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  • 2 weeks later...
  Rob said:
could you post a pic of the top and bottom of that armor for me ?

as that armour looks familiar to me.

Why does the lack of response not surprise me? <_<

  Rob said:
could you post a pic of the top and bottom of that armor for me ?

as that armour looks familiar to me.

hmmm...if you smell SH$t then I'm guessing something or someone is full of it.

Arafat...honestly...I feel like you think we are all very stupid.

with love

slow boy

P.S. - still got my sig...and it seems to still be warranted. Arafat...if you disagree...if you feel I am out of line...please...post some pictures of the molds (insides) and I will be happy to edit out my comment, edit out my sig, and post an appology. Otherwise I will assume these are Robs, and thats just wrong.


I ACTUALLY ok at recasting i have some elintseeker heads , gbp parts , and orstrich parts too , also some chest plates , and hips for any valk , sorry if i havent asnwer before but i have been very busy lately , and please stop with all the aligations iam really tired of that i will post all the pictures once i get to my house


mrjessee , actually i dont have to show any pictures of anything if i dont want to, but i will once to get to my house to shut everybodys mouth , becuase iam tired of stupid things like that



I not trying to flame bait or anything like that because ARAFAT209 has never done anything to me personally, and if he had, I still wouldn't do that, but I was honestly really excited when I read the topic of his thread.

I was like, "Holy Sh*t, I'm going to get to see someone show us their project to scratch build my favorite valkyrie, the Super Ostrich!"

My mind conjured up images of someone sculpting the armor from clay, or making it from styrene and so forth, but all you've done is take a set of standard recast armor essentially identical to the original Bandai armor, and stick it on what looks to be a beat-up Jetfire.

I'm familiar with Rob's excellent recast work, and that armor looks very similar, but that is for you to clarify. Since you didn't mention a scale in your title I also thought you were going to scratch build a VT-1 with bubble canopy, (2) seat cockpit and so forth, but I suppose that was asking a bit much. :(

Well, if you decide to continue and prove the armor is indeed your own Bandai recast, I'll look forward to seeing your custom 1/55 Super Ostrich as compared to an original scratch build. ;)

Until then...,

Christopher B))


Sorry Chris but that appears to be an original Ostrich Valkyrie. Notice the 2 seater and the paint.

Arafat, maybe you got an unfair bad reputation. But as a dealer, a person usually has to go out of his way to prove themselves first, because money or valuable things are involved. Also there had been questionable actions in your time here as a member, so you shouldn't be surpised at the backlash. You don't familiarize yourself with the rules and conducts of the boards and expect everyone else to excuse you for it.

Everytime you post you should already expect some sort of negative response, maybe you don't deserve it, but it's usually what follows and it shouldn't surprise you by now. An easy to stop things like that from happening from this thread was to post pics of more than one set of recasts or another set of armor, such as the Elint.


the current facts are fairly simple:

Arafat orders a Rob recast Super O

Arafat says Rob never sent it or that he never recieved it and trys to get his money back

Arafat shows off a recast Super O.

Rob asks for pictures of the inside of the pieces to check identity of the pieces.

I ask to see the molds.

Arafat does not have to do what we ask. Arafat does not owe me any alliegence, but if he wants to gain more of my trust or Robs, or anyone else he would do that. Arafat sent me a note accusing me of being childish and assaulting him. I don't see it that way. I'm calling things as I see them...I would call this extremely fishy. If Arafat decides he wants to address my allegation then he may choose to and I will be more then happy to say I was wrong.


By all means Jesse...

I wasn't saying that the allegations are far fetched, in fact I was saying Arafat shouldn't be surpised by them.


I already said that i will post the pictures of the molds and other resin parts , as for rob i told him many times that he could keep the money you can ask him your self , and as far as recasting i even ofered you a $20 k job a year for recasting becuase i didint have the time to do more molds , say if iam liying or not

  ARAFAT209 said:
....as for rob i told him many times that he could keep the money you can ask him your self .....


Am I missing something? How can Rob keep the money if you already had Paypal take it away from him?

  Rob said:
Okay, I really don't want to waste the time in doing this, but I will because other members will benefit from this information. This is in response to the report that ARAFAT209 has posted here.

ditto ,but reading about this i just had to add the latest on my problem with this user.(the rest is in the old mw forums)

he said im a rippoff as i didnt send him the item ,i have send him the ticket from the PO so he could see it was send . he complainted to paypal so paypal HAS refunded his payment to him(i didnt have a online tracking number for it, simply because he didnt pay for that kind of shipping) but i still do not have my armour back (my PO is searching for it now as it was registered) .

he has the money and as far as i know (untill my PO says otherwise) he has my armour too.

i can only say be carefull AGAIN with this user ARAFAT209

if for some miracle my armour gets returned too me ill post it here .


I told him that he can keep the money from the very begining , but he never answer any of the e-mails afte like 7 days then i decied to call paypal , he NEVER provided any kind of proof That it was sent that is how paypal knew that he never sent it , if he still want his money and i think that is what this is all about i can send it to him in no time , I guess that is what he wants , dont expect any other reply from me but the pictures of all the molds

  ARAFAT209 said:
I told him that he can keep the money from the very begining , but he never answer any of the e-mails afte like 7 days  then i decied to call paypal , he NEVER  provided any kind of proof  That it was sent that is how paypal knew that he never sent it , if he still want his money and i think that is what this is all about  i can send it to him in no time , I  guess that is what he wants , dont expect any other reply from me but the pictures of all the molds

It was an honest question. No need to get defensive.

-First, you e-mailed him telling him he can keep the money.

-Then you filed with Paypal, taking the money away.

It just doesn't make sense to me and I was looking for some clarification.

And I don't think it's about money, it's about integrity.


You guys should wait until Arafat posts up the pics, and he said he would, that Rob requested before jumping on him. From that one angle the armor is said to look 'familiar'. We'll find out just how familiar it is when we see these new pics.

Arafat, I would suggest that you post the pics as soon as possible, better if it's less then 24.

Everybody, until that time, chill.


Well...lets see...I see GBP recasts and molds...I see VF1 leg armor recasts and molds..I see VT/VE wing recast...but no molds...I dont see any other VT molds or VT recast FP parts (or the cockpit etc)..... perhaps you just forgot to show these...or perhaps your working on copying the parts you have now to make the molds. <_<


Arafat, also to respond, you offered to keep me molding "night and day" for 20K a year recasting. I said no thank you. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I will be happy to confirm you made the offer.

Posted (edited)
  ARAFAT209 said:
I told him that he can keep the money from the very begining , but he never answer any of the e-mails afte like 7 days  then i decied to call paypal , he NEVER  provided any kind of proof  That it was sent that is how paypal knew that he never sent it , if he still want his money and i think that is what this is all about  i can send it to him in no time , I  guess that is what he wants , dont expect any other reply from me but the pictures of all the molds

Im not going to go into this storry again you know well that YOU are the wrong doer in that case.

As i tryed and tryed and tryed to solve this thing but YOU didnt want any of it, I

DID give you proof but also had said that it didnt have a tracking number as YOU

didnt pay for that kind of shipping.

you say here you are tyred of all this crap well dude this crap you have broughed on yourself all by your lonesome so dont protest .

These pictures show that you make actually not to bad recasts(lets be honest) but do not show any molds of the vt armor.

But hey i asked you NICELY ( a thing that you lack ) for pictures just to give you the benefit of the doubt .

For now these pictures do not proof that YOU recasted the armor so we are still at the same thing .

But hey as you dont seem eger to proof anything well dont worry you dont have to show a thing but you cant blame me for getting into this if i see someting that could be mine AND was not payed for by you ,AND now even is said that you made it.

Sorry mods i didnt want to make this a war again.

edit : Just to make you understand that i DONT want your money i just want this

solved .Thats what i wanted from the beginning ,and when i told you that i havent emailed you in 7 days as i was on hollidays i think that explanes alot of things .

If you want something to be shipped with insurance and tracking number you should have asked for it as im not a bussiness really, i normaly want to give the fastest and cheapest shipping for the ppl i can.TRacking numbers in Spain dont come cheap and since you didnt pay for it you cant ask me for that service.

Edited by Rob
  >EXO< said:
Sorry Chris but that appears to be an original Ostrich Valkyrie. Notice the 2 seater and the paint.


No need to apologize my friend. :p

Maybe you are right, neither you or I know for sure at this time, perhaps we never will. My VT-1 recast from Rob came with a (2) seat cockpit, and the one pictured looks resin to me based upon the color.

As far as the chestplate goes, it only takes (1) screw to take it off, and put another one on. ;)

It really doesn't matter though, does it? Jetfire, hodge podge of various valkyries, or an actual Bandai VT-1, it's all moot.


Christopher B))


hmm...If I was trying to prove my innocene..and I was innocent...I would think I would show the recast interiors.,..and would show the VT molds... Is it just me?

This is a slippery slope...I think we all know exactly what kind of person we are dealing with here...the 24 hours is up...and while thats plenty of time to make a new mold Arafat has failed too...this whole inane story needs to end. This guy ripped off Rob...and now has the balls to pretend they are his resins.

Arafat...your tired of this...please...do me a favor appologize to Rob, and pay him the money you obviousley owe him. Forget the charade and stop pretending you don't know basic rules of right and wrong. Better yet leave Macross World....I promise not to follow you.

This whole thing really irks me. :angry:

  ChristopherB said:
  >EXO< said:
Sorry Chris but that appears to be an original Ostrich Valkyrie.  Notice the 2 seater and the paint.


No need to apologize my friend. :p

Maybe you are right, neither you or I know for sure at this time, perhaps we never will. My VT-1 recast from Rob came with a (2) seat cockpit, and the one pictured looks resin to me based upon the color.

As far as the chestplate goes, it only takes (1) screw to take it off, and put another one on. ;)

It really doesn't matter though, does it? Jetfire, hodge podge of various valkyries, or an actual Bandai VT-1, it's all moot.


Christopher B))

Actually, I forgot all about this. I took a look at it after my post and it sure does look like it's made up of different parts. Some of which are jetfire, I just didn't go back and correct myself. But your right, the direction in which this thread took. It's moot.

Arafat, you did a real poor job in exonerating yourself. For someone getting tired of taking crap from people, you sure don't try that hard on silencing them...

Danguard, do you have a final say now? Even if he posts pics of the molds now, I'd say it's too little too late. That should have been the first thing he should have posted. Besides, the recasts with the the molds are totally different resin from the Ostrich parts. The GBP and Elint armor are white (smooth-on?) resin and the Ostrich is the tannish type that Rob uses. <_<

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