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224 members have voted


    • Yes! - SDF Macross 12 DVD's
    • Yes! - Macross Plus 3 DVD's (OVA & Movie)
    • Both
    • No thanks, I don't want to be associated with you fanboys!.

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I already have the DYRL scan in 300dpi. I have my(Perfect Memory)SDF1 in 300dpi. I will be getting the book w/poster with the Hikaru/Misa image in the next month or so, hopefully. Just bought the book from Vastus aka eenawes from the old MW boards. Don't have the sideview sdf1 or hasegawa images. You'll have to get those from someone else. :ph34r:B))

Posted (edited)
  Dangard Ace said:
I already have the DYRL scan in 300dpi.  I have my(Perfect Memory)SDF1 in 300dpi.  I will be getting the book w/poster with the Hikaru/Misa image in the next month or so, hopefully.  Just bought the book from Vastus aka eenawes from the old MW boards.  Don't have the sideview sdf1 or hasegawa images.  You'll have to get those from someone else. :ph34r:  B))

great, so we're almost there on the SDF box.

If all else fails, there is a good Xerox at work I can use to get the scan as well, if someone could send me the Hasegawa box top.

Edited by Anubis
  Mechamaniac said:

Done by Dangard Ace


Version 2 - Dangard Ace


Version 3 - Blaine 23


Version 4 - Variation on version 3 - Blaine 23


Please let us know what you think....

For those of you who are not familiar with Paul Champagne's stuff, follow this link.

Paul Champagne Anime DVD Keepcases

He is the guy that did the official ADV box sets for Gasaraki, and Evangelion.

I contacted Paul and asked if he would be willing to take on a commission of a Macross World Exclusive DVD keep case for either the SDF Macross series, or Macross Plus. Additionally, since we have so many photoshop masters around here, I asked if we could design our own images. These sets would be individually numbered, and since we can design them, could contain whatever images we want on them, and I would imagine with Graham and Shawn's permission of course, the MW Logo somewhere.

His response was very enthusiastic...


that is an excellent idea. The best part of my work is working closely with

fans of a particular series in an effort to come up with that "perfect" case


Please go ahead with your poll. If enough people are interested, maybe we

could set up some kind of pre-order. I would be willing to offer a discount

to those who participate and both number and limit the case to give it a

certain collectible value..

I will be happy to go into further details if needed. Please feel free to

keep me posted on the project.

Thank you for the interest

So, please indicate here if you would be interested in obtaining a Macross World Exclusive DVD Keepcase for your SDF Macross (Animeigo) set, or for the Mac Plus OVA & Movie, or both.

If there is sufficient interest, then I will get the image requirements from him, and we can start hashing out an image design.

I am volunteering to handle this thing entirely, so all we have to do for now is indicate that we are interested, and I will tally up the numbers, and relay them to him to get price info. I am not affiliated with him in any way, and do not stand to make any money on this. I am doing this solely to see us finally get something that's ours.

Mods, can we get this pinned? Also, I figured it would get the most traffic in the toys forum.

DAMN! those ARE nice! I'd vote, but I choose the Mac+ case


I think the general consensus was to finish the design on the SDF Macross box, then get into the Macross Plus design.

As far as putting the current box together... I'm still searching for the sideview sdf1 art and the Hasegawa art. If it's not too much, I'll buy whatever I need to get those images. Since I did the layout, I'll scan them in, do the Photoshop, and put those two parts together.

MM, DA, and I should probably get together w/ monsieur Champagne and see if he needs this as one giant image (somehow I doubt it), or if we can have DA send in the side and I'll send him the back and top, and let him put it together.

If anybody's got the Hase or the sideview SDF art - or can tell me where to get it for a reasonable price - please let me know.


Well, there is no real "list" per se...

Once we get the design finalized, Paul will be setting up a pre-order section on his site, and whomever wants to buy the cases will go there.

So, just "don't go there" ;)

  TheLoneWolf said:
Please take my name off the potential buyers list.

I was looking for an SDF Macross box, not a DYRL box.

while i love the current design(s), i tend to agree... this box is definitely not "TV" Macross - which is what is going in the box after all. ;)

i mean... at least use a VF-1S Roy rather than a Hikaru Skull...

Posted (edited)

The DYRL Hikaru valk on top is kind of a placeholder. We've been asking for a while now for someone to scan the 1S box for us, which no one has done yet. If we can't get that, then it looks like we use the J on the top, which we have available apparently. The top and the spine are most definately meant for the TV. The side artwork just looks great and goes with whatever we use for the other two.

Once again, we would love to see the Hasegawa 1S on top, but ***SOMEONE NEEDS TO SCAN IT***! That should quell any concerns about it becoming a DYRL box. But, ***SOMEONE NEEDS TO SCAN THE IMAGE***. Someone has the damn box.

Also, if the take off shot is to be a contender for the spine, we need a scan of that too. The space shot we already have available courtesy of Dangard Ace.

Edited by Anubis
  lebhead said:
  TheLoneWolf said:
Please take my name off the potential buyers list.

I was looking for an SDF Macross box, not a DYRL box.

while i love the current design(s), i tend to agree... this box is definitely not "TV" Macross - which is what is going in the box after all. ;)

i mean... at least use a VF-1S Roy rather than a Hikaru Skull...

You have to remember leb - this box not only holds tv macross, but also dyrl - hence the use of dyrl artwork...

  MrDisco said:
my preference is version 4 but with the valk from version 2 and the existing logo/stripe from version 4 for the box top.

Yeah, that would be my vote.


Yeah, as others have said, I will re-iterate...

This design is by no means the final product. If anyone has an image that they would like to see in place of, or added to the final design, by all means, post it up here. It doesn't have to be a scan for now, just put the image up, and we will see how it works.

The idea here guys, is to get a design that will please the majority of us. I realize that we cannot possibly please everyone here, but before you remove yourself from the process, at least post an alternative image that you think would work in place of one that you don't think fits...

Thanks for everyone's continued efforts on this. If we work together, we will be able to get a design that will please most of us.

Posted (edited)
  Anubis said:
The DYRL Hikaru valk on top is kind of a placeholder.  We've been asking for a while now for someone to scan the 1S box for us, which no one has done yet.  If we can't get that, then it looks like we use the J on the top, which we have available apparently.  The top and the spine are most definately meant for the TV.  The side artwork just looks great and goes with whatever we use for the other two.

Once again, we would love to see the Hasegawa 1S on top, but ***SOMEONE NEEDS TO SCAN IT***!  That should quell any concerns about it becoming a DYRL box.  But, ***SOMEONE NEEDS TO SCAN THE IMAGE***.  Someone has the damn box.

Also, if the take off shot is to be a contender for the spine, we need a scan of that too.  The space shot we already have available courtesy of Dangard Ace.

Anubis... you've got it a bit wrong...

In this, the "design" stage, I'm just putting together web images, just like Dangard is. The Hase 1S box is on the main site - here.

I used it on my first stab at this design.


So the problem is not the scanning, so worry not. No matter which design we go with for the top valkyrie, we'll have to scan a Hase box, so it's all the same to me.

I quit using the Hase 1S box because -

The image doesn't really lend itself to the shape of the top part of the box. There would be a TON of difficult photoshopping to get it to fit the top box shape and that would make a crappier looking box.

Basically, the image of the Hase 1S is just too dern big to really fit the top of the box.

I agree that the box is a bit too DYRL... I've taken the Hase 1J and put it in the top spot. Let me know what you guys think. As for the sides, I think they are pretty great, even if they are DYRL.

I think this should get us closer to what we want... as Senor Disco requested.

What do you think?



Edited by Blaine23
Posted (edited)
  Blaine23 said:
  Anubis said:
The DYRL Hikaru valk on top is kind of a placeholder.  We've been asking for a while now for someone to scan the 1S box for us, which no one has done yet.  If we can't get that, then it looks like we use the J on the top, which we have available apparently.  The top and the spine are most definately meant for the TV.  The side artwork just looks great and goes with whatever we use for the other two.

Once again, we would love to see the Hasegawa 1S on top, but ***SOMEONE NEEDS TO SCAN IT***!  That should quell any concerns about it becoming a DYRL box.  But, ***SOMEONE NEEDS TO SCAN THE IMAGE***.  Someone has the damn box.

Also, if the take off shot is to be a contender for the spine, we need a scan of that too.  The space shot we already have available courtesy of Dangard Ace.

Anubis... you've got it a bit wrong...

In this, the "design" stage, I'm just putting together web images, just like Dangard is. The Hase 1S box is on the main site - here.

I used it on my first stab at this design.

So the problem is not the scanning, so worry not. No matter which design we go with for the top valkyrie, we'll have to scan a Hase box, so it's all the same to me.

I quit using the Hase 1S box because -

The image doesn't really lend itself to the shape of the top part of the box. There would be a TON of difficult photoshopping to get it to fit the top box shape and that would make a crappier looking box.

Basically, the image of the Hase 1S is just too dern big to really fit the top of the box.

I agree that the box is a bit too DYRL... I've taken the Hase 1J and put it in the top spot. Let me know what you guys think. As for the sides, I think they are pretty great, even if they are DYRL.

I think this should get us closer to what we want... as Senor Disco requested.

What do you think?

I've linked the 1S's site pic a few times already. What we needed that I was talking about was one with the proper dpi, like every other pic that is to be a contender needs. The site pics will not work for what we need.

I love the 1S pic, should be easy enough to extend water/sky on the bottom and one side to fit the box size, shouldn't it? Same thing as adding clouds like the DYRL pic. Don't even have to touch the land. If too much trouble to do it, then fine, the J will work too, though the S shot is way better.

I think it looks good with either spine, and also the sides.

Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)

blaine - that is exactly what i was thinking :) i'm just a big fan of that particular valk and i think it looks nicely on the box top

i think some people may have mentioned this but what will scaling have an affect on our pic choices? will some details be too small to render (or the reverse will it become too pixlated)?

Edited by MrDisco
  MrDisco said:
i think some people may have mentioned this but what will scaling have an affect on our pic choices? will some details be too small to render (or the reverse will it become too pixlated)?

No, as long as the images we ultimately provide to Paul are of high enough resolution, and in the correct format, they can be sized and/or resized almost indefinitely without becoming too distorted.

Posted (edited)

It's just like the space artwork proposal for the spine. Dangard Ace added more "space" to the top and bottom to fit the image to the spine. We'll (someone) will do the same thing for the top. The only hinderance right now is the dpi of the image. We might have the J available to scan at 300+ dpi, at the right resolution, but not the S model yet. That's why I've been asking for someone to scan the box. If someone can do that, then someone can add (or try to add) the necessary water/cloud expansion, just like in the DYRL top from before. Also on the same note, while the take-off spine propsal is a good image, we need to make sure we have it available to scan as well. Dangard Ace already has she space shot artwork, along with the sides. I haven't seen anyone actually say they had the take-off artwork available to scan.

Edited by Anubis
Posted (edited)
  MrDisco said:
do you think adding the Macross logo to the top strip would be a worthy addition or does everyone prefer the textless look?

After we had the images settled on we were planning to finalize what logo's/titles to use, where the logo's would go, and how big we wanted them to be. It would probably be easier to paste that on after getting the art finalized.

I do like the top strip idea though. Maybe a SDF Macross title logo, along with our MW exclusive blurb within the bar. Has anyone adjusted the MW logo to read World on the bottom instead of the Summer '84, or did we want to keep that?

Edited by Anubis
  Anubis said:
  MrDisco said:
do you think adding the Macross logo to the top strip would be a worthy addition or does everyone prefer the textless look?

After we had the images settled on we were planning to finalize what logo's/titles to use, where the logo's would go, and how big we wanted them to be. It would probably be easier to paste that on after getting the art finalized.

I do like the top strip idea though. Maybe a SDF Macross title logo, along with our MW exclusive blurb within the bar. Has anyone adjusted the MW logo to read World on the bottom instead of the Summer '84, or did we want to keep that?

Yeah, we do need to add some sort of MW logo to it somewhere....


I hear what you're saying Anubis.

But let me reiterate... the problem isn't having a high-res scan of the VF-1S. I could do a mock-up right now with the web version on the main site. We've been using web images for mock-ups during the entire process to get an idea for the look, so we don't waste time later when we work w/ the high-res stuff we decide to scan.

As far as adding to the top and bottom of the VF-1S image... it's possible, I just don't think it will look as good as the cloud or space backgrounds we've been working with. I could do a pretty good mockup, but adding 30% more water, cloud, ground to the existing image in high-res won't look as good.

I'm telling you this as someone who's done photoshop for years and who will most likely be doing this part of the boxset. I wouldn't say it if I didn't think it were true. ;)

Personally, I think the VF-1J looks pretty perfect to me. But if everyone wants wants the VF-1S, I'll try.. but with reservation. As it is, I'll need more people telling me to try than just you before I sink more time into it.

As for what Disco said:

do you think adding the Macross logo to the top strip would be a worthy addition or does everyone prefer the textless look?

I was digging through Macross art yesterday looking for images and I considered the same thing. The Macross logo is all over the DVDs themselves, but it does seem appropriate to put one on the box itself, too.

You guys let me know if you want one and I'll mock it up. We could easily add it to the stripe with the MW logo... there's plenty of free space there.

As far as pixelation goes - Mechamaniac's right. Good scanning at the proper resolution and we're fine. You should actually see much more detail in the finished product than you do here in web image mockups.

Also, Paul Champagne is a pro. I've seen his work up close and he'll let us know if there are any problems before we get to the printing stage and we'll correct any pre-press errors accordingly.

Looks like we're getting there, guys. Again, if any of you has any of you has a printed version of the SDF or any of the Hase boxes we're considering using for the top, sing out - we'll need to scan these once we decide on the final design.

Better yet, if any of you know where I can find the SDF art in printed form, post and let me know. I'll buy it or put out a request to those who might have it.

The only place I know for sure that the image is - in This is Animation Illustrations : Macross Characters / Macross Mecha.

I have a feeling it's also used in some Robotech book, but I've checked my copy of Robotech Art 1 and it's nowhere to be found. Maybe Robotech Art 2?

Posted (edited)

As I've said before I don't know photoshop, so I'm taking you guy's word on all this stuff. If the 1S is too difficult to expand upon and still look good then, by all means, go with the J. It is still a good image, and the top bar would look good on it as well. You're right it is a different league than space or clouds to expand upon. Just you guys are so GOOD with this stuff :) . A test at least would be really cool though.

If we've gotta go with the J then cool. We're that much closer to being done then.

With one box at least. The M+ one may be harder.

Edited by Anubis
  Anubis said:
Just you guys are so GOOD with this stuff :) . A test at least would be really cool though.

Flattery will get you everywhere. ;)

It is definitely more difficult and photoshopping all that in high-res might still yield a less attractive product... but I do think the art looks good. Since the popularity is for the VF-1S... here we go.

I also threw in a Macross logo... I can shrink it, move it, etc... but this does seem a pretty natural fit.

Again, let me know what you guys think... this one or the 1J...

You guys should just be thankful that my afternoon meeting was cancelled. :D


Posted (edited)

SWEET! I love it. :wub:

If the high res version of the 1S does come out as good, I say great. I like the logo placement as well. MW one side, Macross on the other, and the size looks about right. We need to figure out what would look best for the MW Exclusive title, if we add more text the bar in addition to the two logos.

This current version looks pretty damn nice, good work Blaine. I actually kinda vote for this version, it just hinges on wether the missing actual artwork can be found and scanned. If not I will have no problem with the space shot, as that one looked really nice too.

The time you guys have all put into this has been great, and appreciated. This is working out really good so far.

Edited by Anubis
  Mechamaniac said:



I added Blaine23's latest creations to the first page.

In my opinion, that last one is the best so far. It is the best blending of nice imagery, and makes the box exactly half and half SDF, and DYRL.

  Mechamaniac said:
I added Blaine23's latest creations to the first page.

In my opinion, that last one is the best so far. It is the best blending of nice imagery, and makes the box exactly half and half SDF, and DYRL.

aw... you guys...

I'm blushing like a little schoolgirl.

Now go find me some high-res images! :D

  MrDisco said:
for some reason that pic makes me think bootleg

It is IINM.


While we're discussing TV Hasegawa artwork for the top, if the 1S shot does not work out in high res (which I hope it does look as good as it does on the sample), how about these as options:

Angel Birds?


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