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50 minutes ago, Big s said:

I don’t know, the new new Rebuplic destroyed just about all the ships of the new order and it seemed like most of theirs were trashed in the process. They kinda had to rely on others to help them out. It seems like independent governments will do better than the united one that seems on the edge of collapse 

A lot of little eggs (governments) rather than one big egg.

44 minutes ago, Thom said:

A lot of little eggs (governments) rather than one big egg.

More like one big egg that’s cracked and a few smaller ones with a few that might be infected with parasites 


You really have to hand it to Spaceballs... Mel Brooks figured out what the crux of future Star Wars storytelling was going to be as far back as 1987.

"Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb."

Between AndorRebels, and Rogue One, there's a definite recurring theme of the Rebellion's successes being in spite of its leaders rather than because of them.  Mon Mothma's the poster child for this.  Her role is almost always to be the "leader" who is against taking action and who the protagonists have to either ignore or change the mind of before they can get on with the plan that saves the day and nets a big win for the Rebellion.  The one time she actually advocated action was to order the Rebel fleet into the trap the Emperor had set for it at Endor.  The same ineffectual career politician whose delicate sensibilities were a massive millstone around the Rebellion's neck went on to be the Supreme Chancellor of the New Republic for all but the last six years of its 30 year existence.  Small wonder the New Republic was a pangalactic joke with decision-adverse leadership like that.



The escape from the brig at the pirate station was a lot more anticlimactic than I was expecting.  There's a little bit of sneaking at the start, but once they're clear of the prison area itself they basically just walk all the way to the launch and sail back to their ship completely unbothered.  It's only after the kids guilt Jod into going back for SM-33 that there are any complications at all, and even then he manages to get all the way back into the prison and find the droid before anyone notices him.

I really appreciate how absolutely over-the-top committed SM-33 is to his "old salt" pirate bit.  The growling, the non-answers, the intimidation tactics... he really adds a bit of much-needed flavor to the proceedings.

Jod, on the other hand, seems to be unexpectedly good at dealing with children for a man who's made a living as a murderous (but unsuccessful) space pirate.  

His friend Khymm is an interesting critter concept... some kind of cat-owl hybrid running an observatory.  


This episode... pretty meh IMO.  The escape is nowhere near as exciting as I'd expected, and the whole mystery of "What is At Attin and why was it hidden from the Republic?" is the kind of mystery where it's really easy to end up with an unsatisfying answer. 

3 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

...and the whole mystery of "What is At Attin and why was it hidden from the Republic?" is the kind of mystery where it's really easy to end up with an unsatisfying answer. 

...sadly, whatever the answer is...it all ties to Palpatine's eventual return in TROS.....somehow...


I loved when SE33 was facing off against Lod. He does act all 'the pirate' but when he get's his back up, he's a towering metal intimidator! Then he came back in just to deliver that last 'arh.' LOL!

19 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

I really appreciate how absolutely over-the-top committed SM-33 is to his "old salt" pirate bit.  The growling, the non-answers, the intimidation tactics... he really adds a bit of much-needed flavor to the proceedings.

I gotta give it to Nick Frost for being my favorite part of the show. He’s done so much Sci fi and heavy comedic acting throughout his career that it really helps with an over the top kinda character 

On 12/13/2024 at 11:56 PM, jvmacross said:

...sadly, whatever the answer is...it all ties to Palpatine's eventual return in TROS.....somehow...

Nah.  Skeleton Crew is a totally unforeshadowed side story.  Whatever the big secret behind At Attin and the other lost treasure planets of the Old Republic is, it's inevitably going to remain a nothingburger in the grand scheme of things to avoid shaking up the setting of the sequel trilogy.  If the secret IS something with potentially setting-shaking implications, it'll either remain secret or basically be ignored going forward. 

(Basically, it's the Star Wars version of Laplace's Box from Gundam Unicorn.  A big important macguffin for its story that turns out to not matter at all in the long run.)

That said, if it was something worth forcing multiple planets to go off the grid for decades if not centuries... it must be something pretty important.

13 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Nah.  Skeleton Crew is a totally unforeshadowed side story.  Whatever the big secret behind At Attin and the other lost treasure planets of the Old Republic is, it's inevitably going to remain a nothingburger in the grand scheme of things to avoid shaking up the setting of the sequel trilogy.  If the secret IS something with potentially setting-shaking implications, it'll either remain secret or basically be ignored going forward. 

(Basically, it's the Star Wars version of Laplace's Box from Gundam Unicorn.  A big important macguffin for its story that turns out to not matter at all in the long run.)

That said, if it was something worth forcing multiple planets to go off the grid for decades if not centuries... it must be something pretty important.

You are over-thinking things....it doesn't need to be significant or important...it just has to lead toward Palpatine's return...by default, it already does...every D+ Star Wars show has, Lucasfilm can't help it or just has no idea how not to....

1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

(Basically, it's the Star Wars version of Laplace's Box from Gundam Unicorn.  A big important macguffin for its story that turns out to not matter at all in the long run.)

I hope it’s not as bad as that. Laplace’s box didn’t even matter in Unicorn. They all were just fighting for absolutely nothing in one of the biggest letdowns in science fiction ever.

At least with this particular show, the importance of the mcguffin doesn’t seem as important as the goal of just finding home

Posted (edited)

Just because it may take no part in the overall Skywalker Saga doesn't mean it would be a 'nothing burger.' Might be a whole Double Quarter Pounder and two Large Fries with a side of Coke - just at the burger joint on the other side of town. There are many stories that can take place in the Star Wars universe that could be a complete arc and never even touch upon the Sacred Trilogy. Ennealogy..?"

Edited by Thom
3 hours ago, jvmacross said:

You are over-thinking things...

Always, but go on... 🤣


3 hours ago, jvmacross said:

.it doesn't need to be significant or important...it just has to lead toward Palpatine's return...by default, it already does...every D+ Star Wars show has, Lucasfilm can't help it or just has no idea how not to....

Eh... if it doesn't contribute to, or act against, his return in any way does it really lead to it?

The whole timeline grinds to a screeching halt with The Rise of Skywalker because Disney has no idea how to make the tangled wreckage of the story go forward, but that doesn't mean everything has to lead inexorably to it.  


2 hours ago, Big s said:

I hope it’s not as bad as that. Laplace’s box didn’t even matter in Unicorn. They all were just fighting for absolutely nothing in one of the biggest letdowns in science fiction ever.

At least with this particular show, the importance of the mcguffin doesn’t seem as important as the goal of just finding home

9 minutes ago, Thom said:

Just because it may take no part in the overall Skywalker Saga doesn't mean it would be a 'nothing burger.' Might be a whole Double Quarter Pounder and two Large Fries with a side of Coke - just at the burger joint on the other side of town. There are many stories that can take place in the Star Wars universe that could be a complete arc and never even touch upon the Sacred Trilogy. Ennealogy..?"

As a franchise, Star Wars is all but incapable of resisting the urge to tie everything into everything else these days.

Even Skeleton Crew isn't exempt from having to have a ridiculous number of continuity nods, easter eggs, and tie-ins.  It's why one of the pirates Mando didn't kill on Nevarro is part of the pirate crew in this series, why the two planets SM-33 names when asked about At Attin are planets that figured prominently in other shows (Atollon, the location of Chopper Base in Rebels and Aldhani, the location of the Imperial garrison Cassian Andor robs), why Jod Na Nawood's alias is the name of a pirate from a Star Wars comic from the 70's, etc.

Kh'ymm spent the best part of an episode building up the mystery of At Attin as a grand conspiracy by the Old Republic to safeguard something of such vast importance or value that keeping it safe merited cutting off all contact with, and deleting all records of, nine entire planets.  Eight of which have apparently since been destroyed.

Last time something was important enough to merit deleting a planet from galactic records in order to hide the secret on it (the Republic clone army on Kamino), it led directly to the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire.

4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Last time something was important enough to merit deleting a planet from galactic records in order to hide the secret on it (the Republic clone army on Kamino), it led directly to the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire.

Maybe the planet is all clones. Maybe these families didn’t have a parent die, but the children are clones. Only one family was shown to have a male and female parent that were together. All the rest have been single male parent or female parent or two female parents.

11 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

 The whole timeline grinds to a screeching halt with The Rise of Skywalker because Disney has no idea how to make the tangled wreckage of the story go forward, but that doesn't mean everything has to lead inexorably to it.  


Last time something was important enough to merit deleting a planet from galactic records in order to hide the secret on it (the Republic clone army on Kamino), it led directly to the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire.

Yep.....and the next big event in this part of the "Skywalker Saga" is the return of Palpatine.....somehow

1 hour ago, jvmacross said:

Yep.....and the next big event in this part of the "Skywalker Saga" is the return of Palpatine.....somehow

I don’t really know why they were surprised he returned in the new trilogy. This basically was the guy that built an entire clone army in the prequels. Another guy from the prequels got chopped in half and fell down a bottomless pit. This kinda thing should seem pretty unsurprising 

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, jvmacross said:

Yep.....and the next big event in this part of the "Skywalker Saga" is the return of Palpatine.....somehow


37 minutes ago, Big s said:

I don’t really know why they were surprised he returned in the new trilogy. This basically was the guy that built an entire clone army in the prequels. Another guy from the prequels got chopped in half and fell down a bottomless pit. This kinda thing should seem pretty unsurprising 

If they had built up to it, then it would have really paid off. Instead, having Palpy back (instroduced in the crawl no less!) just came off as a Hail Mary play to try and salvge the story that Rhian unceremonially dumped onto a Dabo Table.





Edited by Thom
36 minutes ago, Big s said:

I don’t really know why they were surprised he returned in the new trilogy. This basically was the guy that built an entire clone army in the prequels. Another guy from the prequels got chopped in half and fell down a bottomless pit. This kinda thing should seem pretty unsurprising 

Exactly....just bad writing....somehow

4 minutes ago, Thom said:


If they had built up to it, then it would have really paid off. 

They are and have been doing that retroactively since the first D+ series debuted....it's like they didn't want to be accused of rehashing the EU to create the entire storyline for the PT....but they more or less did...just changed around some of the names and settings....in the end it's all about the return of Palpatine....heck they even brought back Thrawn!....Hopefully, but I seriously doubt it....the Ahsoka show goes on a different path away from the Skywalker Saga and re-emerges to combine with the upcoming Rey movies, which really need to become their own thing...perhaps dealing with whatever new threat is revealed by Asokha & Co....

Who am I kidding!....Ahsoka will also just lead straight into TROS....lol

25 minutes ago, Thom said:

If they had built up to it, then it would have really paid off. Instead, having Palpy back (instroduced in the crawl no less!) just came off as a Hail Mary play to try and salvge the story that Rhian unceremonially dumped onto a Dabo Table.

It may have, there were elements of the sequels that actually were really good. It’s just unfortunate that they messed things up more and more with worse and worse writing. I don’t really know if clone Palpatine would have ever satisfied anyone though. The end of the original trilogy with his death is one of those things that felt right. Having him come back no matter how great the writing could have been still would have been a big letdown.

12 hours ago, Big s said:

Maybe the planet is all clones. Maybe these families didn’t have a parent die, but the children are clones. Only one family was shown to have a male and female parent that were together. All the rest have been single male parent or female parent or two female parents.

That'd be odd, for sure.  It's easy to see why someone might want to hide a planet that was manufacturing a clone army, but why would they want to hide an apparently peaceful planet populated by clones?

I talked to a friend of mine who's a big Star Wars fan and they said something in passing that I think might make this a much odder puzzle and might lend some credence to what @jvmacross is saying about it tying into Palpatine's return.


We know from titles like The Phantom Menace that Republic credits are basically worthless outside of Republic space.  The pirates at that food stall in Port Borgo lose their sh*t when Wim tries to pay for his meal with the credits his father gave him.  Credits the pirates identify as Old Republic credits in mint condition.  Key words "in mint condition".  The pirates aren't interested in Wim's lunch money because he's carrying a lot of cash or because Republic credits have intrinsic value... what gets their attention is the neumismatic value.  What it would sell for to a collector.  

The above doesn't make sense if we assume that the government they're referring to as the Old Republic is the one that became the Galactic Empire 28 years previously.  It was a galactic currency that's only been out of circulation for two decades or so.  People are probably still finding Republic credits between the cushions of their sofas.  What makes it make sense if if, by "Old Republic", the pirates are referring to the Old Republic Era... a period of history that ended over 1,000 years before the events of Skeleton Crew.  A period marked by a major war with the Sith that ended with the reformation of the Republic into what we saw in the prequel trilogy and the formation of the modern (covert) Sith Order from the Skywalker Saga.

The pirates on Port Borgo freaked out the way they did because what Wim did was the equivalent of walking up to a noodle stand in downtown Tokyo, ordering a bowl of ramen, and trying to pay the check with a fistful of mint-condition silver dinars from the Roman Empire.  Not legal tender by any means, but fantastically valuable for their rarity, their historical significance, and their condition.

At Attin hasn't been cut off from the rest of the galaxy for a few years or a few decades... they and the other eight hidden planets were expunged from the galaxy's maps OVER A THOUSAND YEARS AGO.

Whatever the treasure is that merited hiding At Attin from the rest of the galaxy, it's likely something left over from the Sith Wars 1000+ years ago.  Potentially something the Empire (or First Order) would find very interesting indeed.



5 hours ago, jvmacross said:

Yep.....and the next big event in this part of the "Skywalker Saga" is the return of Palpatine.....somehow

That level of writing flies now.


3 hours ago, Big s said:

I don’t really know why they were surprised he returned in the new trilogy. This basically was the guy that built an entire clone army in the prequels. Another guy from the prequels got chopped in half and fell down a bottomless pit. This kinda thing should seem pretty unsurprising 

Disney villain death being a thing and all, it's mostly just the lack of any buildup.  He comes out of nowhere, quite possibly literally, to become the big bad because the studio didn't want to have Kylo Ren be irredeemable.

1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Disney villain death being a thing and all, it's mostly just the lack of any buildup.  He comes out of nowhere, quite possibly literally, to become the big bad because the studio didn't want to have Kylo Ren be irredeemable.

I can see the audience being surprised by it, since most of these resurrection kinda things happened after the new trilogy was made, but time wise for these characters, they’ve had Maul that really wasn’t shown til I think the Solo movie, Thrawn coming back in Ahsoka, Gideon being reported dead and having himself cloned in the Mandalorian and even Boba Fiett coming back from being munched and basically running everything on Tatooine. That’s a lot of resurrection before the timeline of the sequels. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Smilo Ren came out of some kinda cry sleep to have a drink with Rey if they ever got around to her story again.

3 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:


He comes out of nowhere, quite possibly literally, to become the big bad because the studio didn't want to have Kylo Ren be irredeemable.

And that's the big problem. There was no set up for it. The entire movie where there should have been foreshadowing for this was TLJ, but our time got wasted at a casino. Literally!

32 minutes ago, Thom said:

And that's the big problem. There was no set up for it. The entire movie where there should have been foreshadowing for this was TLJ, but our time got wasted at a casino. Literally!

Bro, it happens. I went to visit my daughter in Vegas since she’s living with her fiancé and we went to that Tournament of Kings at the Excalibur and totally got lost for an hour after the show just trying to get back to the parking lot. A few weeks later we were watching YouTube and there was this video about how they design many of the casinos as a trap to wind you right back into the middle again to keep you gambling.

After that experience, I can easily see how they ran out the screen time in the casino scene.

Although, I honestly don’t think that whole part of the movie should have existed in the first place 

51 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

....dark science...cloning....secret sh!t only the Sith knew!!!!...more available at AT-AT-Aladdin!

Whatever it is that the Old Republic hid on At Attin - or hid At Attin to hide from the rest of the galaxy - it's almost certainly WAY older than any of Palpatine's schemes.


If it really is from the capital emphasis Old Republic like Wim's lunch money, it predates the entire Sith Order that Palpatine belongs to.

Which potentially puts some really weird space magic bullsh*t on the table for whoever finds it.



2 hours ago, Big s said:

I can see the audience being surprised by it, since most of these resurrection kinda things happened after the new trilogy was made, but time wise for these characters, they’ve had Maul that really wasn’t shown til I think the Solo movie, Thrawn coming back in Ahsoka, Gideon being reported dead and having himself cloned in the Mandalorian and even Boba Fiett coming back from being munched and basically running everything on Tatooine. That’s a lot of resurrection before the timeline of the sequels. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Smilo Ren came out of some kinda cry sleep to have a drink with Rey if they ever got around to her story again.

The thing with Disney Villain Death as a trope is that, as long as you don't see the dead body, it's used to leave the door open for characters to come back later.

Palpatine's return is a lot harder to accept than those other examples because the circumstances of his death aren't something you can plausibly survive.  Getting thrown down one of Star Wars's trademark bottomless pits is, by all indications, eminently survivable with main cast plot armor.  Still being aboard the space station said bottomless pit was on when it was vaporized in a massive reaction explosion is not plausibly survivable.

Everything past the point of announcing he had returned "somehow" was frantic backpedaling to come up with some kind of sane explanation for why he isn't deader than dead.


New episode's out... "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin".

I have to say, I love how even the recap can't resist reminding us how dirty and rundown the ship is... every time it jumps to lightspeed it leaves behind a cloud of brown grit.


Well, that was a hell of a short-lived fakeout.

The start of "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin" has the kids ship pop out of hyperspace right above what they believe is At Attin, everyone aboard believes they've arrived on At Attin, and when they land they discover they're on a planet that conveniently looks exactly like At Attin... but isn't At Attin.  The kids theorize it's another one of the planets Kh'ymm mentioned that were hidden away like At Attin but were destroyed.

SM-33 gets some more quality trolling and intimidating Jod in before he has to dispense some plot-relevant exposition.  They're actually on At Achrann, a planet that SM-33 knows well and identifies as a dangerous place.  SM-33 gets some full-on creepy going before looping back to his previous insistence he doesn't remember any At Attin.  Jod even gets held at gunpoint by the locals when he tries to jog SM-33's memory about At Attin by showing him the planet's surface.

At Achrann's a nice reuse of the set designs from At Attin... they messed it up real good to make this post-apocalyptic hellhole the kids find themselves in.  The whole place looks like a bombed out and ruined version of At Attin right up to the point that the kids get ambushed by the Great Value sand people and taken to their leader.  At Achrann seems to have fallen into ruin a long time ago, and the local populace have regressed into primitive scavenger tribes warring against each other over food and livestock.  I'd call it one of the bleakest and most hopeless places Star Wars has ever depicted.  The survivors of some ancient apocalypse squatting in the ruins of a long-gone advanced civilization, cut off from the interstellar community except for the arms dealers they trade animal skins to for weapons.

There seems to be a theme naming going on with the treasure planets... they find coordinates and names in the At Achrann supervisor's tower.  While all the others seem to be intact, At Attin's coordinates are the only ones conveniently damaged beyond readability.

So, it turns out that SM-33 has known all about At-Attin all along and just wasn't able to talk about it because of a memory override his previous captain did.  His denials of having any memory of At Attin were literal.  It wasn't that he didn't know, he was prevented from speaking about it.  He literally couldn't say.  He regales the kids with a story of how his captain every member of his crew who saw the coordinates to At Attin, had SM-33 destroy them, and then left an order in SM-33's memory to murder anyone who learned the truth.  SM-33 does a pretty good job of going full nightmare fuel as he tries to murder the kids, until Neel distracts him and Jod shuts him down.


All in all, "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin" is a pretty weak installment.

Around half the episode is devoted to an extended digression from the plot that doesn't add anything to the story, meaningful or otherwise.  It's inconsequential and doesn't affect the ending in any way.



The ending wouldn't have been affected in any way if the kids had just flown straight to the supervisor's tower instead of screwing around with the locals until those locals agree to show them the way to the tower they already explicitly knew the location of.

They had this concept for a post-apocalyptic planet but they clearly did not know how to work it into the story.  So it's a beautiful concept, but the execution is cr*p.



Yeah, this episode kinda sucked. For a planet that knows nothing but combat


There was almost no action at all. I get that it’s supposed to be a kids show, but this was just lame. There’s even a girl that tries to get everyone to sneak around and try not to make noise, but she does everything thing she can to be noticeable like doing flippy jumps in front is search crews and slamming into things making more racket than a starship.

I also hated that our self appointed captain couldn’t make the obvious choice of trying to get info from the remaining planets and instead just has a weird meltdown, but I’ll give it a bit of a pass since she’s a kid

Overall a really lame episode, but one stinker out of four isn’t too bad for D+. Just hopefully the rest of the series doesn’t take a dip.


Half way through and this series has already proven to be nothing special....no wonder they opted for a tv series rather than a movie.....on D+ Disney has a captive pre-paying audience....on the big screen this would have been another monumental flop...lol

25 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

Half way through and this series has already proven to be nothing special....no wonder they opted for a tv series rather than a movie.....on D+ Disney has a captive pre-paying audience....on the big screen this would have been another monumental flop...lol

Even with the last episode being a dud, it’s still better than most Disney movies and shows lately 

59 minutes ago, Big s said:

Even with the last episode being a dud, it’s still better than most Disney movies and shows lately 


There's nothing memorable or at minimum worthy of a spectacle...like some of the scenes in other D+ duds....such as watch Kenobi battle Vader even if the whole concept was ridiculous it was still cool to watch....kind of like good fanfics...same goes for Acolyte...the not-Sithlord battles were fun even though the show overall was awful....

With Skelloton Key...there is nothing.....can't recall one interesting thing I've seen and the show is still fresh in my mind....I have not forgotten what I've seen, there just isn't a thing worth remembering....



Some harsh reviews I see. Latest episode was alright. Nothing spectacular but okay overall. It is still primarily the show aimed specifically at kids. Judging by that standard its not a bad show.

Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, jvmacross said:


There's nothing memorable or at minimum worthy of a spectacle...like some of the scenes in other D+ duds....such as watch Kenobi battle Vader even if the whole concept was ridiculous it was still cool to watch....kind of like good fanfics...same goes for Acolyte...the not-Sithlord battles were fun even though the show overall was awful....

With Skelloton Key...there is nothing.....can't recall one interesting thing I've seen and the show is still fresh in my mind....I have not forgotten what I've seen, there just isn't a thing worth remembering....


The only thing I remember well from the obi show was obi hiding behind civilians and Vader’s batteries giving out before he could do anything useful 

Edited by Big s
I almost forgot about the greatest character, Wade.
38 minutes ago, Big s said:

The only thing I remember well from the obi show was obi hiding behind civilians and Vader’s batteries giving out before he could do anything useful 

Well...that's more than I can remember about Skelleton Crew...lol

9 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

Well...that's more than I can remember about Skelleton Crew...lol

Personally I’d rather have a forgettable show than a horribly insulting show that just ruins classic characters and if this show just ends up totally forgettable, at least it didn’t make me hate someone like Obi Wan Kenobi or Boba Fett. And this show really has only had one episode so far that I disliked. The others were fun and did nothing totally wrong and I don’t feel like I’m hate watching it like with the Acolyte, while hoping the show could redeem itself and then never does.

forgettable is far better than aggravating 

Just now, Big s said:

Personally I’d rather have a forgettable show than a horribly insulting show that just ruins classic characters and if this show just ends up totally forgettable, at least it didn’t make me hate someone like Obi Wan Kenobi or Boba Fett. And this show really has only had one episode so far that I disliked. The others were fun and did nothing totally wrong and I don’t feel like I’m hate watching it like with the Acolyte, while hoping the show could redeem itself and then never does.

forgettable is far better than aggravating 

I guess I have much higher standards....I want quality entertainment start to finish...like I have said before, I'm running out of reasons to keep D+, especially now that they are releasing their shows on disk...the only thing that has been good so far is Andor...a story that pretty much follows the same tactic as almost every other D+ show of giving us the backstory for something or someone that we really didn't need....but for Andor it's working...Skelleton Key seems "new" but I am completely underwhelmed by it....Disney's Star Wars is creatively bankrupt...

2 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

I guess I have much higher standards....I want quality entertainment start to finish...like I have said before, I'm running out of reasons to keep D+, especially now that they are releasing their shows on disk...the only thing that has been good so far is Andor...a story that pretty much follows the same tactic as almost every other D+ show of giving us the backstory for something or someone that we really didn't need....but for Andor it's working...Skelleton Key seems "new" but I am completely underwhelmed by it....Disney's Star Wars is creatively bankrupt...

I feel what you’re saying here. They really have been a huge letdown and who knows, they could easily manage to turn Andor into another turd in the next season. And I really don’t know if this bad fourth episode of Star Wars Treasure Planet is a bad sign for the quality of upcoming episodes.

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