polidread Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 errr, is it less expensive to order from faraway asia than to have one fitted for you specifically in a local tailor ? here in the Philippines, there are some "corner stores" which can do that as a side job for their main job of making school uniforms / pants so you can come in and have clothes/costumes made specially for your size. Quote
Darrtallion Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 I know that leather working is something that really goes with the territory. I have had a lot of leather work done and a lot of materials that are leatheristic in nature. Yea I know Leatheristic is not really a word but I think you all get it as a substitution of realistic and leather combined. But anyways. I know that leather can be very difficult to work with if you have no experience. So I often find it better to have it done locally in the states then to have it shipped out. There are a lot of European companies that do a good job but I have not ran across any Asian countries that I have found great leather works done. No offense there are a lot of talented craftsmen out there and Women just to be politically correct. But I have had poor experiences with leather. I know I am being a little one sided on the topic but it just has been through my experience. Heck I have to return Items and eat a lot of cost because customers don't like the quality or the feel of the leather. So I just stick close to home. But thats based on my experience. And that is just for leather work that I have dealt with. By the way that Jacket would look awesome with a leather setup. Probably a dual material The Black the leather and maybe something a little less bold or a soft leather with the Red. Quote
Hikuro Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Well upon inspection you know what this thing really is? A woman's evening gown jacket. I love the material they used, no complaints there, just.........it's not worth the 116 for what I got that doesn't fit me right. I might go to a fabric store tomorrow and look at patterns that'll fix closer to what I want. I bet I can make it myself much cheaper and better. Quote
Chronocidal Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Just noticed, the SMS patch isn't really wrong, it's just rotated. Spin it around so the M is on the bottom, and it'll look a lot better. Quote
Roy Focker Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 I assume you gave them your measurements. And do you work at Target? Quote
Hikuro Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 No never worked at target. I'm unemployed right now. Automotive industries been hit pretty hard so they did cut backs and I was one of the first to go. Company i use to work for has dropped 200 of their 800 employees. Guess the patch would be rotated wrong, but I can't fix it since it's tightly stitched. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Wait... Hikuro's a fat man? Didn't see that one coming... Well, I'm not much affected by this, anyway. When I cosplay, I make it, basically, from scratch. My Inuyasha a few years back, Private Jenkins (Halo), and Lego Scout Trooper were my favorites. Only problem is, I don't have any good references of TV Roy's flight suit... Quote
Hikuro Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Quote Wait... Hikuro's a fat man? tongue.gif Didn't see that one coming... tongue.gif laugh.gif Can't be all hot and sexy like the people we voice However, Cristina and Mippa, phew, HAWT. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Hikuro said: Can't be all hot and sexy like the people we voice However, Cristina and Mippa, phew, HAWT. Well, I think you look JUST LIKE Kakizaki Quote
Hikuro Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Only thing is I don't get blown up for being an idiot. I looked at patterns, found something close but it wouldn't be good enough. So I just sent them an email letting them know I wasn't too thrilled about the jacket and want it fixed. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Hikuro said: Only thing is I don't get blown up for being an idiot. I looked at patterns, found something close but it wouldn't be good enough. So I just sent them an email letting them know I wasn't too thrilled about the jacket and want it fixed. Well, on that last note, I plan on doing the same, but for my Yammie 1/48s. They either lack parts or have loose joints.. However, on the first note, I look more like Focker than any of the others, and I do get all the ladies. Quote
anime52k8 Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 (edited) SchizophrenicMC said: However, on the first note, I look more like Focker than any of the others, and I do get all the ladies. pics or it didn't happen. (that you look like focker and that you get all the ladies ) Edited January 19, 2009 by anime52k8 Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 anime52k8 said: pics or it didn't happen. (that you look like focker and that you get all the ladies ) Just you wait until A-Kon swings around Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 SchizophrenicMC said: Just you wait until A-Kon swings around I may have to go Isamu, actually... Can't find reference for TV Roy... Oh well, they both have mullets, so I see no problems! Isamu gets enough ladies, I guess... And, on that note, who gets 'em more? Alto or Roy? I mean, Alto has his own harem, and everything... Quote
505thAirborne Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Hikuro said: Can't be all hot and sexy like the people we voice However, Cristina and Mippa, phew, HAWT. Any pics handy of your female cast? Or have they been deemed classified? Quote
Hikuro Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 oh they're in my wallet safely kept http://katsucon.org/index.php?option=com_c...9&Itemid=81 This I think this is pretty recent. Don't have anything on Mippa though for official site and I don't have her photos anymore either, they went poof recently when I did a reformat and lost some of my links of friends photos. I was talking to her about our meet up at AX09 this summer and she's going to be Minmay and possibly Sheryl. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 I'm thinking... Dude, you should wear that $#!77y SMS jacket you got to AX09, just for the hell of it. Quote
505thAirborne Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Hikuro said: oh they're in my wallet safely kept http://katsucon.org/index.php?option=com_c...9&Itemid=81 This I think this is pretty recent. Don't have anything on Mippa though for official site and I don't have her photos anymore either, they went poof recently when I did a reformat and lost some of my links of friends photos. I was talking to her about our meet up at AX09 this summer and she's going to be Minmay and possibly Sheryl. Wow, She is really pretty. Your lucky to have her as a friend!! I'm debating whether I'm gonna go to Anime Expo this year. I went only once years ago when I was still in LA. ( I regret no going more often) I'm working on a Macross Zero uniform/Helmet, If it comes out like i want it too, I'll post some pics!! Take it easy Hikuro!! Quote
Skullsixx Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Man it's been YEARS since I've been to a Con. I do think that this year I am seriously going to hit up Comic Con in San Diego or Anime Expo. Quote
Hikuro Posted January 20, 2009 Posted January 20, 2009 Quote Man it's been YEARS since I've been to a Con. I do think that this year I am seriously going to hit up Comic Con in San Diego or Anime Expo. You don't hit Sakuracon or Kumoricon at all? I went with a few VA buddies to Kumoricon and I think I saw 2 Ranka cosplayers but only got picture of one. I tried to get the other one who I saw at the Llyod Center Mall but she couldn't hear me cause of some chatty kathy's. Quote Wow, She is really pretty. Your lucky to have her as a friend!! I'm debating whether I'm gonna go to Anime Expo this year. I went only once years ago when I was still in LA. ( I regret no going more often) I'm working on a Macross Zero uniform/Helmet, If it comes out like i want it too, I'll post some pics!! Take it easy Hikuro!! cool.gif Yeah she's a sweety, I don't think she has a mean bone in her body. I've done projects with her since she joined up in the Voice Acting Alliance some years back just shortly after I came aboard. I think she did a role with me in Yugioh 2 years ago. She's got an interview which comes with the Akia-R16 DVD she had released back in the summer time on how she got into VAing and what not. And she's got some crazy cosplays like the sexy jedi and sexy batgirl lol and a sexy terminator. Mippa is cute herself, a lot of guys go after her cause she's got a nice voice and she's got a great figure. I think she also has a boyfriend and she would love to cosplay sheryl and I think even plans on it. She also lived in Japan for almost a year studying abroad. anyways, 505 if you do manage to score that kind of an outfit lemme know so I can get some of that Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 20, 2009 Posted January 20, 2009 Any suggestions as to how to make Isamu's helmet? Quote
Darrtallion Posted January 20, 2009 Posted January 20, 2009 How to make Isamu's Helmet. This can be done in many ways. Personally I would probably go by the approach of how I make Fiberglass Fit parts for interiors of cars. Materials: Foam: High Density Foam probably Urethane Liquid foam. You can substitute getting Liquid for a premade block but more carving will be needed. Box: card Board Box large enough to store the size of helmet you want to create. Might want a few just in case. Balloons: Large Enough to form the cavity well your head would go in. Hot Foam wire Cutter. Files. Yes you want a regular hand held file kit. With different shapes and grades. Sand Paper. Tool dip. This can be found in local hardware stores it applies a light smooth coat to foam. Fiber Glass resin and Cloth. Safety Equipment. Goggles, Gloves "Usually Rubber latex multi pack" Old cloths to ruin. Industrial hand cleaners. "Trust me its a must" Here is what I would do. 1) I would first Blow the balloon up to be large enough to make a cavity well the size of your head basically you want additional length past the width of your head. I would probably get a couple of cans of spray foam and blow it up with that. This will give you a solid object for the first time user but you must remember not to make the point of the balloon that it has to come out to you can not pop it if you do this. It would be easier to be able to pop the balloon so I would say use air and be cautious. Or you will have to wait for the balloon to harden and then cut it at the the largest width to be able to pull out. Wax solid balloon before putting in box. Spray on wax would be the best. 2) Stick Balloon in Card Board box. Make sure its set in position to allow for the length of the bill as well. so it will have to back some. Once set pour in liquid foam as directed by brand directions or spray in foam. This will take time to harden probably 48 hours or as Direct if a weekend project then wait a week between patience is key. 3) When Foam is set remove box from around foam. Pop Balloon and check cavity well. Note that you must leave this intact to work right. No carving through it unless designed. I would then start of but using measuring devices or cardboard tracer and map out the design of the carving on the foam with a black marker. Cut out your pattern carefully you want to use both the main pattern and the scraps. Remember that the cut off piece is a reverse of the pattern and will allow you to use to check carving status. Multiple patterns of the width would be good as well. Use a Drawing compass if you want to make the different widths of the curve match. Note you will want to measure the Cavity well and find center and then mark your center accordingly. You want to keep it always center. All Pen Marks will be covered later any remaining guide marks will be removed. 4) Start cutting off the big chunks with the hot wire foam cutter they are really cheap and battery operated so they are not that dangerous. Or at least the ones I use are not. Usually 10 dollar deal from Michele's craft store. This will allow you to get a boxy type shape started to the foam. Cutting out features of were they will be with out actually getting into features. 5) From this point I would then start marking again with my patters and making the first pass with files. Note I would use for the curve of the helmet the largest points. This will allow you to have more accuracy. Follow the pattern guide always checking to make sure its centered. Be careful not to use to much force with the files. Foam is not metal or would and these files will shave off a lot at a time. Continue to shave of foam until you have the primary rounded shape of the helmet and its features. I would also have a motor cycle helmet near by to make sure you are keeping to dimensions. 6) Once you have the primary features and you need to Slow down. This is when you do you fine detail with small files and sand paper. Making sure you adjust to the smaller patters for each section. Follow your art layout and make your guild marks. if you over gouge you can fix with a filler. Usually a Foam filler or Bondo. Yes regular car bondo will work. refill your error and sand again. If you get to far and mess up you will have to pour a new box. Never hurts to spares even spares prepped just in case and if you do well the first time you can make spares. 7) One you completed your shape of your helmet you will want to use a foam hardener. This will increase the strength of the foam. Then you will want to Tool Dip it. The dip will fill all the micro holes of the foam and give the surface a smooth area in which you can either paint or what have you. Personally I would not stop with the tool dip. A fiber Glass helmet is much cooler. Tool dip is used as well to prevent the resign from eating the foam. it gives it a light coat that prevents the resin from destroying the foam. I use a Fiber Glass Sprayer but you can use the sheets because honestly you don't want to buy the sprayer unless you got the extra extra extra cash. Use safety equipment when working with fiber glass the resin is very problematic and such. Follow training guides and instructions when applying fiberglass. Make sure to keep it smooth and remove all bubbles underneath. I would for a helmet probably apply multiple coats but it is not necessary if it is just a show piece. Finish Sand the Fiber Glass when dried. Primer the helmet. Yes PRIMER. You don't want to put on a regular coat of paint which will not adhere. You need a bonding coat first. Note if you find that your fiber glass still left some areas that are not correct and need to be filled you can use bondo again. Make sure its Fiber Glass bondo and that the surface is sanded and clean. Apply light coats and sand again. This will give a smooth surface. Make sure all surfaces are clean and free from dust or loose particles. Then Paint with Primer then let dry. After 2 to 3 coats of Primer then tape off your colors and do each one individually. I would probably start with a White Base all across let dry then do the colors. After colors are applied and dried I would then spray on a clear coat. About 6 to 7 is my preference. To apply paint I would either get a spray gun or cans with special nozzles. Like listed here Spray Nozzles When painting is completed you will then go back to the craft store and get comfort foam. This is the cushioned foam and will be adhered to the interior of the helmet where your head goes to make a snug fit. As for Visor I would probably go down to the Local Hardware store and ask about plastic sheets usually a lexan or MCM. The plastic can be head against a curved pot or pan of similar size and mounted on the inside of the helmet. Either using a resin or high glue or can even have small short screws to hold it in place. Then add the comfort foam. lol I should have put that first but hey I don't make this kind of stuff I make door panels and custom speaker boxes and center consoles for car's. Well at least on a hobby level I don't own a shop but I do work with a boat shop and other fabricators when I do this. But I usually do all the work myself except for the pleather stitching which is a fabric overlay that goes on the things I make. or at least part of the things I make. But this is how I would do it. This is just a suggestion and there are probably many other ways to do it. But this is how I would make it. Quote
505thAirborne Posted January 20, 2009 Posted January 20, 2009 SchizophrenicMC said: Any suggestions as to how to make Isamu's helmet? I'm working on a Shin Kudo & a Isamu Helmet as we speak. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 20, 2009 Posted January 20, 2009 Every day, I find more and more reasons Roy would be easier to pull off. Yet, there's no reference... I'll take the advice you gave. I'm thinking of maybe using a paintball mask as a base and going from there; something much easier to do with a SDFM helmet... What do you think of that? I'm not going for the "Ooh! Awesome anime-accurate" thing, but good (And cheap and easy ) enough for people to see that I'm CPing Isamu Dyson. I'm gonna really peruse the helmet's design and see what I can do. Quote
Chronocidal Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 You thinking Roy's TV uniform? If so, I think it's just Hikaru's with gray instead of white, and blue instead of red, with black trim. There may be yellow, but I can't remember where it might be. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Chronocidal said: You thinking Roy's TV uniform? If so, I think it's just Hikaru's with gray instead of white, and blue instead of red, with black trim. There may be yellow, but I can't remember where it might be. Flight suit. There're a few differences, but I don't know where... And EVERYONE does the DYRL? flightsuit... Quote
Hikuro Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Grey with black in the mid torso down the inner thigh and leg with blue highlited zipper and blue trim from the shoulders down the arms and from the inner seam down the legs, with a gold belt and black harness. The whole flight suit is one piece down to the soles of the feet. Pain in the ass to me The DYRL flight suit.....god.....the cloth would be kind of easy as it's white but then you'd have to do casting for a hard mold of the forearms and lower legs from the knees down and boots...also castings of the harness. I've seen cosplay outfits of the uniforms of course polidreads done it, and some people that were with Diana Sterling some years ago. I asked a guy once on how much it would cost to get something like that done, he said around 1,200 dollars without the helmet...so that was a big ass pass for me. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 ...So, essentially, you're saying it would be better to order the $#!77y SMS jacket... BTW, I figured out your problem: You got the female version. The male one goes all the way down, but the female variant is short. I don't have a screencap ATM, but... So, Hik, can you SHOW me the PATTERN? I know the colors, but... Like I said, no DYRL?. I figured it'd be 'spensive. Maybe I should cosplay Kamjin... He's got a mullet, too... Quote
Hikuro Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Maybe I got the female version? I dunno, I told them I was a male.....shouldn't of been difficult to screw up at all if they went by the measurements. I probably wont hear anything until next month cause they're on Chinese new year until February. As for patterns, I got squat. From what I notice on Cosplay making, you gotta get some good practice in, find patterns that are close to what you want, then just mod the hell out of them like Marge Simpson did with that pink dress crap. Quote
MisaForever Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 (edited) Ok, I've not seen one cute female cosplay picture in quite awhile. WANT PICS!!! Edited January 21, 2009 by MisaForever Quote
Hikuro Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Wha like, k maybe a month? lol I got a response from Coskingdom....they apologized and will be fixing this when they return for business next month...which sucks, means I gotta wait 4 weeks, then another week for them to remake it, and then another week to receive it. Quote
Skullsixx Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Hikuro.. ya know of anywhere local to pick up Frontier DVD's? Quote
Hikuro Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Nope not unless ya pick 'em up from my place as fansubbed DVD's. Macross related items are rare to non existent in the portland metro area. There use to be a store at the Clackamas mall that sold all sorts of Macross related items but they went out of business 4 years ago. And the last time I was there, I saw an asian store that had all sorts of japanese anime/cosplay like items, nothing amazing though, and they didn't have DVD's or games...just weird stuff. You're honestly just better off ordering stuff like that online rather than waisting time in hobby shops. There really isn't anything out in the area for the anime fan. Quote
SchizophrenicMC Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Well, I just don't have enough reference as to what Roy's suit looks like in the first place. I figure if this whole Macross Cosplay thing doesn't work out, I'll throw together a Kamina outfit and get thrown out of A-Kon for public indecency. Maybe get tried for 3rd degree murder (Causing someone to commit suicide falls there, I believe) Well, Isamu, you win. It seems you get the cosplay. Quote
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