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Great work on that pose there ruskiiVFaussie! Makes me want do a dramatic pose with my YF-19 too, it's just that I like it too much in fighter mode. B))


Hehe, I know what you mean Dante74. My YF-19 is parked in front of my monitor in fighter mode, no fps.

Yikes, I need more room to display stuff, by desk is covered in figures and mecha.

  Dante74 said:
Great work on that pose there ruskiiVFaussie! Makes me want do a dramatic pose with my YF-19 too, it's just that I like it too much in fighter mode. B))

Thanks mate! Come on, get her out of fighter mode... :p You know it's almost the better mode of the 3 for the 19. :p



Nice battle scene...



Finally got around to taking some pics of the newly added 1/55 M&M's...



There are more pics posted in the "my very first 1/55"

  Sumdumgai said:
Mog those pics remind me of this pic of Max and Miria's valks. :lol:

I blame Sumdumgai for this next post :p

(And while I'm at it, can "I blame >EXO<" too? :D )


  ruskiiVFaussie said:
Wow is that the Hasegawa Macross release Tomcat? Very nice Ghostkiller! :D

Makes me want to grab a 1/60 Tomcat...

hello nope

It is a 1/32 scale tomcat from tamiya

in the model scale you only get 1/72 1/48 1/32

Thks ruskiiVFaussie


  Ghostkiller said:
hello nope

It is a 1/32 scale tomcat from tamiya

in the model scale you only get 1/72 1/48 1/32

Thks ruskiiVFaussie


Thanks for the info! :) So no 1/60 hey? :( Maybbeeee...... there might be one out there? I tried HLJ.com, nothing.


holy sweet crap...i take it you are a revoltech fan...i only have 5...6 as soon as i get the 1S strike.

as cool as they are, there just are not enough figures that i like enough to buy.


Revoltech's rock. They are some of the best toys I've ever seen. I got my VF-1J Valkyire, Evangelion Unit-00 (Blue) and Patlabor Unit 2 in two weeks ago. I haven't been able to stop posing them since I got them. They are fantastic!

Posted (edited)

Eva-02 series,

Eva-02 movie,

Eva-05 Wing x 2,

Eva-05 Weapon,

Revy x 3,





VF-1J Hikky,

VF-1S Roy,

Eva-01 movie version,

Eva-00 movie version,

Oper. Yashima Set (Sniper and shield),

continues to grow!

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)
  sqidd said:
Look what came yesterday! I think I have some posing to do :blink:


... and a Cup, candle (hope it's a candle! :lol: *snort!*) annnnd a blender~! :ph34r::lol:

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)

I edited my list above, i forgot a couple i hadcoming. >_< Kuro Revoltech black cat! KAWAII!

Let's not forget the Rei and Asuka Revoltech figures too... But they are not totally confirmed at this point.

I want a CF 1A Revy too....

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

all i have are Convoy, Revy, VF-1J hikaru, Ultra Magnus and the Patlabor Ingram. I preordered my Roy Strike and i see that overseas sellers have thier shipments in so that should arrive soon.

  Mr March said:
Revoltech's rock. They are some of the best toys I've ever seen. I got my VF-1J Valkyire, Evangelion Unit-00 (Blue) and Patlabor Unit 2 in two weeks ago. I haven't been able to stop posing them since I got them. They are fantastic!

Agreed, they are addictive little suckers. I got a Patlabor Zerosiki Type Zero #22 a while back and it sits here next to my monitor and I give it a new pose evey now and again. Then the VF-1J #34 got released so I ordered one of those and a Mazinkaiser #16 for my desk. I can't stop playing with them and where can you get all of these sweet little figures for about $20? It's not like I am going to get a $150 Mazinkaiser, but I will get a $20 all day long and I even get to play with it!

So there I was at three in the morning checking my Paypal balance which jumped up because I sold a bunch of little motorcycle spares and stuff I had laying around. I said to my self...."Self, why not just get a whole bunch of them?" so I did. That entire stack still cost less than one SV-51 Yammie, LOL. I didn't need my arm twisted much.

It would be sweet if they released a lot more Macross figures though. So everyone here needs to buy a couple of the existing ones and then tell everyone else they know to buy a couple so they see them as a big seller and make more models. It would be a perfect opertunity to get some "Bad guys" in the system and it would be great to be able to get mechs like the SV-51's, VF-OS-s, YF-19's, YF-21's.....Oh god....I'm getting excited!

I'm going to start opening boxes now B))


I'd like to get a VF-1S Strike (maybe two so I could do the dual double-barrel beam cannon thing). But I want to see what else they come out with first. I really like my VF-1J and I'd love to have more, but I really don't need all four VF-1 variants. I'd like to see some VF-11/YF-19/YF-21 toys for a change and some VF-0/SV-51 stuff would be nice too. And as others have already stated, this type of toy line is screaming out for Queadluun-Raus and Regulds :)

Posted (edited)

Heh nice collection of revoltecs, you better post some nice poses on here for all to see. While we are waiting Ill post a picture just cause. IMG_0599.jpg

Edited by dizman
Posted (edited)
  Jeremy007 said:
Nice Pic!

what figure is that 1S Max made from in the BG?

Looks like a Toynami 1/100. That's my guess based on the raised heat shield. He probably got a 1/100 Roy and made it a custom Max, since the only Max's they've put out are a 1A and 1J.

Edited by jodokast

Ooh lookin nice on that VF-1J. I always liked the forest combat scheme (though it never made much sense). Oh btw yeah I painted up a 1/100 toynami Roy VF-1S as a testbed for painting a 1/48 Roy to change it into a max 1S.



Thx for the pics, i like it!!! It make you appreciate the camouflage GBP. Can you put a stealth with that armor, that would allow me to give its fps to my vf-1s, and have a nice armor.

  dizman said:
Heh nice collection of revoltecs, you better post some nice poses on here for all to see. While we are waiting Ill post a picture just cause. IMG_0599.jpg

Damn :blink::huh: that's is quite some fancy foot work that SV-51 is doing to Roy's VF-0S and it's well detailed too.


DAMN!!!! I'm not on for the weekend cause of moving into a new place and all sorts of awesome pics are poppin up. GREAT JOB TO EVERYONE.....The pics are AMAZING.

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