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  >EXO< said:
I don't even think Baltar is meant to be a villain.  He hasn't done anything villainous at all.  I think at the end, if there is one, he's going to be a tragic character.  I'd consider Hatch's character and the exo's wife to be the vile presence in the show.  They havent really done anything evil either, but they seem more willing to for power.

I'm more looking forward to when they reveal new human cylons.


Well he is Lying about the cylon detector results. Lets face it that ended up getting Adama shot!


  Dobber said:
  >EXO< said:
I don't even think Baltar is meant to be a villain.  He hasn't done anything villainous at all.  I think at the end, if there is one, he's going to be a tragic character.  I'd consider Hatch's character and the exo's wife to be the vile presence in the show.  They havent really done anything evil either, but they seem more willing to for power.

I'm more looking forward to when they reveal new human cylons.


Well he is Lying about the cylon detector results. Lets face it that ended up getting Adama shot!



That's true, but it still wasn't villainous. At the time it was just self preservation, I don't know why he decided not to tell anyone about Boomer afterwards. But if he was an evil man, he would have made sure to point out that the test works and he'd have the power to single out who ever he wants as a cylon by changing the outcome.

But saving Cally and going ballistic on the toasters shows he even has a heroic side.


Plus, he didn't try and talk Boomer out of shooting herself. he kind of admitted that he knew what she was and even suggested that she end it, rather than giving her up to the fleet and having her sent out an airlock. I think hes both tragic and treasonous, though. That he saved Cally is great, but keep in mind, he subverted the command structure, even if Crashdown had lost it. for a while there, even the chief was going along with it. He really had no choice but to shoot at the Cylons. Six told him that he was outside of the 'graces of god', and that he would be killed also. His main motivation, i think, is self preservation. Its gonna be interesting to see what happens when they get back to the fleet, and how the chief is gonna deal with Sharon's acts, since he somewhat suspected that she was an agent...

  Otaku-Smeghead said:
All I know is that Calligh is a Hottie


She really is. she needs to clean up a bit, and she'd be awesome, like Starbuck in that one episode...


Is it just me, or was Crashdown's execution at the hands of Baltar extremely satisfying? Face it, Crashdown was a dangerously incompetent leader...a good leader weighs all advice and considers all available information, including new intel, before committing subordinates for what amounts to a suicide mission, but he was completely unwilling to deviate from his initial course of action and ready to shoot a subordinate to enforce his will...the guy was asking for it.

  cobywan said:
He was too focused on payback.


Definitely. Losing 2 guys broke him. He was already losing it after the crash. Two graves added enough weight to break the shell.


It's kinda weird that he ended up pulling a gun on Callie. When they went back for the med-kit he told the Chief to look after her, I thought he had a thing for her.

So now that they left Kobol, I'm wondering how they're gonna get that stupid arrow to Athenas grave. Looks like the good ol' pres is gonna be bunting heads with the military. Interesting progression. If this series teaches you anything, it's that people with bald heads shouldn't be in charge. :p


I'm actually surprised they killed Crashdown like that. His character had had alot of screen time and lines. They just tossed out a huge amount of character devleopment.

I wonder, was the actor was planning on leaving the show? Or maybe he was only there as long as Boomer was going to be there, and once that version of her was outed, they decided to write him out ASAP.


I'm wondering if we're putting too much spoilers on here... since England and other countries haven't seen it yet...

Yeah I know I'm guilty of it too... :(

  armentage said:
I'm actually surprised they killed Crashdown like that. His character had had alot of screen time and lines.  They just tossed out a huge amount of character devleopment.

I wonder, was the actor was planning on leaving the show?  Or maybe he was only there as long as Boomer was going to be there, and once that version of her was outed, they decided to write him out ASAP.


I think he was killed for the drama. This episode is addressing real world situations that happen in combat. I think the situation may be more pertinent to Vietnam than Iraq, but war is hell everywhere none the less.

Besides, the best way to ensure that a show doesn't get stale to cycle characters in and out. ER has done that to great effect. And what better way to get a character out of a war drama than to kill them.


the great thing about BSG is that they invest you in the red shirts before they get offed. Callie had a friend in the mini that got killed in the initial attack.

I talked to Helo for a little while, I asked him if he was meant to be written out of the show. He wasn't sure but he said he was never told that he would be called back for a bigger part, but he was glad that they did.

Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
the great thing about BSG is that they invest you in the red shirts before they get offed.  Callie had a friend in the mini that got killed in the initial attack.

I talked to Helo for a little while, I asked him if he was meant to be written out of the show.  He wasn't sure but he said he was never told that he would be called back for a bigger part, but he was glad that they did.


Which is nice, since i really like him on the show. I hope they don't off him.

Edited by Isamu Atreides 86
  DeathHammer said:

They can't kill Helo

Hes the only other male pilot with any significant screen time the show has.


That's precisely WHY he should be..if you want to stir emotion in your audience, you kill someone they like and are invested in. That said, I hope they don't...but if someone likeable had to go he'd be a prime choice...


Alright. My DVR, VCR, not to mention 2 friends who had similair equipment all failed to record the latest episode for me as I had instructed them to. Before I brutally murder some innocent bystander, will one of you please run down the episode in precise you-probably-helped-film-the-damn-episode detail? Or if that's too much of a hassle, point me to wherever the hell I can to grab it?

-I curse the stars and their attempts to keep me from seeing this latest chapter...

Thanks in advance...

  Knight26 said:
Bittorrent man, bittorrent, just download it.


.........I wouldn't know what a bittorrent was if it fell on me.

  DeathHammer said:

SPOILERS ******Also its starting to become clear to me that Callie has a thing for the Chief. The show is fairly predictable, but they do it nicely.


I don't read any of the interactions that way at all. She is just loyal to her boss and really admires him. I don't see a crush there at all. But I probably don't want to see it anyway. SHE'S MINE!


From what I've heard in spoilers about Helo... (potential spoilers, highlight to read)


Starbuck and Helo will make it back to Galactica by the time the fleet meets Battlestar Pegasus. When Helo gets back, he gets the cold shoulder from everybody for sleeping with a 'bot.

  cobywan said:
  DeathHammer said:

SPOILERS ******Also its starting to become clear to me that Callie has a thing for the Chief. The show is fairly predictable, but they do it nicely.


I don't read any of the interactions that way at all. She is just loyal to her boss and really admires him. I don't see a crush there at all. But I probably don't want to see it anyway. SHE'S MINE!


Yeah, I don't see anything between her and the cheif. It was more of a little sister thing.

  DeathHammer said:

They can't kill Helo

Hes the only other male pilot with any significant screen time the show has.

Thats like 24 killing Tony Almeida. Might work for a short gimmick, but considering the investment in the character, its a small payoff down the road.

Crashdown is a minor character. So was Socinus. At least the show has the guts to kill someone. The Sopranos now are too afraid to off anyone but gueststars. The Shield too. At least Battlestar will just kill people off if it makes sense to the plot.

If you ask me, who is next on the fodder list is Racetrack. Shes been in a few episodes, and is the only other prominent new pilot trainee other than Hot Dog ( and hes Olmos son, they ain't killing him) after they killed Chuckles.  Also Boomers copilots tend to have bad luck ( Helo and Crashdown)

They are gonna have to get new fighters and pilots from Pegasus soon, the show is heading that way from all the attrition. Its pretty clear that at some point, they are going to bring in a male or female pilot to create a love triangle with Apollo and Starbuck. Also its starting to become clear to me that Callie has a thing for the Chief. The show is fairly predictable, but they do it nicely.

I like the theme of this seasons episodes too. They have to 'face' their enemy now


Don't Forget Kat. You may be thinking of her. She was the other main trainee with Chuckles and Hotdog. Racetrack is just some other ECO Raptor crewman.



Last week we got to see Starbuck's Humvee. This week, I learned that even our distant relatives, living in another part of the galaxy, use the ubiquitous 9mm round to shoot Adama. :rolleyes:

I can accept the stock-but-futuristic looking guns. I can accept that they can't afford to redress cars to make them look otherworldly. But come on...all they had to do was call it something else. Anything else. Call it a "8mm" or a 5.9mm." Just don't call it something that even a casual viewer might intuit to be a real-world item. If they can use the term "Frack" they can coin something science fictiony to call their guns and the ammunition they shoot.


Wouldn't it be a real twist if, at the very end of the series, they finally reach earth only to find that we have already destroyed it and ourselves long, long ago? They'd come all that way just to find a world even more ruined and uninhabitable than Caprica.

  DeathHammer said:
I think everyone in the fleet are Cylons, that humans all died long ago through war, and this series is all one grand experiment to see 'how human' the Cylons can become. What better way to test a Cylons capacity to 'be human like' than through death, suffering and attrition.

There is no 13th colony, there is no Earth. Its just a ploy to motivate the fleet to keep running. Plays back into that hope/Pandoras Box theme.

In any sci fi book or movie or series I've seen, theres always that AI trying 'to be human' element present.


I'd stop watching if that happened.


Actually I'd prefer some giant twist.

The original conception of the show is a little dumb. It's not a re-make of the original story, but rather a re-make disguised as a sequel. Its the exact same situation (all the colonies attacked by cylons, and one fleet survives, and is fleeing to Earth protected by Galactica) only 30-something years later. Some of the same names too...

I mean, is it a remake or a sequel? It's vague and hard to tell. I'm glad they are making a decent go at it with the plot, characters, sets, etc. But I'm sure the earlier episodes would have been better if they could tell the WHOLE story from the begining, rather than having to horse-shoe things in as a sequel for nostalgia's sake.

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