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The real life Midgar?

Druna Skass

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I recall a documentary about fighting high-rise fires and it featured a 3D mock-up of this project. The building is designed to allow wind to quickly ventilate any fire and reduce smoke inhalation casualties. The Tokyo fire dept was also featured with their helicopter mounted fire-fighting equipment...

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I saw another show about a 1 km high building-project (or concept)

it actually explained that indeed Japan's bedrock is very deep below the surface

but if we're able to drill holes "x" meters deep this is just a temporary problem

I don't know, maybe it's because i think Towering Inferno is a great movie

but just because we can doesn't mean we should

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What happens if someting blows up or damages one of the support struts for the core center or stadium?

A novel idea, but what happens if you need to tear it down, or do heavy structural work on one of the lower blocks?

Might as well go ahead and build space colonies IMO.

I agree with Nightbat, just because we may be able build something that huge doesn't necessarily mean we should.

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I recall a documentary about fighting high-rise fires and it featured a 3D mock-up of this project. The building is designed to allow wind to quickly ventilate any fire and reduce smoke inhalation casualties. The Tokyo fire dept was also featured with their helicopter mounted fire-fighting equipment...

Ah, but did it say anything about how such a building would be irresistable temptation for all manner of giant monsters and robots? Seriously, that thing is begging to be a Godzilla set.

All in all, though... very cool indeed.

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Might as well go ahead and build space colonies IMO.

Now there's a better idea

if I'm gonna be put up with 100,000 other morons in a selfcontained arcology

it might as well be in space

got a problem with a part of the structure? simple, just nuke the site from or.....

I mean evacuate and jettison the bastard into space (or the atmosphere)

just like Lego easy to assemble and dissassemble

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What I'm wondering is, how earthquake proof will this thing be?

I would be worried, no mater how much they clamor it's indestrutible. If that building comes down, forget it.

The suspended stadium and core center scream targets.

Building Space colonies would probably be cheaper or comparable to that monstrosity.

Technically feasible too eventually, there was a great site about UC Gundam type colonies I read a while back.

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Man... that's awesome... They should call it "Babel".

We'd need a large force of robots to build this... how about labors! :)

And of course we'd need a genius programmer to create a new operating system to boost efficiency... Why don't we call this new system- HOS! :lol:

edit: spelling

Edited by Sumdumgai
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