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The Battlestar season premiere was awesome. We got to see it on a big screen with a ton of people which just heightened the experience. BSG is theatre quality SF on TV...

Here's a few pics of the panel. They spilled a lot of spoilers during, but it only added to the anticipation for the rest of the season... for example another Battlestar will be showing up, and you probably know which one it is...




Katie Sackhof arrives late for the panel.









Pretty good, but I was actually kinda disapointed with the season premiere... the whole subplot on Caprica... Helo is a retard.

I'm hoping they'll be able to push the SFX envelope a bit and show us some grand battles in space... they seem to shrug off the damage to Galactica itself too much... Did this episode remind anyone else of the one with the raider that crashes into the landing pod that caused the fire? That's kinda where I see the next one going... except it's "live" centurions instead of fire...


I'll definately be waiting for September then.

  cobywan said:
I'm really sick.  I'm getting both.  I can't get enough Galactica.


I thought about that for awhile but not sure if I want another DVD set with just the UK intro...though it is a nice collector's piece.

Posted (edited)

Wonder if it will look different from the Galactica...a more advanced Battlestar would be kinda cool since the Galactica was a ship that was about to be put to pasture....and I wonder if we'll see additional Vipers/Raptors or different ships in service as well...


in another direction entirely...make the Pegasus an even older Battlestar than the Galactica using the original series design. :blink:

Edited by Gaijin
  Gaijin said:
Wonder if it will look different from the Galactica...a more advanced Battlestar would be kinda cool since the Galactica was a ship that was about to be put to pasture....and I wonder if we'll see additional Vipers/Raptors or different ships in service as well...


in another direction entirely...make the Pegasus an even older Battlestar than the Galactica using the original series design. :blink:


I don't know which I'd prefer, a more modern design than the Galactica or the original design as a sort of fan service. Either one of those ideas regarding the design of the Pegasus would be awesome, something different...anything but a Galactica "class" Battlestar clone or, even worse, a stupid "kit bash" like so many Star Trek ships.

Posted (edited)

Is it me or do the red eyes in Six look weird in this shot:


Edited by Gaijin

That was another great episode, at least in my book but I'm easily pleased. I have a theory though. The skulls on Kobol got me thinking about the whole "this has happened before and will happen again" thing. It makes me think that the "gods" of Kobol created humanity, and humanity rebelled and exterminated them much in the same way that humanity created the cylons who, in turn, rebelled and began their extermination of the humans. The cylons really wiped out alot of people, it makes me wonder if a future episode will feature a draft or something to fill gaps.

Posted (edited)

We don't even know if those skulls were real. Its like Starbuck said, the Cylons have fooled alot of people. I don't buy into their side of the story as shown by Baltar.

And maybe its just me, but the Baltar character is starting to get a bit old. The whole "I'm out of my gord but no one really notices" bit is wearing thin. I liked the original incarnation of Baltar, he was far more sinister, more self serving. This one is simply a weak minded fool.

These aren't the droids you're looking for...

Edited by Duke Togo

True, Kobol itself might be a fabrication ... But that doesn't fit with everything else they've done. So far their deceptions have been to infiltrate in order to kill humans, but this seems different. Unless they feel that converting Baltar will somehow lead to humanity's destruction. That just doesn't sit well with me. I have to disagree about his character getting old though. I think before he was just self-serving enough to ensure his own survival, but now he's starting to crack apart completely. I always thought the original Baltar was just a transparent evil for no reason villian.


I don't think he was evil, I simply think he hungered for power. Lots of people in history have done alot of evil things for no other reason than power.

I still don't see how no one else is calling Baltar out on being a complete nut job. They've shown on the show that they are willing to distrust other for alot less than he has shown them. Its all rather... inconsistant.


Regarding the Best Buy UK version of BSG, I'll probably go ahead and get this one. I really don't need another copy of the miniseries pilot and I can do without the extras.


I see Baltar as an individual that has gotten swept up in his own selfishness, egocentricism and cowardice that in the beginning resulted in his indirect involvement with the initial Cylon attack on Caprica; now, he's on the run from his own conscience and the truth about him which will be revealed sometime. Baltar's character may be getting old, but his character's "involvement" with 6 also leaves me with a different perspective of how the story is proceeding.

I also get the feeling that the Cylons are trying to go where no Borg has gone before-combining themselves with human qualities and traits that will allow the Cylon existence to transcend to-where they need to go; I hardly imagine that Boomer's being 'prego and Baltar's baby dreams are all for nothing.

The character that has caught my attention the most is Lee. What first seemed to me like the generic poster boy for the Colonial military is quickly becoming the complete opposite, and I like that. The writers never wanted him to fit into the military hero stereotype anyway: Starbuck's a better pilot than he is and his skill has always been questionable, Adama doesn't quite accept him and even outboxed him once, Lee questions everything around him and now he's starting to fall in with that Colonial equivalent of a wide eyed, tree hugging hippie/pacifist President Roslin, which I'm sure will prevent any sort of relationship with Starbuck.

I'll say again that I love the grittiness of Galactica. The many conflicts between the many characters and the seemingly hopelessness of their situation lends to a great drama. It's come a long way from the boots, capes and disco dance parties of the original series...

More Viper Mark 7's!!!!!


I noticed they also had the survivor count down by one this week in the opening credits...wonder how many will be there next week, since it seems like a lot of people got mowed down.

  Gaijin said:
I noticed they also had the survivor count down by one this week in the opening credits...wonder how many will be there next week, since it seems like a lot of people got mowed down.


Won't the count go back up once the Pegasus appears?


I see why the Centurions have spidery fingers. I'm surprised I hadn't thought of that before. That was a grizzly episode.

I think the Cylons are seducing Baltar because they need his intelect to work out some problems for them.

  Noriko Takaya said:
  Gaijin said:
I noticed they also had the survivor count down by one this week in the opening credits...wonder how many will be there next week, since it seems like a lot of people got mowed down.


Won't the count go back up once the Pegasus appears?


Yeah, I was wondering about that too..


  cobywan said:
I see why the Centurions have spidery fingers.  I'm surprised I hadn't thought of that before.  That was a grizzly episode.

I think the Cylons are seducing Baltar because they need his intelect to work out some problems for them.


That would be assuming that what Baltar is seeing is real.


I think Six has given him too much dead-on information to not be real at this point. The only question in my mind is if she is a chip in his head or he is a Cylon and this is how they communincate. I think it's the chip. Maybe.


Baltar as a Cylon is a copout. And I will be sorely dissappointed if that is the case. Although I had slim expectations for this series and it's been a huge surprise how good it's been so far, so they might make it work.


I doubt they'll do that (Baltar as Cylon). Loopy coward that slowly becomes ruthless and powerful as time goes by is a better choice...and more interesting than the Baltar of old with the "I'm just evil because" attitude.


It's kinda funny to me that everytime Apollo runs into the President's cell, he's covered in someone else's blood. He reminds me of Latrine from the movie Top Secret.


I got this from AICN... did anyone post this? Gaijin?

For those who haven’t heard? The second season is 20 episodes long, but we only get to see the first 10 this summer. The second half of the second season starts in January 2006. In my view, it’s a good way to do it; viewers don’t have to deal with repeats, and it keeps the writers from getting too burned out.
Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
I got this from AICN... did anyone post this?  Gaijin?
For those who haven’t heard? The second season is 20 episodes long, but we only get to see the first 10 this summer. The second half of the second season starts in January 2006. In my view, it’s a good way to do it; viewers don’t have to deal with repeats, and it keeps the writers from getting too burned out.


Yeah it's true (I thought I posted this before but I may have forgotten about it). Season 2 will take a break after 10 eps (the cast will take a shooting break) and then the remaining 10 will be seen afterwards. The UK starts the season later than us, but will get them all in one long block and finish the season a bit earlier than us.

Official US release now up for pre-order at Amazon too for $41!!:

BSG Season One

Edited by Gaijin
  DeathHammer said:

Just checked out the 2nd episode this season, wow the show is really just killing people off at a decent clip. There were a few stacks of bodies in those hallways. And there was one minor semi recurring character who bought it (Socinus) I like that for every lesson the fleet learns about the Cyclons, its paid for in blood. Which is probably true to wars at any point in history.

At least the writers were smart enough to show only one pilot getting killed or injured in the episode. At some point they are going to have to resolve the lack of Vipers. Each engagement has to be sapping the number of usable fighters more and more. Maybe with the Pegasus arc.

Looks like Battlestar has run into the SG1 thing, where pivotal characters have to go on the away teams to put them in peril, where in real life, they'd never leave the ship/base. Sending your senior nco and best mechanic Tyrol and your VP out into peril doesn't seem like such a great idea. But the entire premise of SG1 was ridiculous too ( second in command, best scientific mind, best cultural mind, only alien all on the same team) At least they keep the bridge crew intact and Adama isn't looking to pull a 'Kirk exploring the planet' anytime soon.

Its pretty clear now that whomever shot the guy with Chief and Callie wasn't a group of Cyclons. Given the 'toasters' ability to pour out a massive amount of firepower, there had to have been humans shooting at them. Which I think looks like it will play out well, Starbuck , Helo and the Chiefs group will meet a resistance somewhere, cause havoc and return to Galactica to replenish the population/military.

Looks like Adama won't get up until its time to stop a civil war withing the fleet and I have a gut feeling that , even though it would make the show jump the shark in painful ways, that Starbuck is pregnant with Baltars kid.


Spoilers for episode 2

Just want to make sure you understand that Starbuck and Helo are not on the same planet as the chief and his group.


  DeathHammer said:
Ah ok, Starbuck and Helo are on Caprica? And Tyrol, Cammie, Crashdown and the other girl are on Kobol?

Cool thanks.


You got it.

  >EXO< said:
It's ok to confuse them... all those planets look a lot like Vancouver Canada...  :D


I want to go to the bar Grace Park hangs out in. Looked pretty cool.

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