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  Gaijin said:
  Skippy438 said:
He did quit drinking for a while, and up until the last ep it looked like he was doing a decent job. Last ep though ... that flask has got to go.


Ellen made him drink again. I think the bitch is worse than the Cylons. :D



she's one of them...




It's a good thing there isn't a network on the Galactica. MWers would be the first to start a mob mentality and start witchhunts against anybody suspected to be a cylon.



Great points guys, Tigh is a great dynamic character and it will be interesting to see what happens once Adama is a up and around again. I can also understand why Adama was reluctant to bring Mrs Tigh to the ship, he knows what a bad influence she is, and that is definitely coming out now. Hopefully Adama can slavage what is left of Tigh after this whole mess.

Also am I the only one who thinks that Adama does really know where Earth is and is purposely delaying their arrival? WOuldn't you, especially if you had an unknown number of cylon agents in the fleet ready to signal the rest of the Cylons where the new home was?

Also now we really have two dying leaders, Adama, and Roslin, which one is the prophesized leader?

Posted (edited)
  Knight26 said:
Great points guys, Tigh is a great dynamic character and it will be interesting to see what happens once Adama is a up and around again.  I can also understand why Adama was reluctant to bring Mrs Tigh to the ship, he knows what a bad influence she is, and that is definitely coming out now.  Hopefully Adama can slavage what is left of Tigh after this whole mess.

Also am I the only one who thinks that Adama does really know where Earth is and is purposely delaying their arrival?  WOuldn't you, especially if you had an unknown number of cylon agents in the fleet ready to signal the rest of the Cylons where the new home was?

Also now we really have two dying leaders, Adama, and Roslin, which one is the prophesized leader?


Nah, I don't think he knows where earth is, mainly because of one of my least favorite disisions he's made...ie...when he told Roslyn that they should consider perminent settlement of Kobol. That just struck me as uncharacteristicly STUPID for an otherwise intellegent military man. I mean he know's they are still under Cylon threat.

As for the mythical leader, don't know if Roslyn really will be that leader but Adama isn't dying anymore, Dr. Kottle said he'll live.


Edited by Dobber

From what I've heard about tonights episode.....Tigh's gonna have alot bigger problems on his hands now. Can't wait to discuss with you guys tomorrow. ;)

Hopefully there'll be a pod cast as well...none for last weeks episode :angry:


Posted (edited)
  DeathHammer said:
I don't think Tigh means to screw up. I actually think he wants to do a good job but is snapping under the pressure.

His military decisions are sound. Even when hes not fully sobered up he seems to understand the realities of combat. One of the few nice things about Tigh is hes not , as that one episode put it, 'a soft touch' like Adama. Tigh will gladly purge his own men into space to save the ship and not bat an eye about it. I can't see Adama doing it without great reservation.

They balance each other out, which I think, is how a Captain and his XO should behave. From my experience and time in, a good XO is sort of bipolar. Hes the one to enforce the Captains commands, even if he knows they are wrong, and take the brunt of peoples hate. Thats the XO's job. But hes also needed to help maintain morale and see after his men in a more personal way than the Captain can. Thats the part of the XOs job that Tigh does not understand. Mostly the XO has to serve as a bridge between the Captain and his crew. A good example of a functional XO is Tom Sizemore in Saving Private Ryan. 

XOs who have been doing it for too long,  by their nature, very rarely make good commanders. Its why modern militaries rarely promote a guy in his own unit without first transfering him to a new unit. Because no one wants an old rapport turning into a command issue. Its a huge issue with modern law enforcement command structures today where transfering out isn't logistically simple.

Tighs problem is that he has zero diplomacy and zero politcal/people skills. If he was smart, he'd balance himself out with Lee Adama, who is much more of a soft touch and diplomat like his father.

The writers have made Tigh into a very compelling character. Hes a prick, but hes a loyal prick. Personally I think he'd rather die than fail Adama. I think part of the problem with his dealings with the President and the Qof12 stems from that, Adama wanted that dumb psychic bitch in lockup and Tigh will be damned if anyone says otherwise. Tighs a prick, but chooses his friends and stands by them, thats not such a horrible character trait.

Tigh strikes me more as Theoden of Rohan from LOTR. A guy who was a failure as a leader most of his life, but will/did rise to the occasion when all was lost. I hope the writers give him a good arc and find a way to make his character more redeeming in the future.


Totally agree on the XO's responsibilities, just Tigh is definately all about ENFORCEMENT!! :lol: That was actually what Tigh and Adama were talking about in the "33" example I gave. Tigh said that if the XO is not making the "Old Man" look good he's not doing his job. Then Adama said my quote from earlier, that's why I think Adama thinks Tigh goes just alittle too far. But Tigh can certainly pull you through a crisis.


Edited by Dobber
Posted (edited)

What? I can't believe people haven't posted after that great episode! Baltar is my favorite character in this show!


Mild spoiler


Great developments and definite progression. Tigh is lucky he was sober enough not to order to shoot. And I dont know how much they have left for Grace Park to do...

Edited by >EXO<

Well, I'm sure Caprica Boomer has quite a bit to go through yet. :lol:

I loved this episode.

  Gaijin said:
Well, I'm sure Caprica Boomer has quite a bit to go through yet.  :lol:

I loved this episode.


Yeah, after the pregnancy, I wonder how they're going to use her... The only cylon with a lot of lines would be six. All the other ones just show up once and a while.

Now that we know the number of Cylons there are on the fleet, it's time for the witchhunt. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

Excellent episode last Friday. The one thing I didn't see comming was Callie pulling a Jack Ruby on Boomer's Lee Harvey Oswald. It seemed totally out of character, but was a great twist that serves to keep the Colonials in the dark concerning the Cylons, since their one captive toaster is no more.

Edit: I just had a thought...could it be that Callie herself is a Cylon, and acted, unwittingly, out of programming to eliminate a perceived threat to the Cylon's plans, rather than out of indignation or hatred for Sharen's hand in getting the Chief in hot water...??? :blink:

Edit II: shame on me, I got my historical assassins mixed up. JR offed LHO, Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK. :ph34r:

Edited by mechaninac

Fantastic Episode!!!! I wonder how Adama will handel Tigh? Tigh has DEFINATELY burned too many bridges with not only the civilians but the military as well. He needs to be put on ice for a while till he is Sober, and held accountable for his actions.

minor spoiler from last nights Episode

loved how Adama subtlely said to Tigh how Ellen was usesless!! :lol:


Posted (edited)

Roslin is seriously starting to annoy me and I don't believe she is the "chosen leader". <_<

I also agree that Tigh and Adama balance each other, but man Tigh's lady should be tossed off of the airlock along w/Roslin.

Edited by Fortress_Maximus
  mechaninac said:
Edit:  I just had a thought...could it be that Callie herself is a Cylon, and acted, unwittingly, out of programming to eliminate a perceived threat to the Cylon's plans, rather than out of indignation or hatred for Sharen's hand in getting the Chief in hot water...??? :blink:


I told you man... it's witchhunt time.... though I do believe at least one person on that bridge is a cylon.


I can't help but wonder if Tigh's wife is a Cylon...

And I was surprised that the Chief said that he had previously served on the Pegasus! Surely that comment was put in there for a reason. Wonder how that might play into things?

Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:

Highlight to read:

IMDB has let the cat out of the bag. The Pegasus shows up at the end of the first half of season 2, with Michelle Forbes as Admiral Nelena Cain.



Where have you been? I posted this news on page 51 of this thread.

Edited by Noriko Takaya

Man Michelle Forbes has no trouble finding work, just trouble keeping it. I think it's cool she's going to be on BSG.

Posted (edited)
  DeathHammer said:

Another factor is she might be pregnant in real life, and they added it in the story now so theres no weird Alias 'We Got Afflecks Baby' situation later.


She's not.

Edited by Gaijin
  Noriko Takaya said:
Where have you been? I posted this news on page 51 of this thread.


I'm on the road.


All I can say is GO CALLIGH!!!

what if Boomer was lying about the number of Cylons present in the fleet?? not to mention asking who they were Baltar should have asked her where they were in the Fleet.......

Dudes what if Rosylin is a Toster???? :o

  Axelay said:
I can't help but wonder if Tigh's wife is a Cylon...

And I was surprised that the Chief said that he had previously served on the Pegasus! Surely that comment was put in there for a reason. Wonder how that might play into things?


If she was one or not has seriously crossed my mind to be honest. She's like Tigh's version of Six yet she's real and not in his head.

Glad Adama is back, it's about time. Though I wish they didn't have Apllo in the direction he's going in. I like him more when he's being the solider or at least having conflict with Adama but with him in the uniform.

Roslin is really annoying me. Well she annoyed me from the start to be honest. I'm not sure if it's due to who they have playing her or simply her character in general though.

So it seems like we won't be seeing Apollo or Starbuck in a fighter for some time now. :( Galatica Boomer is gone as well now. Who do they have for fighter battles now other then the likes of Hotdog and crew?


Hey all,

I love this show so much.

the last episode was awesome like

every other one.

Tighs wife seems more like a cylon

especially after she gave that shocked look when Adama

walked in.

I actually like the new situation with Lee Adama and

the President escaping the Galactica

This is great story telling.

Now it makes the possible appearence of the Pegasus even

more poignant.

Where will the Galactica end up in all of this

will the fleet now turn to the Pegasus?


Wow. Last nights episode was pretty good. Cally seems at least to feel a bit more for the Chief than just platonic friendship. Shes young, so i think its probable that shes at the very least infatuated with him. Thats the only thing that i could think would make her snap like she did. As for Boomer, i bet Caprica Boomer is gonna make a trip back to the fleet with Starbuck, Helo and at least some of the resistance. That game that Boomer and the resistance guy were playing seemed pretty interesting....But something tells me that guy is just cannon fodder. I really don't like where Lee's character is going. Hes a pilot, not some kind of freedom fighter. thats a bit silly. For my part, i really agree with Billy's decision to stay behind. oh well, its still and awesome show.

Possible Spoiler:

For some of the stuff i've read, the Pegasus will not last long, and will more or less just be a guest on the show.


I don't know, I have some growing worries about BSG. I've been digging it since the mini series first aired, but I think the writing is slipping.

First, Roslin is getting pretty bizzare. This show has thrived on 'realism', now we have it known publically that she has a few months to live, and at least some know she's taking the Kabala(?) root, a mind altering 'medicine'. So a terminal drug addict for president who thinks she's a messiah? Early on she was a sensible and compassionate (to a fault) leader, now she AND her followers are just strange.

Adama has been sorely missed, I'm glad he's back.

Second,Tigh's wife is practically a cartoon character, they ought to kill her off and be done with it. Just let Tigh be a hard ass with a fondness for booze. (many,many great military commanders were know to drink like fish, it ain't THAT bad.)

Third, Starbuck; at first I felt she was overly 'butch', with the cigars and slug fests. Then she seemed to mature, but ever since she slept with Baltar (which made no friggin sense), she seems just plain slurmty, as though any guy near her has a good chance. Also, her decision to do Roslin's bidding(get the magical arrow...ugh.) and totally betray Adama, who she practically loves like a Father completely made no sense.

Fouth, Apollo; he too seemed to grow as a character and resolved his problems with his Father, so naturally as Adama lies unconscious, he betrays him and helps 'messiah' Roslin?

Fifth: There's under 50,000 people left alive, the fleet is running for it's life, Cylons could attack from outside or inside via human-cylons at any time. Humankind is on the brink of extinction... But Great Scott!!! :o Don't declare martial law!!!!! .... Riiiiight <_< . Under those circumstances, martial law would just be a matter of fact. Severe rationing of fuel, food and water. Strict security aboard all ships to weed out and guard against Cylon influence and sabotage. Strict obediance among the fleet because one 'free spirited' or stupid captain could give away their position to a Cylon fleet and thus cause all human kind to be exterminated. Seems like martial law should be a given.

Also, what this nonsense about the press? Tigh's worried what the press will say about martial law. There's 45,000 people left, so there's what, 5 or 6 credible journalists? And is that all people have to do in the fleet is read or watch news? I think you'd be a little busy just trying to survive rather than playing 'crossfire'.

All in all, poor Adama has the most disloyal son and crew I ever saw. Only Tigh and the deck officer(forget his name) showed any loyalty. Adama should just save the Cylons the trouble and nuke his own fleet.

Really, I hope the writers quit snorting the Kabala root and get back to the gritty realism that made BSG cool to begin with.

P.S. I remebered a perfect example, Billy(I think), Roslin's feircely loyal aide, decides she's on her own and he'd rather stay on Galactica at the last minute? Again, makes no sense, just make the characters do whatever they have to do to contradict everything they were previously about. It's becoming a predictable formula. So I guess next episode Tigh will be washing Roslin's feet and cursing that fool Adama?


Even Geada is not completly loyal. He knew about Dualla's calls and when Tigh asked him about it, he didn't say anything. Besides, I think Tigh is just such a prick with his crew, they are turning against him. With Adama, at least he shows he cares for his crew. Tigh's always too busy being an imbecilic hard ass to do things right. It'll be interesting to see how things go for Tigh now that Adama is awake.

Posted (edited)

Well whatever trouble Tigh will be in, at least he's there. Apollo and Starbuck have both betrayed Adama and are both missing. Galactica's two leading aces/ flight commanders have both abandoned their posts and left Galactica vulnerable.

And at this point, Baltar seems more sane than Roslin and her followers. What a sorry state of affairs... :(

(regarding Tigh, the only thing I can think of that he personally did was declare martial law. ((which seems natural to me as I said.)) Otherwise, it was Adama who ordered Roslin's arrest and Apollo who even after given a second chance to serve, STILL betrayed Adama and Tigh and busted Roslin out. Tigh's not being melodramatic when he calls that mutiny.)

Edited by Major Johnathan
Posted (edited)

Tigh is has a confidence issue. I guess that stems back from his days when he was kicked out of the Fleet. Part of command is you've got to make tough choices, whether it be killing a few to save the many or making the wrong choice. But more than that, you have to live with the consequences. Tigh doesn't know how to live with the consequences. That's when he turns to the bottle. That's when he starts listening to that wife of his. Another side effect is that Tigh is not diplomatic. He's been a XO for a while. A "Yes-man". He still has a rough time making those choices and living with the consequences.

Fouth, Apollo; he too seemed to grow as a character and resolved his problems with his Father, so naturally as Adama lies unconscious, he betrays him and helps 'messiah' Roslin?

I don't see it that way. Apollo isn't betraying his father. He listened to his father this time. Apollo followed his instincts, just as his father told him. If that means taking an opposite stance, then so be it. Betraying the man is one thing, betraying the ideals of that man is another.

  DeathHammer said:
I don't like the Roslin story arc either.

But I think the writers are in a bit of a corner here.

There has to be an Earth. Without hope, this show really means nothing and the characters really have no where to go. Without a home, the idea of other humans still alive, they might as well load up all the fleet with bombs and charge every Cylon basestar kamakaze style. Roslin is the only character that can bridge that issue even if it paints her into a corner.

Adama gave them a sense of hope when he told them that they would head to Earth. But with no end in sight, and people dying, that hope is fading. This is where Roslin comes in. Someone has to keep that hope alive, keep the flame buring of else you let the flame die and the lights go out.

Edited by azrael

I think it's cool to see everyone make different decisions in this episode, where if Adama was around they would put his blind faith in him. The people in his crew are intelligent and the fact that their leader is unworthy of the status, they all start to form their own idea of what's right and what's wrong. The smartest thing for Tigh to have done was to let go of Roslyn, something Adama might been forced to do, but maybe he could have held her in the brig longer. Another thing is that Adama respected Roslyn's leadership and Tigh didn't understand that. He has back down a couple of times after she has spoken to him and was stern when he believed he needed to. Tigh was hanging on to Adamas last known wishes and was unable to make his own decision. The only time he changed his mind was when Gaeda or Lady MacBeth convinced him and he was in a weak position. I really liked this episode because each one of these characters acted on their own volition. Callie, Gaeda, Apollo, Billy, Dualla, and Baltar had to do things that rounded off their characters and put it passed being 2 dimensional.


Oh my God, Starbuck is a whore.... pardon the language, but first Baltar and now this weirdo?

Holy crap, the old womanizing Starbuck must be rolling over in his grave right now. I know, I know, Dirk is still alive.


I don't exactly agree with the sentiment that Starbuck is a "whore". I mean, her character is supposed to be this butch pilot with this shell of bravado and the old Starbuck was a womanizer. It was acceptable that the male Starbuck slept around and its not okay for this one to? Seems more like a hangup on the role of a woman in my opinion. I can buy Starbuck acting like this, I mean its not like her and Apollo are involved and same thing with Baltar. So what if she shows interest in different men, I think its in her character and with the desparate crisis they are in, she could use the distraction. ;)

I'm not sure what direction they could take Roslin in if they didn't put her in this spiritual one. The old BSG had a strong slant to their religious beliefs, so not to put it up front in some way wouldn't be true to the old spirit. If they didn't write Roslin into this story arc, I'm sure they would have run out of steam alot faster with her just butting heads politically with Adama and Zaruck.

You guys should listen to the podcast commentary on Scifi.com, its really interesting. Moore says that the Pegasus storyline will be over multiple episodes and have a lot of impact in how things play out.


Actually, you're right, it is a bit of a hangup... to watch a woman acting that way is a bit unsettling. She is actually pretty well modeled on the original Starbuck.

But as for the religious zealot. Well, what can I say, she is NUTS. What she was saying: "hey, follow me back to where the Cylons like to camp out, we can all get bombed there." The cylon baby factory makes sense in a twisted way, but this God stuff isn't... at least not yet.

I am looking forward to Pegasus, I'm hoping it survives in the long run. In the original series, what Pegasus added was one female character, who was pretty hot back then.

  kalvasflam said:
Actually, you're right, it is a bit of a hangup... to watch a woman acting that way is a bit unsettling.  She is actually pretty well modeled on the original Starbuck.

But as for the religious zealot.  Well, what can I say, she is NUTS.  What she was saying: "hey, follow me back to where the Cylons like to camp out, we can all get bombed there."  The cylon baby factory makes sense in a twisted way, but this God stuff isn't... at least not yet.

I am looking forward to Pegasus, I'm hoping it survives in the long run.  In the original series, what Pegasus added was one female character, who was pretty hot back then.


Oooh man you are so right about that one hot female character. I bought the DVD set for the old series a while back and was watching the Pegasus episode and had to admit that she was pretty smokin. Lloyd Bridges was pretty damn wacky though. I kept expecting him to guide Ted Striker in for a crash landing.

Posted (edited)

I think this show is starting to get into trouble. They seem to have too many episodes and too little budget. Notice how little action there's been lately? Even the episode with the Cylon raiding party, the Cylons 'face-time' was probably seconds not minutes. We haven't seen much of any space battle in a long while. Frankly, I crave some Cylon action and I don't mean the human types.

I think that's why the writing's been kinda wacky, so much air time for Tigh's cartoon wife, dragging out Adama's time in bed, Roslin's religous mumbo jumbo, Starbuck's whorin' around, Humvee's and very old Dodge(?) trucks and uzi's and 9mm's... the special effects budget is apparently way too little for a full regular season, so we're getting lots of filler. I'm betting a big finish for episode 10(half season mark), I hope.

About Starbuck; early on they set up a clear sexual/emotional tension between Apollo and Starbuck, I had no problem with that(seemed natural), but after all that's happened, Apollo kept his pants on, Starbuck's keep falling off again and again... :blink:

So now it will be pretty fracked up when they try to get Starbuck and Apollo together, unless they completely abandon that story line. Either way, Starbuck now seems downright slurmty. And the old Starbuck really doesn't compare because he's a guy with no romantic feelings for Apollo,hopefully... A female who sleeps around is a 'slurm', a male who does so is a 'womanizer' or dog. Neither are held in high regard. So I don't buy the double standard arguement.

Last point, man did Apollo come dangerously close to being a total bastard, to make a propaganda tape for Roslin would have made him a virtual villain in my eyes. I liked Apollo in season one, but the absolute alliegance to Roslin just isn't washing for me. It's like they're making you not give a damn about any of these charachters because there's no loyalty or fidelity to anyone. I don't mind some tensions and conflicts, but they're virtually treacherous to each other.

So I'm cheering for the Cylons at this point, and I mean the mechanical variety. :ph34r:

Edited by Major Johnathan
  kalvasflam said:
In the original series, what Pegasus added was one female character, who was pretty hot back then.


Ah, the hot actress Ann Lockhart who played Sheba. Yes, what a babe. By the way, she is the daughter of June Lockhart, who played the mom on Lost in Space.

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