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Well I came up with a good justification for you all who are still strugling with whether or not you should get the 1/48th VF-1S Hicky. You get all wraped into one, a perfected VF-1S and a perfected Hikaru VF-1. No radon nose troubles, no flap problems and the small amount of paint cracking found on the Hikaru will be a non issues with matt paint being used not enameled. So empty you wallets folks!!!! Also final Justification, its a 1/48 and yamato needs your money to make you a GBP armor and a stamped valk ;)


The stampeed is being made by Rob. I hope they make the GBP, cause I don't really feel like making it myself - though, I do hope they don't complete the 1/48th line - why? Cause I don't want to have wasted my time with the Ostrich and Elint conversions I'm working on ;)


Why? Because I love it. If there is one vintage Macross toy I'd like to have, it would be the VF-1S Hikaru Strike. Yamato 1/60s came, no Hikaru Strike. :( ,Bandai reissued the 1/55s, no Hikaru Strike. :( ...yet. (dum dum dum dum) :rolleyes:

Now, Yamato is going to release a VF-1S Hikaru, me very happy! :lol: See me smile! Plus the fast pack..... Dadah!! Hikaru Strike! :)

Arigato, Yamato!


Hello........... Any of you guys became SPOKEMEN for yamato!!! :lol::p I dont need any reason to get it cos i want my 1/48 collection to be complete, like like my 1/60. You guy cant see the HOLE that YAMATO has cos to my wallet cos its as big as the ozone hole in the sky!!! Hee Hee :p:p:p

Just kidding :lol: <_< B)


Yamato is just plain wrong for releasing the 1S Hikaru. We already choked down the 1A and now this. I wish that they just would have come out with the 1S to begin with.

The Stampede is being made? In 1/48 scale? Maybe that will give me something to do with my 'now defunct' Hikaru 1A.

I just wish they'd make a 1/48 VF-1D.


Does my reason need to be legit? LOL. If they can correct the various problems like MilkManX stated, then I'm probably going to pick up Hikaru's VF-1S. :unsure:


Cool, since you'll all buy it, that means that Yamato will make a GBP armor :blink: Saved me a couple 200$ CAD for other nice things! Thanks guys :lol:

Posted (edited)

Why you should buy the VF-1S Hikaru ? :huh:

The 1 S is my favorite one, that's why it was my first 1/48 yammies but since yamato is making 1/48 with such real perfection (except some little crap like hands ) i get the max&Hikaru soon after.

I though that 2 vf -1 A was enough but i finally felt for the 1A low vis. :(:( I'm weak

and it will be the same for the next ones. The VF1-S hikaru will join the squadron like the others.

It will be probably the same for the next 1/48 release of Yamato and what ? I won't go on holidays with my gal with winter, my banker will soon know by heart my phone number, i won't change my car this year (again) ..... maybe but my squadron will be complete :):)

Edited by TheFrenchOne


One word!


Please make a 1/48 with the fast/strike pack included! This way, I don't have to go around looking to buy the extra accessories!!!

Now, let me dream...

A GBP armor, a fast/strike armor, a valkyrie in ONE BOX!!! For Christmas!!!! Make it $200.00 and I will buy it!!!


  VF-1S Alpha said:

One word!


Please make a 1/48 with the fast/strike pack included! This way, I don't have to go around looking to buy the extra accessories!!!

Now, let me dream...

A GBP armor, a fast/strike armor, a valkyrie in ONE BOX!!! For Christmas!!!!  Make it $200.00 and I will buy it!!!


Let's dream ! :rolleyes:

try to make a "petition" to yamato for such a pack, he will maybe hear the voices of fans (maybe :( )

  MilkManX said:
I am gonna get it because it wont have the QC flaws that Roys 1/48 has. ;)

Yeah! Positive thinking! The VF-1S will have all the improvements like in the nose cone and the flaps. Plus, the 90 degree elbow bends and the no-tab ni the nose gear doors (not sure if this is an improvement).

But this will give us something to think about...

Read on:

When Yamato released the VF-1D for the 1/60 line-up which has the "L-shaped grove/trench" for its gundpod. In other words, it has primitive arms even if yamato ALREADY MADE the collapsible 1/60 gunpod. We hope that Yamato will not release the VF-1S Hikaru with "primitive flaps" and "primitive nose cones". :angry: I'm keeping my cool here but we all know it's the same company....................... Or maybe I just being paranoid. :blink:

OK. I'll just spell it out to be clear:

PLEASE YAMATO! Please release the VF-1S Hikaru with the flaps and nose cone IMPROVEMENTS!!


I may pick it up, because I didn't get a Hikaru 1A. I may actually get it and repain it into a Roy, in fact, because it has the improvements.

IT'll be in a while, though. The next confirmed for me is the Hikaru 1J, whose design I recently "fell in love" with.

  Kamion said:
Too many toys, not enough money. I'll have to give the Hikaru-1S a miss. I'll get the 1J though. ;)

Why-o-why did I buy all the 1/60s? :p

Took the words right out of my mouth...the 1S Hikaru would be nice and all, but the 1J is a must...and I'm keeping my 1/60s :lol:


I have mine on preorder, but I am seriously considering to cancell it.

I am kinda tired of the Dyrl designs. But I love SO much the 1/48!! Anyways I think I rather get two 1/js that a Hickaru 1S.


I missed Roy's 1/48 when it came out. Ran out of stock and not to mention some financial problems came my way.

But I guess i can treat it as a blessing in disguise since Yamato was kind enough to release the Hikaru 1S, and on an improved version too!

I ordered 2 of these from HLJ just so I can repaint the other one to Roy's colors.

Anyone willing to sell their 1/48 Roy Focker VF-1S box? :rolleyes:

  Omni Existence said:
Anyone willing to sell their 1/48 Roy Focker VF-1S box? :rolleyes:

I'l trade you a Roy 1S box for an Hikaru 1S box seeing as how I already made a Hikaru 1S out of an extra Roy 1S.

  Bub said:
  MilkManX said:
I am gonna get it because it wont have the QC flaws that Roys 1/48 has.  ;)

Yeah! Positive thinking! The VF-1S will have all the improvements like in the nose cone and the flaps. Plus, the 90 degree elbow bends and the no-tab ni the nose gear doors (not sure if this is an improvement).

But this will give us something to think about...

Read on:

When Yamato released the VF-1D for the 1/60 line-up which has the "L-shaped grove/trench" for its gundpod. In other words, it has primitive arms even if yamato ALREADY MADE the collapsible 1/60 gunpod. We hope that Yamato will not release the VF-1S Hikaru with "primitive flaps" and "primitive nose cones". :angry: I'm keeping my cool here but we all know it's the same company....................... Or maybe I just being paranoid. :blink:

OK. I'll just spell it out to be clear:

PLEASE YAMATO! Please release the VF-1S Hikaru with the flaps and nose cone IMPROVEMENTS!!

Urr... I think Graham already mentioned that they didn't make the L shaped arm groves. The grooves are the little-square ones that are now standard. That is... unless you got screwed. :ph34r:

  Omni Existence said:
I missed Roy's 1/48 when it came out. Ran out of stock and not to mention some financial problems came my way.

But I guess i can treat it as a blessing in disguise since Yamato was kind enough to release the Hikaru 1S, and on an improved version too!

I ordered 2 of these from HLJ just so I can repaint the other one to Roy's colors.

Anyone willing to sell their 1/48 Roy Focker VF-1S box? :rolleyes:

Somewhere around here it was mentioned that Yamato was reissuing all of the 1/48's. But I am sure you ran across that by now. :D


why i should buy the VF-1S Hikaru...........one reason: it's RED! (or at least has a red stripe on it)

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