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Batman: Caped Crusader (Series) [Prime Video]

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Just got around to episode four of this show and it’s a pretty goofy storyline here.


The cops are fed up with getting their butts kicked by Batman and decided he’s a menace and honestly at this point, he kinda is actually. Anyway they start with a plan to flood the streets with police to pretend there are crimes being committed and probably prevent crimes in the process due to scaring people into going back home for the night. Anyway it’s all an attempt to capture Batman 

when that plan fails, they decide that their plan wasn’t working, they float around ideas with Harley , who isn’t Harley yet and come up with a plan to catch Batman by using a costume character to tempt Batman into a trap. The two cops that got beat up by Batman in the last episode take that idea and do their own thing by coming up with the stupidest version of that plan by breaking out Firebug from jail. They even give him his fire proof outfit that doesn’t cover his face and his flame throwers. This episode really has a stupid story.

Basically Firebug starts lighting up an apartment building while burning the building starting from the ground up, which in itself would just trap him or get him stuck in the collapsing building. The guy walks through flames and even though he has a fire resistant suit, his face isn’t protected and he’s got two large fuel tanks on his back. (All I could think about was the intro scene from I believe it was the third Lethal weapon movie where the guy got shot in the fuel tank and launched like a rocket.)

All the while Batman is knocking out police officers in a burning building and leaving them to be toasted and occasionally saves a kid or two.

the episode basically ends with the two idiot cops executing Firebug for crimes against humanity and getting a promotion because they were in the morning papers doing so even though there was more than enough evidence showing they started the whole mess to begin with 



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Made it through episode 5 of the show and it’s the episode where Haley finally puts on a costume. It’s a bit odd because it seems to have body slimming technology built in because up til now she seems kinda chunky. Gotham is also the most progressive city for this age. 


Harley and Montoya got a hot date set up, unfortunately for Montoya, she never gets dessert.

Harley isn’t a female replacement for the Joker, but a female replacement for Hugo Strange. She seems to be a bigger catalyst for costumed insanity here since there were only maybe two so far previously. She basically brainwashes rich horrible people into giving their money to charity and Batman wants nothing to do with that.

Batman advocates for police Brutality while looking for clues, and I mean that he beats up at least four innocent policemen that were simply doing their jobs and surprisingly doing it well since usually when there’s an alarm call, you’d only expect one or two to show up, but there were at least six. And gotta give em credit for attempting to use less than lethal force.

kinda odd that Batman doesn’t beat up Barby Gordon since she basically does all the stuff previous police officers are guilty of, but she pays him back by trying to rescue him when he gets locked in a cell. Kinda goofy that she doesn’t try the control panel to let him out, but accidentally breaks the door so it won’t open. 

It’s not a bad episode, just another with some weird moments and makes you wonder about character choices. Harley puts on a silly outfit, but really isn’t a silly character here. It’s sorta like the first episode where there’s a penguin that’s totally ugly, but she’s a dancer that all the guys are into. And Batman kinda seems like just as much a menace as the bad guys in this show. He seems to care more for the villains that he’s sworn revenge against than the police that are just trying to do their jobs


Again it’s nothing major going on just hoping that with all the crazies in this episode that they’re gonna have more characters in the next few. Probably the best episode so far and if there’s only one episode you choose to watch this season, this might be the one. Nothing spectacular, but a little better than the previous episodes and nothing going on to really say that you need to see the previous episodes.

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Watched a few more episodes of the show and it’s still kinda down the middle. I kinda get the feeling that they wanted to do a more mature show and then some body made them tone things down for the children. 
Episode 6 and Batman takes a break from beating up Cops to fight a ghost and not a Scooby Doo old man in a costume, but an actual ghost 


This particular ghost is a reverse Robin Hood that steals from the poor and honestly I don’t remember him giving to anyone. Now that I think about it, I don’t think any of the stolen loot gets returned. It basically starts with a ghost robbing a couple of security guards doing a delivery. The ghost tells them to “stand and deliver”, but they’re in a moving vehicle and wearing seatbelts and that isn’t safe practice. So the Ghost chases them down on a horse that must’ve been pure evil to have also come from hell. After causing a crash that probably killed one of the security guards the ghost tries to seduce the female on that’s beat up on the ground from the accident, but she wasn’t having it. This ghost got no game.Batman eventually gets the background on the guy, but not the horse. I’m more curious about what evil deeds the horse had done to deserve damnation. 
Batman eventually finds a guy to help him out because punching ghosts isn’t as effective as punching cops. He eventually captures the game less ghoul and gives him to the guy that gave him the tips on ghost catching. Kind of an odd episode in a show that seemed like it wanted to be more grounded 

Episode 7 is a little more grounded in that nobody is super natural or anything. And punching police officers seems to be this Batman’s favorite hobby


Someone wants to assassinate Gordon, so they send a guy that annoyingly makes sound effects rather than normal conversation and his more normal crew.

Batman goes to the local jail to try and get answers on who put out the hit. Batman beats up two correctional officers that joke around about beating prisoners, not sure if Batman even actually heard the part about what they actually did before the beating started. I think he just beat them up to get their keys.
Turns out the assassins wanted to kill the other Gordon and it was all because she didn’t do a good enough job defending him in court.

eventually there’s a fight with the assassins and their boss that makes sound effects for the word bubbles from the sixties show fights.

That was definitely the best of the three episodes I just watched.

episode 8 is oddly back to the supernatural and it seems that it’s another short break from beating up cops


Oddly Batman doesn’t want to hurt a vampire that killed her own brother and may have murdered some children, so he has to be rescued by an orphan girl with a sling shot.

that’s all the uninteresting stuff out of the way. Dent was trying to secure campaign funds from the mob and get some bad press on his opponent for his run as mayor, but goes back on the deal and they douse him with acid, so I think the final couple episodes will finally deal with two face

Over the last three episodes this show sill isn’t a big flash of animation and the killing is still completely bloodless and the action scenes are fairly basic. Hopefully the finale will have something that shines to give the show a boost.

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Finally got around to the final episodes and found myself a bit disappointed.


We finally get some blood, but it takes a bit before that finally gets shown. Since Dent was doused with a bit of acid, he’s been shut in and Bruce oddly decides to torture him by taking him to a very public restaurant. Dent losses it and ends up unwrapping his head in front of everyone to reveal how bad the animation on this show could really be. People look on in horror when they see a child drew his face in a kindergarten class. He eventually goes hunting the criminals that did it to him and he surprisingly does a great job of being better than Batman at getting bad guys. One guy gets shot in a car and surprisingly there’s a little blood dripping out of his mouth. And that’s it for blood in the entire show. 
he catches a few guys in a building and lights them on fire and oddly Batman hears them screaming, but doesn’t care and tries to find dent. By the end of his rampage, he’s killed half a violent murdering gang and before he gets to the boss, Batman stops him for some reason. He doesn’t care if minor bad guys burn slowly to death, but he wants to save the mob boss for some reason.

The final Episode and Dent never becomes two face. The two crooked cops kidnap Dent before he can testify about anything and there’s a whole thing where the other half of the gang gets killed along the way other than the boss. and Dent gets shot trying to protect Gordon’s daughter. He was more of a hero in this show than it’s actual hero.

Batman gets one final chance to completely end organized crime in the city and just annoyingly breaks the crime bosses window with a batarang.

This show is kind of a let down overall. It’s not necessarily bad, but just disappointing. It doesn’t know if it wants to be a children’s show or get down and dirty with the violence. The voice acting is ok, but the characters feel weird here most of the time. The writing is very flawed here and makes Batman seem a little Dumb and the animation is kind of a letdown as well. It looks like a show that got hit by budget constraints and lines got awkwardly simplified in the animation and action choreography is very absent. Season one is a bit of a mess

 Still it has a bit of charm that wouldn’t allow me to hate the show. If it gets a second season and can fix its problems, it could end up a great show. Batman needs more intelligence, the animation needs to be a bit more special and they need to figure out how to have a show that’s more for older kids since it has a fair amount of killing. A little blood from a gunshot wound would help here and there. As is its still easy for very young audiences and honestly adding a little blood here and there won’t change that much 

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17 minutes ago, Big s said:

Finally got around to the final episodes and found myself a bit disappointed.

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We finally get some blood, but it takes a bit before that finally gets shown. Since Dent was doused with a bit of acid, he’s been shut in and Bruce oddly decides to torture him by taking him to a very public restaurant. Dent losses it and ends up unwrapping his head in front of everyone to reveal how bad the animation on this show could really be. People look on in horror when they see a child drew his face in a kindergarten class. He eventually goes hunting the criminals that did it to him and he surprisingly does a great job of being better than Batman at getting bad guys. One guy gets shot in a car and surprisingly there’s a little blood dripping out of his mouth. And that’s it for blood in the entire show. 
he catches a few guys in a building and lights them on fire and oddly Batman hears them screaming, but doesn’t care and tries to find dent. By the end of his rampage, he’s killed half a violent murdering gang and before he gets to the boss, Batman stops him for some reason. He doesn’t care if minor bad guys burn slowly to death, but he wants to save the mob boss for some reason.

The final Episode and Dent never becomes two face. The two crooked cops kidnap Dent before he can testify about anything and there’s a whole thing where the other half of the gang gets killed along the way other than the boss. and Dent gets shot trying to protect Gordon’s daughter. He was more of a hero in this show than it’s actual hero.

Batman gets one final chance to completely end organized crime in the city and just annoyingly breaks the crime bosses window with a batarang.

This show is kind of a let down overall. It’s not necessarily bad, but just disappointing. It doesn’t know if it wants to be a children’s show or get down and dirty with the violence. The voice acting is ok, but the characters feel weird here most of the time. The writing is very flawed here and makes Batman seem a little Dumb and the animation is kind of a letdown as well. It looks like a show that got hit by budget constraints and lines got awkwardly simplified in the animation and action choreography is very absent. Season one is a bit of a mess

 Still it has a bit of charm that wouldn’t allow me to hate the show. If it gets a second season and can fix its problems, it could end up a great show. Batman needs more intelligence, the animation needs to be a bit more special and they need to figure out how to have a show that’s more for older kids since it has a fair amount of killing. A little blood from a gunshot wound would help here and there. As is its still easy for very young audiences and honestly adding a little blood here and there won’t change that much 

Well, if they need me to, I could take over as Batman:


Edited by pengbuzz
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