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But that's just it. Are you gonna pay full price or get the 1/2 price bootleg? The original company had to pay for the rights to make the kit, or x number of kits. They had to pay the designer. They had to pay the sculptor. They had to pay the advertising.

The bootlegger just has to copy it and collect the money.

Why should the rightful kit companies make more if this is their fate? They lose, they don't make new kits.

Posted (edited)

It is too late at night for me to think clearly enough to engage in the ages old argument of the moralities surrounding the re-casting of original kits. Besides, even I'll admit that Gundamhead's post does have its valid points. That said, I am not going to be a hypocrite and pretend that I will not buy a re-cast when available. I bought Noels re-cast of the Club M 1/48 VF-1, Valkryie's re-cast of the VF-4, and I'll be glad to get the re-casts of both of these kits. ;)

That said, if there were more original kits out there, I would fully support I.H.P., Club M, and the other garage kit companies and buy from them. :) That option isn't easily available. The Koenig Monster kits are OOP and are *very* hard to find as are the transformable 1/72 VF-4G. And I am not going to deny being thrilled that I now have the option to buy a couple of re-casts of these beautiful kits. Seeing a pattern here? If the original kits are available, I will buy them. And I do have some nice and expensive pieces in my collection so it isn't re-casting simply for a cheaper price...it is re-casting driven by limited availability. I'm not even going to try to moralize it, I'm just glad the kit is now available. There you have it, now make of it what you will. Just the facts. Argue amoungst yourselves because I'm out of here....need to get an early start on work tomorrow. Goodnight All! Pics tomorrow!



Edit to add: I wouldn't count on seeing any more new kits from I.H.P. anyway, as the owner now works for Yamato and his model making pursuits seem to have been forgotten for the time being. So don't blame us for shutting down that garage company....blame the new YF-19! :p

Edited by trueblueeyes

It'd be one thing if they were still making the kits, but these haven't been made in, well years and won't be officially made again.

If there were another way, I'm sure most of us here would go that route.

LOL, and while I understand where you're coming from G-Head... you're right, this isn't going to make you too popular. :lol:;)

Posted (edited)
But that's just it. Are you gonna pay full price or get the 1/2 price bootleg?

Just to re-iterate, if the original kits were widely available, I'd buy them not the re-cast or "bootleg" as you refer to it. I'd love to have them in my collection. But that option isn't easily available. So I'll get them however I can take them.

Now I really am going to bed because I need to be a good girl and get up early for work...even though I really have the urge to set the alarm and just get up long enough to call in sick.... :ph34r: . :sigh:


EDIT: :wacko: D'oh, I did it again! And I thought I did a good job of proofreading my post! Maybe I need to hire a toe typing drunk monkey to make my posts for me??

Edited by trueblueeyes

Ummm... Am I supposed to PM or something to get on the list? I asked to be on the D"StancE YF-21 list a page or so ago, but have not been added. I assume I was just missed, but if I have to do something (PM, e-mail) someone please let me know.


  Crazy Canuck II said:
Ummm... Am I supposed to PM or something to get on the list? I asked to be on the D"StancE YF-21 list a page or so ago, but have not been added. I assume I was just missed, but if I have to do something (PM, e-mail) someone please let me know.


:huh: I'm sure AF will fix the list and put you on it CC. But what I want to know is when did we suddenly acquire the D-Stance YF-21 and who is re-casting it?!? Did I miss something? ;) I know I was able to get the Koenig Monster and the VF-4 as a loan from a generous owner willing to let us re-cast but where did the 21 come into the mix? Someone care to enlighten me?

Posted (edited)

What they all said. No one here is out to steal the potential profits of any kit maker. Rather, this would seem to be the only posible way the majority of us will be able to get thier hands on these kits. At any price.

Just for the record, you will never see me selling recasts of a kit that is in production. I do have ethics about this kind of thing.

Unlike companies like Hobbyfan and E2046. I've been pissed off many times seeing them selling recasts of brand new retail kits, and undercutting the kit's makers by quite a lot.

And yes, settle down about the D'Stance, guys. We still don't have one.

Edited by Valkyrie

You gotta appreciate Gundamhead for making his case as nicely and well thought out as he did. Wow, the model section is more mature than that other section!!! I'm still a toy fan at heart, but these kits are too good to be passed up. But yes the whole recasting debate is just like the fansubbing debate, something that should be discussed elsewhere.


I do get it. I'm not innocent and do own bootleg too. This idea here is still gonna help hurt the hobby. You are making it more profitable to bootleg than ever before. Even encouraging bootleggers. Now they don't even have to hunt down and buy their own kits, they get them given to them.

What is to stop anybody from taking Cobywan's Lancer, or Monkey Nugget's Glaug Booster and copying and selling them cheaper than they do? You're only kidding yourselves if you say you'd buy the expensive original over the bargain bootleg. It's also unbelievable to think the bootlegger won't further gain from sales off this site. It's also unbelievable that the original kit manufacturers were ever told of the interest in re-releasing their kits, or allowed to buy the right to re-relese them.

That leaves no incentive to ever see a company go after say a 1/35 Legioss or a 1/32 VF or various subjects. Somebody will buy one, hand it to the bootlegger and send them out of business offering it 1/2 price. The end result is fewer and fewer new kits.

The next cry will be they're too expensive instead of they haven't been available for a while or I missed them when they were.

Posted (edited)

hmmmm...... i have a question will the molds of these model kits be kept and still be available in the future coz I was thinking after getting the vf-4g kit and loved the end result of it, I would probably get a d-stance yf-21 :) if not could you guys add me also to the list of the d-stance yf-21 coz I would also want one thanks! :)

Edited by tank
Posted (edited)


You are entitled to your opinion and I understand your point.

This thread is for people interested in the VB-6 Koenig Monster and so forth, the thread was not created so you can post your opinion as to whether something is correct or not.

You've made your point in this thread, so please either PM/IM/e-mail or start your own thread where you and others can debate the topic of recasts. Feel free to contact me via PM, and we can talk about the morality of pornography, alcohol, bootleg toys, gay marriage/civil unions, and anything else you feel compelled to take a stand on, even though you've also engage in the activity. Also known as, "Pot calling the kettle black." ;)

No one is saying you do not have a right to post your opinion, which you have already done twice, but how much more can you reiterate the same exact sentiment without it becoming redundant. Melissa and Valkyrie have both presented our side of the topic very eloquently, so please do your part to refrain from beating a dead horse, rather than ruin this exciting thread.

I've been around a while, and like others, nothing is worse than seeing a positive thread which sometimes seem rare, turned into a debate.

Obviously, your post relates to this thread, but inherently it is different, and if your want to start a crusade, please take it elsewhere on this forum, or let sleeping dogs lay.

Lets leave it at that, and hopefully you'll take my advice so this thread can continue as before.


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB

GundamHead....I feel you...I feel what your saying....but I think your missing something...you stated "will this help or hurt the hobby" The hobby is model building...and it will help it ...without a doubt. We will end up with 20-40 model builders who will be happy to have a chance to build a kit they would otherwise most likely never find.

It will hurt the collectibles market...but I think that hurt is neglible. We are not advertising these on Ebay, nor are we going to be doing a run of any sizeable amount. Most collectors won't ever know about them. The ones that do will be like Carl, Melissa, I and others...will still buy the originals if we can. If Carl gets a recast Konig, I am certain he will still be on the prowl for an original.

I myself have a collection of originals which while it does not rival Carls, I dont even want to think about what I spent on it. That collection has grown due to recasts. Why you say? Well, it's like renting a video. I bought the BlackAces Club M 1/48...and loved it so much I decided I needed the original. I bought all the other Club M Tanmen work because I loved the 1/48 so much. I bought a VF2 recast, and loved it so much I needed to buy the original. In a market where most of us can't go to Wonderfest to find these, and can't speak the language to buy them easily...in a market where an original tiny model can go for hundred or thousands of dollars...well...it just doesn't seem like much of an impact. When you cut down to it, it's piracy...plain and simple...but so is copying movies and CD's to computers, TIVO, and other media. The movie industry thought VCR's would kill them...that no one would go to the movies...some would argue now it saved them. I would argue as long as the scale is small, and the recaster is not out to screw either the original artisan, or the potential buyers then the impact on the hobby is positive, and the impact on collectors is marginal.

Posted (edited)
  ChristopherB said:
Lets leave it at that, and hopefully you'll take my advice so this thread can continue as before.

Gundamhead has a valid opinion. He has stated it nicely and I believe that is to be encouraged. I'm sure this thread will continue as before should he choose to stay and I hope he does. I'm about to state my feelings on the subject and would love to hear what he has to say.


Edited by wwwmwww
Posted (edited)
  Gundamhead said:
I get the feeling this won't make me very popular though

No... its not what people says that makes them unpopular most of the time. Its how they say it. Here you are standing up for something you believe and I believe being very nice about it. I think everyone here can respect that. I do. And I share some of your same concerns.

  Gundamhead said:
You're planning on taking a limited run kit, and handing it to a bootlegger.

I don't believe any of the people we are considering for this recast project is out to make money at it. I know both of the two I've mentioned and I'm sure both have lost money in the past bending over backwards to help fellow fans. I have a hard time calling such a person a bootlegger.

  Gundamhead said:
This bootlegger doesn't even have to buy the kit himself, and gets to charge everybody. He's gotta be the happiest bootlegger in history.

They will be happy because they are in the hobby too and will be able to get this kit for themselves finally. I'm sure whoever takes on this project will be putting alot of time and effort into cleaning this kit up and I doubt they will be passing on much more then the cost of materials. If they were to charge us what they deserved for their time I suspect these recasts would cost more then the originals.

  Gundamhead said:
but this is just wrong.

Yes... it is. But its also not right to lets these works of art disapear into obscurity on a hand full of collector's shelves. To my knowledge there are only 8 of these VB-6 kits in existance. If the licencing in Japan would allow it I'm sure many of these kit makers would love to sell their kits on-line and offer then to a much bigger audiance. They can't. Not the way things are set up in Japan. They are only allowed to sell 20 kits a years which usually boils down to 10 at each Wonder Fest of the year. These rare kits are usually sold out in the first minutes of the show. And considering what the maker has to pay for licencing and the limited amout he's allowed to sell I really don't see how they can be making any money either. I think they must be doing it for the honor of being able to show off their works and have them appreciated enough that others are willing to buy them. Remember this groups first course of action was to try and get originals through Seiichi. That's now fallen apart but even the original maker WAS trying to get this kit into our hands. He's not the easiest person to get in touch with but I really have a hard time thinking he'd be upset by this. He may feel honored that his kit is viewed as a great enough piece of art that fans are willing to go to this length to get one and it will save him the time and trouble of making more. Believe me the cost at which he was willing to sell these wouldn't have made him much money. I think many under estimate how much work goes into something like this. Look at the 1/32 Legioss Project for example. I think John has stated that what he's done so far of that project is worth something like $40,000 since he makes a living doing stuff like that and he charges for his time. Do you really think I.H.P can make money selling just 8 of these VB-6 kits for several hundred dollars each?

  Gundamhead said:
Can't you see the damage that will be done to anybody thinking of making more Macross kits?

I really don't see this causing ANY harm to I.H.P. If anything it hurts people like myself and the owner of this VB-6 that collect the original kits. With just 8 of these out there, their value is almost anything the owner wants for it. But I get more out of helping fellow fans then knowing the dollar value of my collection. Besides an original will ALWAYS be worth more then a recast.

Edited by wwwmwww
  Less than Super Ostrich said:
I agree. Gundamhead has a very valid opinion. I'm still buying his Monster sculpt from SMT. I'd hate to discourage any of his work towards advancing the craft.

I have to buy this. I dont know whier else to get it. I understand the point and I dont own anybootlegs and thise will be the 1st. So in other words, i will be in the same boat as you are (GundamHead). I allways try to buy an original, but the mona lisa is way too expensive and I dont plan on selling my "reprint",(just an analogy) so i think it is valad and unhurting (to anyone) to buy this one recast that cant be gotton by normal means. But I cant pass this up, so I apologize for my forthcomming in defending this project :unsure:

Posted (edited)
  Gundamhead said:
But that's just it. Are you gonna pay full price or get the 1/2 price bootleg?

I think the odds of this recast being half the cost of the original are VERY small. Had you been at Wonder Fest and been able to buy an original I doubt you'd have been paying for more then the cost of materails and his license. And believe me I for one would easily pay 2x or 3x for an original. The recasting of these variable kits is usually not done. Check out the big recasting shops and you will see very few kits of this complexity being done. Its because it will cost as much to make the recast as the original kits were.

  Gundamhead said:
The original company had to pay for the rights to make the kit, or x number of kits. They had to pay the designer. They had to pay the sculptor. They had to pay the advertising.

For the kits we are talking about here, the maker, the designer, and the sculptor are all the same person. And the only advertising that they've done is set up their own home page. They really have no need to avdertise and most of the kit makers that sell kits at wonder fest don't even set up a web page. If they make good kits they never have a problem selling out at these events. I think most of these kits makers do it for the bragging rights to be able to say they'd sold an officialy licenced kit more then the money. They way the licencing system is set up in Japan I'm amazed they haven't killed the hobby already. I really don't see how any of these kit makers are making money. Some of the ones that I know do make a living at this don't go to these events any more as a result. Its been years sinces I've seen Studio HalfEye at a wonderfest for example.

  Gundamhead said:
The bootlegger just has to copy it and collect the money.

The two we've talked about here I think are willing to do this because they want this kit as bad as the rest of us do. I think they both would be happy to come out of this and NOT lose money. For anyone to make any significant amout of money at this we'd have to charge more then the original kits were sold for. That's why no one else is recasting this kit.

  Gundamhead said:
Why should the rightful kit companies make more if this is their fate? They lose, they don't make new kits.

Some of these kit makers I know sell kits at Wonder Fest to get there name out there in the hopes they make a name for themselves and be able to turn it into something bigger. That is more or less how Studio HalfEye got his start. If anything this will help to spead I.H.P's name but I believe he's already moved on to other things. I think very few of the kits sold at Wonder Fest make the kit maker enough money to cover his time and effort put into the Kit. Even the big companies lose money selling kits at Wonder Fest. I've heard the 1:48 kits that Club-M made to sell just at wonder fest lost them alot of money. It was a stunt done almost solely for advertising and did get them into all the hobby magazines at the time. Also keep in ming ALL these kits are just marketed to the Japanese. They don't make ANY effort to sell these kits outside of Japan so we aren't taking any busniess away from them. I hope these licencing laws change and that places like HLJ are able to offer many more original kits from many different makers but till that day comes many of these kits you'll ever get a chance to see first hand will HAVE to be recasts.


Edited by wwwmwww
Posted (edited)

Gundamhead has a valid point. If the major resin kit companies still produced the "no longer in the market" kits, I would buy the original, but since that isn't happening, I'm forced to by the recasted version. Btw, gotta update that list. Man, all the action took place while I was asleep!!??

Edited by Angel's Fury
  trueblueeyes said:
But what I want to know is when did we suddenly acquire the D-Stance YF-21 and who is re-casting it?!? Did I miss something? ;)

No D'Stance has turned up yet. I think people are just hopefull one will soon. I must admit I thought we were getting the cart ahead of the horse as I didn't expect a VB-6 to turn up as fast as it did. Since it did maybe we'll get lucky on the D'Stance too. By the way... please add me to the D'Stance list. I've already got an original VF-4 but leave me on the list for one of these too.


Posted (edited)
  wwwmwww said:
  ChristopherB said:
Lets leave it at that, and hopefully you'll take my advice so this thread can continue as before.

Gundamhead has a valid opinion. He has stated it nicely and I believe that is to be encouraged. I've sure this thread will continue as before should he choose to stay and I hope he does. I'm about to state my feelings on the subject and would love to hear what he has to say.



I understand your point, and if you read my post, which I presume you did not based upon your reply, I never once said his two reiterations of the same arguement were not valid. Looking back, I can't locate a post that said his posts were not valid, quite the opposite actually, because like mine they make a point to recognize his point of view.

Likewise, I do not agree that just because someones posts "nicely" as you put it, they should be encouraged or rewarded. I was under the impression that we should post responsible/respectful replies, which is what you, I and the majority of others strive to do with all of our posts.

Does everyone post appropriately all the time, no, and I do appreciate that he followed proper MW decorum, and so I responded in kind, but not because I felt the need to encourage him.

Furthermore, no one asked him to leave the thread, if he of course wishes to stay on topic. You don't have to agree or even plan to buy one of these kits to participate, but disagreeing does not imply some special privilege to derail the thread. As has been said thousands of times, it helps if we do our part to keep a thread on topic. Last time I checked, the title of this thread is not "Why do I think it is wrong to buy copies of recasted resin kits, even though I myself am quilty of buying bootlegs." I merely suggested that he use an alternate method to start a moral debate. Like I said, his post is relevant to this thread, but it does nothing to further the inherent purpose of the thread as created, and all though it adds to the length, it does nothing to serve the purpose of the thread. As a matter of fact, his opinion is anathema to the goals of the thread.

Lastly, I do not feel the need to justify my reasons for buying a recast. The reasons are self-evident, as I'm sure his are for taking the moral high ground, while at the same time taking part in the sin, at least in the past.

I do appreciate your well substantiated post as well as your reasoning, and you did so very well. Although I doubt it will happen, hopefully people will realize that you are either on one side of the fence or the other. All of the nice replies and counter replies in the world will do nothing to change someone's mind, no matter how much you repeat them or slightly change the semantics.

Looking forward to the pictures, and the end of this senseless debate... ;)


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB

Well frisky aren't we!

My real motivations, on buying this toys, well they are beautiful, I love the fact, that people that share the same passion for a hobby can get together and pull projects like this, it makes me feel special, profit out of this, shame on whoever thinks like that, I believe must of us can wait to display these pieces on our collections, and the pride to be part of this amazing project, once again that's human behavior, If you don't do it, why don't you?, and if you do it, why did you do it?, Lets see who has a big grin on its face when you get your hands on this kits, I CAN'T WAIT

Later dudes



Here's a question for those of you who are planning on buying the recast.

Do you actually intend on building this thing and displaying it or are you just a collector who likes just having the kit?

For me personally my ultimate intention is to build every kit I purchase no matter how rare or valuable (yes I know it's a pipe dream given the number of kits I have but hey I can dream).


I will put it together, I'm not as good as you, but with practice I will get there, by the way if an artbox for these models are needed I can offer my services for them, also the instruction sheet, lets make it in color, but of course I will need some pictures and color references, and then leave the rest to me


  Grayson72 said:
Here's a question for those of you who are planning on buying the recast.

Do you actually intend on building this thing and displaying it or are you just a collector who likes just having the kit?

For me personally my ultimate intention is to build every kit I purchase no matter how rare or valuable (yes I know it's a pipe dream given the number of kits I have but hey I can dream).

I have every intention of building mine, but I doubt it will be right away. This is a kit I want to be confident I can build "exactly" like I want it before I attempt it.

This is another reason why I'm glad this is being recast. If it were the original, I don't think I'd even want to breathe on it.

Posted (edited)


Anarchy symbol for your avatar. Pretty cool.


I'll definitely have the kit(s) built, or do it myself depending upon how much time I have and if my skills improve. ;) I can understand/sympathize with a collector that wants to keep an original kit, especially a rare one, in the best condition possible.

If all of the rare kits are built, we will no longer have the original to share with others, and that includes the box and art, decals and so forth. Not only that, but because of the people that have not built their kits, we have the opportunity to recast them.

If I had the money, I would purchase all of the rare Macross resin kits that are no longer produced, have them recasted to share with other fans, and put the kits in a Macross Museum to so that others can experience them the way they looked when they were first created.

Not only that, but you can more easily appreciate the work that went into a project when you can see the finished product and all of the pieces that had to be sanded, primered, painted and decaled to make it into what it is.

Save the rare originals and share them, build the recasts and the widely available kits.


Christopher B))

Edited by ChristopherB
  Grayson72 said:
Here's a question for those of you who are planning on buying the recast.

Do you actually intend on building this thing and displaying it or are you just a collector who likes just having the kit?

Once I have the monster, I intend on building and displaying it. Btw, I tried seaching for the D'Stance YF-21 resin kit @ google, ebay, yahoo auctions. To my dismay, I found none. I'll try the other seach engines. Hopefully, I'll find one. Wish me luck!!!

  LocoMacross said:
I will put it together, I'm not as good as you, but with practice I will get there, by the way if an artbox for these models are needed I can offer my services for them, also the instruction sheet, lets make it in color, but of course I will need some pictures and color references, and then leave the rest to me


As good as me?? Awe shucks I've gone bright red :lol:


Grayson makes a key point...I still define myself as a model builder, not collector. My wife might disagree ( :) ) but there is a difference. Someday, I hope to have a huge case of all the cool models I have built. My problems are:

I am a slow builder

I am very busy

My aspirations outwiegh my time (see above)

I continue to buy kits, because I dont want to look back and say "Darn, I should have bought that! " Still...I would say I am a builder, as I intend on building all my kits. I have happily bought kits on Ebay that are no longer "MIB" or are in fact not even in a box anymore. I want the kit...not the prestige. I don't hide my collection away...I am always happy to share pictures, and discuss.

Posted (edited)
I understand your point, and if you read my post, which I presume you did not based upon your reply, I never once said his two reiterations of the same arguement were not valid.

I never said you called them invalid.

Likewise, I do not agree that just because someones posts "nicely" as you put it, they should be encouraged or rewarded.

People are entitled to their opinions and I have no problem with anyone stating what they believe. I see no reason to discourage it. Some debating is a very healthy thing. Pleople can still respect each other and disagree at the same time.

Furthermore, no one asked him to leave the thread,

You did say "please take it elsewhere on this forum, or let sleeping dogs lay." did you not?

but disagreeing does not imply some special privilege to derail the thread.

He didn't derail anything. He raised some concerns that others here may have had as well. There was no harm in him speaking up.

Like I said, his post is relevant to this thread, but it does nothing to further the inherent purpose of the thread as created, and all though it adds to the length, it does nothing to serve the purpose of the thread.

I don't know about that. I know there are people out there that simply refuse to buy recasts. I started out that way myself. As I've learned more on the subject I've opened myself up more to the thought of owning recasts in cases where I know I'm not taking any money away from the creaters of these great kits. I now own several recasts and I've let others recast my originals in cases where I know the originals can no longer be obtained. The point is his post allowed me to share some information that maybe most don't have. Maybe it will even bring us another coustomer or two I don't know. But to me anything that puts more information on the table is a good thing.

Lastly, I do not feel the need to justify my reasons for buying a recast.  The reasons are self-evident, as I'm sure his are for taking the moral high ground, while at the same time taking part in the sin, at least in the past.

No one is asking you to justify your reasons. This also doesn't have to be a moral issue IMHO. To me its an issue between the letter of the law, the rights of the creator of the kit, and the preservation of art. Keep in mind its my understanding that is some countries it is perfectly leagal to recast someone else's work and make a living doing it. That's NOT even what this project is about.

Although I doubt it will happen, hopefully people will realize that you are either on one side of the fence or the other.  All of the nice replies and counter replies in the world will do nothing to change someone's mind, no matter how much you repeat them or slightly change the semantics.

It doesn't hurt to try... does it?

Looking forward to the pictures, and the end of this senseless debate... ;)

I just didn't see it as senseless... That's all although I'm willing to respect your opinion too.


Edited by wwwmwww
Posted (edited)

why are you people entertaining him?

look, DUDE, IHP is no longer interested in making these kits, end of story.

as for the people who have the original IHP kits? they wont be harmed, because i'm sure a real collector could tell the difference, for instance, the documentation coming with the kit?

don't rain on everyones parade, were i a mod, all your posts in this thread would be deleted, as you are soapboxing in a friendly thread that does not apply to the people you are against.


getting back on topic, i actually wanted two monsters, not a monster and the other thingy.

please add another monster to my want list. and subtract that somethingorother deal

Edited by estacado06479
  estacado06479 said:
why are you people entertaining him?

look, DUDE, IHP is no longer interested in making these kits, end of story.

as for the people who have the original IHP kits? they wont be harmed, because i'm sure a real collector could tell the difference, for instance, the documentation coming with the kit?

don't rain on everyones parade, were i a mod, all your posts in this thread would be deleted, as you are soapboxing in a friendly thread that does not apply to the people you are against.

calm down. its a very valid argument. think about it this way... if every artist knew that their pieces would be replicated and sold, then we wouldn't have as many new kits. i'm not saying that it doesn't suck, but from the scratchbuilders perspective, you can understand why they would be upset.

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