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  VFTF1 said:
When I was a kid, I thought that beards were just hair that bald old dudes took of their head and put on their face. :)


No, it's for those who have the luxury of not having their wife getting up them saying it's too prickly on their skin. :p

  VFTF1 said:
Has anyone noticed this utter beauty??? Who is she!? I must marry her! :)


And here she is singing at the Mall! :


The dress and boots are just perfect! In fact, I would love to get my girlfriend a pair of such boots for Christmas...

Anyways, I'll go back and read the previous posts because I only Mercurial's Morph's post just above, but I agree with Merc Morph: Cosplay is fun! It's great fun!

Heck - I can't understand people who have something against cosplay... it's like being against Halloween or something...

Besides; we allow people we idolize/admire to influence how we dress, how we look, how we think - artists are always inspiring us in every facet of our life - Cosplay is a great opportunity for us to interpret our favorite characters in our own way and give them that special something just from us.

It's just theater - street theater really... and there are lots of "normal" folks way creepier than cosplayers :)

Anyways - hope this Ranka hasn't been posted, if she has, forgiveness - but I wanted to share and say how wonderful she looks!


Wow,The sea is too beautiful~!!photo is very deculture~~~~

I have been to the seaside,too~



  Dana said:
Wow,The sea is too beautiful~!!photo is very deculture~~~~

I have been to the seaside,too~



can we get pictures from a front angle?

  valkyriepilot said:
I'm Asian too (Filipino) and my beard grows back like untrimmed bush in like... less than 2 days after shaving :p Beard growth isn't tied to ethnicity ya know... :rolleyes:

Curse your beard growing abilities! ;)

BTW, this uniform was mentioned earlier in the thread (muuuuch earlier). I'm offering it for sale:


It's gone one auction with no bids, so bid once and win it. Then geek out hardcore.

(Counts as cosplay, cause I'm the one wearing it LOL)

Posted (edited)
  Mercurial Morpheus said:
Wow. Thanks for taking the stereotypical approach and bashing cosplayers with nothing but ignorance and mislogic. First of all, no one does this outside of conventions and festivals where it's become a rather accepted and appreciated part of the event. And even if they do (not everyone's the same after all) and can assure you that they're not jumping up and down like addicts the way you depicted. Your LT analogy is a gross misrepresentation. Secondly, very few "force themselves" to look like a character. Rarely do I see someone drastically alter their regular appearance for a costume. The most drastic I've seen is a guy shave his head for Psycho Mantis. Big whoop. There's even a ton of people that constently only cosplay characters of their body type, which is kind of sad to someone like me, who believes cosplay is a part of fandom. Though some just like to join in and be in costume as well, the costume not mattering as much as just being a part of things. So just like everything else, cosplay attracts people for different reasons. Wigs and makeup can be taken off. So no one's forcing themselves to do anything.

Where's the harm in it? How is someone killing a character for you just because they're not anorexic or GAR enough as a FICTIONAL character? "Oh NOES Sheryl has a pot belly and Ozma's too short" If one could only cosplay as characters one resembled, there'd be a lot of characters left out as few people look anything like idealized character designs. It's pretty much a physical impossibility nine times out of ten. I've seen some so-so costumes of favorite characters, but they don't make me care less for them, and it can be even nice to see that other people like them (like how I'm amazed at the number of Rankas when she gets so much flak here). Not to mention how satisfying it can be when people recognize your obscure costume (some people won't even do characters they think won't be acknowledged).

How can you not get why someone would cosplay if you've gone so far as to get a tattoo? How is making and wearing a jacket from a show you enjoy any less odd than permanently marking your body with it? I also love how you disapprove of cosplay, yet actively say you find some people that do it hot. Now that is creepy. ^_^;;That's like the photographers that obviously are taking pictures of the cute girls with the costume as an excuse. Cosplaying Macross damages it? How? Do you have any idea how many people decide to watch something because of an awesome costume or skit they saw? Yes, there are some poorly done costumes, and yes people generally aren't as attractive as the characters they dress as, but what right have you to say it's something only a druggie would do, or that it's any creepier than having someone ink Minmay or a Valkyrie onto your arm. (for the record, I have nothing against tattoos, and appreciate them like cosplay, just making a point). It a fun activity that harms no one and celebrates something you enjoy that takes some courage to do. It can build confidence and allow you to meet new, like minded people while showing off your fandom and skills. What's so wrong about it? Do you really want to be like the elitists that bash some cosplayers just because they aren't as skilled or are overweight? They're sadly out there, and proof or the courage needed to actually do this.

Also, if you think Macross is so different from other anime, you're largely mistaken. MF itself appeals to the Bleach and Naruto crowd just as much as it does the "mature" crowd. Get off your delusional high horse please.

Keep your petty change. ^_^ Sorry if I'm being rude, everyone's entitled to an opinion, but your logic is vastly flawed. <_< You don't think much of cosplay, that's fine. I have no problem with you not liking it. I DO have a problem with you saying it's harmful, creepy and parallel to substance abuse. That's just messed up. Particularly when it's no weirder than forever having Minmay or whomever stare lifelessly from wherever you pasted her face. I can take off my makeup after all. ^_^ Besides, if you don't like it, why are you even in this thread? Don't click on a cosplay thread and I guarantee you we creepy cosplayers won't be an issue for you. There are plenty of sites where you can find your "hot, busty jap(anese) girls", without the weird costumes.. :rolleyes:

Hikuro, could you post pictures of the real patches when you get them? I'm curious as to how they look.

I'm debating redoing the sleeves on my own jacket. At least loosening them up a bit, as they're mildly restrictive as is (the left moreso).

Nice read. People just want to have fun.

I'm gonna cosplay soon. :0 won't be for another 5-7 months while the stuff gets made up though. XD

I promise it won't be star trekky (dear god no) DeadGhost, i got style, i got the utmost respect for macross just as much as the elitist fan ever.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

Wow, someone who actually used the right style of jacket (short cut and sleeves). I applaud your attention to detail. Even my jacket is too long, but you work with what you've got.

  anime52k8 said:
can we get pictures from a front angle?

Seaside hasn't positive of photography :ph34r:

wind is Strong >_______________<


positive ……I am too fat T_______T


BTW,When China's National Day,Fukuyama Yoshiki Came to Shanghai,sang of MACROSS 7 <ANGEL VOICE>

T__T very hot……


Posted (edited)
  Dana said:
Seaside hasn't positive of photography :ph34r:

wind is Strong >_______________<


positive ……I am too fat T_______T


BTW,When China's National Day,Fukuyama Yoshiki Came to Shanghai,sang of MACROSS 7 <ANGEL VOICE>

T__T very hot……


Who says so? foolish, you looking great kid! 8;.)

Pretty cool you have got professional photograhers chasing you. Paparazi! :p

Have you done Minmay or Misa before?

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

Whoever said that you are too fat needs to be beaten, you are gorgeous and need to show us far more sheryl cosplay

Posted (edited)
  anime52k8 said:
OMG, SO PRETTY!rihoop.jpg

you are so beautiful. post-5632-1191831497.gif

Better you should use this one from my profile page Mike -> post-3608-1190474796.gif

More fitting for Dana. 36.gif


I wonder if Adella is a Macross fan?

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  ruskiiVFaussie said:
Better you should use this one from my profile page Mike -> post-3608-1190474796.gif

More fitting for Dana. 36.gif


I wonder if Adella is a Macross fan?

hey, what are these things anyway?

Posted (edited)

ruskiiVFaussie version of grunka lunkas! :p no no uhh they are used heaps on hobbyjapan?

can't remember which site, this is my new comp and i don't have that site fav'd yet, i love these cats! they are so cute!

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)

wat? an entire page without Macross Cosplay Pictures?!

let's rectify:

New meets the Old ! Ranka, that's not your big brother Ozma's machine !



(from Cosplay Mania '08)

Edited by polidread
  polidread said:
wat? an entire page without Macross Cosplay Pictures?!

let's rectify:

New meets the Old ! Ranka, that's not your big brother Ozma's machine !



(from Cosplay Mania '08)


Is the guy inside the valkyrie from the old orc group?

I found a few old pics of their valkyrie with me in my dyrl pilot suit from a con back in 'O4.

I'll scan and post 'em when I have the time.

Btw, were you at Cosplay Mania?


yup. the same guys. a miracle he's kept the costume in okay condition considering they're from out of town.

theyve updated their VoltesV too. (and of course id be at CosplayMania :p)

  David Hingtgen said:
<--still annoyed no one's cosplayed Grace yet. Easy costume, too.

I have a friend that was considering cosplaying her. She would've been great too. She had the material and everything, then hated where they went with her. So she made a Ranka costume instead.

I think there may be one or two on cosplay.com...


Hey! wannabe Alto cosplayers, i made a quick step by step for folding his model of paper plane:



i saw on a certain imageboard that people were arguing about how it looked like, so i made this one for them,

and it would be a good idea to share it with you, too !

have fun.

  David Hingtgen said:
Actually, I found over a dozen Graces since then, but only at "members only" sites so I could only see 80x80 pixel thumbnails. :p

"Members only" cosplay sites? Sounds rather odd... oh well.

Thanks, polidread.

  Mercurial Morpheus said:
"Members only" cosplay sites? Sounds rather odd... oh well.

Thanks, polidread.

probably members only as in "you must be +18 to enter this site"

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