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Batman: Caped Crusader (Series) [Prime Video]

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13 minutes ago, Big s said:

It seems like a good time for comic based cartoons. For once in three or four decades, I feel more excited by American animation projects than Anime offerings. 

I just hope this one is better than what DC animation is currently offering. For some reason I lost interest on their recenr releases. The art style doesn’t do well for me. Outlines are too thick and clean. But that’s just me. 

I wouldn’t mind if the style ends up like the ‘Strange Days’ short. ;) 


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This is going to be interesting. An Asian-American Harley Quinn with a reverse personality from the original.

Bruce Timm:
“I co-created the character, so I have a lot of love and affection for her, but I thought there might be something interesting about bringing her on the show, just not as Joker’s girlfriend,” Timm says. “So how do we do that? A big part was just doing a basic flip. The original Dr. Quinzel was a little bit more serious, and then when she became Harley, she got really goofy and weird. So we thought, what if we reverse that? When she's Dr. Quinzel, she's a little bit more whimsical and fun, and then when she's Harley Quinn, she's scary.”




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20 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

I just hope this one is better than what DC animation is currently offering. For some reason I lost interest on their recenr releases. The art style doesn’t do well for me. Outlines are too thick and clean. But that’s just me. 

I feel the same way.  I just saw the first part of Crisis on Infinite Earths and the style reminded me of Archer.

But this new Batman series looks promising.

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I’m personally a bit tired of Harley being in everything. But having Harley with no attachment to the Joker is just weird. Hopefully things don’t just end up stupid and the show ends up good.

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5 hours ago, lechuck said:

This won't be considered as an addition to the original Timm-verse right?

It’s not connected to the old series at all. It has too many differences. Although since all these comic things think we all love multiverses, there could be an odd cringy crossover 

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6 hours ago, lechuck said:

This won't be considered as an addition to the original Timm-verse right?

Not connected to the original Timm-verse in the same sense. While Bruce Timm is producing, this is actually period-set in the 1940s rather than using the 1940s-style with modern technology as with Timm's original Batman: TAS.

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4 hours ago, Big s said:

It’s not connected to the old series at all. It has too many differences. Although since all these comic things think we all love multiverses, there could be an odd cringy crossover 

I hope not. As much that crossover is so cool by seeing other counterparts, hope they don't do it here. ;) 

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2 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

I hope not. As much that crossover is so cool by seeing other counterparts, hope they don't do it here. ;) 

I personally hate the multiverse and the trend of constant multiverse overuse going on sucks

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Agree with the crossover consensus: let this be its own thing detached from prior shows. Divorcing it from any other continuity allows for more creative freedom with the characters, and that's the most interesting aspect of this show thus far. Heck, they could even change Bruce's origin story or his motivation for becoming the Batman; maybe his parents are still alive but some other tragedy touched his life at a young age leaving a profound impression. Perhaps changing the family dynamic such that Bruce's parents are cold and aloof businessmen and social elites who alienate their precocious son who finds solace in a fatherly Alfred. Alfred is murdered while protecting his young charge during an outing (ironically with Bruce buying a Christmas gift for his detached parents to try and curry attention and favor). Bruce grows up with that void and an ever-growing separation from his family but uses his genius to make his own way forging a rival company to his parents, eventually surpassing them. But Alfred's loss remains heavy on Bruce and the Batman is born out of that grief. Perhaps his parents are the first corrupt people the Batman takes down. With his parents in prison, Bruce then takes over the Wayne Foundation, the manor, and establishes his Batcave. I just made all this up off the cuff, but I wouldn't mind seeing this revised story in a new telling of the Batman story. 

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2 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

Agree with the crossover consensus: let this be its own thing detached from prior shows. Divorcing it from any other continuity allows for more creative freedom with the characters, and that's the most interesting aspect of this show thus far. Heck, they could even change Bruce's origin story or his motivation for becoming the Batman; maybe his parents are still alive but some other tragedy touched his life at a young age leaving a profound impression. Perhaps changing the family dynamic such that Bruce's parents are cold and aloof businessmen and social elites who alienate their precocious son who finds solace in a fatherly Alfred. Alfred is murdered while protecting his young charge during an outing (ironically with Bruce buying a Christmas gift for his detached parents to try and curry attention and favor). Bruce grows up with that void and an ever-growing separation from his family but uses his genius to make his own way forging a rival company to his parents, eventually surpassing them. But Alfred's loss remains heavy on Bruce and the Batman is born out of that grief. Perhaps his parents are the first corrupt people the Batman takes down. With his parents in prison, Bruce then takes over the Wayne Foundation, the manor, and establishes his Batcave. I just made all this up off the cuff, but I wouldn't mind seeing this revised story in a new telling of the Batman story. 

To me the origin of Batman is something that shouldn’t be messed with. It doesn’t matter if it’s shown or just implied, but it’s such an iconic thing about the character that if it’s changed then it may as well be any other character, like Batman beyond or whoever 

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4 hours ago, Dynaman said:

I'd like to see a live action Batman set in the forties, same for Superman and WW.  WITHOUT it being a setup for bringing it to modern day.

Yeah, a basic hero in a time with limited technology would make for a more interesting Batman. And a Superman in an era without doubt post WW2 like very late 40’s or early 50’s would be great as well. I do think Batman would work better int the 20’s or 30’s though in an era of recovery from the depression that’s still has some rampant city crime. Maybe Start with Batman a bit younger in a slightly more grim era in a gritty Gotham and maybe being a few years of experience by the time Superman shows up from outta nowhere in an age of awkward retro science and sometimes less than friendly alien visitors.

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I've been binging the first season, and so far, it's got all the same hallmarks as Batman: The Animated Series.  Under the direction of Bruce Timm, we have the noir sensibilities, the mature dialogue, and the top-notch voice acting that's been largely absent from Batman cartoons since Batman Beyond ended its run. 

Rupert Thorne and Renee Montoya return from BTAS, and Harvey Bullock, Lucius Fox, Alfred Pennyworth, Harvey Dent, and Commissioner Jim Gordon are close to their earlier characterizations.  Barbara Gordon is now a defence attorney (!), and Clayface is more Darkman than Matt Hagen... and apart from the name and the accoutrements, the new Penguin has little in common with previous iterations of the character. 

There's more overt violence, and characters are killed off in rapid succession, suggesting this show may be for an older audience than the classic Animated Series; however, there's certainly none of the blood, cursing, or adult content becoming increasing common in the DC animated films of late, so it's still appropriate for family audiences. 

It's a shame there's only ten episodes so far, though.

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I’m a little iffy on this one after episode one. On one hand it does feel a lot like the older show, but still feels kidish even though there’s a few deaths. Still has a good feel in that sense, but on the other hand it feels like they’re trying really hard to check all the boxes, and while that’s usually not too bad , in this case it gets really weird. So Penguin is a gender swap, which is a kinda whatever thing on the surface, but her way of hiding that she’s a crime boss is that now she’s a burlesque dancer. But it’s weird because she’s absolutely unattractive in every possible way, yet everyone seems to have the hots for her. Kinda just odd. 


And then she’s got a heavy anti ship gun on her boat that nobody seems to notice only slightly off shore blowing up buildings every other day

It’s definitely a weird start to the series. Hopefully it gets better because it really does have pretty good animation and voice work. But it’s pretty goofy so far. If they took out the bloodless killing and alcohol, it would basically still be a Saturday morning cartoon. 

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Watched episode two today, it’s less odd in its characters this time around. I was a bit disappointed that events of episode one didn’t carry over and this one seems more like a standalone. The animation is very simplistic and sometimes it’s a negative and other times the simplicity helps with the feel of the show. The first confrontation that Batman has is kinda badly animated, while the second fight is a bit better. I’m still a bit in the fence with this show, but if you have kids , it’s fairly kid friendly.

The stories are very basic and episode 2 still has bloodless kills. The mystery is extremely easy for an adult to see coming from a mile away, yet a younger audience might not catch on as fast and might be more interesting to them. There’s no drinking in this episode, so it makes for a more kid friendly episode than the first one. So far I’d say pg rated, bordering on pg 13. It kinda makes X-Men 97 feel like an R rated show in comparison, even though I’d still say that one is still a kids show as well 

It’s not a spectacular show, but I think a Batman fan or younger audience will appreciate this show, it’s just kinda too bad that it doesn’t really push the animation at all and the storylines so far are just as basic. It’s enough for me to check out another episode and hope it gets better, but it’s not bad so far, just kinda mediocre right now.

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Episode 3 was less of a mystery for a detective and more of a just catch the bad guy. Not as many odd spots, but still just a basic episode kinda thing.


It’s kinda great that it started out with Bruce punching a guy out for talking truth about his mom. They even refer to it as crime alley and she goes down there with her gigantic pearls. Oddly it seems that Alfred was just around the corner with a car. Makes you wonder why he didn’t just pull around to the main street to pick them up.

There’s a silly part where Batman has to fight of Catwoman’s panther and uses some smoke or gas grenades on it, but it jumps at him and I guess the grenades knocked it out, but Batman was in the mist as well and seemed fine even though I didn’t see a gas mask or anything. Maybe the panther was narcoleptic and Catwoman bought it on discount because as this episode points out, she was totally broke

another odd one is that for some reason Batman goes out of his way to not only beat up one cop that wanted to just shoot cat woman, but also beats the crap out of a cop that wasn’t going to do much at all that had been previously disfigured by her.

and the last goofy moment that I can think of was that Batman catches Catwoman and handcuffs her to the leg of a table and she was too stupid to just lift it and get away and waited there to be put in custody by the police.


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16 hours ago, Big s said:

It’s not a spectacular show, but I think a Batman fan or younger audience will appreciate this show, it’s just kinda too bad that it doesn’t really push the animation at all and the storylines so far are just as basic. It’s enough for me to check out another episode and hope it gets better, but it’s not bad so far, just kinda mediocre right now.

Isn't this the series that Abrams was involved with? Is so... then that says it all... 

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1 hour ago, Raikkonen said:

Isn't this the series that Abrams was involved with? Is so... then that says it all... 

yeah, it’s a bad robot production, but it also involves Bruce Timm so you’d think it would be better. I don’t think it’s a bad show, just mediocre and after the jump in quality from X-Men 97 to its original show, I guess I kinda expected more from this new Batman cartoon either from the animation quality or the story writing. It’s not gonna really be something that would totally drive away Batman the animated series fans, but this is sorta like it’s down the middle awkward little cousin 

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2 hours ago, Raikkonen said:

Isn't this the series that Abrams was involved with? Is so... then that says it all... 

He's only EP. So his only purpose is to be sure the project doesn't get derailed monetarily and provide production services. Bruce Timm is showrunner so this is his show.

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5 hours ago, Big s said:

yeah, it’s a bad robot production, but it also involves Bruce Timm so you’d think it would be better. I don’t think it’s a bad show, just mediocre and after the jump in quality from X-Men 97 to its original show, I guess I kinda expected more from this new Batman cartoon either from the animation quality or the story writing. It’s not gonna really be something that would totally drive away Batman the animated series fans, but this is sorta like it’s down the middle awkward little cousin 


4 hours ago, azrael said:

He's only EP. So his only purpose is to be sure the project doesn't get derailed monetarily and provide production services. Bruce Timm is showrunner so this is his show.

Aha, cheers both for the correction.

Well if it's Bruce Timm, I dunno why I keep hearing that it's 'Meh' so far. Waiting for all the episodes to air before watching it myself. 

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2 minutes ago, Raikkonen said:

Well if it's Bruce Timm, I dunno why I keep hearing that it's 'Meh' so far. Waiting for all the episodes to air before watching it myself. 

Probably it's just missing that Paul Dini touch, now that it's all Bruce Timm.

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Just as a note, this show was originally going to be on HBO Max, but thanks to the Guild strikes and studios drastically cutting back their output, I'm not sure how much this show suffered as it was shopped around until it found a spot on Amazon Prime. Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Marc Bernardin, Halley Gross, Jase Ricci, Adamma Ebo were the writers. Rucka and Brubaker rings a bell. I've only read a story or 2 from Rucka but I never read Brubaker's stuff (kinda remember The Winter Solider-storyline but never collected it)

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1 hour ago, Raikkonen said:


Aha, cheers both for the correction.

Well if it's Bruce Timm, I dunno why I keep hearing that it's 'Meh' so far. Waiting for all the episodes to air before watching it myself. 

All episodes are available. I just watch one here and there oddly while eating breakfast or a lunch meal, kinda like when I was a kid. I guess it’s the half hour length of the episodes. Anyway, I believe it’s ten episodes. 
Either way , even though it’s very meh, I think if you liked the old series there’s probably a good chance you’ll probably be ok with this one. I’m sure some would disagree and in other cases it might bring in a younger new audience.


54 minutes ago, azrael said:

Just as a note, this show was originally going to be on HBO Max

I kinda figured it was. I think Max also has an issue with cutting their animation in general, I’ve noticed some of the other dc animated films moved to prime and Scavengers reign is also on Netflix now. Metalocalypse the series got removed from it along with some other shows. It’s kinda unfortunate since their animation team was rather creative compared to their competitors and a bit more daring with their originals like Scavengers Reign and Fired on Mars

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