Macrosso Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 is it worth it and which is the best one between focker and hikaru vf.1s's Quote
Sebastian Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 There is a lot of members saying the YAmmie 1/48 is a bit overpriced compared with other toys like the MPC Convoy, maybe they are right, I dont know. For me I just pay whatever the ask for it as long I can afford it. The toy is the best valkyrie rendition EVER created and I really dont ming paying the 100 ++ YAmato ask for it. In fact I hope the get a LOT of money from his Macross lines so they keep producing such beauties, and not 1/100 crappy PVC toys. ABout the Hickaro or focker... as long you get the second edition of the Focker... it is up to your taste. Quote
Godzilla Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 I'd say a VF-1S Max but I don't see that happening. I thought the 1/48s were over priced since there hardly any diecast (Prolly the landing gears). For that kind of detail, though, I think it is worth it. Just my $0.02. Anyways, I like the VF-1S Focker better than Hikaru. Quote
drifand Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 If you like what it offers, then you'll pay the price. Make sure you do some research and try to handle one for yourself. I did, and decided it wasn't the right toy for me at any price. Many others feel it's the best they could ever get for a VF-1 toy and worth every single penny. Quote
DrClay Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 OMG YES!! the Hikaru VF-1S has a better pilot sculpt than the Roy Quote
Myersjessee Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 without hesitation...yes...I have had zero buyers remorse with any 1/48..they are beautiful. Quote
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Hell. Yes. i spent the money on my 1/48 and never looked back. gonna be getting another one here real soon.... Quote
gnollman Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Oh god yes. These things are the best toys I've ever seen of the VF-1... Maybe not as robust as the chunky monkeys, but still pretty damn playworthy. Hell, even if you just display them, they are still some of the best looking Valkyries around. Worth every penny.... Quote
Ali Sama Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Macrosso said: is it worth it and which is the best one between focker and hikaru vf.1s's NO!!!! In fact it;s the worst toy ever!!!!!! it sucks soo badly!!! Go buy the mpc it;s like the total BOMB of valkyries!!! yeah baby yeah!!! j/k I have 3 of them lol. Love them dearly. BUY BUy BUY!! oh and to your other question. Roy! How can you not want the oriignal and best skull 1. Quote
Neova Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Once you've see them in action with Super / Strike setup and compare them to ANY toy Valkyrie out there, you know they're worth their weight in gold. Choice between Roy or Hikaru? How about Max? You can't lose with either. Quote
eugimon Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 The 1/48s are definitely worth the money... for what you get, I don't think they're over priced... even compared to MPC convoy or SOC toys. The level of detail craftsmanship is just amazing... and it is just the best rendition of a valkyrie that you can buy short of making/buying a custom model. Quote
Skull Leader Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 I don't understand why people insist on asking ("which should I get: Roy or Hikaru??") I mean, c'mon now... learn to make your own decisions people... only YOU know which pilot you prefer. They now have equal quality versions for both pilots. I spent a great deal of time looking over posts and opinions here, deciding to bide my time before I bought one. I didn't consult anyone about it... and I just barely announced it when I finally ordered one. There was no choice in my mind which one to get. surely it can be this easy for everyone, right???? lol, in case you were wondering, I bought a VF-1S Hikaru.... Quote
gnollman Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Heh, I just avoided the decision (big surprise) and bought both.... Quote
F360° Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 same here, was think of only getting the Hikaru VF-1S , and BAM, now I got Roy too. Was only think of getting 1 1/60 and now a whole collection and then some. But for the 1/48 it could be cheaper but at around $100 it's still pretty fair. Best one out there , YET. Quote
indigofx28 Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Roy's, the hikaru 1s just doesn't look right. besides roy's looks much more like the jolly rogers version of the tomcats witht the black and yellow. Quote
柿崎速雄 Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 I don't know what the price at other country out of Hong Kong but in HK the price is good for example max vf -1a just $620 HKD convert to USD IS AROUND $ 77 The roy vf-1s I see now is $750 convert to USD is around $ 94 all of this is selling lower than the original price !! actually using original price 14800 YEN to buy a perfect transform valk with a perfect body is totally worth for me ~! Quote
Uxi Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Definately. The best valkyrie sculpt you're gonna find, but not neither as durable in materials nor as "solid" feeling (due to the entire lack of die cast) as a Chunky Monkey or even, dare I say it, an MPC. But more than 1 or 2? Debatable IMO, depending on how much of a baller you are and how much display space you have. Quote
Jawjaw Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 All you are going to get here is other people's opinion. I agree with drif, try to locate one in your town and see for yourself. If you cannot find one, just read reviews on this site and look at the pics. Graham even has videos of himself transforming one. If you like what you see and don't mind the high price for a mostly plastic toy, then get one. If you don't like it then sell it on ebay where you should get most, if not all, your money back. The only 1/48 to avoid IMO is the first edition Roy VF-1S. It had a few minor problems that were sorted out with the reissue. The first edition Hikaru VF-1A is okay but the reissue has a few improvements such as a nosecone and flaps that don't fall off as easily. Quote
Uxi Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Oh yeah, I personally like the Roy better but that's because The Man while Hikaru is a woosie girly man. Quote
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 I would definitely recommend the 1/ as far as over 100$....well. I think all of us will agree that we would rather have gotten it for a far lesser price...but then again we can say that for jsut about everything. For what its worth its a GREAT toy NOT model...damn right i said TOY. It is solid and is only beat in durability by the Bandai. The 1/60 and the MPC are both loose as hell over time(mpc rick) and are nowhere near as solid as the 1/48. Ud think since its plastic its frail and would fall apart being limp and such but its not even close....the ratchets are a beauty and everything locks togethere so solidly it amazes me how this thing looks nothing likle the bandai and =was really made from scratch.(unlike other companies who try to mimic the bandai but fail half assed and have loose ass parts). I would say if you want one...get one. You have to have at least one to enjoy the beauty of the damn least experience it. And with al the new high engineered toys...yes its pricey but its definitely better than paying 110 for a bandai dx fire valk(yes i actually did this back in 7trh grade mehhhh). Is it a lot better than 1/60? hell yea. IN almost every way.....I think the onyl reason drifand does not like it better is because of the aesthetics and sacrifices needed to make it perfect variable. ON this board a lot of people love the 1/48 and somwe dont. Granted everyones got their own valid opinions..Just use common sense when all the tips form everyone for what to watch out for, enjoy it , and dont leavew it gathering dust! its a damn toy! I also think a lot of people are paranoid and think its such a fragile toy. I have rough and big hands(never a good sculptor in art school) and all my model kits are i defienitely say this is a toy since i transform is fast and play with it a not one of those dudes who transforms it just once a day...when i go home from college I play with it a lot and believe me ur diecast 1;60 will more or likely fall apart before the 1/48 even loosens up. its that good. Hopefulyl we can get them cheaper so i can get another but i hate to admit its most likely not going to happen. Quote
drifand Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 Be sure to check out the "What's wrong with my 1/48..." thread for past and current discussions of this $100+ model/toy. I am the Devil's Advocate here, yes, but you cannot ignore the potential pitfalls like the easily damaged heatshield and backpack hinges. No one knows when bad luck will strike... and you can basically forget about Yamato offering replacements for broken parts. If you do decide to take the plunge, make sure you buy from a reputable seller like Valkyrie Exchange. Good luck with your decision! Quote
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 Hey drifand I take a lot of your comments into consideration I never flamed you and I agree....I dont know about the shield but I honestly do tink that the 1/60 backpack is clearly superior than the 1/48s. Though the 1/48 is strong let me stres...dont push that backpack beyond its limit. Even with that latch to support it it still feels funny to me. That is the most fragile part on the toy. I only hope yamato addresses that in the future but I really doubt they will. And oh yea te head lasers arwent weak either..I actually modve the swivel by the laser itself. Althoguh I wouldnt advise it. Just get a feel for it and transformation can be had in a 1 minute time span. The only other thing I dont like aside form price is the rubber....I really feel that the factory workers should make sure nothing is seeping out and have the balls or the afctual bar not even painted to begin with,. its a tad bit annoying when you gotta buy a whole new screwdriver to open the damn hip up. Other than that I overlook those flaws. The rubber seepin aint a big deal to me since I ca always open it up and not to mention the hip joint aint really used that much,..its mainly the upper thigh...the hip is just used to spread eagle and in the transformations. Quote
drifand Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 Hi Shin, Sorry for the bad timing of my post - it wasn't meant to be a flame. Just wanted to be sure the problems aren't washed over by overenthusiasm for the 1/48... Cheers! Quote
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 oh i didnt take it as a flame drif. ONe more thing I thought carefuly transforming when armor is on....I think if the backpack is not held right it can flop back and snap off form fighter to battroid. So just be careful. that backpack hinge is annoyinh. Quote
UN Spacy Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 The funny thing is that I haven't seen a Yamato selling on E-Bay for $100 (or less) for a couple of months. Is it just more or has the average price of Yamato's 1/48's gone up in the last couple of months. Still....prices aside you're never going to find a better Valkyrie (unless Bandai pulls something magical out of their arse). Quote
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 which is unlikely unless the shock the world next week at wf04 or tokyotoyfest. YOu all know i love me chunky monkeys! for now the yamato shall do. Fromw hat someone said on thi forum a few weeks back...he said that the price is actually cheap since it tka s alot of money to get it made on AUtocad Quote
Nani?! Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 Even though my whole collection consists entirely of 1/60 and 1/72 valks, I've come to the conclusion that the 1/48 is indeed worth getting. At least one... I FINALLY took the plunge a couple of days ago and bought my very own VF-1S Hikaru with a set of fast packs. It kinda feels like getting married... The anticipation is high. Heart rate up. The 1/48 walking down the isle via UPS ground. Gosh... I finally got it... I wonder how many 1/48's this union will produce... Quote
Jawjaw Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 drifand said: Hi Shin,Sorry for the bad timing of my post - it wasn't meant to be a flame. Just wanted to be sure the problems aren't washed over by overenthusiasm for the 1/48... Cheers! Problems? I think that any complex toy such as the 1/48 is going to be more fragile than average. I may be exagerating, but the thread about Yamato problems (not just 1/48) is smaller than rant threads on the size and shape of the canopy. It was necessary in the past to warn about bad Yamato QC but I don't think that is necessary anymore. You run the risk of getting a lemon with anything you buy. Quote
LurkerX Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 i belive its definitely worth it it is no doubt [imo] the best vf-1 toy you can possibly ever own got rid of all my other valk mpc and bandai reissues to buy almost all the 1/48s granted that there are some part which are prone to breakage but the advantages greatly outweights the problems i mean afterall the vf-1 1/48 is a grown man's toy [more detail oriented and thus frigile] you don't see alot of 10 yr-olds with $130US lining up to buy this toy and as such the need to make it kid proof is as follows less of a piority however, having said that, after owning my 5th and latest 1/48 [vf-1s w/ fp] i grow weary and wish yamato would make another type of valk 1/48 i've actually held out on purchasing the vf-1j for the t-2 endoskeleton and the mpc prime. i haven't lost the urge to buy more such as the vf-1j s but my savings account on the other hand is on life-support any further 1/48 purchases may kill it completely. actually i've thought of selling off my SOC eva to buy more 1:48s Quote
Bub Posted February 21, 2004 Posted February 21, 2004 Get the Hikaru VF-1S! I'm planning to get another one for myself. Quote
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