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Omega Supreme---the "train" is the epitome of "we SAY it's a train, so it is". That's a "vehicle" connected to another "thing". Not a train. I'd love a train. TF trains are rare, and 90% of them are bullet trains. You know, there's FREIGHT trains too.

Ship half---sigh. Tidal Wave's carrier is clearly based on a real carrier, too many details to be guess-work. But OS's "battleship" is so off, it's cleary along the lines of "hey you, make a battleship" and the guy just went straight to work off of fantasy images in his head, not even glancing at a pic of a real one.

PS--just look at the "train" pic, and turn your head sideways---WHAT transformation is there? It's his right half, laying on its side.


Actually you're wrong David. That's NOT the train mode.


OS is comprised of a battleship and a construction crane that can combine into a 16 inch tall Robot or a battle train(whatever the heck that is). It's supposed to be able to combine with Grand Convoy...er...E Optimus Prime which may form an even bigger robot.

As for the battleship, it's a cybertron space battleship. It looks more Macross then naval battleship. Even looks like something out of Uuchu Senkan Yamato.

None of Energon looks like real vehicles. They're supposed to be cool looking futures vehicles. For a kiddy toy, and Energon is kiddy unlike Binaltech/Alt., it's got loads of play value.


Personally, I think Omega Supreme's ship half looks look a Salamis or Magellan from UC Gundam. Anyway, it looks Takara decided to take a page from GaoGaiGar and give him a ChoRyuJin-style combination.


far as i kno all the g1 transformers were repainted and repackaged from prexiting toys, they basicly made a series to sell the toys

The delux insecticons all came from a toy line called Beetra and most of the colors are the same...Roadbuster (jeep) and Whirl (helicopter) came from the anime Dorvack and are mostly the same general color...

Most of the G1 toys came from Diaclone and are largely the same colors...


Anyway, it looks Takara decided to take a page from GaoGaiGar and give him a ChoRyuJin-style combination.

*cough* Takara not only produced but basicly owns Gao Gai Gar....actually it's kinda funky how all this came about...

Gao Gai Gar is the most popular of the takara produced "Brave saga" toy line and series of anime shows...which were spin offs of the japanese Transformers...the Japanese TFs were spun off from the American TFs (largely after the first couple of toy generations)...And the American TFs were largely spun off from diaclone....and Diaclone is a spin off from Microman which is a spin off from Henshin Cyborg which is sort of a spin/inspired off of the old 12" G.I. Joe toys :blink:

Diaclone came about largely because of the popularity of transformable robot toys at the time...due in no small part to anime mecha like Voltes 5, Ideon, Xambungle, even Macross...lots of toy companies jumped on the bandwagon, not only produceing small toy lines (like Beetras and Diaclone) but also one-off figures (toys without any clear liniage to a particular established line)...Omaga Suprime IIRC came from Diaclone (as diaclone featured "micro" micromen figures that could fit into little cockpits...such as the seemingly strange little seats on G1 Dinobot Grimlock and such)...Shockwave, I think, is just one of those one-off designs not really belonging to any established toy line until Hasbro included it in thier Transformers line.

Posted (edited)

here's how he looks like

---Attached Images---







Nothing close to the original ... but I think He's cool anyway. :D

Edited by Stormseeker
  MSW said:

Anyway, it looks Takara decided to take a page from GaoGaiGar and give him a ChoRyuJin-style combination.

*cough* Takara not only produced but basicly owns Gao Gai Gar....actually it's kinda funky how all this came about...

Gao Gai Gar is the most popular of the takara produced "Brave saga" toy line and series of anime shows...which were spin offs of the japanese Transformers...the Japanese TFs were spun off from the American TFs (largely after the first couple of toy generations)...And the American TFs were largely spun off from diaclone....and Diaclone is a spin off from Microman which is a spin off from Henshin Cyborg which is sort of a spin/inspired off of the old 12" G.I. Joe toys :blink:

Diaclone came about largely because of the popularity of transformable robot toys at the time...due in no small part to anime mecha like Voltes 5, Ideon, Xambungle, even Macross...lots of toy companies jumped on the bandwagon, not only produceing small toy lines (like Beetras and Diaclone) but also one-off figures (toys without any clear liniage to a particular established line)...Omaga Suprime IIRC came from Diaclone (as diaclone featured "micro" micromen figures that could fit into little cockpits...such as the seemingly strange little seats on G1 Dinobot Grimlock and such)...Shockwave, I think, is just one of those one-off designs not really belonging to any established toy line until Hasbro included it in thier Transformers line.

I'm PRETTY SURE Bandai owns GaoGaiGar.


I'm PRETTY SURE Bandai owns GaoGaiGar.

No, Takara owns it as well as the rest of the entire Brave Saga line ... the only thing close (largely sentient transformable robot anime and toy lines that arn't part of Hasbro's Transformers) that Bandai owns is Machine Robo.

  Knight26 said:
Is it just me or does the boat module look like a combination of the Yamato and the Macross?

Is it just me or does the boat module not look like a boat at all? :p


Ugh. Prime combining with OS is a let down.....

Battletrain....eh...not liking it but can see how kids would love it. Only if that spaceship wasn't so fun looking.... Oh well, at least it's big enough to fight against my King J-der. :p

Shockblast vehicle modes ...... leaves alot to be desired. Didn't know that they needed Mazer tanks to take on Godzilla in TF. :p

Good news is Ford is listed among the Alternators licenses. Bring on the Mustang!!!


Yeah, Arcee is looking awesome. It'll be nice to finally have a proper Arcee TF.

Poor Shockblast though....the bot mode is so wicked, but the vehicle mode is one of the most randomly concieved and farted out mess of a TF design I've ever seen. I may still get him and keep him in bot mode, but it sort of ruins the fun of a TF if the alternate mode is so fugly that you have no desire to transform it.

  MSW said:

I'm PRETTY SURE Bandai owns GaoGaiGar.

No, Takara owns it as well as the rest of the entire Brave Saga line ... the only thing close (largely sentient transformable robot anime and toy lines that arn't part of Hasbro's Transformers) that Bandai owns is Machine Robo.

Sunrise did the animation for GaoGaiGar, which is why people connect it with Bandai.

  treatment said:
  Dangard Ace said:
Bah.  Forget Shockblast.  New Omega.  Colors leave alot to be desired(as does transformation) but I want that battleship.  :D 


What the....????

That Omega Supreme Energon looks eerily like the SDF-1 in ship-mode!

You're right!!! :huh::o

  Shade said:
  GobotFool said:
Was browsing though the energon pictures and I don't see a shockblast, what are you people refering to?

Check it out.

awww, what the hell is that? Why is megatron a plane now? Man, from a gun to a tank now a plane. That's just plain stupid. Just keep him consistant like optimus. At least optimus was consistant all the way through. I hate megatron now. :p:D:lol:

  ComicKaze said:

Wow..that Skeletor is awesome! Now there's a MOTU villain that I'd finally be peeing my pants with fear over instead of laughter if I met him in a dark alley!

And is that a Walther P-38 in Cobra Commander's hand?

Posted (edited)

Scorponok looks cool

Megs's a sorry excuse for a Decepticon

....Shockblast's alternate form isn't even so a bad

like G2 (Ok: G1) Galvatron: he's a piece of mobile artillery...they might as well make Megs a WW2 canon, cause that jet mode has me barfing (looks like Lasorbeak had an itch and in his frustration jumped a swan)

edit: spelling -and

I never knew he was available as a toy I would've bought him

Am I the only one who would love to see a bigass MP Omega Supreme?

Edited by Nightbat®
  Stormseeker said:
here's how he looks like

---Attached Images---







Nothing close to the original ... but I think He's cool anyway. :D

This looks like Omega Supreme! (Look at the head of the robot)

  Skippy438 said:
Well, HLJ has Energon Megs listed as Galvatron, and his head is identical to Galvatron's.

That's because Hasbro has some weird Megatron fetish, where the main villian always has to be Megs, even though he was called Galvatron at the end of Armada. The Japanese took the intelligent route of calling him Megatron all through Armada, so that his new body will be called Galvatron.

No doubt, there will be a repaint of Energon Megs down the line in G1 Galvatron colors.

Oh, and Firefox? It looks like Omega Supreme because it is Omega Supreme. His Energon form, anyway.

  Skippy438 said:
  Knight26 said:
Is it just me or does the boat module look like a combination of the Yamato and the Macross?

That thing is identical to the Magellan class warship from Gundam! Well, except for the colors.

Pic Link

it looks like a designer somewhere in the process is a big gundam fan. the mirage decepticon looks like it borrow's its lower body from a gundam.

  eriku said:
Yeah, Arcee is looking awesome. It'll be nice to finally have a proper Arcee TF.

Ok i went through as many of the links as I could stomach... where's Arcee?

  Shade said:
  GobotFool said:
Was browsing though the energon pictures and I don't see a shockblast, what are you people refering to?

Check it out.

I was never much of a Transformers fan (the lame cartoons turned me off to the toys), so I could be wrong... but, wasn't Mirage an autobot race car? I could swear that my younger brother had the original one.

  BoBe-Patt said:
I'd only buy it if he turned into a gun. I'd say shockwave would be ok to transform into a gun because he looks nothing like a real gun. He's more of a space gun than anything. We see alot of space guns out there for kids to play with, ie star wars blaster rifle, or han solo's blaster. So there shouldn't be a problem with soundwave. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

ROFLMAO! The guns in Star Wars are all real guns. Han Solo's pistol is a Mauser and the Stormtrooper rifles are Stens.

Posted (edited)
  Uxi said:
  eriku said:
Yeah, Arcee is looking awesome.  It'll be nice to finally have a proper Arcee TF.

Ok i went through as many of the links as I could stomach... where's Arcee?

I think he's refering to this picture...


Ugh! But i wouldn't really agree that this is a "proper" arcee...


Edited by Tico0001

If I were a TF fan I would be looking for a really tall bridge to jump from.


Arcee doesn't look too bad when you take that big red thing off her chest. But yeah, I have to agree... transformers have been pretty horrible for a while now here's hoping the binaltech line keeps going strong.

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