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In my futile quest to find a MPC Prime at my local Walmart or Target (grrrr grumble), I keep coming across the "Arch Enemy" series of Gundam figures (which appear to be just the RX-78 Gundam, a variation on the Gelgog?, and a Wing Gundam...three altogether?).

The RX-78 looks pretty good through the window of the packaging and has plenty of cool-looking accessories.

Anyone pick this up? Worth the 19.99?


there's no difference between the red box version and the blue box version, they just switched colors to reflect the new wave (ie RX-78 and glegoog instead of WZC, RX-78, and tallgeese III).

i only have the tallgeese III, and while i was initially dissappointed with it (feels hollow), i've really come to like it since, and i'm seriously debating the RX-78. i'd reccomend you give the line a shot, after all its not often we find quality toys like these at US price points.


To answer my own question...I picked up an RX-78 at my local Target.

I have to say, I'm VERY IMPRESSED. For 19.99 you get a very decent figure. The possability of the arms and legs is great. No hip movement, but overall, a great figure.

All the extras are what really make it worth it:

4 sets of hands

2 shields (one regular, one with a rifle holster)

Bazooka (mountable in the back)

Rifle (with articulated swiveling clip)

beam sabers

some wierd beam saber variant

an AWESOME ball/chain/mace, with heavy duty metal chain. Looks great to pose with.

A "build it yourself" transforming core fighter that tucks away inside the Gundam.

Truly a great figure. I'll be picking up more of this line.

It nearly rivals FIX figuration figures (ducks). And for only $20, a steal.

Great stuff.


They're pretty much built versions of their High grade 1/100 model kit counterparts are they not? I got the Zero, but cant find that darn talgeese anywhere.


They seem to have re-issued or done a second run of the Wing.

At first, it came out with the TG, but then they both disappeared, and for a while, the W0C figs were fetching pretty high prices on Ebay.

But I think they made more of them when they started pumping out the RX-78 because I saw them for a few weeks pretty steadily, and they had some there as well when I got the Gelgoog.

However, I haven't seen any of the TG III . S'OK, I wish they had done the regular TallGeese, not the III anyway.


I've seen Tallgeese III with the current wave of reissues, although they seem to be very short-packed, probably 1 per case.

The Char's Gelgoog figure is better than it looks, although the beam bazooka was ridiculously heavy the arm is unable to hold it at a fixed pose. They should have hollowed out the beam bazooka.

The beam blades' sculpts were plain fugly.

It does come with a MS-14B high mobility backpack, so you can always repaint it to a Johnny Ridden custom.

  HG Blows said:
They're pretty much built versions of their High grade 1/100 model kit counterparts are they not? I got the Zero, but cant find that darn talgeese anywhere.

No, they're new figures.

Vostok 7


i have the wing zero and even though it is quite pvc i love the detail and articulation - very nice i still dont regret the purchase of my only gundam!

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