU-37) members. Intense dogfighting. Unfortunately, there are one or two ground targets you have to watch for in pretty much all the missions.

Well I take on the stealths for more money and so i can whup some ass.

Cheng, on the PC the closest I can think of is USAF. And fighters anthology. USAF and IAF have minimal realism but are far more realistic than ace combat, but not as diehard as say janes F-15(NOTHING even close coincidentally made by same company too! :p )

USAF will do you well. Fighter pilot is another by same company but more closer to asce combat out of all the pc sims.


I can't seem to find anything on "Fighter Pilot" - is it also made by Jane? A little more detail please :p

Thanks. Has anyone heard of Lock-ON? It still might be too realistic.


Lock On is one giant headache. It goes into a servere level of realism (if that's what you want, cool). It simulates different flying characteristics of different aircraft, and from what I've been told, it takes around an hour of training (at least) to fly any one of the aircraft on a mission and expect to survive. It also seems to have technical problems on all but the most uber computer systems. Unless you back the resolution and effects way off, it will stutter.

  Skull Leader said:
Lock On is one giant headache. It goes into a servere level of realism (if that's what you want, cool). It simulates different flying characteristics of different aircraft, and from what I've been told, it takes around an hour of training (at least) to fly any one of the aircraft on a mission and expect to survive. It also seems to have technical problems on all but the most uber computer systems. Unless you back the resolution and effects way off, it will stutter.

any game from SSI like flanker and lock on suffers ffrom memory probs..you need a real high end to run it. LOck on is very hardcore.. think ofUSAF with UPPED realism.

Its not as hardcore as flanker but think of it more as 1/2 flanker with a lot more planes.

Fighter pilot was relatively cheap(20$) and yes made by Janes and EA. Maybe like a pc v ersion of ace combat only a lot less missions and a lot less fighters to use.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Its not as hardcore as flanker but think of it more as 1/2 flanker with a lot more planes.

I'm not sure how this works, as Lock-On is based off Flanker 2.0, the planes existing in Flanker 2.0 work nearly the exact same way they in Lock-On, and the American additions have even more complicated avionics and modelling than the jets of the previous game. No realism feature has been dropped in Lock-On that existed in Flanker 2.0.

  Sundown said:
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Its not as hardcore as flanker but think of it more as 1/2 flanker with a lot more planes.

I'm not sure how this works, as Lock-On is based off Flanker 2.0, the planes existing in Flanker 2.0 work nearly the exact same way they in Lock-On, and the American additions have even more complicated avionics and modelling than the jets of the previous game. No realism feature has been dropped in Lock-On that existed in Flanker 2.0.

ddue are you sure? I have not played but from what I imagine that would take a lot of memory to accurately incorporate different avionics, HUD displays and flight models all in one game. For example what I mean is that the flanker in lock on might not have as much detail in the prspective components as in the main flanker 2.0 sim.


They definately need to liven up the ground attack missions. The general strike missions are fine, but the close air support missions need to be more dynamic. I want to see my bombing have an effect on the ground battle below. In missions like Whiskey Corridor, the only real reason to go after all the ground targets was so I could get S ranking on the mission.

Also, with the screenshots of the Growler Super Hornet variant, I'd like to see some crazy Wild Weasel missions, going in to take out enemy SAM and radar sites before the B-52s come rolling in for a strike. Come on Namco, if you're gonna have the Tu-95 Bear in AC4, give some props to the BUFF, its still flying bombing missions to this day and will until 2040 if I'm not mistaken.

  wm cheng said:
Hey is there some equivalent arcade shooter type sims for the PC? - all the PC sims I've tried seemed just a little too involved for a short blast-em round. All I want is action and eye-candy.

Well, if you want arcade style flight sims, then consider Crimson Skies or Secret Weapons over Normandy (a WW2 styled Crimson Skies). Also, if you want to consider IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles with the Ace expansion pack, there are multiple realism options built in, so you can turn off stalls, overheats, complex engine managment etc to have a simple shoot-em-up with Russian, German, and American planes.


I think the EA-18's will be an option for missions in which you have to destroy SAM's and you can either bomb them or use anti-radiation missiles to destroy them.

  Coota0 said:
I think the EA-18's will be an option for missions in which you have to destroy SAM's and you can either bomb them or use anti-radiation missiles to destroy them.

And then when you're done, get chased by a squadron of F-22's all hell bent on finishing you off. :D


Exactly. I don't want a Growler for Wild Weasel, give me an F-16CJ. Once it's fired off the HARM's, it's armed (and built) to be the best of the F-16's for air-to-air combat.


I don't understand... most of the air-to-air fighters work just fine for the ground missions, why did they even bother? The SU-37 can accomplish any mission in the game and get an S rating every time. I would say maybe 2/3 of the game is A/G combat, yet the A/A fighter can pass any of them with flying colors (pardon the pun)

  Skull Leader said:
I don't understand... most of the air-to-air fighters work just fine for the ground missions, why did they even bother? The SU-37 can accomplish any mission in the game and get an S rating every time. I would say maybe 2/3 of the game is A/G combat, yet the A/A fighter can pass any of them with flying colors (pardon the pun)

You know, as much I love the Ace Combat series, I've often wondered that myself.

Though it is fun to tell you're friends that you offed Yellow Squ. using the A-10.


I don't know about older air superiority fighters, like the F-14 and earlier incarnations of the F-15, but it seems to me that newer fighters are designed for (or at least intended for) multirole from the get go. F/A-18, F-16, F-35, F/A-22... I mean, I don't wanna knock the A-10 or anything, because it does it's job and it has it's fans... I'm just not one of them. I got no interest in Hummers - I drive a sports car. And I guess I like my planes the same way... I don't want the hulking brute, I want the one with super cruise.

  David Hingtgen said:
Exactly. I don't want a Growler for Wild Weasel, give me an F-16CJ. Once it's fired off the HARM's, it's armed (and built) to be the best of the F-16's for air-to-air combat.

im gonna go old-school on this one, gimmie a F-4G!

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