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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard about the ghosts a while back, but still haven't found them. I think I spent half of one mission just flying around looking...

Never heard about the 50th Ann. one though, will have to go look.

  • 2 weeks later...

On mission 15 (I think), Chopper will say something about some song being great and or appropriate for the mission. Say no, and you'll go on to the B side path for the next mission or two. After the branching path ends, the YF-23 should be available for purchase.

  mikeszekely said:
On mission 15 (I think), Chopper will say something about some song being great and or appropriate for the mission. Say no, and you'll go on to the B side path for the next mission or two. After the branching path ends, the YF-23 should be available for purchase.

cool thanks B))

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I'm late in the game.

I managed to get the AC5 with the Hori Flighstick last week.

I just started using the Hori Flighstick last night. It was awesome.

The only problem that I have is that there seems to be no "CANCEL" button on the Flighstick? Does anyone know how to press the Cancel button on the flighstick?

Sorry if this is posted in some previous threads.

Thanks :)

  ZorClone said:
OH MY GAWD can they please make a game like this for PC/XBOX?!?!

Airforce Delta Storm for Xbox still smokes every Ace Combat. Graphics, gameplay, cool planes, the game's got it all.


I doubt that. To me AFD lacks depth. Its definitely got eye candy, and the plane selection has always been a strong point, but even in gameplay it is lacking. Ace combat has always been the superior series. Even AFDS for PS2 wasn't as good as AC5, and had a tiny edge over 4 if any, the only thing that AFDS has that is better than AC5 is it's flight modeling.


Even though I have not had the chance to seriously play Ace Combat 5 (got it for Christmas... just need to tear myself away from GTA: San Adreas!), I am going to make a safe bet that there is still one console flight sim game that beats all of the Ace Combat games and the Air Force Delta games. The game came out almost two years ago and is by the very same guys responsible for the awesome Macross game for the PS2. :)


  Panzer said:
  ZorClone said:
OH MY GAWD can they please make a game like this for PC/XBOX?!?!

Airforce Delta Storm for Xbox still smokes every Ace Combat. Graphics, gameplay, cool planes, the game's got it all.

Graphics, yes. Gameplay, no. Cool planes... I'd say that's up in the air. I still had mostly foreign fighters I'd never heard of like the J-7, and hadn't even unlocked an F-14 before I quit playing.

Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:
I've heard nothing good about Aero Elite.

Aero Elite is in the same series as the Aero Wings/Aero Dancing series that was on Dreamcast. From what I've heard, it's supposed to be slightly more realistic than Ace Combat, but a lot less fun.

And to tell the truth, I thought VF-X2 was better than the PS2 Macross game. I don't think that Sega AM2 has figured out that they're layout for the thrust and yaw controls is backward from everyone else's yet, and the air/space levels boiled down to sweeping back and forth, and shooting as much as you could in each pass. If Aero Elite is that dull, I don't think it'd hold my interest for long.

Okay, does anyone want to try to argue that Lethal Skies or Top Gun: Combat Zones is better than Ace Combat?

The only other air combat game I've heard of that's gotten any kind of positive press is Energy Air Force, and that's import only.

Edited by mikeszekely
  rnurmin said:
Sorry I'm late in the game.

I managed to get the AC5 with the Hori Flighstick last week.

I just started using the Hori Flighstick last night. It was awesome.

The only problem that I have is that there seems to be no "CANCEL" button on the Flighstick? Does anyone know how to press the Cancel button on the flighstick?

Sorry if this is posted in some previous threads.

Thanks :)

Uh, can somebody help me?

thanks :)

Posted (edited)
  rnurmin said:
  rnurmin said:
Sorry I'm late in the game.

I managed to get the AC5 with the Hori Flighstick last week.

I just started using the Hori Flighstick last night. It was awesome.

The only problem that I have is that there seems to be no "CANCEL" button on the Flighstick? Does anyone know how to press the Cancel button on the flighstick?

Sorry if this is posted in some previous threads.

Thanks  :)

Uh, can somebody help me?

thanks :)

Cancel button??? what is it spose to do, i have the stick and i've never heard of or had a use for a cancel button :blink:

Maybe you're talking about the bouton marked as "B" on the stick? <_<

Edited by NoSuchFile
  David Hingtgen said:
Tell us more. Much more.

Dave, I'm VERY shocked that you've never played this one. :blink:

To those not familiar with the Aero Dancing/Wings/Elite series (I have both Dreamcast Aero Wings games and of course Aero Elite), it is definitely a much more realistc "flight sim" then the Ace Combat or Air Force Delta series are. If you want an over the top blast-a-thon, then I would go with either Ace Combat or Air Force Delta.

In my case, I appreciate all of these games. B))

My main complaints with Aero Elite are:

1) There is a maximum speed inhibitor which I don't existed in the previous games in the series... for example, in the original Aero Wings/Dancing, I could get the F-15 up to Mach 2 and then vertically head straight up to over 80,000'. Aero Elite/Dancing (3 or 4?) lets you only get up to 800 knots and the maximum altitude I can reach is only 60,000 feet. :(

2) You can only fire or release weapons when you have a lock-on on a real target (a plane, tank, etc.).

Otherwise, Aero Elite is great because every aircraft handles very uniquely and a hell of a lot more realistically then let's say Air Force Delta (I'm using the Dreamcast game as the example since that's the only one I have). The game has a very lengthy training course that will teach you how to properly land and take off, ACM, flying and landing the AV-8B Harrier, flying helicopters, and aircrafty carrier operations. This game is definitely for aviation fans looking for something more realistc then the aforementioned games.

  mikeszekely said:
And to tell the truth, I thought VF-X2 was better than the PS2 Macross game. I don't think that Sega AM2 has figured out that they're layout for the thrust and yaw controls is backward from everyone else's yet, and the air/space levels boiled down to sweeping back and forth, and shooting as much as you could in each pass. If Aero Elite is that dull, I don't think it'd hold my interest for long.

Up until Sega's Macross game, every 3D Macross game played sloppy and none of them had any rudder control.

I'm confused on what you think is wrong with Aero Elite or Macross' (PS2) flight controls. Maybe the thrust increase and decrease buttons could have been switched around, but the layout works fine by me.

  NoSuchFile said:

Cancel button??? what is it spose to do, i have the stick and i've never heard of or had a use for a cancel button :blink:

Maybe you're talking about the bouton marked as "B" on the stick? <_<

Hi NoSuchFile,

The button that I meant is the "CANCEL" button. ;)

If I use the regular PS controllers, the Cancel button are the "X" and "triangle"

  rnurmin said:
The button that I meant is the "CANCEL" button. ;)

If I use the regular PS controllers, the Cancel button are the "X" and "triangle"

Like i said, B on the stick, there should be a B just over it, if it doesn't work, well it's broken :p


Hey does anyone have any info about a soundtrack for this game? I am absolutely enamored with every aspect of it now. I must have watched the opening intro somewhere in the ballpark of 20 times before I even played it!


Order here

I got mine right before Xmas. Been listening to it a lot at work (even now as we speak). 4 discs, each about an hour long. Discs 1 - 3 contains the BGM from the campaign mode, with Disc 4 featuring the arcade mode music and music from the movies. 2 unreleased tracks on disc 3 featuring symphonic renditions of 2 of the main themes from the game. Disc 4 also has Puddle of Mudd's "Blurry" to round out the soundtrack.

Each disc is silkscreened with the CG character in flight suit from War Dogs (Bartlett, Nagase, Davenport, and Grimm).

Really hard to make a best of CD out of all 4 discs for the car, there are just so many excellent tracks. B))


FOUR CD's?! Wow, that's fantastic to hear! Namco has really gone all out with this game, in every aspect. I am so tremendously impressed once again. Thanks for the link!

Posted (edited)

Yeah, AC4's OST was only 2 discs, when I saw the pre-order was up for AC5 I couldn't believe there were gonna be 4 CDs, but they were each about an hour long, so there's no way they could have made it a 3 CD package. Even in the linear notes they said this is probably the biggest package for a game OST ever. :p The price's sweet too. I picked up the MGS3 OST (2 discs) at the same time, and that one was only 800 yen cheaper than AC5's 4 discs. I've been listening to AC5 OST almost nonstop, MGS3 OST didn't get much playtime since I hated the 007 wannabe OP and the overall BGM just isn't as enjoyable as the music from the first 2 games.

"The Unsung War" is awesome in Latin. Kind of sucks when you realize they're just repeating the same 3 verses over and over though.

Edited by Jolly Rogers

Looks like pre-orders are starting for Ace Combat Advance.

From the story (especially the reference to General Resources), it sounds like it'd be similar to Ace Combat 3... but I can't imagine how it'd play, or even that it'd be worth playing, on a GBA.

  • 2 weeks later...

hi im a newbie and idiot when it comes to playing games so i was wondering how hard is it to play ace combat 5 (sqaudron leader here in pal areas) for a person like me im just worried i might not be able to use the cmd fuction efficency


Also, your wingmen are so inferior to you, it makes little difference what you tell them. In one entire playthrough, you should have like 500 to 600 kills. Your wingmen? Lucky if they get past single digits. They average like 0.7 kills per mission...

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