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Posted (edited)
  Coota0 said:
I like to believe that the reason he flew a MK. II on Friday was not only as an example but as a good officer and leader. As a Cadet I had this one thing banged into my head "Never ask your men to do something you wouldn't do as well." In this case it means that Apollo as the CAG is going to fly the bird his men are flying.

It could also be a logistics thing for the attack from Friday night, it's easier to arm and outdfitt fighters that are all the sa

In Epsiode 5, it's clearly stated that Lee's MKVII gets messed up looking for Kara, along with many more MK II's. Apollo was harping Tyrol about it, and Tyrol responded by saying (at the time), that there were 13 Vipers down because of that gook they were flying in plus his MKVII.

He's flying the MKII because that's all they got right now. I'm sure he'd prefer his own plane.

Edited by Gaijin

I sure as hell would. You train your butt off to be one of the best and now with one of the few active MKVII's you can prove it....now your down to their levels :p sorta...


Oh god compare cost to build a MKVII is probably stagering, maybe like 2 MKII's to every MKVII...from what I read your NUTS and suicidal and need help if you push a MKVII to full potential.

:o I called Bestbuy and they got the Mini series on sale so I'm going there in about 20 minutes to get my copy! w00t! I'll have a complete collection with this!
Posted (edited)

How come you cant see any repair droids in the Vipers, didnt luke have an R2 unit when he flew his, or did the cylon base ships revoke command droids from participating in combat roles, sry i dont know much about sci-fi.

Edited by Mechwarrior
  Mechwarrior said:
How come you cant see any repair droids in the Vipers, didnt luke have an R2 unit when he flew his, or did the cylon base ships revoke command droids from participating in combat roles, sry i dont know much about sci-fi.

What are you talking about man, this is Battlestar Galactica, not Star Wars.

How come you cant see any repair droids in the Vipers, didnt luke have an R2 unit when he flew his, or did the cylon base ships revoke command droids from participating in combat roles, sry i dont know much about sci-fi.

Dude lay off the sauce lol, don't know where you got those two mixed up but the only relation Galatica and Starwars had in common was space battles in fighter planes against an evil fleet of menacing evil guys......yeah. :blink:

but that's still really funny ><

  Hikuro said:
Oh god compare cost to build a MKVII is probably stagering, maybe like 2 MKII's to every MKVII...from what I read your NUTS and suicidal and need help if you push a MKVII to full potential.

That makes alot of sense to me. I also think that the MK II's are a little more rugged than the VII's, it never says so anywhere just my theory. Think about how some WWII fighters could absorb damage next to say what an F-16 could take. The F-16 is a FAR superiour (spelling) fighter than say a P-47 or any other WWII aircraft for that matter, but the damage a P-47 could take and KEEP flying and fighting would bring down a squadron of F-16's. I'm not trying to trash the 16, it's a great fighter, just trying to compare high tech versus rugged reliability. ;)



The 16 materials compared to a mustang I guess would be greatly different. But a WWII didn't run on a jet engine with a crap load of thrust compared to the 1940's era planes. Weren't some of the body frames to a WWII fighter be something like cheap steal or even wood? I can't recall...and I'm not too firimilar with them.

But I do know a 16 had alot more saftey systems then a WWII fighter plane :p by far, and the WWII's would been cheaper....well not anymore for a di ehard fan.

But I think if need be, a MKVII's parts could be worked into a MKII with some modifying here and there. But it really is a sad deal with the Galatica being really the only one that has Vipers in working order.

I'm sure if they could find an astroid or a planet with the right materials needed, that Flat Top carrier could start hamering some more Vipers, even maybe an Improved MKVII or even better, with a splice of Cylon tech with Colonial you could have a MKVIII woooooooooooooooooo.......something with a MKII styled body but with forward swept wings similar to a radier. Kinky.


I'd like to see the flat top start producing new Vipers, but use a slightly simplified version of the MkII exterior, that looks exactly like the original series Vipers. halm.gif

Posted (edited)

Someone pointed me to this webpage, of lil tiny pewter miniatures that this guy makes that are made for those table top games. He has the original series Galactica and Cylon Basestars and Raiders as well as the new show's Viper's , MKVII's and reimagined Galactica...plus the Raider from the video game. Kinda cool if you're into that thing.

Galactica Minis

He makes quite a bit of diff types of stuff for all those games.

Edited by Gaijin

Ah, I was looking for a BSG thread around here. :lol:

I just want to share my opinion in that BSG has turned out to be an extremely good show. The writing has been simply awesome, hooking the audience more and more, every new episode. The pacing has been brilliant.

I must admit that at first, I thought I was going to be disappointed by BSG, because of all the changes, but I have been proven wrong, and I have no qualms about saying so. Kudos to the producers, directors and writers. They have given hope to a dying sci-fi genre. I hope this show stays on for a while.


One thing I really like about this show is how dirty and grungy the Vipers are. They have debris, soot, and blaster marks scorring their hulls.

I remember early on that some people were complaining that they were too neat and tidy and gleaming. I'm glad that they were wrong (eventually) and that they DO look used.

  CoryHolmes said:
One thing I really like about this show is how dirty and grungy the Vipers are. They have debris, soot, and blaster marks scorring their hulls.

I remember early on that some people were complaining that they were too neat and tidy and gleaming. I'm glad that they were wrong (eventually) and that they DO look used.

Well, the only reason they were nice and tidy in the mini was that they were painted up to be sitting in a museum...much like a vintage car or plane would be today.

Some people I know who've seen only the shots of the "pristine" looking Vipers without watching it asked me about that and when they finally saw the mini...went..."OH!!!...Now that makes sense!" :lol:


It's funny how that works. People seem to be put off by this show because of pre-conceptions....whether it's the name "Battlestar Galactica" , or the early shots of the vipers, or Starbuck being a woman. Then, when they give the show a chance they come around. Just wish some more people would give it a shot...I think people who ordinarlly wouldn't like sci-fi would really like this show. Drama first baby! Not that the show is doing bad or anything ;)


  Dobber said:
  Hikuro said:
Oh god compare cost to build a MKVII is probably stagering, maybe like 2 MKII's to every MKVII...from what I read your NUTS and suicidal and need help if you push a MKVII to full potential.

That makes alot of sense to me. I also think that the MK II's are a little more rugged than the VII's, it never says so anywhere just my theory. Think about how some WWII fighters could absorb damage next to say what an F-16 could take. The F-16 is a FAR superiour (spelling) fighter than say a P-47 or any other WWII aircraft for that matter, but the damage a P-47 could take and KEEP flying and fighting would bring down a squadron of F-16's. I'm not trying to trash the 16, it's a great fighter, just trying to compare high tech versus rugged reliability. ;)


Also, modern fighters have unstable airframes, so they won't glide if they get fragged up. Just tumble and drop.


I missed today's episode but I don't care, I got the entire first season and mini series on my computer now! So I can pretty much watch it whenever.

I had a friend watch the Mini series with me lastnight and tonight, he REALLY enjoyed the space battles and he had a few good laughs. Overall he liked it, he's sorta a drama watching nut case.

Posted (edited)
  GobotFool said:
how different is the UK edit from the US edit?

The US set was rumored for December but now is leaning towards July since the UK set will be out soon. The UK set has 5.1 sound and the deleted scenes that are on SCi-Fi's website, and of course is PAL R2. And of course, the different intro music.

The US set, while no details have been officially released, is expected to contain the same, plus commentary, some features either the lowdown that ran on TV, or the many shorts that have appeared on Sci -Fi's website and other extras...it is also rumored the deleted scenes will be re-edited into the shows as most were only cut for time constraints. Those who listened to the Podcast commentary by Ron Moore are hoping they will be included as commentary for those eps too.

Like the mini series, the US one will benefit from the time. But nothing is set in stone for the R1 release yet.

Edited by Gaijin
  Gaijin said:
  CoryHolmes said:
One thing I really like about this show is how dirty and grungy the Vipers are.  They have debris, soot, and blaster marks scorring their hulls.

I remember early on that some people were complaining that they were too neat and tidy and gleaming.  I'm glad that they were wrong (eventually) and that they DO look used.

Well, the only reason they were nice and tidy in the mini was that they were painted up to be sitting in a museum...much like a vintage car or plane would be today.

Some people I know who've seen only the shots of the "pristine" looking Vipers without watching it asked me about that and when they finally saw the mini...went..."OH!!!...Now that makes sense!" :lol:

That's exactly my point :D

  Hikuro said:
I missed today's episode but I don't care, I got the entire first season and mini series on my computer now! So I can pretty much watch it whenever.

I had a friend watch the Mini series with me lastnight and tonight, he REALLY enjoyed the space battles and he had a few good laughs. Overall he liked it, he's sorta a drama watching nut case.

If your friend likes Drama, he should definately like this show. As I'm sure you already know this show is all about the drama and the sci-fi aspect is secondary, particularly episodes 2,3, 6, 7, and 11.

I will also be getting this set as soon as it comes out! For those interested,

La La Land records is releasing the season 1 soundtrack this summer, rumered to be in June. It'll have BOTH theme songs on it too!! If you like the music you should definately pick it up. Personally, I love the music. I own the Mini series soundtrack and love it, and there have already been a few ques that I heard during the show that I'd love to have.


  glane21 said:
  Dobber said:
  Hikuro said:
Oh god compare cost to build a MKVII is probably stagering, maybe like 2 MKII's to every MKVII...from what I read your NUTS and suicidal and need help if you push a MKVII to full potential.

That makes alot of sense to me. I also think that the MK II's are a little more rugged than the VII's, it never says so anywhere just my theory. Think about how some WWII fighters could absorb damage next to say what an F-16 could take. The F-16 is a FAR superiour (spelling) fighter than say a P-47 or any other WWII aircraft for that matter, but the damage a P-47 could take and KEEP flying and fighting would bring down a squadron of F-16's. I'm not trying to trash the 16, it's a great fighter, just trying to compare high tech versus rugged reliability. ;)


Also, modern fighters have unstable airframes, so they won't glide if they get fragged up. Just tumble and drop.

Yeah, the compairison seems to make sense (to me anyway ;) ) the time difference, also, between the Cylon Wars and the Holocaust is about the same if not a decade longer than WWII and the Late 70's Early 80's when the F-16 arrived.



I have a question about Adama and the exo. Do they have experience fighting with cylons? I mean how old are they suppose to be and since the last cylon was seen 40 years prior to the pilot episode... :unsure:


Wow, last night was pretty damn good. Roslin is becoming quite the bulldog in her job...kudos! And I loved Starbuck's what we do with traitors line with the wink!

And Helo: what can I say..."Run, Helo, Run!!" :lol:


Im getting a bit bored with the drama/politics parts of the show. Plus, at least for the last few episodes, they've kinda lost the constant sense of being stalked by the Cylons that the original series had (and really hasn't been demonstrated since the first episode of the season).

  Uxi said:
Im getting a bit bored with the drama/politics parts of the show. Plus, at least for the last few episodes, they've kinda lost the constant sense of being stalked by the Cylons that the original series had (and really hasn't been demonstrated since the first episode of the season).

Well, that's the thing. The drama/politics are there because of the sense that they are being stalked by the Cylons, within their own fleet. You can't continue comparing the original series to this one, if you expect to judge this new series objectively.

Sure, in the new series, they aren't running into Cylon ships every ep, but they are running into the threat of a Cylon at almost every moment. The writing is trying to sell the threat of a Cylon being amongst them as a much stronger threat than being chased by them and fighting them off in their fighter ships.

Personally, that's the aspect that is hooking me in. It's actually making me think and challenging me a little, not doing the thinking for me.

  >EXO< said:
I have a question about Adama and the exo. Do they have experience fighting with cylons? I mean how old are they suppose to be and since the last cylon was seen 40 years prior to the pilot episode... :unsure:

In the first Pod-Cast, Ron Moore gives a small back story to Adama and Tigh. In it he says that Tigh is the more experienced one of the 2. He started out as an enlisted man and while serving on a ship as a chief, the ship come under heavy attack by the cylons and is boarded. the resulting fight turns very bloody and ends up in hand to hand combat. I believe he says it is one of the most memorable battles of the war for the colonials and Tigh is one of the few survivors. As the war progresses he becomes an officer and a fighter pilot.

Adama, meanwhile, is a younger fighter pilot serving towards the end of the war. After the war ends, they both leave the service and meet for the first time while they are both serving on a Freighter. Adama admires Tigh sort of because he is the more experienced warrior of the 2. Adama later finds a way back into the military as a pilot and gets Tigh back in with him and he makes sure Tigh is pretty much with him where-ever he goes. It's a pretty cool back story and you should listen to it sometime, not sure if I told it totally right but that's the gist of it. The story is on the pod-cast for Tigh me up, Tigh me down.

Also I think he says Tigh's driking Problem is a result of his action aboard that first ship.


Posted (edited)

Double post

Edited by Dobber
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