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Posted (edited)


First and foremost, Thank You from all of us to the anonymous owner of the VB-6 Koenig Monster Kit who has made all of this possible. It's people like you that restore our faith in the inherent goodness and generosity of our fellow Macross fans. :D

Second of all, if it hadn't been for Melissa taking the time to start the thread, things would not have turned out the way they did. Thank you! ;)

Third, thank you to Ken (Valkyrie) for volunteering to recast the kit, and best wishes to the other anonymous MW Member that volunteered. I'm sure Ken will do a great job as evidenced by his committment and experience.

Last, but not least, all of the people (Carl, Devin, Gene, Rob and etc.) who posted in the thread and helped move the project along. We're glad Devin agreed to handle the decal commission, and Carl's offer of financial assistance.

Please post, e-mail, or send a Private Message to me and I will add you to the list. If you've already contacted someone else, I'll try and get the information from them, they can contact me, and you can feel free to let me know anyway. I promise to keep the list updated.

By no means am I the official/designated person who decides who gets their kit first, and the order you are on the list does not at this time reflect who will get their kit first. That will have to be determined as we go along, based upon the free kit for the owner if he wants one, Carl will potentially help with some costs if Valkyrie (Ken) elects to go that route, Devin needs a kit to make the decals, potential pre-orders, and so forth.

I'm sure that many people want to get their kit as soon as possible, but Valkyrie first has to get the kit, mold the original, mail back the original kit, clean up the first recast, mold the cleaned up copy, make sure all is good, make improvements if needed, and then begin casting parts. He is of course the source to provide timelines and so forth. So the order in which people get their kits will be based upon first taking care of the kits original owner, and the next priority is furthering the project itself. After that, the order can be fairly determined amongst ourselves in some manner.

And finally, please do not commit to ordering this kit and/or the number you wish to purchase unless you are 110% certain that you have the funds available. The amount of orders will potentially dictate the per item cost, and so we do not need anyone to flake out. Also the molds can usually only support so many copies, so I'm not sure if you request more than (1) kit, if other people behind you will have to wait based upon the amount potentially available.

Anyway, enough with the formalities, here are the details:

1/100 IHP/Liquid Stone VB-6 Koenig Monster Fully Transformable Recast Project Price: $250.00

Recaster: Valkyrie

Decals: Anasazi37

Screws: Fulcy/Melissa

Box: Valkyrie

Box Art: To be determined via a contest

Instructions: CD-Rom

Certain people have offered to help with certain expenses, Carl (recast), Christopher/Gene (decals), Melissa (screws/contest).

I'm not sure if we want to save this thread to reflect the list exclusively and the already existing thread can still be used for updates and comments, or start using this thread exclusively.

If I missed anything, please let me know.


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB

Christopher, it seems like you made a new thread for the order list, and so did I. Would it be possible if you could to divert them to mine.

Posted (edited)


Not a problem, you probably did not notice that this thread was started prior to yours.

PM a moderator and ask him to delete yours, edit your thread to be empty in the mean time, and I already transfered the list.

That should resolve the problem.


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB
Posted (edited)

Christopher, I've started a separate VF-4G Order Thread.

Edited by Angel's Fury
Posted (edited)

The Official List (please post or contact me so I can place a "confirmed" next to your name as verification, just in case you have changed the amount you want, or were not aware of the price and so forth):

wwwmwww (1) confirmed

flash (1) confirmed

trueblueeyes (1) confirmed

Angel's Fury (1) confirmed

ChristopherB (1) confirmed

xstoys (1) confirmed

q3173 (1) confirmed

Tristan Lindo (1) confirmed

Rune (1) confirmed

windcloud (1) confirmed

neptunesurvey (1) confirmed

Pat S (1) confirmed

Chindenathus (1) confirmed

Major Tom (1) confirmed

min (1) confirmed

FlyingPika (1) confirmed

estacado06479 (1) confirmed

Jinnai (1) confirmed

Postman Pat (1) confirmed

Ghadrack (1) confirmed

Neova (1) confirmed

zerocool (1) confirmed

Myersjessee (1) confirmed

goldenboy forever (1) confirmed

Mystix (1) confirmed

Jasonc (1) confirmed

Mechwarrior (1) confirmed

Lu523 (1) confirmed

Froy (1) confirmed

isamu_dyson (1) confirmed

MC420 (1) confirmed

Ogawa (1) confirmed

mooseydoom (1) confirmed

AlphaHX (1) confirmed

ezter101 (1) confirmed

jorawar_b (1) confirmed

Bbud (1) confirmed

Viceland (1) confirmed

otihconip (1) confirmed

Doctor Paragon (1) confirmed

godane79 confirmed

I will edit the list as needed.

Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB
Posted (edited)
  Tristan Lindo said:
how much is the kit going to cost??


$250.00, thanks forgot to add that. ;) But it is up there now.

If you are curious about anything not mentioned, please let me/us know my friend.


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB


I'm not sure.

The place where the kit is being mailed will have a substantial bearing upon just how much the shipping costs.

I know you are in Canada, but imagine someone in Japan or somewhere similar.

Perhaps you should PM Valkyrie and inquire with him.

That matter was never discussed, and I believe it was presumed that the customer would pay the shipping fee separately so as to not cut into Valkyrie's profit margin.

Please let me know if you would like to commit to the kit.


Christopher B))


plus the weight of the kit, that's why I was wondering about the shipping. I guess Valkyrie can determine that when he actually has the kit on hand and can figure out the shipping cost based on weight.

I'm still thinking if I should get the kit, such a beautiful kit......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'll let you know asap thanks


must get one :)

When woul dthe payment be due, cause i not 100% i can get cash like now, would take me some time.


I must say its very admirable how the people came together to get this project going ^^

Posted (edited)

:) I've started a contest to find the winning design for the artwork to be featured on the box of the VB-6 Koenig Monster Re-Casts. The prize will be a brand new copy of the Transformers Genesis art book. Please check the post out or submit art by going here:

Koenig Monster Box Art Contest All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Our own "Valkyrie" will be the final judge and I'll PM him so that he can add any guidelines for the artwork that he chooses.



Edited by trueblueeyes
  FlyingPika said:
must get one :)

When woul dthe payment be due, cause i not 100% i can get cash like now, would take me some time.


I must say its very admirable how the people came together to get this project going ^^

I suppose now is as good a time as any to answer that question.

For the most part, payment won't be due until the project is done, and you all place your orders. In fairness, only those on the list will be able to order during the initial run.

However, because I don't have the stacks of cash necessary to get a project like this off the ground, I'm going to need to take a few pre-orders (with partial pre-payment) to raise the money to get the project going. Not a lot, mind you. Probably 5 or less, at ~$100 pre-payment each. And of course, I'll have to think of some sort of incentive to pre-order. I can't promise it'll be anything huge, but I'll try to come up with something to make it worth your while.

That having been said, I must issue a preemptive 'sshh' to all you who are reply or PM me saying "put me down for a pre-order". I don't want to start taking them just yet. First I want to get the kit and see exactly what I'm in for.

And another preemptive 'sshh' to those who are about to PM me asking for me to put them down for a pre-order in advance. I don't want to take any pre-pre-orders either :)

Thanks a lot, guys. It's great to see that this project has enough support to succeed!


Red Comet,

Yes, the price is/will be: $250.00

Please keep in mind shipping, and the decals which will be optional, but recommended. It will be up to Valkyrie to determine exactly what the $250.00 price includes, but at the minimum it will be the complete VB-6 kit, box/boxart, and assembly instructions.


Christopher B))

  ChristopherB said:
Red Comet,

Yes, the price is/will be: $250.00

Please keep in mind shipping, and the decals which will be optional, but recommended. It will be up to Valkyrie to determine exactly what the $250.00 price includes, but at the minimum it will be the complete VB-6 kit, box/boxart, and assembly instructions.


Christopher B))

Valkyrie should have the kit in hand next week and will inform me of the screw sizes needed. Rob (Fulcy) believes he may know of a good source for the screws. If so, I'll be able to provide those for the kits to keep Valkyrie's expenses and builder's frustrations down.

So add all the screws needed for the kit to the list! :)

...And thanks again to everyone for making this project happen. I just posted an interest but without all the MW members support and the willingness of one very generous owner... this would never have come together. My 29th birthday is next Monday and I honestly couldn't think of a better present than having this kit soon to be available. Thanks to you all! :)



OOH! Just wanted to make sure I get on the confirmed list. Is there a projected completion time yet? I would imagine it would take a while to assemble everything together right? <_< Thanks!


Hello Melissa,

Wow, your getting old! I never knew you were so much older than me.

I don't turn (29) until April 3, which means you'll also get to experience (30) before I do. :p

Well, Happy Birthday to you a little bit early.

I appreciate you and Rob handling the screws.

So far, everyone that has posted, e-mailed or PM'ed me have been updated on the list.


Christopher B))


Advanced Happy Birthday Melissa!!!! :D Btw, about the payment for this kit, can I wire transfer the payment? How will the payment process be conducted?


Angel's Fury, et al,

I'm sure Valkyrie will be the person that payments are made to.

Once the he establishes pre-orders, and the order that people are on the list, each respective person will make payments in a logical manner.

You mention transferring the payment via "wire." Ken will advise which payment methods he accepts (Paypal, money order, etc.) when the time is right.

I hope that helps.


Christopher B))

  ChristopherB said:
Angel's Fury, et al,

I'm sure Valkyrie will be the person that payments are made to.

Once the he establishes pre-orders, and the order that people are on the list, each respective person will make payments in a logical manner.

You mention transferring the payment via "wire." Ken will advise which payment methods he accepts (Paypal, money order, etc.) when the time is right.

I hope that helps.


Christopher B))

Thanks. That certainly helps. In the beginning, I thought the payment would have to be made right away. I'll just take a "wait and see" approach, just to be on the safe side. PayPal........ I'm not sure I can trust that one. Hopefully other payment methods will do the trick.



Welcome to the thread.

The very first post in the thread states that all you need to do is either post or send me a PM.

I'll take your post as positive confirmation. ;)


Christopher B))

  Neova said:
How did I miss this thread? Confirm me for 2 for now since the VF-4 is on hold. :D

Just a quick FYI for those who want more that one kit (which includes myself): After speaking with Valkyrie, it seems that he *might* have to limit the initial order to one kit per person. Please note that might is the operative word here. He doesn't yet have the original in his hands and I am sure he will update when he knows more. Just wanted people to be aware that most likely only one kit per person in the initial order will be available to make sure everyone that wants one, gets one. :)

I would imagine more would be available later, but I won't speak for Valkyrie. That said, he is the only one who can really answer how long these will be available and any payment questions. I wouldn't suggest bombarding him with questions though since I am sure he will be very busy. Perhaps you can submit your questions by posting to this thread (or you can PM myself or Chris B if you have a question and wish to remain anonymous) and maybe we can have a FAQ with answers straight from Ken himself. Remember, he has to look at the kit before many can be answered....and since he doesn't have it in hand, the molds are of course not yet made. Also, he will be taking the payments since this is his project now...so any inquiries related to that will be best left to him. We'll try to get you answers, but please be patient since there is a lot we don't yet know.

But I would like to give a round of thanks to our anonymous benefactor, Valkyrie for taking on the project, Devin for agreeing to do decals, Chris B for starting this thread and keeping track of orders, and all of you for your support! :) You guys make this community great!


One more thing though: The contest for Koenig Monster box art submissions has been pinned in the fan works section of MW. The contributions so far: zero

Any ideas how to generate more interest in the contest? All help will be much appreciated!



  trueblueeyes said:
One more thing though: The contest for Koenig Monster box art submissions has been pinned in the fan works section of MW. The contributions so far: zero

Any ideas how to generate more interest in the contest? All help will be much appreciated!

I am willing to add a few sets of decals/stickers to the prize pile if that might help generate more interest. Minmay Guard, Blue Roses, Enigma, whatever. Let me know. :D

I'd enter the contest myself but I'm insanely busy with way too many projects right now....


Thanks Devin, you rock! :)


Just wanted you all to know I spoke with Valkyrie and he agrees with the idea of setting up a F.A.Q. (frequently asked questions) post in this thread. If you'd like, you can post directly to this thread or PM myself or Chris B. if you'd rather that your identity remain secret. I will of course pass on all the questions I currently have received to Ken and we'll update as we know more. Should help answer some of the more common questions. (although don't expect all answers to be set in stone as the molds haven't even been made...in fact he doesn't yet have the kit in hand but that should be solved by Monday at the latest B)) )




Happy Birthday Melissa!!!!

By the way i deal whit screews all the time i will voluntere my self to get the screws just leet me know the size and i will get the price by the way i take one kit thank you.

Posted (edited)

Jesse (Mr. Schizophrenic),

Should I take your post as confirmation of your order?

As of right now, you're on the tentative list.

Please let me know my friend.

Yeah, you can get one for yourself, and another for your alternate personality. Just let me know how many both of you are committing too, and break the news to your alter identity that he/she might have to wait to get their kit, until after everyone else gets at least (1) kit first. ;)


Christopher B))

PS: If someone has a multiple personality disorder, and one of their other identities is a woman, and another is a male, is it still considered masturbation if they have sex together? :p

Edited by ChristopherB

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