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I thought if this poll the other day when I thought how annoying Quess from Char's attack was.

The result the forum on the best anime death sequences.

Here are my faves.

1.Tochiro's death in Galaxy Express movie.Very sad,i love dat dude!In a stright sense of course.I wanted to go psycho on a lesbian at Yuricon for saying he's disgusting and why is Emeraldas with him.Two words.south and mouth,dat's why she's with him.I always related to midget characters in movies too.

2.Tetsuro's mothers death in GE 999.Sob!Sob!

3.Roy Focker's death in the Macross series and movie.

4.Spike and Gren's death scenes in Bebop of course.

5.Maya's Death from Arcadia of my Youth.

6.Legato's Death scence in Trigun.


1. Guld's death in Macross Plus: The Movie. Wow. Taking himself and the YF-21 to the limit (and beyond) and sacrificing his life to take out the X-9 Ghost.

2. see picture



Wolfwood's death in Trigun.

Chloe's death in Noir

Haku and Zabuza's death in Naruto

Roy's Death in Macross

Any number of my other favorite characters from any number of series or movies, my favorite characters always seem to die for some reason.


Spike Speigel at the end of Cowboy Bebop. Julia's in that same episode as well - the way she just dropped like a sack of potatos ... and the look on Spike's face as he saw it happen.

Kaworu at the hands of Shinji in Evangelion. Asuku too, in "End of Evangelion" (she did die there, right? as eva 2 was ripped to shreds by those white evas? I was never entirely clear on that).

Someone already mentioned Roy Focker in the TV series - lots of sentimental value in that one.


When that Inbit Gosu Solugi dies in the Mospeada episode "Black Hair's Partita." Gets all torn up by Rey's Tread, crashes then falls out of his Gosu bleeding that green Inbit goo.

Die Inbit! Die!


EVA-02's death in EOE

Band of the Hawk's death in Berserk

Tomoe's death in Kenshin OVA

Mahoro's death in Mahoromatic

Spike's death in Bebop

Crazy Guy's death in Bebop Movie

Ouburi's death in Kite

Many of the deaths in Vampire Princess Miyu

The Stone Guy and The Boss Guy's death in Ninja Scroll

Guld's death in Macross Plus

Legato's death in Trigun

Zombie Army's death in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

All the deaths in Pet Shop of Horrors

Worst death ever:

Gay Daigoji's (SP?) death in Nadesico


Just in case....SPOILER to those living under a rock...

Although it doesn't really count, I have to say Optimus Prime in TF:TM. Also Guld getting together with Sharon Apple at the end of M+; I'm not sure if I like the OVA version or movie version better. The OVA version seems a bit more dignified.

  UN Spacy said:
1. Guld's death in Macross Plus: The Movie. Wow. Taking himself and the YF-21 to the limit (and beyond) and sacrificing his life to take out the X-9 Ghost.

Easily one of the most disturbing and intense. Good pick.


I would have to vote for Optimus Prime when Megatron blasted him 3 times to an open laceration on his abdomen. Of course, he didn't die instantly like Guld in Mac+, but...hey.

The other would be Majin Vegitta against Fat Buu when he blew himself up ala Three Mile Island/Chernobyl taking Buu with him(Buu regenerated though).

King Starscream getting vaporized by Galvatron in TFTM.

Dinobot's death in episode "Code of Hero" Beast Wars

Ravage's death screaming "Decepticons Forever!!!!!" Besat Wars episode "The Agenda"

Roy Focker's death scene in DYRL with the Valk exploding

Unicron exploding in TFTM

Kagero's death in the hands of Jubei Kibagami - Ninja Scrolls


I've forgotten about Berserk. The whole gang getting slaughtered like that has got to be most memorable for me.

And definitely Tomoe's in the Kenshin OVA. Guld's death in the movie version was far better (and more appropriate) than the OVA.

Joe P.


Oh, and I don't know how many of you are familiar with Voltes V, but this is one of my all time favourite, the death of Heinel at the end.

Joe P.


I remember seeing the Transformers the movie in a movie theater in 1986 in South Philly and a lot of guys were laughing and saying"ya frakkin'pussy!hah!hah!"when Prime died. I laughed too.I gotta admit.Optimus Prime is a pompus ass.And one thing if the Autobots bitch about the Dinobots being clumsy and stupid why did they program them that way.duh!Tell you the truth Grimlock is da man!He's not stupid to me. He's just not some damn pushover.I bet he would've wasted Megatron if he had the chance.


One I find very good is Gai's death in Nadesico

No blaze of glory, no last witty comment

There he is, minding his own business, then *pop*,...it's over

for no real reason he gets a bullit, now there was something to stop and think

  Nightbat® said:
One I find very good is Gai's death in Nadesico

No blaze of glory, no last witty comment

There he is, minding his own business, then *pop*,...it's over

for no real reason he gets a bullit, now there was something to stop and think

And no one but the stupid fry cook seemed to care..

  Dragon Lord said:
Oh, and I don't know how many of you are familiar with Voltes V, but this is one of my all time favourite, the death of Heinel at the end.

Joe P.

That was so long ago, I don't remember that scene :(


1. The Robert Dawson assasination in Golgo13 The Professional

2. Roy Focker in DYRL

3. Guld in the Macross Plus Movie

4. Queen Bee, in Golgo13 Queen Bee

5. When Snake tears the spine out of a CIA agent with a meat hook in Golgo13 The Professional

6. That guy in DYRL that is running through the Macross and gets his head cut off by one of the moving doors.


in Knight Rider, when the bad guys dipped KIT in that acid. oh man, i almost cried. KIT... KIT's DEAD!? NOOOOooooooo

  KingNor said:
in Knight Rider, when the bad guys dipped KIT in that acid. oh man, i almost cried. KIT... KIT's DEAD!? NOOOOooooooo

While we're on the subject of Knight Rider I remember there was an episode where KITT was destroyed (or......really F'ed up badly). I don't know if that's considered a death sequence, but that ARMORED/ASSAULT truck was really trashing KITT. Anyone remember that episode?

Posted (edited)

Guld's death in Macross Plus the movie. One of the best ever.

Ditto Dinobot in Beast Wars. Nothing like throwing yourself against unbeatable odds to save another's life. See Guld above.

Guyver 1 in the Guyver series against Enzyme. That was a good death scene.

Guyver 2 death scene as well. Most entertaning.


Forgot the death scene in Detonator Orgun. That was a good death.

Edited by CoryHolmes
  91WhiskeyM6 said:
  Dragon Lord said:
Oh, and I don't know how many of you are familiar with Voltes V, but this is one of my all time favourite, the death of Heinel at the end.

Joe P.

That was so long ago, I don't remember that scene :(

Yes that was a while back, in fact, this was the very first anime series I ever saw, and the one that has stuck (in the head) the most! The death was at the very end of the very last episode.

Joe P.


Lots of cool one listed so far...but I gotta go with the one that effected me the most, so much so that I can't watch the film but every 5 years or so (else I cry like a baby :huh: )...course this film is Grave of the Fireflies.

  Beware of Blast said:
Not really anime but I think it fits. :D

LOL. I love that scene.

Posted (edited)

Everyone's already listed most of the good ones... Some other favorite's include:

Spoilers in white text:

-Orguss Momu, Kei, & Orsen all in the final episode, damn that ending rocked.

-The death of the Andromeda & its captain in Yamato series II

-Victory Gundam: The early members of the Strike team (it's been

a few months since I've seen it), but the one that sticks out most in my mind is the funeral where all members put make-up on their comrads corpse

-Victor Gundam: When Uso's mother died, the tire ripping her head off....

-Zeta: Scirocco getting revenge on Kamille with his dying Newtype breath

-Giant Robo:Ginrei being killed by her own brother, just for him to find out that their father was never out for revenge to begin with

Bah, I could go on, it's someone else's turn.

Edited by Keith

I have bad memory so I dont remember the names, but I found the dead of the main character Girlfriend in Rahxephon really shoking. Like it a lot.

Guld dead

Spike dead (Cowboy Bebop).

The dead of the every single friend of Gatsu in the end of Berserk.

And I have bad memory so I dont remember any other cool deads.

Ho yes in X the movie, the bad guy got his head chopped in a sec. that was cool, I love to see the gay clamp characters dead.

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