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19 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Who does he actually fight though?  He sucker-punches that one guy while escaping from the stockade at Port Borgo, he buys his way out of trouble on At Achran, he outwits a mall cop or two at that day spa, bullies some children half his size, and then struggles with two out-of-shape desk jockets on At Attin.

Only way to answer that is with another question.  Who in the entire show gets into a fight?  The Droid is the only one that really does.  Jod does a bit more then any other character.

2 hours ago, Big s said:

I think that the acolyte definitely harmed this shows reputation, but with the few viewers it had are mostly complaining about how it ended is doing even more harm and it may not get those extra over time views due to poor word of mouth.
It’s sorta like the problem people had with game of thrones. Not a show I was into, but people loved it more a more as it went on til whatever went south in the last season or so. Now all I hear are complaints about how poor the show was. I guess the next show did alright for a while, but I hear the viewers are dipping there as well and didn’t seem to like how it’s going for whatever reason. But the big difference is that even though they may be in a similar situation, game of thrones still has a much much higher viewership than Star wars in the modern era and probably will bounce back.
Star Wars is just constantly flopping at this point due to poor writing. if this show had just stuck the landing, it could’ve been the show to bring back interest in the galaxy far far away. Instead it’s like you said, totally forgettable and mediocre overall.

Correct....thanks for "getting it"...

I want great, epic shows....not safe, mediocre shows....D+ can't afford to keep making them....so hopefully they understand that these type of series releases are not a long-term solution....still, they can have their place in D+'s overall content if purposefully done as movie "one-shots"....sort of like they did for the Halloween Marvel Werewolf movie....

1 hour ago, Big s said:

I think that the acolyte definitely harmed this shows reputation, but with the few viewers it had are mostly complaining about how it ended is doing even more harm and it may not get those extra over time views due to poor word of mouth.

The glaring asterisk hanging over this statement like a Death Star is "Does anyone actually take what Star Wars fans say seriously anymore?".

Word of mouth can help or hurt a series, but only if the opinion of the person spreading it can be respected.  Ever since Disney acquired LucasFilm and Star WarsStar Wars fans have been loudly complaining about practically everything to do with Star Wars.  A fair amount of that overlaps, intentionally or otherwise, with obnoxious culture war BS.  Nearly thirteen years of non-stop complaining has taken all of the sting out of negative word-of-mouth from Star Wars fans because negativity is the expected reaction to anything new.

If Star Wars fans were unanimously praising something, that'd probably turn heads because of how out-of-character it is... but the world is so used to Star Wars fan negativity that I'd assume it'd actually prompt people to check the series out assuming it can't possibly be as bad as the fans say.  Never mind that almost all of the actual coverage of Skeleton Crew is broadly positive and has been for the show's entire run.



1 hour ago, Big s said:

It’s sorta like the problem people had with game of thrones. Not a show I was into, but people loved it more a more as it went on til whatever went south in the last season or so. Now all I hear are complaints about how poor the show was.

That's very different, though.  Game of Thrones was very well received by die-hard and casual audiences alike until that disastrous last season.  It wasn't just unsatisfied die-hard fans complaining, it was poorly-received by everyone.  The nearly universal vehemently negative reaction to that last season is what ultimately soured public perception of it to a degree that nobody is willing to recommend it.

It was like having a delicious meal at a lovely restaurant, and then spending the entire night sh*tting yourself unconscious from food poisoning.  No matter how good the food tasted, you wouldn't recommend that restaurant to anyone.


1 hour ago, Big s said:

Star Wars is just constantly flopping at this point due to poor writing. if this show had just stuck the landing, it could’ve been the show to bring back interest in the galaxy far far away. Instead it’s like you said, totally forgettable and mediocre overall.

That's just denying reality.  These shows are developed to be limited series from the outset, and if they were flopping we would not be seeing Disney doubling down on its promise to deliver a new series every year and developing new seasons of existing shows like Ahsoka and Andor.  If they were truly all flopping like The Acolyte did, we'd expect to see more news of confirmed cancellations (direct statements that any future plans have been scrapped) and we'd be seeing breaks in the release schedule as production scaled back or the whole concept was abandoned like the anthology movie series was after Solo: a Star Wars Story spun in.

The reality seems to be more that the fans are just determined to be unhappy, and will declare failure no matter how well a series does.

50 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

.....The reality seems to be more that the fans are just determined to be unhappy, and will declare failure no matter how well a series does.

Again....the facts don't lie....this series failed worse than the series that was more or less universally panned.....and no matter how much you try and spin it with loads of the same repeating text vomit....the numbers don't lie.....the few SW megafans who actually watched the show and will love any trash put out by D+ doesn't make it a "success"...not that hard to understand....sheesh!

1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

The reality seems to be more that the fans are just determined to be unhappy, and will declare failure no matter how well a series does.

But the series didn’t do well. Lower viewership than their biggest flop isn’t a win. The only thing successful was that it didn’t cost as much to makes. This also isn’t all about Star Wars, but everything Disney has been in charge of lately . The marvel stuff is failing hard at just about every turn, Star Wars has lost its cool Indy should’ve stayed retired and I feel really sad for poor little Willow. If this show just had an ending, it could’ve made people feel like things were back on track.

As is Nobody is excited for the Mando movie or the upcoming Captain America movie, and we’re all hoping Daredevil doesn’t end up trash.


I don't know, the fan ratings are much higher than Acolyte, so what are you all arguing about? Not a lot of people watched it, but those who did had a much more positive response (there are numbers for that too). It's wrong to say only SW megafans watched it and will love anything because they didn't love Acolyte. Seems unfair to say that this space goonies story needed to be so good it made everyone forget all the misfires... I don't think anything can be that great. Time for the great SW reboot!

2 minutes ago, jenius said:

but those who did had a much more positive response

I do have to agree on that as most episodes weren’t bad at all. I think the other at planet episode and the ending really were the only ones getting bad talk. Unfortunately many people don’t want to watch a show if someone says the ending sucked or it just doesn’t have an ending. It’s tough to recommend a show when you can’t say it ends at all. There’s far too many options out there for people and if they weren’t excited for more Star Wars from when it originally was added, they’re not gonna be all that interested when they hear that it’s meh at best overall

4 minutes ago, Big s said:

But the series didn’t do well. Lower viewership than their biggest flop isn’t a win.

Are you claiming to be privy to the internal decisionmaking criteria Disney uses to decide if these shows are successful or not?

A third-party estimation of the total viewership in terms of minutes watched during the release period is not an infallible metric for judging success or failure.  It's not even all that reliable, given that it is an estimation based on sample populations in 210 regions within the Unites States only.  Most other analytics being cited are similar, limited to capturing viewership statistics voluntarily and/or mainly in the US market.  Skeleton Crew was released worldwide.  So even if those estimations are accurate, and they probably aren't, the data is far from conclusive because it only covers a fraction of the global viewership.

The TL;DR here is you're jumping to conclusions based on data we know to be incomplete and can reasonably argue is only a rough approximation.

Whatever criteria Disney's going to use to decide if Skeleton Crew was a success or not are known only to them and possibly the showrunners, but they have more reliable data than we do because they're the ones collecting first-party viewership statistics from their subscribers directly.  It's been suggested by people connected to the production that criteria like how the show ranked on their service and trends in episode-by-episode number of viewers are among the factors being considered by Disney.  We'll know if it was successful or not in a couple months when Disney reports out to its shareholders.


4 minutes ago, Big s said:

This also isn’t all about Star Wars, but everything Disney has been in charge of lately . The marvel stuff is failing hard at just about every turn, Star Wars has lost its cool Indy should’ve stayed retired and I feel really sad for poor little Willow. If this show just had an ending, it could’ve made people feel like things were back on track.

As is Nobody is excited for the Mando movie or the upcoming Captain America movie, and we’re all hoping Daredevil doesn’t end up trash.

... looking at the numbers, I don't think this is accurate either.  Marvel seems to be suffering a bit from diminished returns after over a decade of pumping out content, but their box office gross (adjusted for inflation) shows they've really only had a few stumbles lately.  The Marvels was basically the only one they actually lost money on, and the underperformers largely are doing about as well as the first couple films with the exception of Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.  They're not making as much money as they were when Marvel movie madness was at its peak but they're making damned respectable bank on it still.  Same with Star Wars.


If only "fan ratings" always equated to series success...

SW Megafans are those who will love anything SW....look them up, there are plenty who enjoyed The Acolyte....but their appreciation is a given and likely a constant figure with anything released on D+ or elsewhere....their views cannot really be used in determining if a show was a success.....

If only Disney had not disclosed their rationale on what makes a series successful....hint...it's not based on how "liked" a show was for the superfans, as they will like anything....it's mainly based on viewership....don't need to be an insider, just look it up on the webs...Disney explained their decision-making logic....

I have already said that the latest show is potentially a good "reset" point for the SW D+ shows....it was nothing that was going to be trailblazing or too controversial....just cut and paste all the stuff SW fans like....and then see what happens....unfortunately, nothing happened, well....other than no substantial amount of streaming  consumers caring enough to watch the show...so the show can be used as a lesson on how being too safe is also not a good option for D+ SW....I have said it before, as long as people are "talking" about SW....bad or good....it still keeps the IP in the public eyes....these shows exist to keep selling tickets to their parks....to keep them relevant....unfortunately, a good or bad SW D+ show is inconsequential....either will get the parks packed with customers and their spending cash....

1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Are you claiming to be privy to the internal decisionmaking criteria Disney uses to decide if these shows are successful or not?

No, but when they’re making their own statements that the show had lower numbers, then I think that’s it right there. They are putting the spin that the numbers were growing episode to episode, but that’s just trying to make a loss into a win. As far as dollars, the show may actually be more profitable than the acolyte due to it being a far less expensive show.

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