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Yeah, that sounds great but I wouldn't have time for all that.

My favorite current PS2 game is Socom 2 and with work and a new child it's great to be able to go on-line when I have time (for free), with a X-box I'd be wasting money on a X-box live subscription.

  Black Valkyrie said:
Very simple answer ! if you like 2D fighting games then it`s the XBOX and you can play them online cuz sony/fony doesn`t want 2D games anymore.


Dreamcast is still king for 2D games of any sort in the past few years. Shooters, fighters, the DC did it best. Plus it's still getting niche games released for it.

  yellowlightman said:
  Black Valkyrie said:
Very simple answer ! if you like 2D fighting games then it`s the XBOX and you can play them online cuz sony/fony doesn`t want 2D games anymore.


Dreamcast is still king for 2D games of any sort in the past few years. Shooters, fighters, the DC did it best. Plus it's still getting niche games released for it.

I know but I`m talking about now not before, I know the Dreamcast rock but I`m sorry that it lost against PS2.


Hey, more R Type fans...or probably 2D shooter fans I should say. Waiting for Gradius V, and hopefully someday, the king of all shooter series, Thunderforce VI.

:blink: Thank god, I'm not the only one! :D



Damn strait!...the only new system I'm even potentialy considering is the PSX2 (already got Ikaruga for the DC, altho the 'cube version looks sweet...I just have some issues with the controller :p )

My old trusted DC works just fine thank you (the recent Border Down and new Psyvarier2 keep me interested in the old girl :) ) ... Right now the only reason I would scoop up a new system is if Treasure were to develop a sequel to Bangai-O useing the duel analog PSX2 controllers (hint, hint)

The DC version of Bangai-O is one of my all time favorite games...it is pure raw gameplay crack and absolutely kick ass in every respect :D

Posted (edited)

I too was at the pt, trying to decide between the PS2 and the XBox. I ended up with the XBox. I love Halo, and Halo2 is gonna pwn. People laugh at the Halo single player campaign...Bungie plans to fix that with Halo2, making it far my challenging. I'm also looking forward to Conker: Live and Uncut (That game owned on the N64). I would have gotten a PS2...but the XBox had more appeal in the end, cause of it could do and cause of the games that are coming out for it. And it has games that the PSX/2 has. For instance: Bloody Roar Extreme, Dynasty Warriors 3/4, and Gauntlet Dark Legacy. I never liked Ghost Recon, or Socom...so that wasn't a problem for me as far getting a PS2 is concerned....

Edited by Oihan

I love Halo, but JSA's right... it's better to wait and buy on the PC, if you can only buy one system.

And from the sounds of what you're looking for - I'd say get a PS2.

Besides... why get anything else when this is coming in October...

yeah, it might come out for X-Box... in a year or so. :p



Well, it seems like people who prefer the Xbox like it because it is more powerful in terms of graphics and everything.

The people who prefer the PS2 seem to really like the game selection.

I am personally one who concentrates on the games available for each system. However, most of the games I like are available for both systems. Only a couple seem to be system selective, but from what I am hearing, the couple that are system selective aren't very good. I definitely will not get a Gamecube because I didn't like any of the games specific to that system.

I went to Gamespot and checked out a bunch of games. In general, the reviews were pretty similar. The only time they differed was when it came to games like Max Payne and Hitman 2 where they said the PS2 looked sub par while the Xbox looked descent. However, I have been mislead before where people will tell me I have to see something on a certain format because it is utterly better, and I end up being unimpressed. So I guess what I am wondering now is:

For people who have seen the same games on both systems, do they really differ that much?

  Deadzone said:
Well, it seems like people who prefer the Xbox like it because it is more powerful in terms of graphics and everything.

The people who prefer the PS2 seem to really like the game selection.

I am personally one who concentrates on the games available for each system. However, most of the games I like are available for both systems. Only a couple seem to be system selective, but from what I am hearing, the couple that are system selective aren't very good. I definitely will not get a Gamecube because I didn't like any of the games specific to that system.

I went to Gamespot and checked out a bunch of games. In general, the reviews were pretty similar. The only time they differed was when it came to games like Max Payne and Hitman 2 where they said the PS2 looked sub par while the Xbox looked descent. However, I have been mislead before where people will tell me I have to see something on a certain format because it is utterly better, and I end up being unimpressed. So I guess what I am wondering now is:

For people who have seen the same games on both systems, do they really differ that much?

They don't really differ that much.... because both games pretty much suck on both systems. They are PC games at heart, can only be played fully on a PC.

I personally own Hitman 2 and I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it. The controls are pretty bad and the game is just unfun. As for Max Payne... if you mean the first games.... then the Xbox is indeed the better version, though the PC version still whipes its ass with it.

Unless you plan on buying nothing by system specific games...... don't base your purchase of an Xbox based on graphics. Very few multi console games actually look any good or better on the Xbox because they are all produced for the PS2 and then ported over. Very few games actually get developed for all systems at the same time, and very few get system specific features. So going to buy Xbox just for graphics? Then only exclusives.

And don't mod your Xbox is you plan on using Xbox live! because it will automatically cut you off from it.

BTW.... never listen to store clerks.... they get paid to push certain systems, so they will never give you an unbiased opinion.


I take the PS2.


Because of Gundam.

Games like SD Gundam Generations and Gihren's Greed.

And Macross.

Most of the anime themed games are with PS2 and some of them are not released in English and to XBOX.


Well, I know I'm very much in the minority here, but I absolutely would choose Xbox over PS2. I own PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox, and my number of Xbox titles (over 20 and counting) is almost double that of my PS2 games. I mainly got my PS2 for the Metal Gear series and the Final Fantasy series, but both of those have let me down tremendously up to this point. (MGS2 was so damn weird that I actually traded it back, and I NEVER trade games in.) That's not really the fault of the system, obviously, but I find that I enjoy more of the Xbox titles than I do PS2 titles - especially with Sony's stance on 2-D games (namely, fighters). The whole selling point for me with the Xbox was Xbox Live. I absolutely LOVE this service, and I don't mind one bit paying for it since my friends and I are all on together and play very often.

Well, if you'd like some Xbox game recommendations, here are some of my favorites:

Halo - obviously, the system-seller

Ninja Gaiden - absolutely outstanding adventure game

Ghost Recon series - I do love shooting people on Xbox Live

Phantasy Star Online - it's old, I know, but it's still hella fun and new content is still being added

Crimson Skies - tremendous multiplayer action, and a fun story

Project Gotham Racing 2 - visually amazing, and races extremely well online


I use to have all 3 systems.

Now I just have the Xbox.

If you are into online gaming it is the way to go.

  MilkManX said:
I use to have all 3 systems.

Now I just have the Xbox.

If you are into online gaming it is the way to go.

Eh? What about the PC? The PC invented online gaming.

Sure, the Xbox is a good online console, but the true online gaming will once again, always be on the PC.

Vostok 7


Just buy them both. I would start by looking on ebay for a sweet deal on an XBox bundle. You could also look for a non working PS2's for dirt cheap and fix it. There is a common problem where it does not read cd's and it's an easy fix.

I own a PS2 and rarely play it. I mainly use it for a DVD player for my extra TV. These days, most good games come out for the PC and all consoles. It is rare to have a good game that is only available on one system. The only PS2 only game I like has been the Gran Turismo series. I played the GTA games on PS2 but next time I will wait for the PC version. PC games are always superior in graphics and you have a lot more options when it comes to the controls. It is also easier to play online and you have the option to download patches/extras. PC games are also cheaper because console titles have to pay huge royalties to the console makers. Consoles are sold at a lost so they have to make their money in the software.


Don't know if this has been mentioned, but you'll be able to play PSX and PS2 games on the upcoming PS3. Talk about the largest game library of any game system ever... You want continued game support, go with the PS2. There is a reason why it has outsold the XBox by tens of millions.

Posted (edited)

Of all the consoles available today, I would choose the PS2 merely to have Gran Turismo 4. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money right now. Besides, my co-worker gave me an XBOX for Christmas.

Here's a short review of the games I currently have:

Colin McRae Rally 04

Codemasters, 2004

Rated E (Everyone).

Visually, CMR4 is not as flashy as Microsoft's RalliSport Challenge and it doesn't have real courses, but like the previous CMR games, it has the look and feel of a rally simulator. And it's a steal at $19.99. B+


Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance ( メタルギアソリッド2 )

Konami, 2002

Rated M (Mature) for graphic violence, mature situations and mild language.

MGS2 got mixed reviews when it first hit the PS2, mainly because not everyone wanted to play Raiden. The XBOX version gives fans what they want: playing the second half of the game as Snake. Plus, Substance has more training levels and more fun with the ever-popular Ninja. A


Ninja Gaiden

Team Ninja/TECMO, 2004

Rated M (Mature) for extreme violence and gore.

After several years in the Dead or Alive series, Ryu Hayabusa returns to his roots in the remake of TECMO's classic game Ninja Gaiden. Despite some shoddy camera angles and insanely difficult gameplay, Ninja Gaiden boasts some awesome graphics and an excellent soundtrack. It even has the original NES game to boot! A


Project Gotham Racing

Bizarre Creations/Microsoft, 2002

Rated E (Everyone). Contains mild lyrics.

It is a tradition for every console to have a racing game on its launch. As the first racing game on the XBOX, PGR is loaded with awesome graphics, noteworthy sound effects and remarkable gameplay. Despite lacking customization options, PGR is a very good racing game. B+


R: Racing Evolution

NAMCO, 2003

Rated T (Teen) for cleavage shots and mild language.

NAMCO departs from the Ridge Racer franchise and starts anew with R. The story mode is rather short, but the gameplay is surprisingly good. Graphics are also nothing short of spectacular. Sound is okay, but the radio comments are repetitive. Otherwise, R is a racing game worth checking out, especially since it has a Delorean in it. B+


RalliSport Challenge

DICE/Microsoft, 2002

Rated E (Everyone).

Still the best rally game on the XBOX. A-


Sega GT Online

WOW Entertainment/Sega, 2004

Rated T (Teen) for supposed mild lyrics. Should be rated E, though.

If you've played Sega GT 2002, nothing's changed. You're just playing the exact same game on Sega GT Online. The only differences are more game modes, more cars and online gameplay. No wonder it's only $19.99. C+


Soul Calibur II ( ソウルキャリバー2 )

NAMCO, 2003

Rated T (Teen) for violence and mature situations.

Without a doubt, the best 3D fighting game ever made. A+.

Edited by areaseven
Posted (edited)

Why should you consider the PS2 over the Xbox? 1 simple thing. When the PS3 is out, you will be able to play PSX and PS2 games on it. When the Xbox 2 is out..... you will play.... nothing, because it won't be backwards compatible. <_<

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance ( メタルギアソリッド2 )

Konami, 2002

Rated M (Mature) for graphic violence, mature situations and mild language.

MGS2 got mixed reviews when it first hit the PS2, mainly because not everyone wanted to play Raiden. The XBOX version gives fans what they want: playing the second half of the game as Snake. Plus, Substance has more training levels and more fun with the ever-popular Ninja. A

I would like to point this out..... MGS2: Substance was also released on the PS2 with the same features.... but with better optimization then the Xbox.

Edited by Abombz!!

To be honest, I don't even know if its worth buying any of the current generation consoles unless you plan on buying lots and lots of games for cheap. As others have already pointed out

1 - PC's own consoles as far as online gaming is concerned

2 - next-gen consoles can't be too far away

I passed on the current consoles altogether, and frankly I haven't felt too bad about it. The only exception is specific console-only games, like the Gundam games. I wish those would get ported to PC. :(

  bsu legato said:
To be honest, I don't even know if its worth buying any of the current generation consoles unless you plan on buying lots and lots of games for cheap. As others have already pointed out

1 - PC's own consoles as far as online gaming is concerned

I don't want to hear a peep from PC gamers, who don't even know if games will play on their system until they are actually installed. All PS2 games play on the PS2.

  Duke Togo said:
I don't want to hear a peep from PC gamers, who don't even know if games will play on their system until they are actually installed. All PS2 games play on the PS2.

ALL games run on my 733t system. :p

  Vostok 7 said:
R: Racing Evolution has the Delorean? GRRR WHY DID I OVERWRITE MY 50% DONE GAME?!?!?!?!

Vostok 7

Well, the game has it, but its stats are very peculiar.

Max HP/Torque: 274bhp / 295 lb-ft

Weight: 2491 lbs


Well, I own both a PS2 and XBOX. I think it comes down to the user's taste in games.

Graphics are not everything, I still play some sweet games on what some people would consider ancient 8 bit machines.

Though functionality wise, once I modded my xbox, it opened up a whole new world of usage for it. It sits on my lan as a file server. Plus being able to play games right off the HD is simply awesome.

My ps2 is modded also, obviously it does not give me much more then just being able to play imports and back-up games. Really the only reason i did this was to play the Macross game. :)

  bsu legato said:
ALL games run on my 733t system. :p

Your 733t system? Oooooookay. :blink:

lol those are weird stats A7 (didn't it have less hp/tq?)... But I still luvs me some Delorian.

Vostok 7


Well, I'm a casual gamer so I probably won't be modifying anything to play tons of games. I know the new systems are coming out next year, but I probably won't buy them due to costs. I heard the new PS3 is over $400! For that money, I might as well get a PC. Sometimes I wish I didn't have a Macintosh, I don't care what these Apple loyalist say. There is just not enough software support in certain areas.

From what I gather, the game people mainly buy the Xbox for seems to be Halo. I played it once, and it just wasn't fun in single player mode although I can see how it would be different in an online environment. I don't plan to sign up for any online services though so Halo wouldn't be on my list. Ninja Gaiden looks really cool, but I don't think that would be a deal maker.

I guess I'll be grabbing myself a PS2 then. It's kind of annoying buying a system for the same price as a more powerful one, but it's all about the games. Thanks for everyone's help.


  bsu legato said:
  Vostok 7 said:
  bsu legato said:
ALL games run on my 733t system.  :p

Your 733t system? Oooooookay. :blink:

Jealous? :lol:

Frankly I wouldn't mind a 733t system...


Or perhaps you meant 1337.

Vostok 7

  Vostok 7 said:
Or perhaps you meant 1337.

Vostok 7

Oh, I see...correcting my fumbled attempt at leet speak? I should have run that thru a babblefish-type 133t-speak translator first.

But yeah, my system owns you. :p

  Deadzone said:
From what I gather, the game people mainly buy the Xbox for seems to be Halo. I played it once, and it just wasn't fun in single player mode although I can see how it would be different in an online environment. I don't plan to sign up for any online services though so Halo wouldn't be on my list.

I never saw the big deal about Halo. It might have been a "first" for console gamers, but for a veteran PC gamer it was nothing new.


The games that made the system worthwhile to me:


Panzer Dragoon Orta

Steel Battalion and Steel Battalion: Line of Contact

I have other games, but those are the ones that sold me on the system.


Being a lightgun and Final Fantasy fanatic, I hold my PS2 close to my heart as it's obviously got a load of those games that I just mentioned exclusive to the system, not to mention other little treasures like ICO (simply sublime) .hack//Infection Series (c'mon all you .hack fans come outta the closet NOW), AM-2 Macross (Nuff said') and Gungrave (Old-Skool blasting that can't be beat) B)).

Currently the XBOX is my favourite system because of games like Steel Battallion. PGR2 (Which STILL looks better than GT4's shoddy lower-res visuals), Halo (Good single player, awesome multi-player) and DOA 3/Unlimited. Not to mention upcoming corkers like Halo 2(Groan :D), Star Wars: Republic Commando, BC, Fable and Sudeki (A good pair of RPG's there for those who think that the only half-decent XBOX RPG that there'll ever be is KOTOR)

On a side note of sorts, with Rockstar warming up to the XBOX, I don't mind waiting for GTA: San Andreas to appear on the XBOX all enhanced and stuff, just see the GTA: Twin Pack and Manhunt conversions to see that the best comes to he who waits :p .

Then you've got a whole load of AAA titles which are exclusive to Nintendo's attractive little beast like Metroid Prime (Utterly amazing), F-Zero GX (the fastest and most insane racer on the market) and Zelda: The Wind Waker (Truly a playable cartoon in motion)

I guess what my point is, is that you should buy all three since they all have their own selection of games unique to that system. I've always bought a system not for it's specs but instead for the games available on it, but I guess everybody tastes are different, I just like the XBOX the best (at the moment) because it has all the games i'm looking forward to on it.

Just my two cents, hope I didn't offend any rabid fanboys in the process! :D

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