estacado06479 Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 what if we ALL look and tell the designated bidder about the ongoing auctions, that way, there is NO chance of stepping on toes or getting in each other's way. Quote
ChristopherB Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 Trueblueeyes, Good to hear from you, and good luck with dinner tonight. Thanks for stopping by, even if it was only a "quickie." I don't mind though, seems that all my wife has time for nowadays is a "quickie," so I've gotten used to it. That is of course if she doesn't have a headache. Anyway, yes Carl has been a big help in the past, and I'm sure he'll like Mississippi. I'm from the South, and have relatives in that state. Very pretty and laid back. Gene, You can call me Little Orpah Annie, and you can be Daddie Warbucks. Based upon our phone conversations, PM's and business dealings, I know you have an awesome collection, and much more than just Macross. Happy Hunting to all, and all for one. Sincerely, Christopher Quote
Myersjessee Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 CARL!!! CONGRATS!!!!! I owe you some pictures...probably will have them this weekned. Melissa! GREAT IDEA! Jesse, STOP USING CAPS!!! Hey all...sounds cool on the Monster. I'm wrapped up in a bunch of recast projects right now, which are to big in scope for me to be able to do anything for a while...but if this takes a while I would be happy to volunteer to help. Sounds like Valkyrie is already signed up...but if he needs some help....or gets busy Iwould be happy to volunteer my time. I would love a recast regardless. If I see the kit turn up, or can do anything else...sign me up. Hey my pressure tank all set up! Quote
Eternal_D Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 put me on the interested list. whatever I can do, I'll do...which probably won't be much...but I'm here anyway! Quote
robokochan Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 Sent you a PM ChristopherB. Will do my best to find one. It may take some time. Rob Quote
Major Tom Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 Please put me on the list also. I'll also help in finding this kit. So far, here are some links: Quote
goldenboy_forever Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 count me in too congrats on the new job Quote
wwwmwww Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 ChristopherB said: The only problem is that both Gene and Melissa have also offered to pay the price for the kit, so as long as everyone understands from the beginning, only (1) person will get the original, and the rest of us will get re-casts, then all should be fine. That doesn't have to be as big a problem as it sounds. There is more then one original out there... its just that only one person will get the *FIRST* one that shows up. If all 3 of us want originals I'm willing to keep at it till everyone is happy. Just be aware this project could last a while... I haven't seen one anywhere in 7 or 8 months I believe. Carl Quote
estacado06479 Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 what are we throwing into search engines? i have looked a number of ways and still no dice. looked on ebay, and that was predictable, but did a google on it and didnt come up wtih any auction sites, am i doing something wrong? Quote
ChristopherB Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 (edited) Rob, Thanks for your help. Carl is offering a free recast of the kit to the first person that locates an original for sale. Carl also mentioned that he has seen (3) of the kits auctioned off on Yahoo Japan. Is it possible to contact the individuals that won the auction and make them an offer they can't refuse? I know that on Ebay, you can do a search for completed items, and then send an e-mail to them. I've been able to buy some items I really wanted like that. Of course the age of the auctions will have a bearing on our ability to still locate them, but it is worth a shot. I will also go ahead and contact Noel to see if he can help. Sincerely, Christopher Edited March 3, 2004 by ChristopherB Quote
wwwmwww Posted March 3, 2004 Posted March 3, 2004 ChristopherB said: Carl also mentioned that he has seen (3) of the kits auctioned off on Yahoo Japan. Is it possible to contact the individuals that one the auction and make them an offer they can't refuse? Excellent idea. See my post dated August 26, 2003 in this thread: for all the info I have on the first auction. If someone can trace this back to the winners Yahoo ID we should be able to contact them. The info on the last one I saw is also posted in the thread by Valkyrie and Shawn Quote Here's a pic from a more recent auction I saw, dated 6/30/03. And, much to my amazement, I found the URL!! (you'll need a valid login to see it) starting bid: Y1 number of bids: 8 ending price: Y49000 Quote That was won by a Rinkya member They are an auction bidding service like Celga or Shono Carl-perhaps you can contact them and ask them to forward an email to the winner of that auction I have contacted Rinkya asking them to pass my email address onto the winner. They told me they have however I never heard back from the winner. If anyone has some inside information with Rinkya I'd love to have the winners email address or phone number but I don't think they'd just give it to me. I *thought* I saw one between these two but I've now lost all the email I had on this subject at TI and I see in the other thread where I say "So that means two have made their way to Yahoo Japan." I may be misremembering the third auction. If there was a third I don't think I still have any information on it. You can also look here to see something else I tried at the time:;f=2;t=84 Good luck, Carl Quote
min Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 good luck everyone! i hope this works out well. i will be doing my share by searching and asking around the local stores here. i'll leave the yahoo japan auctions search to you guys. to think, i actually saw this in person. dont think it was for sale at the time though and it was in this horrible mode. Quote
xstoys Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 min said: to think, i actually saw this in person. dont think it was for sale at the time though and it was in this horrible mode. Was it this sad creature? Quote
wwwmwww Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 min said: dont think it was for sale at the time though and it was in this horrible mode. Min... if Noel is correct and you saw the one he photographed you were at the one and only event I'm aware of where these WERE sold. If you saw one someplace else you MUST tell us where you saw it. Them the rules... Carl Quote
ChristopherB Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 Hello Noel, I'm glad I contacted you, and I appreciate you offering to help. It's too bad that whoever owns the VB-6 Koenig Monster pictured above, did not know how to transform it properly. Looks like a nice paint job though. Did you take any other pictures of it, if the picture posted ends up being the same one you took? I wish there was a way to contact the person that had it on display and find out if they are willing to sell. Min, Thank you for offering to help. Sincerely, Christopher Quote
min Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 you know, if the monster was for sale at the time, i would have definately picked one up. having said that, and knowing that i dont have one in my possession, i guess it would seem logical that i took down some kind of info to contact them later. seeing that picture again really helped. it says liquid stone on the card to the right. im sure if we did some photo enhancing, we can find out more about the company and maybe get some contact info. im kidding . liquid stone webpage email: Quote
ChristopherB Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 min said: "I'm kidding." Min, I'm not sure what part you are "kidding" about. Please clarify. Sincerely, Christopher Quote
min Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 well, if you go to the site, you'll see that it is indeed the homepage for liquid stone. was kidding about having to enhance the photos. i took down the info when i was there. clarified. Quote
wwwmwww Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 ChristopherB said: It's too bad that whoever owns the VB-6 Koenig Monster pictured above, did not know how to transform it properly. I'm sure he does. This one (I assume) is still in the hands of Mr. Sakuragawa. I've got a contact that has his email address. I had it at one time but I'm sure I lost it along with most of my old emails. I've bought kits directly from him in the past. However when the Macross World deal feel apart I tried at that time to contact him directly again and he wasn't returning his emails. Come to think of it Shawn should still have his email address. I'll email him and check. I'm sure the one you see it that pic was just picked up and sat down by someone that wasn't too careful. I don't think he sold the painted one at Wonder Fest or I'd have expected it to be gone by the time Noel got to it and took the above picture. Noel has meet Mr. Sakuragawa face to face. I believe there is even a picture of them together in one of Noel's reports. Carl Quote
wwwmwww Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 (edited) I'm not sure who Liquid Stone is but the variable monder was built by I.H.P. I.H.P is a one man show as far as I know and that man is Mr. Sakuragawa. His homepage is listed in the links section here at Macross World. Here you go: I.H.P's home page And come to think of it... THERE is his email addess as well. Someone want to email him in Japanese and see what he's willing to say. If he still has the painted one and he's willing to sell it could it be recasted? Or is it better to start with a non painted kit. Here is the VB-6's home page: VB-6's page But as you can see it hasn't been updated since before he finished the kit. Does anyone know who Liquid Stone is? Mr. Sakuragawa hasn't renamed I.H.P has he? Carl Edited March 4, 2004 by wwwmwww Quote
trueblueeyes Posted March 4, 2004 Author Posted March 4, 2004 We are one step closer to completing the project! I have been contacted by someone who owns an original IHP Koening monster kit and is willing to loan it for re-casting. First, let's get this out of the way: *Please don't e-mail or PM me asking for the identity of the owner. The owner wishes to remain anonymous and has NO interest in selling the kit for *any* price. The only other person who needs to know the identity is the re-caster who takes on the project* That said, there are some pretty tough decisions to make. This is going to be an expensive and complicated re-cast. We are going to need members who can really commit to buying this kit which *will* be expensive, make no mistake about it ( if you have to beat up your neighbor's kid for gas money, please don't waste our time) And no, I don't know the final cost. That will have to be decided by whomever re-casts the kit. It will be their decision as to how much to charge for their time and talent. We are also going to need a re-caster who is willing to take on a kit of this complexity. How complex? Here is some info straight from the owner of the original IHP kit..."Just a few things about the kit: It is very complicated (lots of small pieces and hollow parts) and the original casting is not the greatest. There is a lot of flash, and some parts are chipped (from broken sprues). This is either one of the last kits from the original mold, or IHP was pushing their skills to the limit. In all honesty, I can see why they are no longer producing this thing. Ultimately the cost may be a bit more than $200, not including all the screws (approx 200) needed to complete the kit (the original doesn’t even include these). Ulp! None of the approximately 200 screws needed to complete the kit are included. (The owner did give me the size needed and a place to obtain them but they aren't cheap) So I need some input from our members (and any re-casters who are still willing to take on the project) ....*Do we find and include the screws with the kit or provide the sizes needed and leave it up to those who buy the kit to get the screws themselves? * What think?? The owner also mentions that the instructions are on CD-Rom but that really isn't a problem as I have no problem either making copies of it or printing out instructions for those who need a hard copy. So now you nderstand all that is involved. I ask those that are *serious* about the kit to post here or contact me. Also, for any re-casters who are willing to take on this project...please contact me ASAP. I am anxious to get this project started. Once I hear from you, I will talk to the owner of the kit. (who has a definite say in whom does the re-casting). Also, not that anyone needs even more pressure... but whomever jumps on board needs to know that I've promised to return the original kit to its owner in the shortest time possible. And although I can't mention the name, can you all join me is saying a huge THANKS!! to the owner for being willing to allow the kit to be re-casted! It is people like this that keep this hobby so much fun and so rewarding. I also have to say thanks to those who posted in this thread for generating enough interest to make the project a possibility instead of a pipe dream. And for those of us who have been wanting this kit for quite a while.....YES!! One step closer in a long walk. Help me get to the end of the road so that we may make this idea real. If you have suggestions, please post, PM, or e-mail me. Sincerely, Melissa Reid Quote
trueblueeyes Posted March 4, 2004 Author Posted March 4, 2004 One more thing...this is fodder for another thread but I thought I would mention it here... The owner also has a variable IHP VF-4 that he is willing to loan for recasting. Do we have enough members who would want this kit to make it possible? I know I'd love one, but I collect models like some people collect toys so what do I know! What think? (If there is enough interest in this kit, we'll start another thread...although please be aware that most re-casters only have the time to work on one project a time and the VB-6 Koening Monster will most likely have to be finished first if we manage to go ahead with it....and I don't want the owner seperated from both kits for too long at a time) Please post your thoughts on this kit as well. And again to our benefactor who must remain anonymous: THANKS!! Sincerely, Melissa R. Quote
Myersjessee Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 (edited) Nice work Melissa!!!! We are definitly one step closer!!!!! Based on the other variable kits, the complexity of the transformation, and the size of the kit, it is no suprise that it has a TON of pieces....that alone will make the recast a big project. We should see how many people really want one...and make sure the recaster is willing to do that many. As I am sure CobyWan, MSLZ22, Valkyrie, and others will attest big kits are cool for a while...but once you are making your 15th mold, or pouring pieces for your 15th kit it can get old. It will be cheaper to do if we have a good idea of how many will be seriously purchased....(so the right mold material is used... and the right pricing selected) The $200 range sounds like a good approximation...but I would bet it would go down if the volume was high...or up if it was low. We probably want to not include screws...screws are like religion..and we don't need to have a debate here about what kind should come with the kit. is hoping...nice work all! Edited March 4, 2004 by Myersjessee Quote
min Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 awesome job! and thanks mr. anonymous! i would be interested in both kits if there were recasted. Quote
tom64ss Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 That's awesome Melissa. Thanks, and send a thanks to the Mr. Anonymous too. Quote
Angel's Fury Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 That's great Melissa! THANK YOU Mr. Anonymous! Quote
EXO Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 (edited) tom64ss said: Mr. Anonymous Dammit Tom... he said he didnt want his name mentioned. Put me down on the list Mellisa, the more members the lower the cost right? Edited March 4, 2004 by >EXO< Quote
Zeta Otaku Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 Awesome news! What scale is the Koenig Monster? And how much do you think it'd be to recast that variable VF-4??? Hopefully I'll have a large sum of money coming my way in the near future, but I'm not making any promises... any chance you could put me down as a "maybe"? Quote
cobywan Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 I can't commit to casting but I can offer to make the molds. Think about it. Quote
DARTHTODD Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 If we can get the price around $200 or so I may be interested, but I will need to know how much this will cost before I am committed to buying one. Also am interested in more info about the VF-4. Thanks too to everyone's work so far in this project and I think this is a great idea also, makes collecting fun. Quote
trueblueeyes Posted March 4, 2004 Author Posted March 4, 2004 Grayson72 said: What scale is the variable VF-4? Still trying to stick to one scale only? It is a 1/72 scale variable VF-4G from I.H.P. Beautiful kit...but don't take my word for it: Fighter Quote
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