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i have a giant elephant of a ld player in my closet rotting atm - i guess i should buy 3 SW discs and stick them in the closet too - so my kids can see the "Real" SW in all its glory when they grow up.

  Uxi said:
  TheLoneWolf said:
I suggest waiting until Lucas releases them on DVD.  And yes, it will happen.  But only after Lucas is done thoroughly milking the SE DVD's.

It hasn't yet happened on VHS after at least 2 releases past when they announced it would be the last time the movies were going to be available in that cut. I find that enormously refreshing that they're sticking to their word instead of milking it more.

Lucas could clean up from some of the "fans" who have their panties in a wad over this issue, yet he refuses. This is ONE instance where it's NOT about money. Lucas could clean up on VHS and DVD and satisfy everyone... yet he doesn't despite the money to be gained. That says it's SOMETHING other than money that he's concerned about. It's not money and it's not for "fan" appeasement...

The fact of it is, he doesn't care what anyone says or thinks. He releases what he wants for his reasons and if some people don't buy... then he's apparently not too concerned.

Oh... so here's where George makes a stand and decides to act like an artist? Why? Dignity?

I, for one, don't find it enormously refreshing when he tries to rewrite history to update a film that millions fell in love with back in 1977. Star Wars made him, the fans that love the original movie made him, and basically this all marketing B.S. on the part of Lucasfilm, end of story.

He WILL rerelease the original trilogy at some point and the fans will pay for it.

I for one can't really trust the supposed "artistic intergrity" of George Lucas... this is coming from a company that hawks Darth Maul underwear. Oh, yeah... true artists...



  Blaine23 said:
I for one can't really trust the supposed "artistic intergrity" of George Lucas... this is coming from a company that hawks Darth Maul underwear. Oh, yeah... true artists...



:lol::lol::lol: It's funny because it's true. Was there one character or vehicle in Ep 1 or 2 that did not see some form of release?

Who wants to buy an LD player, especially at this point in time...  DVD is where it's at... if one has an LD player and the LD's, the whole DVD-release thing is a non-issue as they should be ripping it to DVD for at least themselves... but one needs the appropriate hardware (starting with the LD player and DVD burner, etc

I've got an LD player and the Definitive Collection of the OT. But, and this seems to be overlooked: Even the LDs look like #ss compared to DVD.

On today's larger screen TVs, it is hardly better than VHS.

There's also the problem of laser-rot. My LD of EpIV has gotten pretty bad. There is "static"/"sparklies" throughout several sides of the LDs.

I agree about Lucas's "vision" being the reason he isn't (and won't) release the non-SE versions of the OT.

But, here's the thing, some of us are of the opinion that his "vision" over the last decade or so has been horrible. And we therefore often express that opinion and request things for which his "vision" won't allow.

His "vision"/ego bothers some people. . . and it doesn't bother others. That's been discussed before. So that's all I'll say about it here. . . lest this thread be locked too. :)



I do concur with blaine 23 that at least speilberg had sense to released the original e.t. with the new version.When it comes to video marketing lucas is way out of touch with reality.he was release all of the star wars but not untill 2007 originally.it gets on my nerves he feels he has alter the originals.he just leave them as a piece of movie history.


I don't know why people are acting so shocked at the news that the DVDs would be the Special Editions. Lucasfilm only announced that the Original Original trilogy was going bye-bye back in 1996. It's taken nearly 8 years for you to realize that they weren't joking?

Besides, I'm sure that there's a good chance that there's more to this than a simple SE versus non-SE fight. I've been following up on this story on the chud.com boards, and those "in the know" point out that this relatively bare-bones release is largely due to the overwhelming demand for the films to be out NOW. Lucas had maintained that he'd get around to the OT some time after Ep III wrapped up, likely in 2005 sometime. Apparently, even the Special Editions need some work to whip them into DVD-worthy shape, much less the much older non-SE versions. But of course that's not good enough for the ever whiny consumer. "But I waaaaaant it" they whine. So Lucasfilm throws them a bone, so to speak. They truly can't win on this one.

If you truly hate the SE, then wait until 2007. This set isn't for you. It's for Joe Sixpack and Suzy Soccermom, who'll buy a copy from Wal Mart or Best Buy for their grubby children. It's for the average viewer, who doesn't know film but knows what he likes. Besides, contrary to what we've been told some insiders are still hinting that the future may indeed offer us either the O-OT or some kind of Uber-SE.


Lucas doesn't do anything "bare bones". There will be enough here to satisfy the fans until the big box set comes out in a few years.

  bsu legato said:
I don't know why people are acting so shocked at the news that the DVDs would be the Special Editions. Lucasfilm only announced that the Original Original trilogy was going bye-bye back in 1996. It's taken nearly 8 years for you to realize that they weren't joking?

Besides, I'm sure that there's a good chance that there's more to this than a simple SE versus non-SE fight. I've been following up on this story on the chud.com boards, and those "in the know" point out that this relatively bare-bones release is largely due to the overwhelming demand for the films to be out NOW. Lucas had maintained that he'd get around to the OT some time after Ep III wrapped up, likely in 2005 sometime. Apparently, even the Special Editions need some work to whip them into DVD-worthy shape, much less the much older non-SE versions. But of course that's not good enough for the ever whiny consumer. "But I waaaaaant it" they whine. So Lucasfilm throws them a bone, so to speak. They truly can't win on this one.

If you truly hate the SE, then wait until 2007. This set isn't for you. It's for Joe Sixpack and Suzy Soccermom, who'll buy a copy from Wal Mart or Best Buy for their grubby children. It's for the average viewer, who doesn't know film but knows what he likes. Besides, contrary to what we've been told some insiders are still hinting that the future may indeed offer us either the O-OT or some kind of Uber-SE.

I agree with you, BSU that we've all had plenty of warning. They said this is what they'll do and I'm not surprised, really.

However, I think you're a bit off by classifying this as never ending complaints from the ever whiny customers... this is strictly about film.

I don't want a reedited Casablanca: Director's Extended Cut, Wizard of OZ:Remixed!, Gone with the Wind: Ultimate Edition, or a colorized It's A Wonderful Life.

But at least if those movies were released in godawful updated forms, the originals have been loving restored and brought out by the studios that own the properties.

Like most good film fans, I would appreciate Lucasfilm giving fans of the original movies a decent release on DVD, not crap like this. If it took them another year to do so, then fine. Please don't try to tell me that Lucasfilm hasn't got the time or the money to "whip them into DVD ready shape". Hell, the SE's are 99% made up of the footage from the original release! How much more work does it take to edit out bad music, uneven CGI, and let Han shoot first?

It's very easy to see Lucasfilm truly CAN win on this one. Put the original editions out or announce that they are going to... I can guarantee you that 99.9% of Star Wars fans will be thrilled.

It really doesn't seem that difficult to me.

  Duke Togo said:
Lucas doesn't do anything "bare bones". There will be enough here to satisfy the fans until the big box set comes out in a few years.

Individually it doesn't sound like these are gonna compare to the Ep 1 and Ep 2 releases. Commentary and a good digital master on the main disc with all the specials on the 4th disc (like the Indy set)...

People CAN dispute his "artistic vision" but I don't think anyone can credibly say Lucas is milking the fans when it's the opposite. Licensing underoos for KIDS is perfectly in line with his statements that's who he's aiming the movies at to begin with. NOT you Blaine, regardless of whether you think he owes you for "making him" (along with about a billion other people). ;)

I had forgotten about that other thread. Thanks for reminding, Hurin. :lol:

  Duke Togo said:
Lucas doesn't do anything "bare bones". There will be enough here to satisfy the fans until the big box set comes out in a few years.

True enough. I was thrilled to learn that the menus are supposedly being done by the same person(s) who did the current Ep I and II discs. Plus the fourth disc sounds cool to a film/SW geek like me. I only called it "bare bones" in relation to the LOTR:EE or the Alien Quadrilogy. But like I said, 2007 is the date to wait for if you want something that big.

  Blaine23 said:
Like most good film fans, I would appreciate Lucasfilm giving fans of the original movies a decent release on DVD, not crap like this. If it took them another year to do so, then fine. Please don't try to tell me that Lucasfilm hasn't got the time or the money to "whip them into DVD ready shape". Hell, the SE's are 99% made up of the footage from the original release! How much more work does it take to edit out bad music, uneven CGI, and let Han shoot first?

But that is precicely why they can't win. From what I've read, the existing SE editions are taking lots of work as it is to produce on DVD format. This isn't just my guesswork here. I'm paraphrasing some well-known DVD and Star Wars insiders here, people who know far more about this than me and whose word I feel safe taking at face value. And it's not as if the SE's share the same footage as the older THX remasters. They're two seperate masters. You speak of taking another year or two to produce a truly definitive DVD transfer? That's precisely what I've read is going to happen, but only when Lucas has time to oversee it. And that in no way satisifies the average consumers slavering for a DVD trilogy set now. Hence why this set is being "thrown" together, relatively speaking. But its not as if they're just doing a straight-from-VHS dump of the existing SE footage. This set will look and sound good, make no mistake.

And as much as I loathe Greedo shooting first and "Jedi Rocks" there are some merits to the Special Editions. Personally, I'd be satisfied with something that's halfway between the original versions and the SE. You know....cleaned up footage and audio, improved Death Star battle in ANH, but it'd retain Han getting the drop on Greedo and the original "Lapti Nek." But if you want a true transfer of the untampered OT, than you have to either accept that they're gone or wait until 2007, whichever comes first.


Glad I have the VHS oldies,

Lucas is a Dick, period. and so is the guy who rereleased the 2 towers on the LOTR DVD, I bought the 1st friggin one


I just don't want this to turn out like the Indiana Jones set. Don't get me wrong, I love all 3 movies, and having them on DVD was really the greatest thing to happen in the past few years.... but the extras were so bare, I wonder why the heck they needed an entire DVD just for them. :blink:

If we get at least half of what we got for Eps1 and 2, for each of the 3 movies, I will be pretty happy.

  Abombz!! said:
I just don't want this to turn out like the Indiana Jones set. Don't get me wrong, I love all 3 movies, and having them on DVD was really the greatest thing to happen in the past few years.... but the extras were so bare, I wonder why the heck they needed an entire DVD just for them. :blink:

From what I've heard, that was more of a Spielberg thing than a Lucas thing. For some reason, SS has been very reluctant to embrace the whole "DVD extras" concept. I'd read once that it was because he feels that the film should speak for itself, or stand on its own, or something like that. All of his films on DVD have been a little lean on special features. :(

  bsu legato said:
  Abombz!! said:
I just don't want this to turn out like the Indiana Jones set. Don't get me wrong, I love all 3 movies, and having them on DVD was really the greatest thing to happen in the past few years.... but the extras were so bare, I wonder why the heck they needed an entire DVD just for them. :blink:

From what I've heard, that was more of a Spielberg thing than a Lucas thing. For some reason, SS has been very reluctant to embrace the whole "DVD extras" concept. I'd read once that it was because he feels that the film should speak for itself, or stand on its own, or something like that. All of his films on DVD have been a little lean on special features. :(

I knew I liked Steven for some reason, I watch a movie, to watch a movie. If Im bored, watching the making of it isnt bad, but id prefer if they just stuck to originality in the content of the movie itself. They shouldve made people sit thier ass in the theater for an extra 45minutes on the twin towers,,,obviously that was part of the original content

But maybe Lucas will CG up Indiana Jones with more flaming arrows and CG bats :rolleyes:

  Uxi said:
  Duke Togo said:
Lucas doesn't do anything "bare bones". There will be enough here to satisfy the fans until the big box set comes out in a few years.

Individually it doesn't sound like these are gonna compare to the Ep 1 and Ep 2 releases. Commentary and a good digital master on the main disc with all the specials on the 4th disc (like the Indy set)...

People CAN dispute his "artistic vision" but I don't think anyone can credibly say Lucas is milking the fans when it's the opposite. Licensing underoos for KIDS is perfectly in line with his statements that's who he's aiming the movies at to begin with. NOT you Blaine, regardless of whether you think he owes you for "making him" (along with about a billion other people). ;)

I had forgotten about that other thread. Thanks for reminding, Hurin. :lol:

Meh... I'm not gonna argue the point. I think they could easily announce that they have plain to release the originals, which wouldn't cost them a thing... and would please the fans. But it ain't likely to happen.

The folks at New Line were very clear about multiple releases of the LotR films... no wonder their fans seem to be happier with them than SW fans with Lucasfilm.

Agreed, it definitely seems as though this set will be very similar to Indy DVD's, down to the "bare-ish" extras... of course, I was surprised at how much extra footage was shot for Indy, considering that almost nobody shot documentary or extra footage back then.

Heh... maybe the extras disc will feature those lame 2 minute interviews with George Lucas at the beginning of each movie in the SE VHS set... how boring and anticlimatic were those? ;)


I'm sure they will release the Original Version, but you have to give them a few years to milk the SE's first.


they will NOT release the original version.

Lucas doesn't consider the original versions "complete" and by the way, lucas is a crazy son of a bitch. you're best bet is to NOT BUY the special editions. hurt them financially.

even then you'll need to wait for lucas to die and hope that the next person who runs the company will see $$$ more than his "artistic vision" and release the original version.

still though, i wouldn't hold my breath. seriously lucas is nuts.

besides, that singing sequence in Return of the Jedi adds so SO much to the story doesn't it? oh oh, and boba fett is so cool, they added deep and intressting scenes like "fett touching girls chin" damn, there are sides to him we never even imagined. oh oh... and "full shot of snow beast with arm cut off" now we REALLY know what happend. so cool. and don't anyone ever forget all the cool tacked on shots of CGI beasts being over animated.. they look so awsome composited into 70's and 80's film. rad.

  • 1 month later...

New details on the DVD release, courtesy IGN. Personally, I'm pretty excited about the commentaries, especially since they're including Kasdan and Kershner!!

March 31, 2004 - We've gotten some more details on what will be found on the Star Wars Trilogy DVDs, due September 21. All three films will be in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen with English Dolby Digital 5.1 EX encoding, plus, English, Spanish Dolby and French Dolby Surround.

Disc 1: Star Wars: A New Hope

Commentary by George Lucas, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, and Carrie Fisher

Disc 2: The Empire Strikes Back

Commentary by George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, and Carrie Fisher

Disc 3: Return of the Jedi

Commentary by George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, and Carrie Fisher

Disc 4: Bonus disc includes the most comprehensive feature-length documentary ever produced on the Star Wars saga; and never-before-seen footage from the making of all three films, and much more.

In case you missed it or want to see them again, the Star Wars Trilogy widescreen and fullscreen box art can be seen by clicking the Media Page link below.

  Skull Leader said:
This is hardly unexpected... or unwanted.

If this is, in fact, how Lucas intended for the series to be seen, I see no reason why he should re-release the originals (ducks incoming flames).. it just seems ignorant to me, and counter-progressive.

I'm looking forward to these and I'll pick them up as soon as I can!

Keep in mind, you're addressing the same group that loves the OT, but hates the SE's and Episodes I and II, loves the original Matrix but hates Reloaded and Revolutions, then loves SDF Macross and DYRL but hates 7 and will claim to hate Zero later.

  mikeszekely said:

Keep in mind, you're addressing the same group that loves the OT, but hates the SE's and Episodes I and II, loves the original Matrix but hates Reloaded and Revolutions, then loves SDF Macross and DYRL but hates 7 and will claim to hate Zero later.

I hate Zero now! :p

If there is a market for the original versions, someone will make them. Whether it be Honk Kong or otherwise. ;)


I don't miss not getting the originals. Honestly I like the SE versions better as do my family. The only that gets to me is the whole Han shooting first. I just wish that wasn't changed.

  mikeszekely said:
  Skull Leader said:
This is hardly unexpected... or unwanted.

If this is, in fact, how Lucas intended for the series to be seen, I see no reason why he should re-release the originals (ducks incoming flames).. it just seems ignorant to me, and counter-progressive.

I'm looking forward to these and I'll pick them up as soon as I can!

Keep in mind, you're addressing the same group that loves the OT, but hates the SE's and Episodes I and II, loves the original Matrix but hates Reloaded and Revolutions, then loves SDF Macross and DYRL but hates 7 and will claim to hate Zero later.

You've pretty much got me there... except I'm only letdown by Reloaded, hate Revolutions and I love Mac 7 and Zero. :p I honestly don't even mind the SE trilogy, I just think it's lame Lucas isn't releasing the OT too.

But I am way thrilled about the commentaries... particularly the Kasdan/Kirshner portion. Good news, BSU!


Now I'm not suggesting this is legitimate, but here's something I found today. Supposedly, its from the revised ESB, and shows the "real" Emperor Palpatine as played by Ian McDiarmid.


  Gaijin said:
I didnn't like the singing at the end of ROTJ...I prefer the ewoks going off.

I liked that better in the SE...

The original song was kinda sucky.

There's only 2 things I didn't like about the SE's.

Jabba at Mos Eisley - If they update the CG model with the one from Ep I, then I'll be happy.

Jedi Rock - Dear God no.

Other than that, I think they kick way more ass than the OT. Especially in the space portions. Plus I like the little CG extras that they have around, it makes the worlds seem more alive and exciting to me. But I like the new movies too, while they're not the greatest movies around, they still beat at the very least ANH in my book. However, one thing that has been missing in the new trilogy is the huge space battles and hopefully if what we're hearing about Ep III is true, there will be space battles aplenty.

  bsu legato said:
Now I'm not suggesting this is legitimate, but here's something I found today. Supposedly, its from the revised ESB, and shows the "real" Emperor Palpatine as played by Ian McDiarmid.


Looks interesting. Doesn't look any better or worse than the original footage, though. Doesn't really look like Ian McDiarmid as he looked in Return of the Jedi.


I should clarify, the actual image quality of Palpatine in the top picture does look better than the original foot, but it doesn't look like Ian McDiarmid, and in that way it doesn't look better or worse than the original. It might just be that particular angle though.

I hope that if they are tweaking the SE version even more that they at the very least get James Earl Jones to voice the altered dialogue from Empire. It just did not at all sound like Vader in the changed dialogue.

Han shooting first and a better CG Jabba would also be appreciated, however unlikely that is to actually happen.


Well, I suppose it does look 'more' like him, but still. It's probably the make-up or the camera angle. If this image is legit, I can't say I'll feel very strongly either way about it, unless they have got Ian McDiarmid to play the part, then I think it will be an improvement.


I don't know...to me, it could be McDiarmid. It's difficult to say, since those shadows and see-thru portions really make it tough to see what he looks like. Can any photoshop-savvy people take a peek at it to look for signs of tampering.

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