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For me his voice was really memorable and used in more than a few places. And as a villain he was great in Star Wars and fun in Conan. From big roles to small, he had a powerful voice no matter the character. He could carry a role just by his sound alone or by his actual standing presence. He will be remembered by many generations 

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Thing for me, he never had BIG roles, like he was almost never a leading man in film and tv, but he had GOOD roles, things where you always remember him being in something be it, Sand Lot, Field of Dreams, Conan, Star Wars, Patriots Game, Hunt for Red October, Lion King etc etc. I always put him right next to iconic men like Morgan Freeman for a voice that is so distinct and recognizable. I'm just so bummed out losing him, I really am. I had to sit down after work and pop in Conan which is one of my favorite movies with him and Arnold. 

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It's going to be strange not seeing him pop up in seemingly everything.

Agreed on the roles he took.. he didn't lead, and he didn't seem like he wanted to lead.  But he had all kinds of quirky supporting roles in so many films and series, and you could tell he was enjoying himself.

It's funny, one of the scenes I remember the most was his guest appearance on Frasier, and I didn't realize it was his first role on any sitcom.  One of the interview clips shows him specifically calling that one out as well, since he had worked with Kelsey Grammer on stage in the past, and felt it was a great introduction to the genre, being able to reunite with an old friend.

He is going to be sorely missed.

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Ohh man, this one just hits different.  I just re-watched the Big Bang Theory episode last week where Sheldon and him hang out all day. "I like Star Wars too!" "Your friend Leonard sounds like a weenie!" Classic JEJ.  You will be missed sir. R.I.P to the GOAT! 😢

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From a fellow with a stutter to becoming one of the most iconic voices in film history, James Earl Jones made an impact that few will ever eclipse. As @Hikuro mentioned, he rarely played lead roles, though he definitely made an impact as Mufasa. I still get goosebumps watching Lion King. He shone, however in supporting roles. He always had presence, a likeability to him, and that great baritone delivery. For Star Wars fans, certainly, his passing is a sad certainty that never again will we hear the true Dark Lord of the Sith utter another word. Imitators and A.I. may try, but there was only one James Earl Jones. Rest in Peace, good sir.

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