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  On 11/18/2022 at 3:38 AM, Tober said:

Coming along nicely Capt'! :D

Is there any recommendations for the onesie/jumpsuit brand to use?

I'm finding red and blue easily enough, but the Lavender color for Yellow's figure might require buying a white one and dying it slightly... :unsure:


I don't think there are any "brands" to speak of, just get one that looks like it fits very snug; there are plenty on eBay to choose from. Color is another matter, and if you want something outside the generaly available colors, you'll invariably have to use dye. 


1/6 Motocycle Freak Scratchbuild Project

Captain's log: Thursday, November 24, 2022.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!! By 10pm Eastern Time Friday, the pre-orders will be closed. While the project proceeds exceedingly well, I was starting to run out of modelling board, so I ordered a new 60 inch slab, which is what you see in pic 34... maybe I get too excited about things like that.


Pic 35: for those who constantly point to my tutorials and accuse me of carving things in wood, there you have it: the Renshape name and grade is stamped directly on the material! Alas, this is a slightly different density, but it works just as well.


Pic 36: these things that look like peppermint ice cream paninis are actually the components of the thigh armor, which are undergoing shape alterations. One of the best ways to create a seamless


fit between two parts is to first refine one part as closely as possible, then apply mold release to it. You then apply polyester putty to the other part, and squeeze it against the first. When the putty is just hard enough, the parts are separated, allowed to fully harden, then sanded & finished for a glove-like fit.

Pic 37: the chest armor undergoing another round of putty refinements. Thankfully, the worst is over for this component, and I can now move on to some detailing work.


Pics 38-41: I was able to test the armor fit over the onesie, and it's just superb!! However impressive the 1/12 figure may have seemed, it just can't hold a candle to this hand-made beauty.


The next week will entail lots of little datail work, and making fine adjustments to the armor, and then I have to start molding parts to be duplicated, so stay tuned!



1/6 Motocycle Freak Scratchbuild Project

Captain's log: Thursday, December 8, 2022.

Aaaah, we're getting close! Pic 43 shows some of the serious putty/plug work undertaken on the calf armor. Theres a lot of this going on for some of the small, dainty components which accentuate the boot structure. In fact, this is what's taking so long. Parts need to be shaped in sequence to fit into other parts, and polyester putty just won't harden fast enough for my liking. It's all part of the job.


Pic 44 shows the part of the knee which extends in armor mode. This will be hidden in ride mode, but it has some interesting ribbed detail which I've traced onto the part using a plastic, hand-shaped template and a pencil.


Pic 45 shows the tools I will use in this procedure. First the pencil to mark off the groove lines, then the razor saw, with which I create a fine “ditch” along the pencil line, and then the file which will be used to carve-out the groove. This is a meticulous process, and quite challenging due to the curvature in both the surface and the direction of the grooves themselves.


Pic 46 shows the partial result. I've opted for diamond files to speed-up the process here, and will alternate between these and metal files to get the channels just right. Having studied the Aramaki rendering quite thoroughly, the way the boot extends in armor mode doesn't work in the illustration, which is why Sentinel took some liberties with the figure. Having said that, I believe my solution just plain looks better. You don't have to believe me, see for yourself.


Pics 47-50 show the boot nearing completion. I'm sorry for the dark primer, which makes photography tedious and doesn't do the detail justice—the old stuff I loved so much was discontinued!



Pics 50-54. This is the other part of what was taking so long. Once again, the Aramaki illustration, while beautiful, doesn't allow for much (if any) mobility because all the armor parts are so tightly packed. This is why some of the parts pop-off on the Sentinel figure when you hit deeper poses. As such, I had to add mobility where normally there shouldn't be any. If you look at plate 52 for instance, pay attention the the ankle pivot module. I made it such that it must both slide backward and pivot down to allow clearance for movement! And that huge gap in the ankle—so unsightly, right? Well you needn't worry, there will be a flexible shroud in the kit to cover the gap. It wasn't shown installed to avoid damaging the part prior to molding.


More parts are ready than I'm willing to show right now, but it's getting so very close to complete. If I skip next week's update, it will merely be to get everything finalized before Christmas.

1/6 Motocycle Freak Scratchbuild Project
Captain's log: Friday, December 16, 2022-- a short, but necessary update.
Mold-prep of most components has already begun. While there are still some pieces to finalize and detail, namely the synthetic muscle corset, but since these components must be fitted to the already fragile torso armor, I thought it best to mold the latter and use the much sturdier castings of these to complete the corset. As such, glam pics will take longer, but they'll be worth it. This kit won't have a particularly high parts count, but virtually every part will have been meticulously fitted and whittled until it fit just right—in some ways, worse than the Hemoroid!!
Pic 55: final fitting and adjustment before mold-prep begins.
Pic 56: armed and ready! This pistol carabine is ridiculously huge for the rounds it fires! It looks like it would have respectable barrel length... assuming you don't mind carrying a weapon the size of a medium pizza box.
Pic 57: helmet is almost done, too! I sanded down the visor to get rid of the printing texture, and this will make it easier to trace the scribe lines before I re-polish it.
Last pic shows all the parts I have, minus the 2 flexible and 3 rigid corset parts. This next week will be a massive crunch for me, but I just enjoy this project so much and can't wait to see it finished! 🤪🤩






1/6 Motocycle Freak Scratchbuild Project
Captain's log: Friday, December 22, 2022

Absurd! That's how I describe the mold-prep needed for these masters. The delicate nature of the parts means I have to take great care and extra time to add de-molding aids, otherwise, I would end up destroying the parts when I slice and pry the molds open. In pic 59, you can see some of the more notable offenders: the chest armor components, which have details on multiple sides, and large openings in the middle of those parts—all things which mold makers dread. The white additions you see are either paper or plastic sheets, designed to create an expendable partition in the mold itself, so I don't have to torque it when I remove the masters.
Pic 60 shows the dreaded ankle armor pivot. Another one of those parts I end up looking at in retrospect and say to myself “What in the world were you thinking?!?” Alas, there's no turning back now! Once the mold rubber is poured (pic 61) it's too late for regrets. I leave that to set for 24 hours, then the extraction process begins.
Pic 62 shows the completed molds, looking very excellent indeed! The time and effort spent preparing the parts paid off, and save for 1 or 2 parts which will need repair (that ankle pivot came out of the mold in 3 pieces), the masters came out largely intact.
Pic 63: the fruits of all that labor! The parts are just excellent, and very clean. Now that some of the hardest pieces are molded, the rest of the molding should go smoothly.
Pic 64: the visor is now scribed and undergoing polishing. Unlike the Sentinel figure, the visor lines will be muted, just like in the Aramaki illustration. I'll take a few days off for the holidays, so my next update may tarry. Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! 🎅🥴







Posted (edited)
  On 12/28/2022 at 8:39 AM, CoryHolmes said:

Oooh, a question about Pic 62.


With the mega-mould of pink gooey goodness, did you then separate each teeny mould from the bulk of just left it as-is and cast the whole lot in one big batch?


I'm not sure I understand your question. What you see in pic 62 are two of (probably eight) similar molds, each of which makes anywhere from three to over a dozen pieces. I generally try to group pieces to be molded by size, but also by complexity. Some pieces need their own, individual mold box, just because they're complex, and the rubber has to be sliced from so many sides that placing other pieces in the mold box causes problems.

Edited by captain america
  On 12/28/2022 at 2:24 PM, captain america said:

I'm not sure I understand your question. What you see in pic 62 are two of (probably eight) similar molds, each of which makes anywhere from three to over a dozen pieces. I generally try to group pieces to be molded by size, but also by complexity. Some pieces need their own, individual mold box, just because they're complex, and the rubber has to be sliced from so many sides that placing other pieces in the mold box causes problems.


I was talking about the giant mold box with "CHEST" and "BELT" stenciled in places.  I wasn't sure if you then sliced each little mould apart from that conglomeration, or if you just casted all the parts at once.


I dunno why I thought you'd physically separate the moulds from each other. :unknw:

A belated Happy New Year 2023 to all of you! I've been quiet, but that's only because I've been working behind the scenes, making all... these...molds! Like 12 pounds worth!! In fact, I've already begun some casting work while the final detail parts were being prepared. It's a very unconventional (and exhausting) project, but the best is being saved for last.
While the vast majority of parts are being molded, I still have to tackle probably the trickiest aspect of the build: the flexible abdomen girdle-- that brings us to pic 65. I've wrapped the figure with cling wrap to protect the parts from sticking to it, but I also need to replicate the thickness of the onesie over which these parts will go. In addition to the abdominal area, I'm also making a neck piece, ankle shrouds, and the soles of the boots, but these last parts were relatively simple to master compared to what I'm about to do.
Pic 66 shows the materials I'll be using: a Japanese epoxy clay, and Super Sculpey for the details. The former will be used as a base, because it's a more durable material, unlike the Sculpey, which is extremely brittle when hardened.
In pic 67, we see the layer of epoxy clay hardening in place; I usually let it sit overnight, just to be safe.
Pic 68: you have NO IDEA how tedious this was to make! The girdle had to be made on either side, then combined without distorting the parts, and since it's all rigid, I'm not able to do the final fit on the figure itself. By the way, the spinal armor plates are all separate... what's four more pieces, right? Everything's gonna be O.K.!
...Or not. Pic 69 shows what's left of the girdle pattern after it shattered during extraction. All is well, I assure you! I was planning for this to happen: it's very common for very delicate Sculpey parts to be destroyed upon molding, which is why I pay particular attention to the production of the mold.
Pic 70: these first castings have become the new masters, and they're significantly more durable. The big downside to these flexible parts is that it takes almost 24 hours for the rubber castings to set, so I have to prepare several sets of molds—hence the long period between updates. I've already begun cleaning a set of castings I'll be using for the beauty shots and the instructions—teaser pics coming Jan 13th, so stay tuned! 🤪









1/6 Motocycle Freak Scratchbuild Project

Captain's log: Thursday January 12th, 2023

-Decals from Devin have arrived, and looking excellent! (pic 71)

-Visor has been molded (pic 72 shows the original master, before the mold goo was poured)

-First kits are being cast (pic 73)

-My own kit, color-coded, as this will help with paint calls when making the instruction sheet (pic 74)

-Flexible parts installed—check! (pic 75)

-Flexible parts, armor parts and onesie interfacing perfectly—check!

-Beginning to assemble my own figure for publicity shots—check!

Next week, you'll be able to see the full figure in all its glory!








  On 1/14/2023 at 7:29 PM, Tober said:

Looking good, Captain!

Do you have any plans for creating a set for Yellow, or just his helmet? :unsure:


As with every question of this sort, the answer lies with you individually, and the customer base collectively. Know that this has been one of the most grueling projects I've had to work on in the last 2 decades, and if there's a re-issue/variation, there will also be a price correction to reflect the stupid amount of work it entails. With that said, If you pay attention to the decal sheet pic in my last update, you'll see that the markings for Yellow are there.

  On 1/15/2023 at 7:27 PM, captain america said:

As with every question of this sort, the answer lies with you individually, and the customer base collectively. Know that this has been one of the most grueling projects I've had to work on in the last 2 decades, and if there's a re-issue/variation, there will also be a price correction to reflect the stupid amount of work it entails. With that said, If you pay attention to the decal sheet pic in my last update, you'll see that the markings for Yellow are there.


Thanks. That basically means I will be waiting for the female edition. :unsure:


“Look at the size of that thing!”

It’s crazy how much it dwarfs the Sentinel one.

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