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They look good... super white..

Any chance you can snap a pic of some on one of the DYRL valks? That's mainly what I'm buying them for.

  1 VF-1 2NV said:
NIce hands.

HeyExo, any idea how much multiples will cost + shipping in the usa?

I believe $10 is a flat rate. it's actually free shipping just like the pilots which were $5 for 2 IIRC.

Blaine, I'll get those pics later tonight.

Posted (edited)

Can we see a pic holding the gunpod please? They look really good.

Edited by Anubis

so its it just me, or is EXO and Rohby making bank on these hands? B))

oh well, its still better than buying more valks just for the hands. :rolleyes:

BTW, thanks in advance for hooking us all up. :)


when will these be ready to ship? :unsure:

Posted (edited)
  haterist said:
so its it just me, or is EXO and Rohby making bank on these hands?  B))

oh well, its still better than buying more valks just for the hands.  :rolleyes:

BTW, thanks in advance for hooking us all up. :)


when will these be ready to ship?  :unsure:

uhm, honestly, I don't think there's much to be made here. let's say there's 50 orders, and they're $10 a pop...that's $500. and lets say it takes about 2 weeks to do...minus his time, materials(resin, casting, boxes) and shipping...would you consider that to be a lot of money? I think it's going to be less than minimum wage considering...

and honestly, I think they're doing this more as of a favor to us MWers than trying to make a fat profit. so I thank Rhoby and I thank EXO for taking the time to do this...

Edited by Eternal_D


uhm, honestly, you need to chill out man.

why you trying to start beef over a simple comment? theres no i need for a speech about this and that.

hence the reason why i said "thanks in advance for hooking us all up" and not, "thanks for taking all my money you highway robbers".

on a side note....

i hate this site! you can't post anything without someone taking it the wrong f-in way. :angry:

i should've known better than to start posting here again.

thanks for making my brief re-appearance, brief a-hole! :angry:


alright, before they blame me for making another board member not want to come back, I just want to say, i didn't want to have people read your post and take it the wrong way. They might see there's a lot of orders, times that number by $10 and wow, easy money right? I just wanted other people to see how much time and materials goes into making these for us...I'm sure it's not as easy as 1-2-3 and I know Rhoby has had years of experience with recasting to get his skill where it is now.

not lecturing you or anybody because I don't have the right to do that...so I apologize if that's how you took it as.


Rule #1 on the internet and email. Things will most likely seem rude if it's directed at you. I always read things twice if it is. I honestly didn't see anything rude about either comments.


I say charge $15 a set and and have Rohby scratch build a 1/48 hand giving "the bird". Then everyone here can take a picture of their 1/48s giving the big FU. We can all send them by e-mail to HG, flooding their inboxes and by regular mail so that there's so many envelopes, they can't get out the front door. :lol:

That'll teach them to steal our YF-19. :angry::lol:

  haterist said:

uhm, honestly, you need to chill out man.

why you trying to start beef over a simple comment? theres no i need for a speech about this and that.

hence the reason why i said "thanks in advance for hooking us all up" and not, "thanks for taking all my money you highway robbers".

on a side note....

i hate this site! you can't post anything without someone taking it the wrong f-in way. :angry:

i should've known better than to start posting here again.

thanks for making my brief re-appearance, brief a-hole! :angry:

sniff... sniff... :rolleyes:

Relax, folks. I think everybody here really appreciates what Rohby and EXO are doing. I know I do.

  haterist said:

uhm, honestly, you need to chill out man.

why you trying to start beef over a simple comment? theres no i need for a speech about this and that.

hence the reason why i said "thanks in advance for hooking us all up" and not, "thanks for taking all my money you highway robbers".

on a side note....

i hate this site! you can't post anything without someone taking it the wrong f-in way. :angry:

i should've known better than to start posting here again.

thanks for making my brief re-appearance, brief a-hole! :angry:

Wow - nice melt down!

Thanks for the pics, Exo. But could you get more shots of the hands with the gun and on other 1/48's (DYRL valks)? I might be interested in a set but would like to see colors match better.


I don't think anyone here thinks anything other than appreciation for Rohby's and Exo's efforts.

Eternal_D's arguements didn't seem a least bit offensive...

and I didn't feel as if haterist was being cynical about Rohby's & Exo's intentions for Eternal_D to refute about it either.

So, both of you guys chill...

Anyway, more pics please~ :D

  tom64ss said:
I say charge $15 a set and and have Rohby scratch build a 1/48 hand giving "the bird". Then everyone here can take a picture of their 1/48s giving the big FU. We can all send them by e-mail to HG, flooding their inboxes and by regular mail so that there's so many envelopes, they can't get out the front door. :lol:

That'll teach them to steal our YF-19. :angry::lol:

:lol: Such a KICK ASS idea.


  Nani?! said:
They're a tad bit too white, no?

is there anyway to change that or is this the final?

They look good though. Not to be redundant, but more pics would help.

It's called "paint". Perhaps you've heard of it.


I don't really mind the white all that much, especially if its more work for Rohboy to change the shade to a darker more white-grey (which it probably is).


That last pic makes the shade difference a lot worse than they are, but yes they are noticeably whiter.

I asked Rohby to make the stems thicker than the originals because I thought the original ones were too loose. Well if you guys wanted me to test how strong the stems were then I think they passed, because one of them got stuck inside and I had to twist and pull to get it out. I thought it was going to break in there, but it didn't even crack or stretch. I then shaved it a little and it went back in fine. Putting in the gunpod is different also, you have to angle it down but it slides right in pretty firmly. I asked Rohby if it was possible to add a shade of gray to it but I haven't heard back. It's a bitch to tint these things so I wouldn't get my hopes up for now. But let's just wait for what he says.

These recasts are really top notch. I can't wait for someone to confirm this for me.


Hey Guys,

Let me try to answer a few questions. I'm going to start casting tomorrow (Thursday) morning and will ship out the first batch the same day. I'll be leaving out of town Friday morning and will be back Sunday night and will continue to cast on Monday.

I know, the super white hands look a bit awkward (did I spell that right?). I'll test out the tint in the morning when I start casting. No gaurantee, but I'll see how it turns out.

What else....oh yeah, paypal prefered.

Oh, thanks for putting up the pics Alex!

  Rohby said:
Hey Guys,

Let me try to answer a few questions. I'm going to start casting tomorrow (Thursday) morning and will ship out the first batch the same day. I'll be leaving out of town Friday morning and will be back Sunday night and will continue to cast on Monday.

I know, the super white hands look a bit awkward (did I spell that right?). I'll test out the tint in the morning when I start casting. No gaurantee, but I'll see how it turns out.

What else....oh yeah, paypal prefered.

Oh, thanks for putting up the pics Alex!

That's great news. Good luck on the tinting, if you need a 1:48 to test the color out just give me a holler. I say take the whole wekend off and just start Monday. :p

As for people asking if it's still available, the answer is yes. Don't worry about getting on the list. I'm kinda done updating it. There's a link to Rohby's PM on my first post or you can PM me for any questions this weekend while Rohby's out.

I'm also going to put a page up on my web space this weekend (hopefully) so as this thread dies out, you'll know where to find it easily. Thanks.


Definitely looks great, guys.

Thanks again for playing with tinting, Rohby. Some of us (okay me) aren't great with paint, etc... that's why I buy toys instead of models in the first place.

I'm sure they'll come out great.


Hello All!

Just came back from a 3 day trip. Here's an update on the hands. On wednesday I was testing the tints to match the color of the original hands. I just couldnt get it right. The original color is an off-white or something like that. I can't seem to achieve that color. The only thing I was able to do was reduce the brightness of the white resin. After the tint, the color is not as bright as the one's you see in the pics that EXO posted, but it's still white. Just not as bright so it wont look as weird and out of place. Hope this made sense.

Anyhow, that's what I've decided to stick with and will start processing tomorrow. I'm going to start with the ones that have already paid me and will continue to contact those that are next in line. Sorry for the delay.


can you make custom hand positions? i remember you asking if people wanted a hand giving the bird,

i had an idea i'd like a set designed to hold the gun pod by the barrol like a baseball bat.

if it could be done to hold it with one hand that would be awsome, but both would be good too.

just a thought.

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