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  Rohby said:
Hello All!

Just came back from a 3 day trip. Here's an update on the hands. On wednesday I was testing the tints to match the color of the original hands. I just couldnt get it right. The original color is an off-white or something like that. I can't seem to achieve that color. The only thing I was able to do was reduce the brightness of the white resin. After the tint, the color is not as bright as the one's you see in the pics that EXO posted, but it's still white. Just not as bright so it wont look as weird and out of place. Hope this made sense.

Anyhow, that's what I've decided to stick with and will start processing tomorrow. I'm going to start with the ones that have already paid me and will continue to contact those that are next in line. Sorry for the delay.

Hey, that's good enough for me... I could care less if they matched perfectly - I just didn't want them to be visible from the next state over. :lol:

Seriously... looking forward to seeing the final product - thanks for all the hard work, Rohby.

Posted (edited)
  mechaninac said:
WTF, put me down for one set too.

WTF??? :o:lol:

To anyone else wondering... it's not too late. Just shoot me or Rohby a PM.

Edited by >EXO<

Rohby was out of town for the weekend. He'll contact you before he makes your set and you should receive it shortly after. Remember that this was a three day weekend for some.


Hey KingNor,

I'm not sure about the custom hands at this point. If someone else is willing to sculpt the custom hands and enough members want it, I can definately cast it though.


what if you were to re-cast DYRL? style hands... like big pre-posed hands like the VF-1J's but all blocky like DYRL? I saw a set of hands here once with a link to Hlj that were perfect here's a pic. Perhaps someone will remember.


  DrClay said:
what if you were to re-cast DYRL? style hands... like big pre-posed hands like the VF-1J's but all blocky like DYRL? I saw a set of hands here once with a link to Hlj that were perfect here's a pic. Perhaps someone will remember.

Damn, Danny, they beat you to it. But we still need to recast so hurry it up.

Posted (edited)

yah...bastards...well, I still keep workin on my set anyway...wanted to get finished with at least the gun hand this week but stupid magicsculpt isn't drying... :angry:

KingNor: I don't know who else would be interested in that. sculpting the pieces takes time, especially if you're going to do it from scratch. and if there isn't much interest in those, then I don't think it's worth it for rhoby to be doing it.

Edited by Eternal_D
  Eternal_D said:

KingNor: I don't know who else would be interested in that. sculpting the pieces takes time, especially if you're going to do it from scratch. and if there isn't much interest in those, then I don't think it's worth it for rhoby to be doing it.

thats fine, i was just throwing out the idea.


Hey Dr. Clay,

That pic you posted is of my old Hikaru 1A. I used a set of Patlabor 1/35 MG hands in place of the standard DYRL hands.

They did work much better than the DYRL hands, while still having the squared off appearance that the TV style did not have.


another idea:

if you want custom TV hands, you can break apart the recast ones and custom it that way. I was messing around with a pair earlier and all you'll have to do is make some minor adjustments with putty and it maynot take too much time.

  Mechamaniac said:
Hey Dr. Clay,

That pic you posted is of my old Hikaru 1A. I used a set of Patlabor 1/35 MG hands in place of the standard DYRL hands.

They did work much better than the DYRL hands, while still having the squared off appearance that the TV style did not have.

I didn't credit you fer th'pic 'cause I forgot who I got it from.... I'm sorry.

but anyways... Yes, yes! Patlabor 1/35 Mg hands should be recast (seeing as I can't find any to buy)

  DrClay said:
  Mechamaniac said:
Hey Dr. Clay,

That pic you posted is of my old Hikaru 1A.  I used a set of Patlabor 1/35 MG hands in place of the standard DYRL hands.

They did work much better than the DYRL hands, while still having the squared off appearance that the TV style did not have.

I didn't credit you fer th'pic 'cause I forgot who I got it from.... I'm sorry.

but anyways... Yes, yes! Patlabor 1/35 Mg hands should be recast (seeing as I can't find any to buy)

Oh, I don't care about credit. I just thought it was funny to see a pic of my desk :lol:


Man... before everyone starts shoving them into the arms... I wanna remind you guys to test fit it first. I asked Rohby to make the stems a bit thicker because I thought the originals were kinda loose. You can easily shave of a thin slice with an exacto knife, little by little. It was hard for me to get the hands out the first time and I thought I was going to break it, fortunately the resin was a lot thougher than I expected.

Mechamaniac. Let's see a little review about how it handles and looks. Thanks!

Posted (edited)

Got my 3 sets on Friday. Man they got here fast! :blink:

The stems were indeed thicker as described which allowed for a nice tight fit after a little resin was shaved off. My main concern was the color of the casted resin. Rohby did a great job of tinting them just enough so that they weren't bright white, and close enough in color that they look great "as is" on my DYRL 1S and 1A. A little panel lining with a pencil... and they look perfect! My TV-IJ is well pleased that his DYRL brothers no longer have claw-like hands. :lol:

A HUGE thanks to Rohby and Exo for making this happen. :D

You guys ROCK!

If Rohby's still taking orders and you don't have a set yet, I highly recommend it.


Edited by animatoralex
  >EXO< said:
Mechamaniac. Let's see a little review about how it handles and looks. Thanks!


As I said before, these are some of the cleanest recasts I have seen yet. Granted, they are small parts, and solid for the most part, which makes it easier, but all the seams are clean and crisp, and the only air bubble I saw was a tiny one at the end of the trigger finger. Not having a set of the originals, I don't know if this was on them or not, but it is so small that I dont care.

The stems are indeed thicker, and as EXO sais, you will do best to take a nice sharp xacto knife, and shave down the stems a bit. It took about 5 minutes per hand on the one set of four that I did before they fit perfectly.

One note of caution for those of you who are not used to recasts, they are usually a bit more fragile than normal plastic so I would recommend that if you are placing the GU-11 in the hand, you should place it in the hand before attaching the hand to the forearm, that way, you will avoid downward pressure on the peg. Also, the GU-11 fits tightly into the hand which is a good thing, so be careful to hold the hand by the larger part of it, not by the index finger, remember, recasts are slightly more brittle here folks!. Just exercise caution, and you'll be good to go!!.

All in all, these are sweet, and well worth the bucks.

Incidentally, the ones I got were the slightly off white (grayish) ones, but color really doesnt matter to me, anything looks better than the stock DYRL style hands.

SUGGESTION - The open palmed left hand is so big, that I bet someone with time and talent could work a polycap ball joint into it for more poseability. This is not a problem with Rohby's stuff, rather it is a design limitation from Yamato.

Here endeth the lesson....

  pfunk said:
shiet, who do i pay :blink:

Don't worry Pfunk, I just checked the list and your kinda low there. Rohby will contact you as soon as your set is ready to be casted.


Just got home with my new TV hands and want to once again praise the folks responsable for these beauties. Just a slight snip of the pegs for fitting and they stick like glue and look just as good as the ones you get with the VF-1J Hikaru.

In fact, look at the quick picture below... which Hikaru has the factory hands and which has the recasts? You just can't tell from three feet away! :lol:



Got my 3 hand sets and stuff today. Man you make great stuff Rohby. Just a quick shave and they are a perfect fit. They look so much better than the original hands. Its a little trickier than I thought getting the gunpod in. but after its in there is a nice tight fit. No need to worry about it dropping its gun.

Keep up the awsome work Rohby. Thanks.



I want mine!!!!

::goes into a tantrum::

Seriously, I can't wait... I have big plans... One set for my VF-1S Roy dual strike, one for the VF-1A CF that I'm having done, and one for the future (will probably go to a TV VF-1A Max type I plan to make).




Heh... I like that you've got each 1/48 posed with his "mini-me", Arclight. ;)

I imagine each 1S saying "Go forth, minion... do my bidding!"

Now I'll go back to waiting patiently for my Rohby hands to arrive.

  Blaine23 said:
Heh... I like that you've got each 1/48 posed with his "mini-me", Arclight. ;)

Yeah, with those mini valks there, Rohby needs to do a special edition "DR Evil" hand for the Valk. :lol:

  Mechamaniac said:
  Blaine23 said:
Heh... I like that you've got each 1/48 posed with his "mini-me", Arclight.  ;)

Yeah, with those mini valks there, Rohby needs to do a special edition "DR Evil" hand for the Valk. :lol:

oh god, someone has to take a pic of that,,,thats funny


Apparently I don't have to wait patiently anymore...

I just got my 3 sets in the mail. And they look sweet as hell! Definitely look "stock"... as Arclight pointed out.

Seriously... anybody getting these is going to be a happy camper. Now I gotta wait until 5 to go put 'em on my valks!

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