kanata67 Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Agent ONE said: At that point she is thinkin that I am a God anyway so I could probably have a severed goats head on display and it wouldn't make much of a difference.Tuesday is coming, do you have your coat? I was going to say that in my place the toys kinda blend with all the other odd crap like swords, computers, electronics, antiques, cats, fossils, art, fish tanks, ... and yes... even a goat skull just ask greenguy if you don't believe LOL. I am a sufferer of TMC... to much crap. I havent had to many issues with people damaging my stuff, especially after I tell them how much some of it is worth. Granted, my wife did attempt to transform one of my gluags with bad results, and my supervisor is like a bull in a china shop, but I keep the real good stuff out of sight Quote
Opus Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 kanata67 said: Agent ONE said: At that point she is thinkin that I am a God anyway so I could probably have a severed goats head on display and it wouldn't make much of a difference.Tuesday is coming, do you have your coat? I was going to say that in my place the toys kinda blend with all the other odd crap like swords, computers, electronics, antiques, cats, fossils, art, fish tanks, ... and yes... even a goat skull just ask greenguy if you don't believe LOL. I am a sufferer of TMC... to much crap. I havent had to many issues with people damaging my stuff, especially after I tell them how much some of it is worth. Granted, my wife did attempt to transform one of my gluags with bad results, and my supervisor is like a bull in a china shop, but I keep the real good stuff out of sight There was a thing on TV last night about a guy with obsessive compulsive disorder who had a entire house and yard full of random crap and I instantly thought of you. Quote
Macross_Fanboy Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Heh, I told one of my girlfriends about my YF-21 and she didn't mind. Except she'd laugh when I'd comment to her cousin that it took a dive off of my shelf. Now, I gotta wait a while before telling the new gal about my collection. But she knows I like Macross a lot, not like I really explained to her what it was yet...one of these days I gotta show her DYRL? and the wonder that anime is. Quote
Jolly Rogers Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Agent ONE said: I figure if I get a chick back into my room, she is gettin naked anyway so I can explain the whole post-sex clean up thing. At that point she is thinkin that I am a God anyway so I could probably have a severed goats head on display and it wouldn't make much of a difference. Mmmokay, too much info there... Unless you're talking about door knobs. Quote
memphis Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 i can understand this feeling... so each time they ask me the reason i will tell them that i want to get the toy that i can't have it during my childhood then i will use my own pokect money and do some partime jod to buy the toys if u doing like this...u will feel more apprecite to the toys!!! Quote
Marvin18 Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 I think people get a bigger shock walking into my room and seeing a 3 foot lego star destroyer staring down from the top of the bookshelf. They walk around to see it better and then see my macross collection behind the glass doors. Quote
Skull00 Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 (edited) well now that I've broken up with my girlfriend (remember? the one that had the same birthday as Minmay, 10/10...wierd...) the yamato collection is coming out of the box in the garage where its been hiding for 2 years only to be played with when the gf was away. Its like a positive thing coming out of a negative. Now I can revert to my true otaku nature and one day become the Otaking once more... its only a matter of time...or, I'll meet another girl and hide my obsession again. nah. OTAKING NI NARU! Edited March 16, 2004 by Skull00 Quote
Skull Hunter Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 There's no need to hide our hobby from our girlfriends. Just don't tell them that you spent $700 on one order of yammies like I did! Then she'll always use it against you when she wants to go and have nice dinners all the time, and you say you can't afford it right now. Why cant she just have a salad? I'll have the 1/48 yammie with fast packs on the side. Hold the import fees please. Quote
bigkid24 Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 When I didn't have a roommate, my extra bedroom was my office/nerd room where I had my posters and toys displayed. My bedroom and living room were toy free zones so that I could just leave things locked away in one room and keep them from going in there. The ones new about my "habit" were either cool with it or helped me out with it. Quote
Renato Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 I'm always moving from place to place, so most of my stuff (several toys but mostly kits) is forever packed up in boxes. I only take them out if I'm staying someplace for more than half a year or so. At the moment I only have a Yamato VF-11B, a couple of Banprestos, a Labor In Action and a customized Phalanx on display. A few months ago I had all my 1/55s out, though. I think my mother respects the hobby a lot more than she did, saying how they're so detailed and delicate, etc... Although I can never tell. She sometimes tells me that since I never get them out anymore I should give a couple of Yamatos to my four-year-old brother. Instead I just gave him two 1/55 bootlegs I was saving for customs. His friend (same age) came over the other day and he pointed at the two Banprestos. He said "Wow. I like those," implying that I should let him play with them. I would have done if they didn't break apart into conveniently-easy-to-lose parts. So I just said "Yeah. Me too." Quote
sidearmsalpha Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 I guess I'm fortunate to have a gf that doesn't mind what I'm into as long as I'm not foregoing a car payment or rent to pay for my hobbies. She digs the games that we can play together, like the puzzle games, with Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo being our favorite. She's into Betty Boop stuff and Barbies, and I don't have a problem with that. In fact, some of the Betty Boop things I got her are pretty damn cool! Quote
trueblueeyes Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Er...what's wrong with this statement: Quote I don't drink or smoke, I spend my money on stuff that won't kill me, like toys, swords, guns, ammo, etc. ....sorry Chowser, I'm joking. Maybe it is just too early in the morning but I got a huge laugh from that one! ..... And I've never really had a problem with justifying my collection. My husband is very understanding and supportive of both my hobbies (my race car and my Macross collection). And usually the reaction I get from most guys about my Macross collection is the same reaction I get at the drag strip with my Mustang...one of "That is cool!". Strange, but true. Melissa Quote
pfunk Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 All I gotta say, is my kids are going to think Im the coolest dad, Fast cars, Fast Boats, Fast motorcycles sweet toys and models,, hope so, Fiancee wants to stay barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen till she pops out 6 we'll see Quote
Jawjaw Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 I don't talk about my collection or show it off unless someone is interested. Those that end up seeing it usually have a positive reaction and find something they can identify (usually my Simpson figures). I'm sure some are thinking that I need to grow up or something but I don't care. My wife thinks it's cool and that's all I care about. Quote
Mechamaniac Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 (edited) trueblueeyes said: Er...what's wrong with this statement: Quote I don't drink or smoke, I spend my money on stuff that won't kill me, like toys, swords, guns, ammo, etc. Melissa No, what he said is correct. You just have to pay attention to exactly what he said.... Quote ...stuff that won't kill ME The items he mentioned are primarily designed to kill others Edited March 16, 2004 by Mechamaniac Quote
Ignacio Ocamica Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Mechamaniac said: The items he mentioned are primarily designed to kill others Primarily designed to kill the ones that give us the poopy eye when looking at our collections Quote
do not disturb Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 my main problem is people come over and get psyched like they're in a toy store. i simply say, if you break it you're replacing it with a brand new one and then i let them know how much whatever costs and they usually just look but.... you always got that a-hole that shows up thats gotta touch everything. i had one nutsack reaching for my low-viz which i put a stop to and then he proceded to look through my closets like he was casing the joint out. so i grabbed his crap and threw it out in the hallway and told him to "GET OUT!!! and if see you in my building again, i'm gonna cut your head off with my sword and call it self defense". i mean, what kind of person shows up at a strangers house and starts looking through their closets? and this wasn't just some kid, the guys 32 years old! Quote
SuperSkylineGTR Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 VF-18S Hornet said: Don't let it bother you buffalobob77, people in general who believe we are wasting our time and hardearned money are BAKA (Japanese term for stupid or idiot) Sooner or later you end up over someones else's home and see they got a teddybear collection or a porcillian doll collection, and wonder to yourself what kind of hypocrisy these people are living in and that the have no right to critique your collection. Right on, well put VF-18S! I don't have too big of issues with my room (although my collection is big, not many of my friends/family see my room, so it don't matter). Now, my cube at work on the other hand... I do have a few anime posters on it along with some little Macross and Eva figurines. SOmetimes some co-workers see that along with my numerous car pictures and think "Oh, God...". Quote
bandit29 Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 (edited) My mother-in-law saw my stuff(when I used to have alot stuff) and said "oh...how interesting..." ah who cares what she says. She always comes over uninvited lol My Macross collection is rather small right now. Probably the smallest its ever been. Just 6 1/48s(4FPs), the Q-rau and the YF-21FP. I was running out of room and feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the vintage toys/kits/books, old and new 1/55's, Macross Plus (I had 4 YF-19s at one time) fighters, Macross 7 VFs and the 1/60's. I couldn't even display all of them and when ya can't do that its time to sell them to someone else who can enjoy them. I hate leaving toys in boxes. My other collections consist of various anime and video game series(Berserk, Fist of the North Star etc)and NASCAR(1/64, 1/24 and 1/18 diecast cars, posters and lots of other stuff). I did just buy the 18 inch Spider-Man. That thing is awesome. Edited March 16, 2004 by dejr8bud Quote
Weaseldancer Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 I just don't feel shame about anything much less my Macross collection. I am going to do what I am going to do and people are going to think whatever they think so why worry about it? It's kinda like that guy from Touching Evil except without the brain damage (despite what my wife might say)if I feel like doing something I do it and worry about the consequences later. Quote
Jin_Kune_Do Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Well, as for me my parents dont really see the point of me spending my money on these things, heheh ive done a good job so far in keepinh them away from the closest, which is filled with mint 1/48s But i dont really care, i work hard for my money and i wanna spend it on something that gives me plesure. Like the rest of you, i dont smoke or drink. I still pay the bills etc, so i figure why not? its my money. Well the only collection i have is a really HUGE collection of Gi. Joes (and Macross 1/48s) hehehe, yeah the small ones from the 80s, thou they are not in mint, i just couldnt bare to throw away such a collection that has given so many fund childhood memories. So there are packed away in a box in the atick. My girlfriend is a real Anime freak, so yeah i was the one who introduced Macross to her, had alot of fun talks on what was best Gundam or Macross. After she went true SDF Macross, Macross DYRL, Macross Plus and Macross Zero, yeah...she was sold. She even got me a Macross Plus special edition DVD set for me for my birthday So since she was so into Macross, i gave her on her birthday a 1/48 1st edition Hikaru DYRL VF-1A and she was so amazed she didnt dare to touch it the first 2 weeks and then it only took her a month to gather the strrenght to transform it heheh So im really lucky with my GF she digs it and wants her own collection of 1/48s too , som im lucky that we share the same intrests and all. -Jin Quote
hevangel2 Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 Yeah... Whenever my mom come over visit me, she keep telling me that I'm no longer a child, shouldn't buy so many toys. Them she comment on it's really a rip off when all my toys are basically the same toy in different colour and a different head. Quote
yellowlightman Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 hevangel2 said: Yeah... Whenever my mom come over visit me, she keep telling me that I'm no longer a child, shouldn't buy so many toys. Them she comment on it's really a rip off when all my toys are basically the same toy in different colour and a different head. Man, parents just don't understand. My mom always gives me crap about the money I spend on cars, video games and all that other stuff. The irony is that when I was looking to buy a new camera, she practically told me to get the most expensive one I could get, since she's a big photographer herself. But she still doesn't understand the kidn of money I drop on my car. Quote
animatoralex Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 You know displaying a few toys really shouldn't garner the amount of attention that it does. So I have a few toys etc... they're collectible and mean something to me... f**k off. Personally, I think they should be really greatful that we're not displaying other personal stuff. It's not like we're putting a porn collection on display... "Yeah I'm really proud of this one... it's a classic "movie"... ahhh the memories... good times." Yup, it could be a lot worse. Quote
Mechamaniac Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 yellowlightman said: Man, parents just don't understand. And to you other kids all across the land. There's no need to argue. Parents just don't understand! Quote
StealthLurker Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 Mechamaniac said: yellowlightman said: Man, parents just don't understand. And to you other kids all across the land. There's no need to argue. Parents just don't understand! totally fresh. Quote
Chowser Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 (edited) me again, lack of sleep again, this is addictive, as soon as i get home from work, here i am again! it's nice to have a wife who is supportive of your habits. She thinks I have too many swords and guns (I have 4 swords and 4 guns, planning on 5th sword and 5th gun) but she doesn't say anything about my Macross collection for some reason. I think I'm up around 23 different VF-1 valks, some M+ and M7 valks, etc. a bunch of transformers, and other stuff. Secretly, I think she likes it too and plays with them when I am not at home, I come home and see certain valks have been moved, but she tries to place them back exactly where they were, but I can tell. when people do come over, she does say, can you please hide some of your weapons. but never my valks! Edited March 17, 2004 by Chowser Quote
ZorClone Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 "Crazy Hats Only" well, my small Macross collection is all over my entertainment center, and there isn't a whole lot.. so, whenever people see it, the guys usually gawk at it and blabber things like "whoaa" and "cooool" whereas the females are all like, "what is thaaaat?" or "..." or "what IS that?" my response, "FOOL! Macross owns you!" Quote
Phadeout Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 Well, I can see it as a judge of how cool a chick is to me... If she looks at my Macross stuff and thinks it's cool, then I know I wanna keep her If she looks at my DVD collection and picks out an Anime to watch, I wanna keep her. I'm a big kid, and find life more enjoyable when I hang out with kids my size if you know what I mean "We don't stop playing because we grow old, We grow old because we stop playing." Quote
Godzilla Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 Phadeout said: Well, I can see it as a judge of how cool a chick is to me... If she looks at my Macross stuff and thinks it's cool, then I know I wanna keep her If she looks at my DVD collection and picks out an Anime to watch, I wanna keep her. I'm a big kid, and find life more enjoyable when I hang out with kids my size if you know what I mean "We don't stop playing because we grow old, We grow old because we stop playing." Amen brother, amen to that. Too bad those kind of women are hard to find out there... Quote
Blaine23 Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 Godzilla said: Phadeout said: Well, I can see it as a judge of how cool a chick is to me... If she looks at my Macross stuff and thinks it's cool, then I know I wanna keep her If she looks at my DVD collection and picks out an Anime to watch, I wanna keep her. I'm a big kid, and find life more enjoyable when I hang out with kids my size if you know what I mean "We don't stop playing because we grow old, We grow old because we stop playing." Amen brother, amen to that. Too bad those kind of women are hard to find out there... And here I am only basing my girl requirements on hotness and ease of acquirement. Quote
do not disturb Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 Blaine23 said: And here I am only basing my girl requirements on hotness and ease of acquirement. hotnesss???? a requirement..... is she breathing? does she have a pulse? i'm so in! Quote
Powered Convoy Posted March 17, 2004 Posted March 17, 2004 This is what I'm worried about. My ex-girlfriend used to be into toys and anime. She even bought be several Transformers and Bandai Reissue VF-1J Max and YF-21. But since we broked up I've started dating this other girl. She knows I'm a kid at heart but doesn't know I collect action figures (yet). She collects spoons and diecast cars (I think). So I'm not really sure why I'm worried. Though I am. Any advice? Randy Quote
buffalobob77 Posted March 17, 2004 Author Posted March 17, 2004 Powered Convoy said: This is what I'm worried about.My ex-girlfriend used to be into toys and anime. She even bought be several Transformers and Bandai Reissue VF-1J Max and YF-21. But since we broked up I've started dating this other girl. She knows I'm a kid at heart but doesn't know I collect action figures (yet). She collects spoons and diecast cars (I think). So I'm not really sure why I'm worried. Though I am. Any advice? Randy I'd say just drop the bomb on her. Back before I was together with my Girlfriend I used to hide it from her then one day she got into my room before I could hide everything. (cue slow motion running and yelling NOOOOO!) Anyway she just laughed about it, she was probably more thrown off by the mountain of dirty clothes. So I think telling her upfront is a lot less stressful in the long run. Plus if she doesn't like it you can justify your collection with "Well does your spoon transform into 3 different modes?" Yeah that will put her in her place Quote
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