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PREY & Sequel - Hulu original movie from 20th Century Studios


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29 minutes ago, Knight26 said:

Color me intrigued.  Especially given that the original was not written for Arnie to be the hero, but a Native American character in the original draft.

I just hope they don’t do something cheesy like make the hero Billy’s ancestor or something. Not everything needs to be tied into each other or a call back etc. 


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Based on the games, I assume?  I played but never finished the original one, and never bothered with the reboot.  I've been interested in checking it out, though, since I found out it's from the same studio that made the Dishonored games.

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4 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

Based on the games, I assume?  I played but never finished the original one, and never bothered with the reboot.  I've been interested in checking it out, though, since I found out it's from the same studio that made the Dishonored games.

The reboot was really good, would make a very interesting film/mini-series. This however is yet another predator movie.

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5 hours ago, anime52k8 said:

The reboot was really good, would make a very interesting film/mini-series. This however is yet another predator movie.

Oh, ok.  A storm knocked out my internet for most of the day and my spotty cell reception wasn't giving met the bandwidth to watch the trailer.

Well, yet another Predator movie (and one where it looks like the the writers tried to up the stakes for the human protagonists by reducing their level of technology but really just makes me wonder where the sport is in using invisibility cloaks and lasers to hunt some people that only have a bow and arrows to fight back with) doesn't strike me as super interesting.  But I have Hulu (and will continue to have Hulu as long as it remains my source for Archer and Letterkenny), so I might as well give it a shot if I'm bored.

And I guess I can install the Prey reboot and play that in the meantime.

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Not sure if it follows the idea that the predators had to adapt their weapons and gear to the advances their prey made over time. Will this predator be a bit more low tech? And will this predator actually be able to completely close it’s mouth unlike most of the later ones?

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I've been wanting to see that for literal decades (Ok mb not Portland - that's more a job a for a Harvester City Destroyer). 

I'd love it it they amped up the action and we saw our hero outmaneuvering and slaughtering human soldiers in droves in a heavy combat zone. Or perhaps a duo of them working together to hunt human platoons. The inevitable melee kills, but also an opportunity to have lots of auto-targeting and plasma cannon usage combined with large helpings of  human firepower for contrast. We definitely need the Predator's speed, agility and 3D tactics, so prominent in Predator and Predator 2 but sidelined in AVP, brought back as well.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, WW 2, Aliens setting - all could work with a good plot and high production values.

Frankly I see this obsession with having to have a human as the protagonist that the story MUST revolve around as a limiting factor.  It would be much more exciting to follow a Predator Hunting Party and see them taking on the most dangerous game on myriad worlds. Or to see different Predators hunting at different times in Earth's history. 

5 hours ago, Big s said:

Not sure if it follows the idea that the predators had to adapt their weapons and gear to the advances their prey made over time

Possibly, but I prefer the idea of the Predator's adapting their tactics. WRT to weaponry I think they can simply handicap themselves to increase the challenge.

If the Predator's are involved in a Predator vs Prey arms race I'd rather it be with something/things considerably more formidable than earth humans.

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1 hour ago, Podtastic said:

I see this obsession with having to have a human as the protagonist that the story MUST revolve around as a limiting factor.

Yes, but it's a marketing necessity if you're going to get studio funding.  You can do anything you want in a comic book, but as soon as you're spending real money to produce a story, it's got to have mainstream appeal.  That's why every Transformers film or TV series features a human male protagonist (despite the whole premise revolving around an alien civil war).

You can even look to those rare examples where money was spent producing a film (or series) without a human protagonist -- The Dark Crystal, for instance -- and in every instance, they've been tremendous commercial failures. 😔

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59 minutes ago, tekering said:

You can even look to those rare examples where money was spent producing a film (or series) without a human protagonist -- The Dark Crystal, for instance -- and in every instance, they've been tremendous commercial failures. 😔

Dark Crystal had other issues that didn’t work out for it’s favor. My daughter and I absolutely love it and a lot of fans do as well, but the non fans always say the puppets are creepy. It’s an unfortunate opinion that a majority seem to have .

i think a non human story usually works better in kids movies though rather than trying for an r rated action film. And this film seems to be going low budget as well. No guns and hardly a costume either. They don’t seem to have the budget to do a large amount of cg aliens 

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1 hour ago, tekering said:

every Transformers film or TV series features a human male protagonis

I get your overall point but this is not strictly true in that the Transformers Beast Wars and Beast Machines series (both of which I loved) featured no humans whatsoever.

This reminds me of  an interview article I read when the first live action Transformers was being made. The guy, referring to the human protagonist, explained that you cant have a character that the audience cant identify with. My immediate reaction (having thoroughly enjoyed the aforementioned series) was "What boy, no matter the culture, cant identify with a giant robot?" and " Who can actually identify with an American teenager?" (although the character portrayed in this instance actually turned out to be an ok guy).

1 hour ago, tekering said:

es, but it's a marketing necessity if you're going to get studio funding.  You can do anything you want in a comic book, but as soon as you're spending real money to produce a story, it's got to have mainstream appeal.

Of course. This is one reason why I hate live action adaptions of comic or animated series. 

(I have special hatred for GOTG for their failure to accurately replicate the Accuser armour, and for pitting the mighty Kree Empire against the "Nova Empire" as if the Xandarians would be anything but a speed bump for a power that gave the Shi'ar Empire concern.)

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7 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

hey can't bring Danny Glover and Arnold back for a sequel??

In what capacity, as an experienced advisor? Surely they are too old to be convincing as the human action hero.

Would that be worth it given that they must be expensive?

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10 minutes ago, Podtastic said:

In what capacity, as an experienced advisor? Surely they are too old to be convincing as the human action hero.

Would that be worth it given that they must be expensive?

Nostalgia factor would be fun but yeah, I think it's too late in their age. Maybe five years ago or more would have been good. And I suspect they'd be cheaper to cast than they were at their prime, lol.

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1 hour ago, Podtastic said:

Transformers Beast Wars and Beast Machines series (both of which I loved) featured no humans whatsoever.

Okay, I never saw those.  I stand corrected. :good:

(The War For Cybertron trilogy didn't have any human characters either, but I discounted it because of its incredibly low budget.  It was produced so cheaply that they couldn't even afford real voice actors.) 😑

1 hour ago, TangledThorns said:

They can't bring Danny Glover and Arnold back for a sequel??

That would've been a terrible idea, and I'm glad it was never attempted.  The premise doesn't require returning human characters, and it would greatly strain credulity if they had returned... unless it was merely as consultants (like Ian Malcolm's cameo in Fallen Kingdom).

It was bad enough the Alien franchise had to keep bringing back Ellen Ripley... 🙄

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21 hours ago, Dobber said:

Color me intrigued, hope it is a return to some good for the franchise. 


Yeah, now this gets back to the heart of what made the Predator so intriguing in the original film as well as following Anna's description to Dutch's team concerning her people's history with it. 

Kinda wonder if this is going to be a female Predator hunting these female warriors. Seems the PC thing to do.

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35 minutes ago, M'Kyuun said:

Yeah, now this gets back to the heart of what made the Predator so intriguing in the original film as well as following Anna's description to Dutch's team concerning her people's history with it. 

Kinda wonder if this is going to be a female Predator hunting these female warriors. Seems the PC thing to do.

In bold is a fantastic point/factoid from the first movie that I'd forgotten about. With that in mind the movie could have been set in South America.

9 minutes ago, Big s said:

I thought that the one with the makeup was a guy.


Don't care to go down the "PC" rabbit hole, but I think the introduction of a female Predator could be cool if for no other reason than to change the status quo - but I would not want that to be a focal point of the movie. Maybe if She-Predator was simply a part of a pack or trio like AvP (terrible movie, yes, I know) or Predators.



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I thought it was another girl, but on second look, eh, it might be a dude. Regardless, I'm more interested in taking it back to the Predator hunting native people, going old school, if you will. They certainly wouldn't have posed nearly as much challenge as a team of highly trained military operatives armed to the teeth with automatic weapons, explosives, and 'Old Painless', especially if the Predator uses its full arsenal. He already had a leg-up on Dutch's team; how much more so against half naked natives armed with spears, slings, and bows and arrows. 

I'm curious, then, if this is supposed to be set during the early Mezo-American/ South American indigenous period? I can picture an ending where the Predator finally takes down the toughest or most cunning warrior in the tribe and looking up from his, or possibly her, new trophy, sees sails on the horizon.

They could do another story about a Predator doing his thing on the North American east coast taking out a number of Europeans settling on a certain island in what will become N. Carolina. Mystery solved! 😜

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19 hours ago, Kanedas Bike said:

Don't care to go down the "PC" rabbit hole


20 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

Kinda wonder if this is going to be a female Predator hunting these female warriors. Seems the PC thing to do.

Which would make it even MORE unfair for the humans if they follow the novel and comic lore, which has the Yautja females being larger and more powerful than the males.

14 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

They certainly wouldn't have posed nearly as much challenge as a team of highly trained military operatives armed to the teeth with automatic weapons, explosives, and 'Old Painless', especially if the Predator uses its full arsenal. He already had a leg-up on Dutch's team; how much more so against half naked natives armed with spears, slings, and bows and arrows. 

Its as ridiculous a the Predators concept. Three Predators ("Super Predators" no less) to hunt a measly handful of humans?

At the very least he should restrict himself to melee weapons. In actuality he should take them on unarmed.  Then it could be about him using stealth and ambush  tactics while avoiding their superior numbers.

14 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

They could do another story about a Predator doing his thing on the North American east coast taking out a number of Europeans settling on a certain island in what will become N. Carolina. Mystery solved! 😜

Although unless that colony was all armed males there still needs to be an explanation for what happened to the women and children. 

Slaughtered by a Bad Blood Predator? Collateral damage to a Predator mini-nuke? Rescued by the natives? Genocided by the natives? Eaten by the natives?

Anyway, from there on to the Napoleonic Wars etc. Was a Predator at Badajoz or Borodino? Why not?😁

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16 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

They could do another story about a Predator doing his thing on the North American east coast taking out a number of Europeans settling on a certain island in what will become N. Carolina. Mystery solved! 😜

I was just watching buzzfeed unsolved in the background a week or two ago and they had an episode about that island. I miss those guys. I like the true crime stuff better than the supernatural though 

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I've seen any number of shows focusing on Roanoke (I think it's ok to name it at this point) and her lost colony, and the directions that different teams of archaeologists, or amateur archaeologists, are taking to discover the truth of what happened is interesting. I wish them every success. mysteries are fun to ponder, but it's cool when great detective work wins the day with definitive proof, and y'know, this has been an enduring mystery long enough. With the tech and knowledge, we have today, it's time for a qualified answer.

True crime is better b/c it's real. The supernatural isn't, and watching people reacting overdramatically to nothing drives me insane.

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Remember - Arnold beat the predator only AFTER dumping (well, he had no choice) nearly all the high tech weaponry and went old school.  Still, he got lucky falling in the mood and finding out the Predator could not see him then.  How many times can they pull that trick?  (even if it is 30 years later)

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5 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

I've seen any number of shows focusing on Roanoke (I think it's ok to name it at this point) and her lost colony, and the directions that different teams of archaeologists, or amateur archaeologists, are taking to discover the truth of what happened is interesting. I wish them every success. mysteries are fun to ponder, but it's cool when great detective work wins the day with definitive proof, and y'know, this has been an enduring mystery long enough. With the tech and knowledge, we have today, it's time for a qualified answer.

True crime is better b/c it's real. The supernatural isn't, and watching people reacting overdramatically to nothing drives me insane.

I did find it funny that the one guy still had to bring up his, what if it was aliens argument and the other guy just wasn’t having it. Although the best theory they had was that due to lack of supplies and being such a long voyage and extended time to get back to the island the colonists just moved in with nearby tribes possibly believing they had been abandoned only leaving clues to where they had gone.

then again maybe it was aliens and that’s what this movie is about like M’Kyuun said.

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With history being so full of blanks and empty spots, who's to say that Roanoke wasn't decimated by a hunting Predator, who was only defeated by a tribal union of Native Americans, after a climactic battle that saw the loss of so many, with the remaining Roanoke colonists being given places in the tribes after doing and sacrificing so much to try and save as many as they could?

Not me.;)

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4 hours ago, Big s said:

I did find it funny that the one guy still had to bring up his, what if it was aliens argument and the other guy just wasn’t having it. Although the best theory they had was that due to lack of supplies and being such a long voyage and extended time to get back to the island the colonists just moved in with nearby tribes possibly believing they had been abandoned only leaving clues to where they had gone.

then again maybe it was aliens and that’s what this movie is about like M’Kyuun said.

I don't actually believe aliens wiped out the Roanoke Colony; more than likely, they probably were absorbed into one of the local tribes. It makes the most sense, given their rather dire situation.  And if they rejected any help from natives, then it likely spelled their doom and they were wiped out either by starvation, disease, or hostile relations with the natives.

However, the Roanoke mystery lends itself marvelously to a Predator story.

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4 hours ago, Thom said:

With history being so full of blanks and empty spots, who's to say that Roanoke wasn't decimated by a hunting Predator, who was only defeated by a tribal union of Native Americans, after a climactic battle that saw the loss of so many, with the remaining Roanoke colonists being given places in the tribes after doing and sacrificing so much to try and save as many as they could?

Not me.;)

You want a good historical setting for a Predator film? New Guinea 1942.

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On 5/18/2022 at 4:30 PM, M'Kyuun said:

True crime is better b/c it's real. The supernatural isn't, and watching people reacting overdramatically to nothing drives me insane.

In this context yes, TV spooks belong in the same place as Giant Faces at Cydonia and Pyramids created by aliens.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This actually looks pretty cool, much better then most of the previous films. I think the only newer Predator sequel I liked was with Adrien Brody and Topher Grace, the last one with Rick Flag was beyond god awful, that crap was unapologetically bad. 

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